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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. mrap......your love hate relationship is NOT with GSC. it's between your ears. You can't go through the rest of your life blaming Gei$$ler and Eat0n for everything YOU think was wrong with the corpse and twit. They're long gone, unrepentant, and you should contact THEM with all your beefs and BS. You generalize all your contempt for all corpses on you interaction with 2 wierwille-worshipping morons. GET OVER IT! Call them. PM Gei$$ler or her husband Strze;ek. They're both on Facebook. Man up Mr. Military. Go to the source and quit dumping your 40 year old grudges here on us who had nothing to do with it. [Edited to remove name-calling] Stay in doctrinal [edited]. Or, confront the people you keep bitching about and tell us how it went. [The rest of this post is edited to remove namecalling].
  2. You should begin expecting more from yourself IMO, mrap. I've already told you several times that I care not a rat's patoot about your "expectations" of me regarding ANYTHING. We owe you no facts, explantations, research or commentary. You're retired. Got some free time on your hands? Why not YOU do the freaking work, research and question your boys schoenheit and jalvis? I expect nothing from you mrap, and you never disappoint. You "expect" facts from me but not yourself I guess. I'm tired of your kindergarten games. Now that you're retired, why not spend some of your pension on learning how to read and write and answer your own foolish and unlearned questions? Might save you a lot of time and you'll be able to say you did something on your own instead of expecting to be spoon fed the answers you want to hear. Lynn and schoenheit are every bit the same as wierwille. You think this is all about "dissing" vic'n'twit. How many times have you been told how utterly childlike that is? When you start to wake up to the fact that your bible idolatry heroes are just as guilty of all the same garbage they learned from vic and "made their own" then maybe you'll grow up enough to expect something from yourself instead of demanding it from everybody else. TTFN.
  3. I tend to agree with your last sentence, TLC. vic was fully into JBS by 1968. I was in-Rez from 73-76, and then was at all those other stupid meetings aforementioned. I never heard anything like what you reported during any of that time. !976 was when all the millions in Gold and Silver were distributed among the most "trustworthy" corpse grads on the field. There were only 4 corpses graduated by August 1976. I alone was given 2 pneumatic tubes filled with 200 SA Gold Krugerands each. Gold was selling at $800+ an ounce back then. Each Krugerand is one Ounce of pure gold. 400 X 800= $320,000.Plus 2 Army Ammo boxes each filled with $6000 US coin junk silver. So, my part of Jacob's Storehouse as it was called, was $342,000 of gold and silver. There was also an equal amount given to Ken Brown to store at the MI limb. So, when i became the limb and region guy i lived at the MI limb in Greenville, MI. so now my "portion" was at $684,000 worth of gold Krugerands and US silver coins. I lived in Detroit and was MI state WOW coordinator. By the end of the twit year 1977-78, all that gold and silver was transferred back to HQ. What was out there was personally collected by Howard and placed in a recessed cargo bay on vic's coach at each of the 7 regions Weekend In The Word. For the midwest region, OH, MI, IN, IL, WI, and MO, ours were collected at 6AM, Monday morning in front of the Conrad Hilton Hotel in downtown Chicago where we held our weekend in the word.Which means, 1.8 million dollars of gold and silver were handed over to howard and put on the coach in the center of downtown Chicago! Never heard about all that precious metal again. Gold eventually climbed to $1700 an ounce, and silver went up to $52 an ounce. In case you were wondering where Rosie's little nest egg came from. So, piecing our timelines together, I tend to think that what you heard was scuttlebutt from corpse kids or staff who wanted to be "in-the-know'. Personally, I think the whole malpack and meeting that never was fiasco, was designed to hide the money from the IRS, which was auditing twit because of the Gahagan disaster in ME, store it in secret stashes all around the country until the heat was off, and bring it all back to HQ to launder it through "legitimate" investments. That's what they're living off today. That's where most of Rosie's $64 million dollar stash came from. Now you know where your money went. Thanks for your responses TLC. What are your thoughts on it all?
