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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. Firstly, my compliments and thanks to Steve Lortz and Penworks for excellent, insightful, and informative posts with firsthand, eyewitness accounts of your dealings with the most entertaining yet smarmy bible thumper in the world today, jallyroll john lynn. As Steve noted, and as Charlene added to, their posts have indeed been a brief walk down memory lane with the trials and tribulations of jalvis the exhilherating and comedic and thrilling One! And, from Charlene, the horrors of recalling names like Gerald Wrenn and Earl Burton. "Rev" gerry was in da 2nd corpse with Charlene and his first wife, Su3 Wil$on. He runs the single most smarmy, over-schmalzed, wierwille worship offshoot of them all, imo. As a matter of fact, just today, on his FB page, he was trying to pull off a repeat as the mighty east coast USA hurricane stopper by "rebuking" Joaquin from the Carolina and Virginia coasts. When he was the limp coordinator in FL, he claimed to have surrounded the entire state of FL with a "ring of angels" to protect God's people,(and nobody else) from one of those big hurricanes like Andrew or Ivan or some such. Always made me scratch my head in disbelief when jerks like dictor paul and his faithful son, "rev" gerry would "glorify Gawd" with tales of how "every house in the neighborhood was blown or flooded away EXCEPT for where the deluded wayfers lived because of their super-powerful, rightly-divided, christ-in-you, believing prayers. And, then take credit for "how much worse it would have been for all those poor, sub-human natural men and unbelievers had it not been for that ring of angels "rev" gerry commanded into action in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen! See why you should keep sending me your $$?? So, in effect, "rev" gerry et al are teaching the mind numbed ex-wayfers that, the love of God in the renewed in manifestation DOES INDEED rejoice in iniquity! My believing's better than your's and so are my prayers, because I rightly-divided gawd's woid and you didn"t.......nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah! You can be doing this stuff too! After all, Jesus is absent even though it's Christ-in-you, and He has no hands but your's and mine so get off your spiritual butts! And, you can start by sending ME money dammit! I promise to continue to lay that comfortable, ole time Dictor paul/Bullinger, B.G. Leonard, J.E.Stiles, Charles Welch, Oswald Chambers, Rosalind Rinker, E. Kenyon, Oral Roberts, Billy Graham, Glenn Clark, Rufus Mosely, Norman Vincent Peale, K.C. Pillai, George Lamsa, George Mueller, Starr Daley plagiarized and freshly regurgitated just for YOU, dearly beloved. The first time I read some of "rev" gerry's anti(against)-Christ garbage plagiarized and freshly regurgitated again for YOU, I became physically ill. It is THAT smarmy, and worshipful of Dictor paul and twit of the 70's. Still running the same old advances, seminars, needless make-me-some-easy money "spiritual events", family camps, and probably hoping to make some more dough leasing himself out as the apostle, teacher, prophet dictor ordained him to be in 1974 to groups like SOWERS, and probably soon, TLTF & STFI, although navigating around those egos is most difficult. They have their own "ministry needs" and can't afford to give up a single sheep to the idolize dictor competitors. As far as the 4th incarnation of the ministries of jalvis, currently in progress as TLTF, just a few threads down on this very forum you will find a thread I started on October 1, 2007 addressed to John Lynn and Jeff Blackburn after the first jalvis public meltdown and embarrass flyby post here at the Greasespot in December, 2006. Jalvis called me personally asking that I read that missive here and asked me to get back to him and let him know what I thought. You know, that old standard jalvis sign-off, "Call me". Well, that thread I mentioned was my return phone call. The reason I bring that up is because, jalvis has repeated this flyby public dirty laundry show at least once a year since 2006, in addition to the three epistles to dippy WordWolf conveniently re-posted for us above. The last one was in October, 2014 at the WC FB page. In that one he again lied and said that I have never publicly confronted him since I resigned from the "founding board of directors" of CES in 1988 along with Dr. Susan K. Pierce, and Robert Belt. I offer the Is The CES Crisis Over thread still at this site in this very forum for anyone to read. Then, ask me if I have never confronted lynn, schoenheit, and Graser's publicly let alone privately! Have a great NFL Sunday all you football fans!.............peace.
