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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. As usual, SkyRider....your post evoked thought about your analogy. I enjoyed the singles metaphor, and your youthful "Hit-it-outta-da-pahrk" idealism about a Christ-like walk with the spirit. But, as I reflected upon it it a little more, I think maybe you were much too kind to dictor paul with the Baseball Team Owner metaphor. WAY too kind imo......LOL! I think vic really viewed his "min-us-tray" and it's corpse from the Hitler Youth, militaristic nationalism perspective. Remember? "The love of gawd didn't work! We gotta put some teeth in this ministry!" This is war, not fun and games. It was da forehead who had to re-focus the moggie-myth from "the warrior Prophet" to "The Gold Medal Athlete". The best he could come up with as his leadership ideal was not Adolph Hitler like dictor, but rather some dumb jock who, through great discipline, determination, and "doulos doins" along with a hefty dose of zero talent and an intellect to match, was able to rise to the top of that testosterone driven competitive heap of mog-wannabes and have Jesus give him a golden cookie. One can see why the fall of twit was so very much more rapid and ugly than its rise. LOL! There was nothing philanthropic or even sympathetic in vic's view of his min-us-tray. Those types of motivations are impossible in the sociopath. They simply don't exist in there, despite vic's constant pleas for "more heart" in his min-us-tray, or wishing he were the man he knew to be(sic!). There is no human heart in the chest of a sociopath or in the brain. Methinks he did protest too much. Kept the myth alive. But it was the myth of Abraham, Isaac, and Joseph. Moses and Samuel and David. Elisha, Elijah, Daniel , Jeremiah, and Isaiah. John The Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth himself! Jehovah of the Old Testament, The Sage and Mighty Warrior Prophet. Onward Christian Soldiers marching as to war.....with your Holy Spirit hatchet and gold dovepin shield. Quite a bit more dramatic and effective image to set up as the ideal corpse grad than a dancing presidential doofus, no? Just as da forehead's overpowering insecurities drove a swift stake through the "heart" of twit, dictor's overwhelming pathologies and the charming, conscienceless skills that he so confidently employed built a min-us-tray no other sociopath could maintain. There was no team in vic. There was no genuine human goodness or kindness in him either. There was only a black hole of the worst of sociopathic mankind at every level. Glad we made it out. Some never will..............peace.
  2. Why not credit dictor paul wierwille, "founding president" of their phony "ministry"? Because it would bury them forever! So badly that sticking with da forehead's incredibly sophomoric and bigoted WAP classes is even better than digging out the ole '67 POS that's made them all that $65 mil. They have morons like Charlene's 2nd corpse bruddah, the mighty "rev" gerry wrenn, and jallymog john Lynn to do that for them better than Rosie the Riveter and Donna could ever do it, and more faithfully too! Remember those guys from ECU Charlene? The stuff Rosie had to agree to in their out-of-court settlement in the Paul and Fern Allen lawsuit in 2000 preclude her from ever fessin' up to the truth and facts of their prayshuss min-us-tray. The perjury raps alone would pull down what's left of their walls of Zion and prevailing woid. They have lied on and off the public record for so long the only thing they can do is STFU and hope the money lasts long enough to dump it on their most loyal gestapo and whatever family they haven't mark and avoided yet. You WILL NEVER GET THE TRUTH from twi. Rosie, Donna, Coward and Wanda Wierwille Allen, and da forehead himself, all wanna make it to their Gunnison Emeritus retirement home. Coward and Wanda have been there how long now? Da Forehead's name is still on the deed. He still gets his tax-free $65K pension too. How many of those salt'o'the earth, volunteer twig coordinators gave 15% of their gross income for 20 years plus spending every last penny they had not sending their kids to college, or even going to college themselves, on driving to meetings in all kinds of weather and non-functional vehicles, paying to get into those meetings, classes, advances, weekends in da Woid, Anniversary weekends, Outreach Weeks, Rock of Ages, Word In Business, corpse week, limb meetings, Brsnch meetings, area meetings, camps, coffe houses, door-to-door witnessing, inviting serial killers, homeless drunks, mentally unstable, emotionally distressed, and intellectually challenged into our homes, feeding them, driving them all over the universe, NOT because that's what Jesus might have done, but because those were the only types of people they could hustle'n'flo into their lowlife cult. VP was a human scavenger, and sexual predator. He was a paranoid, narcissistic, sociopath who loved Hitler, and his Drambuie. Jesus was only the name he used to bring in the checks and innocent. Rosie and her twits cannot afford to credit vic for anything! Not even his creepy version of B.G. And Bullinger, PFAL, or any of his plagiarized pre-school level Bible books. His abject fraud legally and spiritually, which he called "his min-us-tray" is too well exposed to ever want to take credit for even knowing vic let alone crediting him for their $65 million retirement fund. Lifelong lying, stealing, adultery, hypocrisy, and spiritual abuse of innocent christians and idealistic hippies, and covering it all up in Jesus' name is an expensive calling. At least we know they're spending it on the very best of everything they stole from their faithful batch of cultists and "volunteer". They took their Word over them alright. And they'll never let go of it because it means the word over the world to them................peace.