  4. 1913? The year my father was born. Are you referring to the establishment of the federal income tax and the IRS, teach?
  5. TLC........where did you here what you reported here? What were the sources of what you were told? I never heard anything like that from dictor or the twustees. Never said at any Placements or "Leaders' meetings", and I attended everyone from 1977 through 1986. I'd like to know if you can tell us. TY.
  6. they were no "mistakes" Rocky. He committed crimes. i know you know that. I just wanted to make it perfectly clear.
  7. "So, you didn't hear and weren't privy to the "too many key people" (of those that were heading up the takeover) suddenly died, and that's why it didn't happen? ".......nope.
  8. Just the fact that dictor got everybody scared enough to buy all the malpacks, store thousands of pounds of dried and canned food, hundreds of gallons of drinking water, hide millions of dollars of gold krugerands and USA junk silver in the limbs and regions so that when "it" came the corpse and wows would have money to get by, get all the limp and region guys to figure out rural, secret meeting places for the corpse in each limp to run off to and carry on the underground struggle like in Patrick Swayze in Red Sky. JUST us carrying out the moggy's rev was enough to prevent "it" from ever happening. That was the official spin. WE thwarted "it" by believing the mog's revelation. Our believing action saved the USA and twit from "it"! Never a hint that vic probably got the heavy revvy during a blinding drambuie Storm while banging some hapless corpse kitten in his motorcoach. Never a hint that his prophecies were false and that he was an Eli and not a Samuel. Just a way to stash all the cash while the IRS and DOJ were investigating vic'n'twit for illegal campaign contributions to Gahagan in ME & free-staffing him with a hundred POWOWS, and Jimmy Doop as free spiritual coordinator. IRS took twit's 501©3 away for 2 years. That was 76-78. Believing dictor's revelation and acting on it saved the country, the minustry and the world! That's how we did it Bolshevik.
  9. Hi Shortfuse! No, I do not think da forehead did what he did "intentionally" to destroy twit a la vic. He was just too plain DUMB to plan the religious insanity and blind extremism. The real "hater" of twit on that version of the board of terrorists was Donnie. He hated his old man and he hated the fact that the old man ruined donnie's life by making him an offer he couldn't refuse, VP of twit until death. Donnie became the monster his old man had wanted. He was the one Vic wanted as 2nd prez, not the dumb ape jock from OK. But the whole of twit knew Donnie was as good a front man as Tick. No public speaking prowess at all. About as captivating as a lava rock. As motivational in public speaking as Mitch McConnell on opiates. So.....he made Donnie VP, and found some jerk to be the frontman he wanted because he knew Donnie and Coward would be able to control him while running the money and politics of twit themselves. Da forehead dancing and screwing was good enough for them. Let him THINK he's mog jr. when in effect he's just the public face of the crap we're pulling on everyone in the name of gawd. Vic realized he made a bad choice, but he made it so publicly and grandiosely that there was no way he could undo it. He wanted Donnie in charge, but instead picked the Okie Dope cuz he thought he would totally be under the thumb of Don and coward. But, the dumb jock BELIEVED he was called of gawd. He believed he spoke for gawd and gawd spoke with him, but it was obvious to everybody that the dancing president was a total buffoon intellectually, and interpersonally. Spirits in the Athlete was the final horror that took vic out. He hated it and he hated da forehead for doing it and looking like the dumb ape he was. He was hoping Geer would do the heavy lifting dumping the dancing prez, embarrass Donnie and coward enough to get them in line, and then set up Donnie as prez until Luke Somerville, real Wierwille blood was old enough to take over from Donnie for grampa mog. But, Geer liked being King......another quirk Vic's revelation missed. It turned out that Geer liked being vic and impersonated him quite well. Donnie was always the main target of vic's wrath, not Okie Dope. Don was the one deserving punishment. King Okie was just a tool & they ALL knew it. So, once Donnie got Okie Dope to tell Geer to bug off, he built his old man's Frankenstein through da forehead and destroys his father's family, his siblings and his own mother, along with his father's minus-try. Wanda's married to Coward now, the only Emeritus Trustees of any of them to own their own "root locale" at Gunnison, so that cuts out all the wierwilles from twi. Donna and Rosalie own new Knoxville and Howard and Don got Gunnison. Tidy package of crapola all wrapped and ready for an early xmas. Does that answer your question Shortfuse?