  2. Hi Twinky! I have already posted several times, in detail what twit doctrine and practice regarding Vic's self-manufactured Ordination rituals, both here at Greasespot and at the WC FB Group. I do not have the time right now to either look for them for you nor re-write them. It's always so enlightening and interesting to hear from you from "across the pond". Really love hearing how you Brits view and understand the same circumstances and news events we yanks see here.
  3. Thanks Waysider, but I did not get the "game" idea from your post. My post was addressed to MRAP. He said that he during the years 72-77 was "encouraged" to play the "Guess the Gift Ministry game", because they were taught that if they guessed correctly they had proven themselves to be somehow better, or more mature, or spiritually understanding believers. I was there before during and after 72-77, even getting ordained myself in 77. Yet, I never heard of any game like this. Hence my pertinent questions to MRAP. Then MRAP lists his version of the ministries as listed in Ephesians, and includes "preachers" among them. I never heard of that one either. Maybe he meant "pastors"? Either way, he said that "teachers and preachers" were the two most common gift ministries in his long and storied twit experience. There's just a bit too much cognitive dissonance in that post which is not at all helped by the spelling and grammatical errors which make deciphering the meaning of the content more difficult. With all of MRAP's hype on that other thread in the open forum thread regarding the laughable REV produced by Schoenheit and his STFI along with Jalvis and TLTF, demanding that the discussion be moved to the doctrinal threads so that the incredible credibility of Schoenheit's textual research, critical textual translation skills in all dem dere languages can be accurately and thoroughly debated and proven or disproven by everyone except schoenheit himself? Why would any serious student of the Bible and textual criticism ever think to even read that REV? Who were the translators? What are the translation credentials and in which languages? Who were the editors? Who did the critical peer reviews? Who are Schoenheit's and Lynn's "peers"? Nobody in the REAL world of biblical textual criticism, translation, and MSS editing, compilation, selection and determination of authenticity ever heard of these twits. How come their work is so outstanding to you? Is it their spelling? Grammar? Scores of years in biblical academia, MS collection, textual research, textual criticism, expertise in Greek, Hebrew, Syriac, Latin? Those are my questions and reasons for asking them MRAP. I feel a response from you is necessary. TY for your time.
  4. So then MRAP, in your current view, do you believe jalvis, gerry wrenn, walter cummins, chris geer, beence finnegan, michael rood, to name just a scant few are genuinely ordained because they were ordained by vic himself? Do you believe they have "gift ministries" to the Church? What's your "Guess the Gift Ministry" radar telling you about these guys. How about John Schoenheit? Mark Graeser? Who ordained all these guys? What legitimately accredited seminaries did they attend? What training in Ministry, Homiletics, Pastoral Counseling, or Divinity have they had outside of the meaningless halls of twit or their own made up ordination rituals, doctrines, and "future leadership"? Which of the people I listed above was or still is "the real deal" in your opinion? How many twit ordinations did you attend in your brief 5 year stint with twit from 72-77? You state you "now see it was a game but back then, it was a serious observation we were encouraged to make regarding our future leadership - being correct meant you had more spiritual understanding" I was in rez from 73-76, 3 of the 5 years of your involvement, and I never heard of ANYTHING you describe. How so? You also said you have great interest in the TLTF & STFI ministries because of lynn and schoenheit. Especially you mentioned Schoenheit's REV. What convinces you today that these guys and their "ministries" are worthy of the respect you grant them? Neither has ANY ministerial, academic, scholastic or theological credentials outside of twit, or some other phony self-ordained and self -accredited bible outfit. The core of their "accredited credentials" is only what they bought from twit and the meaningless "sheepskins" they threw around to anybody and everybody who came up with enough "tuition, room, and board" to buy one. Does their twit ordination and "education" still hold for them today in your eyes? Or, looking back now is that all still "a game"?