  3. Charlene..... Wonderful piece, as usual, from your blog. In response to your invitation for input, I submit the following for your consideration along with that of The Greasespot community. As you, I too am interested in opinions, comments, snide remarks about what I post. Thank you all for the same. Identity theft in terms of "how did vic affect my identity formation"? Very interesting question. It requires intense self-reflection and introspection, neither highly objective when dealing with such fundamentally crucial issues of being human. The process of identity formation is a lifelong process. It has been studied, analyzed, digitalized, and described often, by various scientific, sociologic, and psychiatric disciplines. One well-known Behavioral Psycholgist has described a lifelong process of Human Developmental Stages by identifying 8 different stages spanning a typical human lifespan of 76-80 years in the populations of "developed" nations. The critical stage we're specifically addressing here is called "Identity Formation", and the thesis identifies the typical age range or time period of this stage as taking place during the ages of 20-32. If one looks back at the common experience many of those of us involved deeply with vic's way, it is not surprising that many of us devoted those years of critical identity formation to activities like fellowship, WOW, and most deadly, the way corpse "training". Here in the Uniied States, the average person between the ages of 20-32 is doing what? Attending and graduating from college or trade school, leaving home and striking out on their own, developing a sexual , social, and intellectual identity, experience profound relationships with males and females inside and outside the nuclear family. Decisions like career/profession, marriage or not, children or not, more education or different education or not, travel.......all those things, kind of bubble, bubble, toil and trouble around for 10-12 years and badda-bing, there we are approaching middle age before we even know it.......LOL! Now, throw all that onto the "WOW field" or into "The Way Corps", under the totaltalitarian control of a paranoid narcissistic sociopath, serial sexual abuser and rapist, alcoholic Nazi, and ask yourself, "might that have had any influence on any of those identity formation activities and choices we made during that critical stage of human development? What was the answer? Obvious I suppose. It was for me. That is why the process of actually disentangling oneself from a cult, (talk about quantum entanglement!), can be very difficult, because it is an identity crisis. Who am I? Why am I here? What am I "supposed" to DO? The cult and it's totalitarian leader answered every one of those questions over and over and over again for us. Vic reproduced his perverted, pathological brand of christianity in as many as he could hoodwink and manipulate it into. He was skilled at selecting the hundreds of victims of his serial rapist lifestyle. His "teachings" were all designed to reproduce the pathological Aryan behavior and thinking that governed vic and therefore governed the way. That is what governed the indoctrination and success of the "training". It is also what governed and influenced the "volunteers" and the life-choices they made during that stage of identity formation. The developmental stage immediately prior to identity formation is Adolescence. Age ranged described as typically age 12-20. The "art" of vic's sociopathic skills, and really those of all totalist systems, is to maintain the follower in the psychoemotional stage of adolescence in order to gain complete control over the entire stage of identity formation. A kind if "forced" or "imposed" adolescence so to speak. Look at the amount of influence such totalist control can bring to bear upon a human being stuck in adolescence for 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 years?!! One soon discovers that one's entire identity has been formed by group think and acceptance of the perverted, pathological lifestyle of a drunken Nazi. Now THAT can be disturbing! But, more disturbing is the difficulty many cult refugees face in summoning up the personal and/moral courage required for identity re-formation. It can be a daunting task, and many often find themselves unable to honestly deal with it. It can and often does become dysfunctional. So, that's my input Charlene and fellow Greasespotters. Whaddya think?