  10. Ya know Skyrider....."to the very end" is a loaded phrase for me because it is so stunningly literal. Vic took his perverted pathological delusions with him to the grave. He put on his last production, his last ROA closing night, as his epitaph to himself. His athletes of the spirit to end it all with his staged "turning my face to the wall to die" routine. THAT's why he could only trust one guy on the whole planet it to be executive producer.....psychogeer. I saw vic the day he came back from Gartmore in May of 1985. Or, I should say, I saw the icteric rotting shell of what was left of him. Met him at the airport, Logan, and was the only one of our small greeting party to go onto the coach, which Geer was now back in charge of, while Peter and Christie Edmond seved as complete human crutches. He had called me onboard because he brought me two six packs of my German grandfather's favorite beer.....Moninger.....as a good-bye gift. All he was, was his paranoid narcissistic delusions smashed on morphine and Drambuie. The creep behind the curtain had been exposed. He turned out to be a wretched gnome of a creature.....Rumpelstilsken-esque....some medieval horror story caricature of a man of gawd. He was only his delusions now. No attachment to anything resembling reality or remorse. Nope! He was gonna commit suicide for God for all to see that Vic was the only true head of twit 4EVER, and the ONLY real mog of the 20th century, the last Paul of Tarsus. The greatest "teaching prophet" since Paul, and the only great king since David, "a man after god's own heart". You, my surrogates are to blame. YOU forced me to do this! YOU, in effect, killed me and my ministry! Vic was the one who destroyed twi. If he couldn't have it nobody else could either. There was NEVER an ounce of remorse for the hundreds he had raped and abused. In his fog they were lucky to have been assaulted by him. Everyone who ever knew him was lucky as far as he was concerned. He built it all and now he was taking it with him. There was no guilt. There was no shame. There was no need to repent. He never did anything wrong! It was everybody else's fault. Vic was just a victim. He was living his dreams now. He had become the man he wished to be and he did it his way. Sociopathic, paranoiac narcissist, alcoholic neoNazi sexual predator, racist and misogynist extraordinaire. The mighty man'o'gawd Pauline style. Lying and cheating his way through life and now death. What an utterly detestable fraud.
  11. Great post outandabout! I sure understand your handle much better now! TY.
  12. LOL Twinky! The drivel is from their March 2016 official newsletter. Easter edition. It's kinda like the "road to nowhere" in Alaska.......a letter to nowhere......A monthly epistle from dippy to all the 10's of dipsters in his tiny cult. How pathetic. Neck-deep in the Big Muddy and the damn fool marches on.