  5. Excellent points Steve. Thank you! The hyperdispensationalism if both schoenheit and lynn is not rooted in wierwille, but rather primarily in Bullinger with some Charles Welch thrown in for good measure. Vic, and therfore schoenheit and lynn unabashedly and continually plagiarize these two in twit's entire understanding and doctrine of all things Pauline, and and the entire simply reworded "administrations in scripture" doctrine and teaching in all three of their "foundational classes". They just make up their own versions of Vic's versions of Bullinger and Welch's versions of the Greek NT and their intricate structure and "working" of the Church Epistles, The Mystery,, and the dispensations I.e. "get to whom correct"" in the King James English Version of the New Testament. Compared to what textual, MSS, and archaeological discoveries and compilations of same has unearthed since just 1980 alone! Bullinger and Welch had about 10% of the research materials and MS and historical and archaeological evidence available since 1980 alone! And yet, as far as TLTF and STFI are concerned, they're teaching the " latest and greatest" research available on their versions of 19th century hyperdispensationalism. Not very credible, and that REV is even more laughable and ludicrous, and not even heard of let alone respected or peer-reviewed by any biblical scholars if any merit anywhere in the world. All it does is reflect the misguided arrogance and incompetence of its "authors". These great researchers and scholars and theologians at TLTF and STFI have no concept of honest, legitimate. accredited Biblical research or textual criticism or even elementary exegesis and homiletics outside of Vic's versions of these things as he learned them in the Evangelical and Reformed Seminary at Lakeland College in WI. Then, his clever little rise of having graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary in NJ as if it was THE Princeton University seminary. It was NOT! That seminary, though denomination ally accredited had absolutely no affiliation with Princeton University ever, other than in name confusion! That's all the real theological and ministerial training vic ever had, and he barely maintained a low C GPA. None of the "leaders" at TLTF or STFI have ever graduated any legitimate, fully accredited seminary of any kind any where in the world. Their only "credentials" come from vic, the way c of e, and Rome City. And, they're all bogus and not even worth the fake sheepskin they're printed on. An obscure class at some even more obscure bible college somewhere on the Trinity doesn't really constitute much legitimate training in theology, divinity ministry and pastoral counseling. It doesn't even earn ya college credit. So, when it comes to their life giving chart on the administrations if scripture it's just rehashed Bullinger, welch and vic, strained through a lot of B. G. Leonard and "taken further" by unqualified morons with even less biblical research training and qualifications than vic himself! Sheesh! No wonder they can't handle discussion on anything they so accurately teach, let alone ANY questions. They have absolutely NOTHING of any credible value biblically, ministerially, or socially to any human being on the planet. They need all their money for themselves. What complete and total frauds at every level. And they're surprised when I call them anti(against)- Christ?? Get a chart and get a life assholes!
  6. I had a nice, typically long post all ready to post and lost it somewhere in cyberspace! Gist was: The entire "worldview" of male/female relationships, heterosexual premarital, marital, and extramarital sex, marriage, child rearing, family values, and how to live right according to da woid, indoctrinated into every corpse grad and eventually every twig coordinator in twit, was established according to Vic's paranoid narcissistic delusional, alcoholic sociopathy and personal sexual perversions. He was a misigynist. Therefore so was every male "leader" in his rotten tree. Therefore, every poor "submitting woman" was a victim of Vic's misogyny which was vicious and uncontrolled. Every husband was to be like vic. Every wife was to be like fotsie. Every dad was to be like vic. Mom's were incidental. Every "leader" was to be like vic. Every leader's wife was to be like Dotsie, ad infinitum. So......there was a " double standard" alright. But, in REALITY.... there was NO moral, ethical, spiritual, "normal" standard for anything in all this other than Vic's alcoholic, delusional sociopathy. Sociopathy by definition, has no morals, knows no conscience, has no "good intent", and sustains no rational thought. Add to that mess, Vic's twisted sexual pathologies as a serial rapist and sexual predator and you have a real witches' brew of mental illness at the very core of every corpse grad's worldview. Not a pleasant picture imo.
