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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. "The horror of it all is how many innocent folks does it take down with it - hitch your wagon to a falling star.".......mrap in the post above. Funny you seem so horrified by how many innocents were taken down on the Twitanic, yet you are a self-confessed follower of two of the worst Twitanic offshoots on the planet....namely STFI (schoenheit/gallagher) and TLTF (jallyroll lynn and his boyz). Talk about sinking ships?!! You seem to hitch your wagon to one fascist Bircher cult falling star after another! You sure can pick 'em........LOL! What are those bright falling stars teaching you? That SCOTUS is the devil's instrument in legalizing women's' choice and gay marriage? That the phoney religious liberty laws like their gubbner Mike pence tried to pass making it legal to discriminate against anyone in the LGBT community? Obama is the Muslim Manchurian candidate? Vote for the Christian Dominionist fascist, Ted Cruz? Ban all Muslims from the USA? See all dem debbil spurts flittin' around everyone who doesn't believe what they tell you is their greatest package of rightly-divided pig manure? One piffle redux after another ad nauseum?? schoenheit and lynn are every bit the sons of their faddah in da woid that da forehead was, and worse. Worse? Oh yeah! And they're still struttin' their mog bs for all to see. At least the okie doofus is still too shamed to show his ignorant face anywhere. Their egos know no shame ONLY because, unlike da forehead, they've never had to settle anything out of court. He was proven to be a lying serial sexual and spiritual abuser, and couldn't lie about it anymore. They have yet to face their day in court but they're equally guilty. How many innocents have those imposters taken down with one sinking "ministry" after another? How many poor followers are still suffering from their Momentus alliance? How many innocents out there are still "blessed" by the "Godly" prophecies of those occult loving idiots who were "speaking into the lives" of people making up all these visions in their minds based on acid-flashbacks and calling it Personal Prophesy? How many naked have they clothed? How many hungry have they fed? How many homeless have they sheltered? How many self-serving and self-obsessed PFAL re-dos, books, tapes, videos, and jeeezus trinkets have they sold and called it "moving the word"? How many times have they paid themselves $106,000 a year salaries above having all their expenses paid, and let indigent followers fend for themselves by their "un-law" of believing? How many "volunteers" did they promise gas mileage and computer reimbursement to and NEVER give it? How many times have they fired each other, banned each other, and publicly humiliated themselves and others with their pathological shenanigans? DO YOU EVEN CARE? Or are you still too busy asking everyone else but THEM if their fictional "REV" is accurate or not, as if you really care? IMO, your're just a STFI/TLTF troll. You probably think you're on some super-secret double spiritual probation mission to recon the facts pouring out of here about your falling stars and sinking (fellow)ships. They've always been too chicken to show up here for anything more than one or two fly-by looooong posts ending with "I'm never posting here again", or "call me"! That's why they use ditto-heads like you to troll the seas of the worldwide web to see how many places they can still pollute and destroy with their Bible fantasies. And I bet you probably think you're doing it all because "Da Woid" tells you, one of your Personal Prophets told you to, or God himself spoke into that space between your ears and told you. You don't fool me and neither do your cult leaders. I say you're a troll. TTFN.
  2. Thanks SkyRider! You da man! And everyone else who's able to give.....you're all awesome! WOOHOO!
  3. Thanks Raf! I'm on a fixed SSI income these days, so I'm stuck relying on a once-a-month check an tight budgeting to get by now. Sure miss workin'! March check is long gone so I'll have to wait until April to send you at least $25 bucks for our GSC. If I was still working it would be at least 10X that! The GSC has been THE ONLY SPOT in the entire world where the REAL truths and facts re: TWIt have ever been exposed WITHOUT CENSORSHIP! But, even greater than that is, that it's THE ONLY place in this entire media-drenched society where honest, uncensored raw dialogue, confrontation, restoration and healing/recovery from the horrible physical and psychoemotional abuse rained down on innocents by Wierwille and his cornfield cult from rural west-central Ohio, has ever taken place! Pawtucket is a HERO in my book. He has suffered many demeaning insults financially and personally than anyone else I know, for providing this one-of-a-kind haven for twit refugees by the 10's of thousands, searchers and haters alike. He has withstood vicious slander and libel all over the Internet by folks like John Lynn, TWI itself, all the offshoots, and numerous mentally ill trolls for providing THE ONLY really helpful location anywhere when I comes to dealing with the broad, life-shattering affects of TWIt on the lives of thousands around the world. Paw hates when I say this, but he is one of the greats anonymous heroes I've ever met. I want this place to continue not only because of how many thousands it's already helped, but the thousands more it will help in the years to come. I think that is a fitting tribute to Pawtucket and Justice. Sorry for the rant, Paw. I love and respect you man! You have done a great thing! Keep on rockin' in the free world bro!...........and, forever.................peace.