  4. Hello Fellow Greasespotters! It's been awhile. Good to see you all! Be not fooled! God is not mocked! What was perpetrated against David Fear and his family is sin against God Almighty and a disgrace before The Righteous Judge, Jesus Christ. These crimes against the Church will NOT go unpunished. The legal crimes may not get get tried or judged. Charges may or may not be pressed. Honestly, the pain and suffering already experienced by Dana and her brother does not need to re-lived, unless they decide it's worth it. However, the spiritual crimes, the utter rebellion and sin against God and The Good Shepherd are not subject to the whims of human judgement. They are the responsiblity of The Boss, the capo de capi tutti, The Righteous Judge, The Lord Jesus Christ. It is He who sits at that right hand of the throne of God, not dictor paul wierwille or da forehead. And, quite frankly, I do not think that twit's version of the bema will be what they actually find. Their bema will be empty. The rewards they will receive will be according to their DEEDS. Now THAT'S SCARY! Their deeds ain't been so nice, and they remain UNREPENTANT, UNAPOLOGETIC, UNCONFESSED, UNTRIED, and UNCONVICTED. Doesn't sound like nice, gold medal winning bema time is what they've got coming. Not if da woid is right! And we all know how important THAT is to them, right? Like above all else IIRC. Don't worry! Nothing's changed since vic croaked, and nothing's much different since Rosie and Donna M&A'd da forehead after they crawled outta dem fawg years. Only the names are different to protect the guilty and continue the 63 year cover-up of the mighty deeds of all dem twit moggies. Oh, more of those moggies are running their own "ministries" like jalvis , gerald wrenn, beence finnegan, larry panarello, john mccave, doug seed, chris geer, jp Wierwille and his kid V2P2, along with super-secret-double-probation-special-agent, "rev" dougie macmullan at SOWERS, so beloved here since 2007!,.....schoenheit still has a STFI plus his own version of the bible he calls the REV, the revised English version......revised alright!.....and there are all sorts of ex-way hacks running around all over north and South America, Europe and Asia still trying to keep vic and his sorry-assed teachings alive and well and bringing in money. Now, instead of exposing vic and da forehead for the sociopathic perverted creeps they were (and yet remain), the raging serial rapists and adulterers they are without repentance after 30 years now, and the professional con-men, hucksters and persistent beggars they pride themselves on being, they are busy reincarnating him and his prayshuss "min-us-tray". They're gonna spin it all again and his way will once again be the way. So all you keedz still out there in wayland, still trying to prove gawd and your pitiful version of His word, without any fellowship, relationship, or communion with the Son, Jesus Christ remains an exercise in the futility of your trying to take the place of the absent Christ in your meaningless, powerless, insignificant Bible cult. You're all still stuck in vic. First century ignorance still trying to make a home for itself in the 21st. It's as dead as it was before your drunken Nazi "founding president" was cold in the fountain. You have been weighed in the balances and you morons incurred some incredibly heavy debt. And YOU WILL PAY FULL PRICE for what you've done. Your mighty bema-bound .... will be burned by the fire of Righteous Judgement. You will hear the most awful words from the Jesus you banned from twit by making him absent, taught it was wrong to seek fellowship with Him or guidance from Him. Pray to Him? Oh absolutely not! That's pagan idolatry and we all know there's debbil spurts named jesus too! And idiot wayfers, and the straggling exes in name only who believe this garbage wonder why I tell them it's all anti(against-Christ?? There's not much difference in what I'm posting here now, and what I posted in 1998-2001 here, and again in 2007-2009. Only MORE disgusting evidence and FACTS of the same d crap they're all still pulling as I post here again in 2015. But God is NO DIFFERENT whatsoever than what He's always been. For the ones of those scumbuckets still alive, there's still the Godly option of genuine repentance as The Boss Jesus Christ taught the world in Matthew 18. But Rosie, Donna and the rest aren't getting any younger. The clock keeps ticking. Do it NOW, while you still have the chance!........Or not. It's all up to you keedz and cloigy. How 'bout eeet?