  7. Thanks for your post Steve. Your perspective is interesting, to say the least. Unfortunately, your experience with their "commitment to truth" runs parallel to mine and that if many others who have ever attempted to work with lynn and schoenheit. Since, imo, authentic humbleness of mind is the single most important "key" to a genuine relationship with The Boss Jesus Christ, it is impossible to work with them unless you agree with them, or let them have their way. Neither has any credentials outside their time in twit, which qualify them to be researchers, teachers, or pastors . NONE. When ya got nothin' you can make up whatever you want, just like their faddah in da woid. It's right because God told me it's right. Or, even worse, it's right because I say it's right. And, that's where they both are now. They can't even get along with each other and they're going to "teach" the Church the "living truth" rightly-divided? They haven't even explained their occult practice of personal prophecy, or the damage they did to scores of innocent ex-wayfers looking for some good counsel and direction after making it out of twit, by herding into Momentus so they could convince them all they just got the counsel they need to get over it and move on sending all your money and allegiance to them now like nothing ever happened. Redoing "the class", and then-redoing it again, and then again. More glitz, more jokes, more entertainment.....more misinterpreted and plagiarized Bullinger, Welch, Stiles, B.G. Leonard, and Greg Pharis, Dan Tocchini, and of course, their favorite, the gold they stole from Egypt from their faddah in da woid, the woid as it ain't been known and rightly divided since da foist senchry And, we've chewed it all up and spit out all them bones so we could puke up all the great fishy meat of PFAL that you missed the first 432 times you took it. That's right! You don't even have to chew your own food any more. We'll do it for ya. We'll teach ya da woid so you can know enough to send us your tithes and offerings, so we can make more classes, print more syllabi, write more books, start more websites and FB pages, make more audits, videos, and seminars, dream up all sortsa needless events, advances, subgroups, study groups, discussion groups, so they can beg more people for more money to do more of the same as infinitum. That's moving da woid to them. "Witnessing" people into the class, giving them 20 Keys To Understanding The Bible, 16 Keys to Walking By Da Spurt, 400 retemories, 120 Listening With a Purpose Questions, 10 more books, 5 more classes, all filled with all the info you need to take the place of the absent Christ, know more than he knew about the Sacred Secret, tell EVERY Christian they're reading other people's mail and then tell them all what's TO them and what's only FOR THEIR LEARNING, give them all a bunch of works to do to prove to themselves and you how spurchal and faithful they are. They can even become Board of Elders material if they work hard enough. All Ya gotta do is take their class 10 more times, send 'em a measely $5-$10 a week, attend their annual FL vacation......skuse me....national Fellowship in FL every winter, and you'll get a free copy of somrthing you already own and a free PayPal membership so you can tithe real easy. Ya see, tithing to them gets you off the guilt trip of being totally unable to do any of the works and things necessary to move da woid which helps people and that's what Geeezus would do. So the best thing you can do to live and move da word, and to live the more abundant life, is to pay us to make this dang up fulltime, so we can do everything you can't to move da woid which keeps you happily guilt-free and feeling like your really helping people by moving da woid! That's what moving the word and helping people means to these self-serving, self-important, self-obsessed "minister mogs" who take the place of jeeesus for you, do all the works you can't or won't do for you and THEN, when THEY're done doin' their moggy thang, and moving da woid over da woild, gawd can finally let jeeesus go from His right hand, so he can come back and give all these fabulous moggies a gold cookie at their bema. Just keep them 'fulltime' do they don't have anything else to do but keep you busy listening to them and paying them for the privilege.