  4. I understand that Rocky. I used the words "I accuse" throughout the post and just did the j'accuse at the end and misspelled it. It was fairly obvious I thought. All is well......thanks for your help. The Twink is cool!
  5. Fair enough Twinky. I don't fault you one bit on that! BTW........HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWINKY! A tribute to British womanhood and strength you are IMO. Always enjoy reading you wherever we cross paths. I hope you have a great day of celebrating YOU with family and friends today. You deserve it! How's it feel to be 40? Love and peace to you dear.
  6. I mean I accuse Twinky. Funny how that's your only question. Guess you just want to rag on me for "namecalling"? I told you what I think in an open forum. You don't seem to have much to say other than "What do you mean?". I posted perfectly clearly what I mean. Any other questions?
  7. Again, mrap, I refer you to my post to YOU in the Open forum. You are having a tough time huh?
  8. It was Jimmy Durante who said goodnight to mrs. Calabash. George (Burns??) said goodnight to Gracie. Can't you get anything right?.......LOL.
  9. The following was posted by mrap in response to the news that dictor barnard was arrested and jailed in Brazil awaiting extradition to the US for trial on 59 counts of sexual assault on a minor: At the time, this post was so offensive to me, that the only response I could muster was "Ugh!" Now that dictor Barnard is heading home for JUSTICE, I would like to address the incredibly offensive post plopped down here. Yeah So? What does that mean? TWI's rampant, institutionalized, serial sexual and spiritual abuse is just another of the many? That makes it somehow less "horrific"? Let me remind you mrap, these were not merely "horrific acts", they are horrific CRIMES with horrific damage done to human beings willfully with malice and forethought. It's not just some family secret, military coverup, or "run of the mill" clergy scandal in the Catholic Church. These are felonies times 59! The serial rape and sexual abuse of minor females was willfully perpetrated upon minor females AT LEAST 59 times over 9 years on only 2 out of 10 VICTIMS. That's right.......VICTIMS. It was done with approval and consent of the parents who had also engaged in barnard's godly adultery and wife-snatching. Tornambe's wife and his other daughter are still with the cult in WA, where they were living with barnard's wife!! It's "the power"! That is such a hopelessly myopic statement. IT IS PATHOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR. Mental illness or what you call "debbil spurt possession". Barnard had no "power" over these people other than that which they willingly and willfully gave him. He was no military officer or rich millionaire boss. He was and is a pathologically disturbed mentally ill individual of very little consequence outside of his cult. It DOES NOT just "hurt when it "hits home"! It hurts every single time it occurs to any innocent victim anywhere any time. It hurt Lindsay Tornambe the instant her criminal parents agreed to give her to Barnard for his use. Carmen's corpse grad spouse had already enjoyed sexual relations with her apostle, so why shouldn't her daughters?!! That was horrific criminal and pathological crime right then and there for little 13 year old Lindsay Tornambe! It's just like any other rape case. She was asking for it wasn't she? Well it ain't my daughter, is it? THEY SHOULD AND COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING ABOUT IT AND DID NOT! They consented! Should they be guilt ridden? No! They should be in jail. Jallyroll lynn took a $1000 honorarium and free plane tickets to teach at RRF in the late 90's. Brad Thorpe former twit limp leader and head of HR at new Knoxville for many years was also there. Jallyroll got Barnard to take Momentus and he knew what Barnard was up to. Well.....jallyroll took the $1000, went home and never confronted Barnard! It wasn't until Barnard angrily rejected Momentus and CES theology that jallyroll cut any ties. It's not a matter of what YOU or we want. It is that Lindsay DESERVES JUSTICE and so does Barnard! Whether we want it or not is immaterial. What does Justice demand?? Lindsay Tornambe did not have a choice as to which "emotion" she wanted to "wallow in". She was a captive from age 13 to age 21! Don't you get that? Apparently not. She chose not to lie and play the game.She stood up for herself and justice, and isn't running around for 30 years playing the blame game like you. You have a lot to learn from her. She's not playing some whiney victim card. She sought and is obtaining PROFESSIONAL help from real doctors and lawyers and law enforcement.