  13. Happy St. Patrick's Day you TLTFers! If there's ever been anyone anywhere who has ever kissed the blarney stone it's those jokers on the TLTF Board of Twustees. Allow me to demonstrate: "As we survey the Christian landscape today, we strongly believe that TLTF has a vital mission to the Body of Christ, and to the world. I am being neither arrogant nor elitist nor exclusive by simply saying that I personally know of nowhere else on the planet where people can find the degree of the accuracy of God's Word they can find in our ministry. And honestly, I'm very sorry I don't. If you do, let me know. Furthermore, I can't believe there aren't at least a million people across the world who would go wild if they got to hear the Word we share, and it never ceases to frustrate me that we aren't reaching more of them. But we will continue to do what we can, and pray that the Lord will lead us to those who want His Truth. Jesus Christ was a total fanatic about the written Word of God, no doubt because he knew he would have to stake his future existence upon its accuracy and its veracity. Jesus realized the gruesome reality of death, knew that Satan (not God) was its author, and that rather than ushering him into the presence of God, it would instead terminate his precious life. He "sweat blood," as it were, as he approached the critical moment when he would lay down his life and forever after BE NO MORE unless his Father kept His promise to raise him out from among the dead. This month the Christian world celebrates the magnificent truth that God did exactly that. Our Lord Jesus died for you and me so that we could now live for him. As we celebrate his RESURRECTION this month, let us determine to stand boldly upon the Truth that he loved and proclaimed."I love you. What in the hell does "when we survey the Christian landscape" mean?? Jesus Art Appreciation 101? Is it a geographical location? Is it a private country where only "believers" are allowed? As far as "the accuracy of God's word" goes, what the hell does that jargon mean? Sounds just like some other uneducated plagiarist i saw somewhere who called himself "the teacher". It's almost the same plagiarized garbage that vic wierwille used. The only difference is, they have more stuff they plagiarized than vic did, and their "original research" is even whackier and more destructive to humans than vic's was. The same old hackneyed piffle phrases and verses with the same old erroneous private interpretation. As far as any place on the planet that has as much of whatever "the accuracy" is, i can think of many landfills and garbage dumps that could use all that wasted paper, tape, dvd, and bytespace you guys overproduce every day. I'm sure there area few there in Indy with enough space for all your junk. And, I certainly have no problem at all believing there are not "at least a million people across the world" who buy you bible BS. I can't believe there are even a hundred dumb enough to send you hucksters money, But, P.T. Barnum was obviously right about how many of TLTF followers are born every minute. Your frustration is really obvious, but the facts are you haven't reached a fraction of the suckers vic did, and you've been on your own for longer than he was! GET OVER IT! SNAP OUT OF IT! No one outside your current little mind-numbed cult will ever give a rat's patoot about your "vital mission". There will never be a million who will ever hear about your puny cult. You're not "teaching" anything new or accurate. Your teaching a combo of Momentus, PFAL, B.G. Leonard's Gifts of the Spirit class, J.E. Stiles, Glenn Clark, E.W.Bullinger, Kenyon, your Romans class is a plagiarism of Bullinger and Charles Welch, Prophetic Movement christian spiritualism, and JBS ideology. NO ONE CARES, least of all God and Jesus Christ. One more thing......JESUS CHRIST WAS NOT A "FANATIC OF THE WRITTEN WORD"!......HE was and IS the WORD, not your foolish compilation of spurious ancient MS, or comparing all the texts with the various English versions of the Bible. He had none of your new testament to rightly divide. He IS The Word of God and The Will of God, not your stupid books and papers and texts and manuscripts. You idolize the paper pages of manmade books and attempt to take the place of your absent christ. You have exchanged The Living Lord with dead trees. You are false teachers and false prophets. You take the name of The Lord in vain by trying to sell YOUR interpretation of your "written word",.....even inventing your own "accuracy version" of it (calling it the REV, revised English version) and making merchandize of It and the flock. Bema bound? You? BBBWWWWAAAAAAHAHAHAHA.
  14. I know that I know that I don't know!
  15. I apologize, but I just had to butt in. I clicked on a thread entitled, "Should Christians Vote". That thread was started by someone calling himself "teachmevp". I don't know teach, but all I have seen in response to the most OBVIOUS question, "vote on what?", is incomprehensible gobbledygook from teach, with no coherent response or answer to the simplest of questions. I'll admit I'm completely unfamiliar with whatever dimension teach is posting from. I don't read him much because I do not enjoy headaches or nausea. I mean crap like "Paul is fact". WTF? Any kind of rational, comprehensible explanation for exactly what a statement line that means??? Paul freaking who? Lynde? McCartney? Giamatti? Pope Paul VI? Ron Paul? Rand? Paul Merkel? Paul Pierce? I try to read teach's stuff with an open mind, but, like I said, I can't take the incomprehension required to make any sense out of the words he posts beyond his screen-name. However, teach......IMO, you are posting here at GSC for exactly what purpose? To keep your dead water-logged idol alive in the minds of people who despise everything he ever did? To keep his delusional, Aryan theologies and hatreds alive to hurt more sheep? What do you get out of your persona here? Identity? Purpose? Makes life more meaningful? Overcoming worry and fear? Increasing prosperity? Who in their right mind would choose "teachmevp" as the screen name at a website dedicated to telling the truth about Dictor Paul Wierwille? What is your POINT teach? Please! Finally! Spit it out! TY.