  5. PENWORKS!!!...............how wonderful to correspond with you again here at the spot!........your writings always bring a smile to my heart and warmth to my soul........ yes, you are absolutely correct about the people you named from the ecu MEN'S way home completing their corps "training" in only one in-rez year following their time spent slaving for twi at the ECU way home, and after graduating from college. hen*ley was the last one to do this............funny, is it not, that no one from the WOMEN'S way home at ecu was granted the same "privilege" .............and, the third was the last to complete corps "training" and "graduate" after only 2 consecutive in-rez years...............the fourth was given the option of taking the first "interim year" year or "practicum'year" as it was first called either between the required 2 in-rez years (as eventually became the "rule"), or to do 2 years in-rez consecutively, and then do their practicum year after the 2 consecutive in-rez years, and graduate with the fourth who returned for the final in-rez year after completing their interim year...............family corps one came to hq with the first year 5th corps.............and the sixth was the 1st corps to start and finish at emporia and rotate through indiana and gunnison during the growth years of twi "root locales" and the increasingly larger numbers of the incoming corps' and family corps'................phew!........what a crazy bunch of twi jargon and phraseology, eh????............LOL!....................................................peace.
  6. hey mstar1!!.......always great to see ya!.............when i left twi, the irs and the justice department spent a combined total of 5 days at my house looking over the copies of roa "books" and other "materials" i had in my possession.........the modus operandi at the time was to keep two sets of books......one for the review of government agencies and auditors etc., and a set of the "real Books"........the roa bookstore sales alone made well over a million dollars in profit on sales, let alone the tickets, camping, hotel "deals", camping fees, profits on food sales, and practically zero labor costs since it was all corps, staff and volunteers that provided the labor........about the only things twi did'nt own were the tents!.....the rest was all donated or purchased at ridiculously low prices for tax write-offs for the various donors and/or renters..................so, the rock profitted in excess of 2-3 million dollars annually by the '80's.........and all that happened by those "books reviews" i mentioned previously, is that twi lost it's tax-exempt privileges for several years........that was it!............sheesh, eh?.............................................................not to mention that the US trunk operated at only an 8-10% cost of the total income of all the limbs.....that's a 90-92% "profit rate" on 40-50 million dollars of income annually until geer and king okie demolished what was left of twi at the end of the 80's............rosie and the gang are still livin' high on the hog on all those profits from the years prior to 1986!..............twi owes us lotsa money!.....LOL!..................................peace.
  7. cleansed???????.........are you saying God "cleansed" wierwille????????..........................LOL...............bwaaaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!......................that's gotta be one of the silliest things i've ever heard about God!!!!......................................................peace.
  8. hey Skyrider!........i have no answers to your questions........maybe drop bo a note at his website and see what he remembers? like the 'sider said, i doubt that earl the purl will let us know directly!.....LOL!.................however, we all can agree that "things" were far different at the start of the 1st corps than at their graduation........no complete wierwillization had yet occurred!.........as a matter of fact, Bo lived in the way woods in a teepee at the beginning of his in-rez corps training!!............and, i don't think del ever got fully wierwillized.........especially knowing some of the things that occurred at the "indiana campus" while he was the Corps Coordinator there!!!.....hehehe! Hey Doglover!....always goood for the heart to hear from you!......................................peace all!
  9. Hey there Skyrider!!!.....always great to see you!.......how's your family?...... Here's the graduation picteure of the first corps from 1972. You're right that Mike smith was in the 1st Corps........my oversight. However, so was Earl Burton, as i said.......note graduation picyure of First corps from the same site............burton came from the ECU "WAY HOME" as did randy........don't remember why he got there to miss the picture?.......but I do know glenda was never "counted" as first corps "officially" 'cuz she split...........she was ahead of her time, eh?.....LOL!........hoping my attempt to post the picture I'm referencing......if not, check out the site and see it..............love ya!...........peace. <br class="Apple-interchange-newline">The Graduates of 1972 Del Duncan, Nancy Duncan, Bo Reahard, Earl Burton, Nancy Burton, Gary Curtis, Randy Anderson, Naomi Townsend, Mike Smith HOME| FIRST WAY CORPS
  10. sowwy.............double post avoidance system engaged!
  11. oh............and btw................the dale carnegie institute instructor who taught the early corps', (one through five in person and wc6 via video) was bill maize. bill was a member of the chimes hour youth caravan which der vicster ran out of his e and r church in van wert. bill always used to tell us he was "adopted" by vic and dotsie. he was noted to be one of the "best" carnegie instructors in the midwest.......he worked out of and lived in lima.........it was his classes and techiques that were used by dave bedard who "took over" for bill when he began "teaching" his classes on "christian motivational techniques" to the corps' at emporia, then recently acquired, and later on rome city, gunnison, et al. he just put the vicster's spin onto everything bill had done over the years, and basically wierwilized (i.e. plagiarized) all the work carnegie and maize had done!!...........typical vicster "research, scholarship, and teaching", eh????...................it in no way came close to bill's "original"..........LOL!....................................peace.