  10. REMEMBER! Isolation, intimidation (both physical and psychological) and character assassination are the hallmarks of way int'l lying from the highest seats of internal authority. They are the hallmarks of all Clergy sexual and spiritual abuse. I am quite sure the the ATTNY GENERAL's office of the State of OH must have a very long list of the crimes and misdemeanors over the last 50 YEARS! TWI shuts them down exactly as described above and only a very few have had the personal strength and character to make it into court. AND, there have been winners! I accuse TWI of continued coverup of their long trail of sexual abuse by clergy and top officials on the Board of Trustees all the way through 2002. Why no prosecutions? No plaintiffs. Even the Roman Catholic Church has been found guilty of horrible, institutionalized serial sexual abuse. Hopefully it won't take centuries before Wierwille, martindale, Rivenbark, Coward Allen, Christopher Geer, Donna Lombardi, John A. Lynn, Gerald Wrenn, John Linder, Charles Quillen, Lawrence and Constance Panarello, Bill and Marcia Greene, Alan Licht, Vince Finnegan, and other top former TWI leaders are all guilty of clergy sexual and spiritual abuse. Je Cuse!
  11. Do not forget that, dictor Barnard is the direct fruit of twi's dictor paul wierwille, King doofus martindale the only, and Rosie the riveter rivenbark. They are the only presidents twit has ever had. EVERY ONE OF THEM IS AS GUILTY OF SEXUAL ASSAULT ON UNCONSENTING MINORS AS IS VICTOR BARNARD! Only difference is that their crimes number in the hundreds not just 59. Hear me OH State Law Enforcement. They have even been found guilty by Court Rulings in Shelby County, OH! Why are they still free to rape and molest innocents??? Je Cuse!
  12. Twinky......interesting thoughts. The example you gave regarding to whom Corinthians (both I and II ) is addressed brings up an example of what I mean re: not accepting all of Paul's writings as "revelation" to the entire Church of The Body of Christ for all time. It is obvious that the letters are addressed to specific groups of "believers", and certain elders and leaders in the Church at Corinth. Even if one accepts that all Paul is godbreathed, the content of most of what is in Corinthians still cannot honestly nor objectively be extrapolated and applied to the entire Body of Christ or generalized from the specifics addressed directly to the Church at Corinth. Paul had established the church there himself and would have been well aware of to whom he was writing regarding events, teachings, and "practical error". IMO, it is NOT proper or necessary to take specific "revelation" to specific churches and/or specific individuals and then generalize and expand it to apply to every church or individual Christian. Also, a matter so far overlooked here is, the Canon of the Scripture. Who decided which books were canonic and which ones were not? What about the Apocrypha? How was it determined which epistles, letters, etc. were to be canonized and accepted as "godbreathed" and which ones were not? What were the roles of the so-called "Church Fathers"? There were quite a few by 325 AD when Constantine converted his empire to Christianity. Here i found it necessary to read as much as i could about early church history, and read the works of Origen, the Gnostics, The Essenes, etc., in order to see for myself how the canonized Greek New Testament became so. This reading of discovery very much opened up my understanding of what SCRIPTURE actually is or might be. And, it disrupted the mind numbing info overload of Bullinger, Welch and dictor paul regarding ultradispensationalism and the inordinate emphasis on the Pauline Epistles. After reading a lot of the stuff i mentioned, i understood more fully why there are so many problems within seminary walls and textual research that a good number of seminary grads have a hard time believing any of the canonized NT beyond the 4 Gospels. Wierwille's theories of "biblical research" and research "principles" are so completely superficial, uninformed, and misguided as to be completely mocked by any authentic biblical scholars and trained textual critics. Even more so for the garbage the offshoots palm off as biblical "research, teaching, and fellowship", particularly schoenheit and jallyroll lynn. Plagiarists and fiction writers is what they all are. Carrying on the lies of twi, as well as making up a whole lot of momentus psycho-babble ...., christian spiritualism via their flagrant abuse of the "manifestation" of prophecy along with their own "hookypook" practice of "The Prophetic" relying totally on the visions, dreams, and acid-flasbacks of Ordained Prophets and Prophetesses of three self-defined tiers along with their Prophetic Councils for ALL major "leadership decisions'. Their misunderstanding of the "gift ministries" is as blatant and self-aggrandizing as anything dictor or any of the other "big denominations" espouse. And, remember, all that misunderstanding is based on private misinterpretation of the Pauline Epistles.