  16. Bolshevik.....It was JE Stiles who was the misogynist that impressed Vic so much in Tulsa.
  17. YES Bolshevik. twit was an offshoot of B.G.Leonard's Ministry in Canada. Then, it became a bastard child of the UCC which dictor used to pay for all his "years of research doing nothing but reading and working the word 14-18 hours a day for years." Ever wonder who was paying his rent and putting food on his table for a wife and 5 kids? vic had been ripping them off while "researching" all he could steal from Leonard, Stiles, Bullinger and Dale Carnegie. This started at his first UCC church in 1942. So, he spent 16 years sucking all the money he could out of his UCC flock, while "building his ministry". He had to make up stuff about it all in the 70's. You know, the snow pumps revelation of 1942. Then the Oklahoma snowstorm that never happened with J.E.Stiles. Then the trips to Calgary to steal everything he could from this guy he figured no one in the US would ever hear about. It was dictor's complete adoption of Leonard's church and teachings, down to the preaching style and rough, tough, man-o-gawd style of "boldness" and brashness that were B.G.'s trademarks. He even took the names Maggie Muggins, Henry Boloko, and Johnny Jumpup from B.G., let alone the entire PFAL series! The definitions of the manifestations are word for word plagiarized and so is everything else from Leonard's class. When dictor first took B.G.'s Gifts of the Spirit class, he arrived late and not fully registered. B.G. threw him out, saying no one disrespects the True God around him by showing up late to the teaching of his word no matter how far they drive to get there! But, dictor simply refused to leave despite three attempts by Leonard to get rid of him. Dictor quickly adopted all the mog mannerisms he could from B.G. The screaming stuff came from BG "reproof" sessions. The entire AC almost verbatim was taken from BG. Even the little quirks like "Father sez shut up wierwille" during teachings or sharings during the AC and AC Specials of the 70's. "Reach up into Daddy's Cookie Jar". Or, "the lord tells me i can't say more about that". Vic used to tell us how much he loved BG's "great boldness". Throwing people out of his classes for being late, or because of whatever "guidance" The Father had given him by revelation. He was "never afraid of any devil spirits", nor of speaking what "God wanted spoken". Think of BG as The Wharton School of Business and dictor as donald trump. That's the way it was. If ya can't dazzle 'em with your brilliance then baffle 'em with flamboyant ..... It took Bullinger to bring some seriousness and "research credibility" to BG's flamboyant gusto. Once that ingredient was mixed in with BG, piffle was born. When piffle was born, dictor no longer needed the pocketbook of the UCC either. So, within 3 years he got himself fired from the UCC, moved back to the ole family homestead, and started selling his cult. That's the REAL history of vic'n'twit Bolshevik. ALL VERY EASILY DOCUMENTABLE. Twit was an offshoot of BG Leonard's Church, The British Trinitarian Bible Society, which EW Bullinger chaired for a couple of decades, The UCC, and the Jesus Freaks movement of the late 60's. Twit's it's own Grandpa!