  8. Thanks Charlene! LOL! It really is no great effort for me to recount the things I know and experienced firsthand. And, as Chockfull said and you re-iterated, i don't want any vestiges of this totalist horror that negatively interrupted and altered far too many innocent, idealistic souls to ever appear 20 years from now either.it's already been 30 years since all the stuff about Vic's been known. And, with today's 24/7/365 instantaneous info overload, nothing about insignificant, idiotic cults like twit, TLTF, STFI, SOWERS, the over-schmaltz "rev" gerry wrenn, former mayor of Mayberry, NC, livinghope ministries international, "Dr." Dale Sides and his B.G.Leonard rip-off liberating ministries international universal holy spirit manifestin' rightly divided warrior prophet version of of Vic's moghood, roodawakenings intergalactic I'm-a-poor-sick-levite-failed-doomsday-self-deluded-prophet-send-me-money-take-my-classes invention of the internets, Victor barnard and his River road fellowship of mostly ex-corpse grads.....yeah....one 14th corpse VB sits in a rural Braziluan jail awaiting extradition back to MN to face 59 separate counts if rape serial rape tape and sexual assault of at least 10 minor women with the consent of their ex-corpse parents like Carmen Tornambe. Oh, don't worry! They've been on Dr. Phil and John Walsh's CNN Most Wanted shows, so I'm breaking any confidences or spreading any lies. And, unfortunately, that's just the beginning of a long list of losers and sociopaths, unconfessed, and unconvicted criminals, unrepentant, unapologetic "Christian" leaders, and generally annoying self-promoters extraordinaire anywhere there's an electric plug and a keyboard. So you bet we need to keep speaking up and out! Human lives literally hang in the balance. It is a question of human decency, common morality, and simple Justice. Religion or spiritual whatever has nothing to do with it. It's far more profound than that. It is a matter of the unalterable common blood, and spirit we ALL share as human beings. ONE BLOOD! ALL NATIONS! ONE RACE! ALL HUMANS! That's what it's about for me.........peace.
  9. Boy! You Greasespotters can still get on a good roll! Maybe I'm supposed to apoligize for my language now, or something? I see my post was edited by someone other than me? Well.....I stand by what I originally posted. I apoligize if I used what whoever edited me thought was offensive rhetoric. Rhetoric is all it was. Sorry. Thanks for doing whatever mods do around here these days. It's been awhile since I've messed up around here.
  10. The title of that book, Waysider, is "The Babylon Mystery Religion", by Ralph Woodrow. It was sold in the twit bookstore for as long as I was there.
  11. " Did vpw/HQ really think that deep into the future? I only think so because they realized their control over people." Yo! MRAP! If you're still here.......vic never thought any deeper or beyond his own dick. Twinky is completely correct in her analysis. ...Shoemheit/Gallagher, and Lynn/Bottley. All lying, thieving weasels, and in lynn's case a repeated sexual predator and adulterer. All have promoted and practiced spiritualist and occult rituals in their pseudo-christian pop-psychology "ministries". They have publicly disgraced themselves and each other for nearly 30 years now. Over and over and over again all over the worldwide web. Never a public explanation. Never a public apology. Never a hint of humble contrition in any of the myriad tapes, classes, newsletters, and incessantly banal and pre-school level PR and videos.