  12. hi all!.............for the record, the "first way corps" started in the summer of 1970 and graduated in the summer of 1972. the coordinators of the first way corps were del and nancy duncan......the other original members were, naomi bliss (now townsend), nancy bowen (who married earl burton) earl burton, randy anderson, gary curtis, bo reahard, and glenda sue maxwell, who left the first corps to marry one lister witherspoon and move to puerto rico, where lister was living. lister was a dog trainer, and, if i remember correctly, also a lawyer. that makes a total of nine original members of the first way corps. the "zero corps" consisted of fewer members, and began after "summer school" in the summer of 1969. it included ken klug, johnny townsend, pat lynn, who was then single. i'm not sure about the rest...........it was rarely discussed by der vicster, and whenever it was, it was always negative with nasty tone. klug left to marry john lynn's sister judy in indianapolis........pat left to marry john lynn, and johnny stayed in the "upper room" above the old "snack shop", which was a converted old out-building across from the wierwille barn and the "motor shed", also an adjunct out-building to the barn. the "founder's home" was also on the southern part of an asphalt circle which was surrounded on the west side by the snack shop, the barn on the northeast side of the circle, and the motor shed on the east side. behind the barn to the east was "the pond", and behind the motor shed was a small kennel, in which der vicster had at one time tried to raise nutria, small furry rodents whose fur was used to make mink-like fur coats.....yet another failed way "enterprise" to raise money. across from the founder's home, directly to the west was the old "BRC", (biblical research center), the basement of which housed the kitchen, run then by betty bowen, and eileen hitchen, the only non-pfal grad on the way "staff" back then. the motor shed was considered der victser's outside office and was equipped w/ tv, phone, etc. etc.,...........it was in this motor shed and in the BRC basement dining room, that the "yak twig" began meeting in 1986 when geer began to "coordinate" the dismantling of the "way ministry" as many of us greasespotters had known it, and the horror stories past, present and future began to unfold and be uncovered. king okie was the coordinator of the second way corps, which began in the summer of 1971, and graduated in the summer of 1973. the 2nd corps lived with the first in various locations on the grounds......del and nancy were the corps coordinators of this group, and martindale was the coordinator of the second and first year third corps'.............so, king okie did indeed know the first corps well, but not the zero corps............trailers 6 & 7 had been added somewhat earlier with first corps "volunteer labor", and were then converted into men's and women's housing prior to the 2nd corps' arrival to provide housing for the growing numbers of the 2nd and 3rd corps, and the "trailer" park was installed in preparation for the arrival of the 4th corps in the summer and fall of 1973........ the old "EOB" was directly northwest of the barn, and was still under construction in 1972 during summer school and the unfinished second story served as the men's "dorm" for summer school that summer of '72..............that's what comes back to my mind right now.............questions like the one that started this thread bring back too many memories sometimes..........c'est la vie!.................................peace.
  13. Hey Socks! EST "training" ring a bell for "dan-the-man sushimi"??????...........Same ole anal drip, with similar value to human deconstruction imho! Another cult, yearning to be "free" except for the fact they charge you for your own deconstruction with no reconstruction assistance! another bunch of non-original, composted hooey. Hi to the Mrs., and.......................of course.......................PEACE..................
  14. i'm still here my fine skwewwilly fweind!...........we've chimed into two threads recently! it's been a long hibernation, i'm a little rusty, but my dots can still fly................ but i'm workin' my way back to greasespot, with a burnin'love inside...............i keep workin' my way back to greasespot................frankie valie sang it better!!!!!!...................peace.
  15. say hey waysider!! that sure looks like a Ruth's Chris filet with their terrific asparagus and maybe some taters. am i close?? if so, maybe you, me, and the twinks, the ham--ster, soul searcher, jerry the barrax, the opera buff, steve L, frankie123ol, and the cman can meet at one of Ruth's Chris many locations someday, enjoy your exquisite dinner selection together while we discuss what's at steak, and raise a glass of wine or two in a toast to the unbelievably comical johnwhois.....................not going to be there with us??!!!...........hehehe..............it would sure be fun enjoying a peace of that steak!........................piece.