  18. T-Bone! Great to read you again! It's been a while. Love to Tonto!
  19. Not only is there zero scriptural support for wierwille's BS re: the "original sin", there is NOTHING SUPPORTIVE Biblically, theologically, or psychologically sound in ANY of Vic's BS "wisdom" on male/female relationships and sexual interaction. He was a mysogynist and serial sexual predator and rapist, as well as an Aryan supremacist Nazi and alcoholic, paranoic narcissist. Look those words up in a dictionary and see what they mean. They are purposely chosen. Vic's own self-deluded and pathological perversions had nothing to do with gawd or his woid. And they were ALL DEFINITELY anti(against)-Christ, IMO, as well as cunningly self-serving. Disgrace to God and Christ. Blasphemous. He was just prowling for victims, and he was WELL-practiced at it. To place ANY credence whatsoever in wierwille's "teachings" on psychosocial issues of any import is to be horribly ignorant and dismssive of even medical and psychological FACT. That any ex-wayfer would consider ANYTHING vic said as in any way meaningful, biblically, "spiritually", intellectually or psychologically is as deluded as Dictor himself IMO. The total avoidance of logical, rational, and critical thinking is necessary to swallow the deadly Kool-Aid. Many have, and continue to regurgitate it obnoxiously and stupidly as if there's any credibility or truth to it. Many brag about being completely free of "waybrain" while they are hopelessly chained within it still, bonded by their own arrogance and pride. Disgusting IMO. Presumptuous and arrogant along with exclusivity is a hallmark of waybrain.in twit. They are willfully ignorant of any facts which contradict their insanity. They claim to have "lost" old friends because of their intolerance of differing political opinions. Then they proclaim the "biblical rightheousness" of their PERSONAL opinion and blame the people THEY have blocked and unfriended for THEIR political BS, when those same people did nothing of the sort. Typical RWNJ ignorance and self-importance based on revisionist history and Cruzian politics. Then, when you approach them with any counterpoint you are flamed for insulting their deranged sense of self-importance, and their haughty judgement of what is "friendly" or not. Whited sepulchers, caring more about their pets than their fellow human beings. They spout lies and fascist propaganda and then feign hurt and neutrality when the simplest counterpoint is made. Just like The Penguin in the Blues Brothers......mother superior wannabes just jumping the gun on everyone who disagrees with their godliness in politics.....LOL. They would have made loyal Nazis in Germany in the 1930's. Then they pull the righteous indignation card of either, "how dare you", or "shame on you" as if they have anything but a deluded sense of self-importance to rule over you with. They're just so helplessly and willfully waybrained. Not only is there zero scriptural support for wierwille's BS re: the "original sin", there is NOTHING SUPPORTIVE Biblically, theologically, or psychologically sound in ANY of Vic's BS "wisdom" on male/female relationships and sexual interaction. He was a mysogynist and serial sexual predator and rapist, as well as an Aryan supremacist Nazi and alcoholic, paranoic narcissist. Look those words up in a dictionary and see what they mean. They are purposely chosen. Vic's own self-deluded and pathological perversions had nothing to do with gawd or his woid. And they were ALL DEFINITELY anti(against)-Christ, IMO, as well as cunningly self-serving. Disgrace to God and Christ. Blasphemous. He was just prowling for victims, and he was WELL-practiced at it. To place ANY credence whatsoever in wierwille's "teachings" on psychosocial issues of any import is to be horribly ignorant and dismssive of even medical and psychological FACT. That any ex-wayfer would consider ANYTHING vic said as in any way meaningful, biblically, "spiritually", intellectually or psychologically is as deluded as Dictor himself IMO. The total avoidance of logical, rational, and critical thinking is necessary to swallow the deadly Kool-Aid. Many have, and continue to regurgitate it obnoxiously and stupidly as if there's any credibility or truth to it. Many brag about being completely free of "waybrain" while they are hopelessly chained within it still, bonded by their own arrogance and pride. Disgusting IMO. Presumptuous and arrogant along with exclusivity is a hallmark of waybrain.in twit. They are willfully ignorant of any facts which contradict their insanity. They claim to have "lost" old friends because of their intolerance of differing political opinions. Then they proclaim the "biblical rightheousness" of their PERSONAL opinion and blame the people THEY have blocked and unfriended for THEIR political BS, when those same people did nothing of the sort. Typical RWNJ ignorance and self-importance based on revisionist history and Cruzian politics. Then, when you approach them with any counterpoint you are flamed for insulting their deranged sense of self-importance, and their haughty judgement of what is "friendly" or not. Whited sepulchers, caring more about their pets than their fellow human beings. They spout lies and fascist propaganda and then feign hurt and insult when the simplest counterpoint is made. Just like Trump'n'Cruz. Hoe dare you say that? Why shame on you. LOL!.........pimps and whores.