  12. Yessiree SkyRider. That's why twit apologists like MRAP immediately go ad hominem as soon as they see my name anywhere. They don't even read what I write. They just see my name and go into the conditioned response from twit, TLTF, STFI of whatever offshoot and spinoff run by some twit minimog like Wrenn or lynn. Unlike Rosie, these liars don't have 20 years and $$65million worth of embezzled ABS to live on. So, they beg and beg some more and then pull the old guilt trip about tithe in the Old T. all that JEEZUS and Paul and dictor paul did to move da woid, so you should at least do 15% dontchya know. YOU OWE them that since you owe it to gawd and they're gawd's ordained. So, they make and re-make and re-make yet again their ever glitzier version of of their interpretation of vic's interpretation of Bulilinger's interpretation of the Bible and B. G. Leonard's and J.E. Stiles' interpretation of the "Holy Spirit field", and his adoption of all their "Keys To Understanding The Bible" and then inventing their own texts and MSS In whatever language they can find to "validate" their own work by claiming everybody else's as their own. Schoenheit, wrenn, and jallymog ALL blatantly plagiarize BULLINGER, B. G., vic, and whoever else they want in order to get those bleary-eyed, mind-numbed ex-wayfers to keep paying them so they can retire " fulltime" in their min-us-trays. The ONLY credentials they have are the ones they paid for in twit. The ones ordained by vic in the early corpses are the most prized. They stand to get the most ex-wayfers still stuck in vic'n'twit to slide right back into their comfort zone of paying somebody to move da woid over da woild for them, to assuage their collective guilt for not coming close to "doing da woid" in their own lives, not having any clue about what a relationship with The Boss, Jesus Christ is like, since He is absent in their world. Stuck at the right hand of gawd until they're all done moving their word over the world, and racking up rewards so Jesus gets to give them all a gold cookie at their super heroes only bema. THEN, when THEY're all done doing the moggy thang, busily usurping the place of the absent Christ for YOU, and telling you what's TO you and what's only FOR your learning, and giving YOU all sorts of legalistic, bizarre works to do to prove to yourself and them how spurchal you are. Why YOU might even be corpse material! Just take the class 20 more times and $10 a week for a year and we'll send you a free copy of something you already own. THAT's what moving the word means to them. Pay somebody to make up a bible class that reminds them of the good old days when they were young, carefree, and mobile. No debts and no kids. Free to worship vic and take his word up your foot and over the world all at the same time while you paid him for the privilege. Pretty cool careers these guys are shootin' for, no?
  13. Hi again Charlene! Sorry if I was unclear. Rosie is not at all legally bound in any way to keep vic buried in the twit archives. Nothing in the Paul/Fern Allen lawsuit, precludes twit from saying whatever they want about dictor or his role in founding and building twit. dictor was dead for 15 years by the time the lawsuit came up for trial. There was nothing in that out-of-court settlement that had anything to do with vic. Da forehead and DEW, and Coward and Rosie and Donna were making sure vic and his memory were buried deep and forever from twit's current identity and corporate bio. Remember, EVERY ONE of the principal actors in twit then and now, were personally and directly involved with dictor and his moggyboy sex clubs. Donna was bangin' dictor and the twustees by 1973 already, her first year in da corpse. Rosie was right behind her having done the twustee pass-around sex dance with the twustees a year later in her first year in the 2nd family corpse. Within her first 2 months Rosie was already riveting herself into the hearts of vic, coward and da forehead with her freewheeling sex games. I was in-rez with the 2nd famy corpse. I have 4th corpse pals who told me all about how Rosie was in the sack. By the end of our 2nd month in-rez that year, 75-76, there were already 3 4th corpse guys who had enjoyed Rosie's MILF status she earned so quickly her first 8 weeks in-rez. Donna, who along with myself, helped run Rosie's first piffle at Christmount Camp in Black Mountain, NC, in August, 1974. Donna had the New Bern, NC High School teacher in her back pocket right quick. Didn't take her long to have Rosie all hooked up in the twustees swinger's club real early in Rosie's twit career. The Allen lawsuit was litigated 15 years after dictor's death. Da forehead, Coward, and Ding Don had been twustees that entire time. The charges and plea deals had nothing to do with vic or his classes and books. The three stooges had already removed and demoted vic from the center and face if twit. Vic and his legacy were far too damaging to them, and were increasingly well known, reported on in the media especially once the Internet got up and running, and increasingly embarrassing and legally troubling to twit. Da forehead had already cancelled the Rick and WOW programs. PFAL "error" was getting revised, and reversed daily. The twustees were making sure to clean up everything they could after dem fawg years. The loyalty oath letter from da twustees to the world in March, 1990 was the official beginning of the purge of the scourge, vic and geer and POP.....passing of a patriarch.....and the real facts about Vic's life and min-us-tray. Vic had become a total liability to Rosie and da Boyz. His perverted sexual pathologies sling with his criminal tax evasion, embezzlement, serial rape and sexual abuse of literally HUNDREDS of victims by just vic himself, let alone the other 3 criminals. Vic's alcoholism and Naziism were also widely known and proven. As I said, Vic's life and min-us-tray were a complete liability and disgrace to twit. The further they could remove him from twit the better. Da forehead was burying vic by 1990 already. So, the purposeful and rapid defamation and discarding of all things vic by Rosie and da Boyz was necessary because of the personal and direct involvement in the perverted serial sex and embezzlement schemes of vic by EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM....Da forehead, ding don, coward, Rosie and Donna. Vic never got caught while he was alive. The three musketeers and their 2 sluts, Donna and Rosie all got busted and are still trying to cover-up what the whole world already knows and has known since 1998. So yes, all association with vic and his life and min-us-try is a total liability for Tosie and twit today and has been since vic croaked in May, 1985. They would be committing corporate suicude to promote vic and his works like they used to back in the 80's. Like I saud, they're even better off keeping da forehead's classes and garbage as their current "word" than bringing up vic at all. The copyrights in Vic's classes and books is gone. They're all public domain now. Open to whoever is dumb enough to value them. And, the old Boyz like "rev" gerry wrenn, and jalvis the all knowing and entertaining, and finnegan, and "Dr. Dale Sides, and SOWERS, and cummins and geer are all keeping vic alive so their only source of credibility and income keeps that almighty dollar rolling in for them. Rosie and her cult live off the $65 million and have nothing else, and the offshoots continue to beg for money to waste on themselves and their vic ordained retirement programs. I hope that answers your questions Charlene. If not, ask more! Your writings and blog help thousands! Thanks for all you do!
  14. I have no issue with jally. His issues are with The Boss, Jesus Christ. But, as a proud follower of his by your own choice of words, I suppose you wouldn't know much about Jesus Christ because he's still absent in the latest version of your pal JAL's min-us-try. You call yourself a "follower" of TLTF. What's up with that?
  15. MRAP......Dictor never spent one minute in professional Basketball anywhere. He never invented the hook shot either. How long ago were you in twit?
  16. I see my post. You don't? Maybe we need a moderator to find it if it doesn't show up. Anyone else not seeing it?
  17. "It quite commonly comes down to how we ID ourselves at this point in our lives. How we ID ourselves to other folks may be quite differenct then how we ID ourselves to ourselves. People are looking for career paths and titles to simplify the process of pigeon holing you into a catagory - that's totally wrong. We should ID ourselves as that we are most proud of regarding ourselves, not what out parents list us as. In answer to the question of the thread, I don't have a clue as to my ID, none of the things in the past matter: I only state to folks that "these" are the things I like to do. TWI affected my current ID but I did not stick long enough with twi to define it. God sees me in the person of His son, Jesus Christ, I expect, that is who I am." The major benefit of becoming "well self-identified" is that we are able to openly, honestly, and transparently avoid "How we ID ourselves to other folks may be quite different then[than] how we ID ourselves to ourselves." I apologize, but that sentence expressed the fact that you have no identity other than that which you invent depending on who you're talking to, including yourself. That's no identity at all, and, perhaps that might be why you "don't have a clue as to my[your ] ID"? Another point of becoming well self-identified, is so that you are able to carry out the greatest commandment The Boss ever gave; "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, thy soul, thy mind, and thy strength, and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Upon these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." If you have no authentic, REAL, concept of "self" you certainly would not be considered well self-identified, and none of the benefits of becoming so will you enjoy. "God sees me in the person of His son, Jesus Christ, I expect, that is who I am." Sounds real nice, kinda spiritual, and even humble. But what it really is, imo, is an admission of the abject personal laziness necessary in order to complacently "expect" how someone or something else "sees you" to identify you. Shallow Hal ring a bell, MRAP?