  16. OMG!!!!!! almost couldda been a quadruple!!!!..........i really am rusty..........sorry..............peace.
  17. HEHEHE.............."what do you care?'...............real wit there johni!.......it's still got me chuckling.............but, perhaps a better question regarding the "integrity of the word" , and what it really means is, what did der victster care????...........Just like steve L said, der victoid sliced it , diced it , and served it up all cut to shreds by the fine steel precision blades of his own private interpretation, and.......... what it really means in the greek, (as if he knew!), and,,,,,,,,, what it says in the aramaic, (which he misunderstood and misinterpreted even more ignorantly than his "weak greek", barely keeping up enough to clumsily parrot Lamsa!)), and,.......... best of all,,,,,,,, vic's own made up "Holy Writ", otherwise known as his "literal translations according to biblical useage", on which vic spent only the time necessary to browbeat Walter into making the bible say what victor "just knew" it had to say "in the original"!!!..............hahahahaha!........of which " originals" der victoid stated himself in piffle "we have none left!", and, "there are none in extant".....that's what "the integrity of the word" meant to vic...........nothing any more than filthy lucre!!!! soooooooo...............what did der vicster care about the meaning of "the integrity of god's wonderful, matchless word"??.....................frankly my dear...........HE DID'NT GIVE A DAMN!........AND COULD NOT HAVE CARED LESS!!.............IMHO.............................peace.
  18. happy happy ronnie g!......love your photos, disagree w/ your politics, love you as a person and great dad...........respect you as a stroke survivor........and as a good, compassionate human being!..............peace, brother!
  19. has not set their status

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MRAP


      So what, Mod Kirk: do you think MRAP is too thin skinned to name calling or is it just that you felt the need to interject your "mod" credentials?

    3. MRAP


      Hey DWBH, my mistake: I thought I was responding to Mod Kirk and not you. I have not used this mail option before so am glad I screwed it up with you - hey, take it the right way.

    4. MRAP


      Hey DWBH, my mistake: I thought I was responding to Mod Kirk and not you. I have not used this mail option before so am glad I screwed it up with you - hey, take it the right way.

  21. in the words of paul simon, american singer/songwriter, my opinions regarding the veracity of the various canons, texts, manuscripts, interpolations, and interpretations of ALL so-called "holy writ", is, ................"one man's ceiling is another man's floor"................ imho, actions always speak so loudly i can't hear a, or the, word you're preaching, teaching, or making a living off of............perhaps a tad cynical, but my thoughts as of this moment............peace.
  22. hey you kwazy skwirrel! me?????..........invited to a ces/stiffy event???????.............ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! i just get "private" hate e-mails from these offshoot/splinter groups........telling me it's all my fault!....LOL!...........most recently, the owner of your favorite mississippi work farm deposited some of their excess dung my way............boy was that phun..................they lurk here.........they jerk there........but they'll never have the guts to post here and honestly answer the many questions GSC has asked of them through the years.........their wierwille delusions of grandeur still run their lives...........their rationalized guilt and "spiritual revisionism" still give them a "purpose driven life" dedicated to the same old pseudo-intellectual, falsely philosophical, psychosocially dysfunctional, pathological lying collection of plagiarized dogma that gave them "vision" and purpose 30-40 years ago!...........the whole world is wrong, and they're right........facts be damned!...........truths be warped and twisted!..........wierwille's bastardized religion must live on!..........what a hapless psychodrama!....................peace.
  23. imo........these ces "servant-leaders" are all a bunch of interpersonally, dysfunctional "reprobates" who just can't seem to let go of twi and der vicster as a way of life...........jalvis is just the poster boy they've conveniently chosen to avoid yet another confrontation of their "hopelessly lost in wierwillism" delusions, and their hyperinflated self-importance in a theological fantasy they've generated that makes them feel superior to the rest of the world. poor jalvis has provided them with such an easy target, they just can't seem to help themselves live up to their own bulls-it creeds, formulas, and "codes of conduct'!.............why admit your faults when you can recreate the old "crucify him crucify him" mob scene that has served christianity so well for 2 millenia? it's like watching the same "holiday" movie every year........even the characters are the same!..........occasionally the actors change, but the script never really changes, and the innocent repeatedly get used and/or hurt!..........disgusting............"christian" fundamentalism at its evolutionary pinnacle!..........peace.
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