  20. Sorry for taking so long getting back to you TLC.I don't travel down here very often so i have overlooked this thread. As i said, my "spirituality", i.e., what i have chosen as a vehicle to express my belief in a "spiritual realm", and the added beneficial effects of pursuing the quiet, peaceful side of human life, is my understanding of the "Jesus Story" as told in what is now referred to as The Bible. I spent hundreds of hours in old and new testament study, and taught several classes to the corpse and staff at all the root locales based on those hours. since leaving twit, i have examined many other religious and spiritual beliefs and practices. My personal choice of how i think i can best express my spirituality is to follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. That is MY choice. It works for me. I prefer it over Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Taoism, Judaism, Sikhism, and many other spiritual beliefs and practices. At the same time i do not believe, nor do i expect anyone else to believe that my choice is the ONLY correct or righteous "Way'. I explained my personal criteria above in another post. So, with that out of the way, my response to your questions. i personally believe that Jesus Christ was literally crucified and was literally raised or resurrected from among the dead in fulfillment of numerous sections of scripture from what is called The Hebrew Old Testament. I accept many sections of the Hebrew Old Testament as being prophetic or "of god", or "god breathed". I do not believe that every word is perfect in "the original" nor that any "originals" of any parts of The Bible even exist. My understanding of the types and foreshadows of Christ in the Hebrew Bible leads to my choice of accepting Christ, as does my knowledge of quantum physics and what exactly is available from the God Who created quantum and Jesus. No limits there. Others find the same spiritual fulfillment from their choice of beliefs. No matter what, I'll know them by their fruit. Beliefs and religions may differ, and religious practices and rituals are quite diverse, but, the fruit of the spirit will always identify which god is at work. Pretty simple to me. Hope that answers your questions.
  21. Phychological profiles of presidents' of twit all share a common underlying pathology: delusional paranoid narcissism. Birds of a feather........ I understand much more fully now, the kind of spiritual and psychoemotional abuse young people like you were being forced to accept by your own parents from their chosen religious "leaders". What terrorism against the human soul. I guess you were "mini-corpse" some where along the line, and then your folks must have been on staff at HQ or some place. The thing I am most grateful for about leaving twit is that my oldest child was only seven at the time, and the youngest was two. We refused to send them to childcare because of the wooden spoon discipline applied by non-parents to the children of others. NOPE! Not our's. That freedom to become what their own DNA and nurture allows them, and not be forced to live and love the mean-spirited, lifestyle of da mogs vicariously for THEM and not YOUR own uniqueness. My kids grew up in a normal middle class neighborhood, with a diverse population of other kids in a great public school system in a progressive community. They were NOT forced to go to any church. They were not coerced into fundamentalist, fascist "Christian" Nationalism because they were mini-corpse, or forced to attend boring ill-tempered community meals, hitler youth "childrens' fellowship" indoctrination sessions almost daily, isolation from all the "unbelieving" kids in the area, programmed xenophobia to anything contrary to the mogs' revelation and guidance, embarrassment and shame because of their parents' outdated and spurious religious beliefs and practices, eventually becoming anxiety ridden and clinically depressed because of the imprisonment they feel drowned in. They even go out of their way to understand and really believe what they're "supposed to" only to slam into the reality that it is white, Aryan, fascist ideology along with Nietschean Nazi theology/philosophy that is causing the maddening cognitive dissonance in your head. Then, you start to worry that it's probably debbil spurt possession, or at the very least, "influence"! You're now in an untenable state of being with no escape. Does that somehow come close to describing your experience Bolshevik? Or, am I totally off base? It just seems you sharing that really gave me insight into all your posts previous, some of which I found difficult to fully understand, but now seem to understand much more fully. Thanks for your posts, and please tell me if I'm totally off the mark in what I said above. Thanks Bolshevik, and..........peace.
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