  18. And in the meantime MRAP, it is my respinsibility before The Boss, Jesus Christ to continue to expose vic'n'twit for everything they were and continue to be. That is my moral, spiritual, and biblical responsiblity, and the age of any hearers is irrelevant THEN AND NOW. I will not limit how anyone today responds to how ANYONE responded to "anti -TWI information at the time" . That is completely subjective and irrelevant to THEIR CURRENT EXPERIENCE. Secondly, what in the world is your definition of "anti-twi information"? Is that to be confused with the clear exposition of the FACTS regarding the criminal behavior of their board of trustees? Are those LEGALLY proven FACTS anti-TWI infirmation, or are they simply FACTS? Might you harbor some "pro-TWI" bias in your soul somewhere you yet remain unaware of? That is simply an honest question of curiosity, not a slur of any kind. It might be acceptable to you to let "the leadership" wait until bema time to "find out what they did". The Boss and THEY already know! There's no waiting as far as they're concerned. My responsibility is to make it known to the church for as long as it takes them to repent or until they wind up in jail for the CRIMINAL acts they have committed. There might indeed be "a lot worse organizations out there" than twit, BUT I don't know about them. I DO know about vic'n'twit and I do KNOW what The Boss commands me and them to do. Do you?
  19. Hi Greasespotters! Here's the latest from everybody's favorite phony "Chief Minister", Jalvis, the all knowing and entertaining, greatest mog since the 20th Century! dictor paul wierwille himself would be proud of jally's great work, and "how far beyond" PIFFLE johnny-boy's taken it all! How many min-us-trays is that now oh comedic one? twit's ECU, and limp of IN, crippling the way corpse from 1980-84, CES, STFI, hundreds of websites, FB pages, audios, videos, books, syllabi, and horrible jokes ALL on everybody else's dimes! Now it's TLTF. Oy vey ist mir Johnny. Will you ever run out of hot, smelly, air for your lifelong self-obsession and self-delusion? Hopefully sooner than later. Join The End Times DiscussionOctober 17th-24th 2015 https://www.facebook.com/TETSeminar
  20. Skyrider....... dictor and da boyz in da hoods were hiding out from anything requiring compassion or attention beyond their own crotches. they avoided every risk they could, most especially the risk of exposure, being found out.. Personal safety was not their concern, rather continued fulfillment of their pathological "needs" was the main driver of their psychotic behaviors. There was no risk in their minds. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Risk requires the sense and acceptance of possible loss or defeat on the part of the rational risk taker. Psychotic sociopaths are not rational by very definition. There is no risk to them. They have no sense of possible loss or defeat. They MUST only win, fulfill their perverted lusts. There is no other thought in sociopathy, and certainly no rational thought of any kind. Everything revolves around them. They are the center of their own bizarre universe. No one ever "understands them" except each other and themselves. No one else exists except to satisfy their greeds and needs.That why it's called illness. It's sick.
  21. Skyrider You've been doing exactly that for a LOOOONG time now! So happy to see you still here plugging away blowing the ole ram's horn. You have made and continue to make a positive difference in many lives through these years!
  22. Hi Twinky and Charlene! No big secret here. It all used to be a matter of public record in OH. Da Forehead registered as a Republican Party member in Toledo, OH when he got M&A'd there,in 2000. These voter registrations were a matter of public record back then plus dumbo was also foolish enough to provide the Ohio Republican Party with all the demographics they ask for when he proudly registered as the disgraced mog. He was living in the home of his primary care physician, which home was bought by twi and then the mortgage was signed over to the doc so da forehead wouldn't have to pay rent. Don't know if that's still the case.Hope that answers your questions.
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