  13. TY TLC. i appreciate your opinions. i do not agree with everything you said, but c'est la vie. Now, back to the topic. I am stating again, that i do not believe Pauline writings should form the basis of ANY broad doctrine regarding Church polity or governance. I'll be happy to discuss your opinions about this at any time. To be clear........I believe that Roman Catholic theology and polity is derived mostly from the Pauline Epistles along with I & II Peter and the Epistles of John and James. Whether or not Hebrews was written by Paul or not, has been a longstanding debate. My personal opinion based on content and character, is that it is a Pauline epistle, but that's based simply on my personal study along with reading Bullinger's Great Cloud of Witnesses as well as Welch's treatises on Romans and Hebrews, along with numerous articles and position papers on the topic. It is also helpful to read the Jewish understanding of the Aaronic and Melchesedechian Priesthoods. The symbolism and types which are rife in the construction, liturgy and ritual of the Aaronic Priesthood both in The Tabernacle in the Wilderness and Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem also comes in quite handy when it comes to understanding both Hebrews and the other Pauline Epistles. The Hebrew word for "rabbi" Twinky, is simply "teacher". It was most definitely the responsibility of the Hebrew priests to teach the Pentateuch to all Israel. There is also an abundance of Old Testament scripture which describes Moses as a Prophet, and much on what being a Prophet MEANT to the Hebrews and their religion. Moses serves as a "template" for what a true Prophet of God is in the lives of all of the prophets after him, just like Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were the "templates" for Moses. So, IMO, the so-called "gift ministries" of Prophets, Teachers, Pastors, and evangelists are included in the understanding of what The Tribe of Levi and the Aaronic priests were ordered by God to provide for the nation of Israel, which was itself to be "a nation of priests" to the rest of the world. I believe that the items aforementioned provide a far more accurate portrait and understanding of all the "gift ministries" referred to by Paul in Ephesians and Corinthians, except for Apostles. I believe that Paul's writings re: the "gift ministries" are his private interpretation of what the new High Priesthood of the ascended Jesus Christ SHOULD be in light of his lifelong Pharisaic understanding of the priesthood and services in Moses' Tabernacle and Solomon's Temple. As i said before, I do not agree that all Pauline scripture is godbreathed. I also believe that it was the Roman Catholic Church which institutionalized the Pauline writings into the nomenclature, liturgy, and polity of their version of the christian church, and carried over the into the numbers of churches founded during and after the Protestant Reformation. Now i realize that most Christian theologians might think my beliefs to be heresy. That may well be. But, one man's ceiling is another man's floor as Paul Simon wrote. I am happy to share my opinions with you all, and look forward to hearing your's. And........we still have to get to Apostles. Should be fun.
  14. Dotsie was buried in Pilger Ruhe cemetery, between NK & St. Mary's. Naomi I believe is buried in New Bremen, and Dorothy O. Is buried in IN where she and Ermal were from. I could be wrong as I am relying on second hand reports. But, NONE of them are anywhere near that stupid shrine with their waterlogged husbands AFAIK. SkyRider, do you know?
  15. I do not know as I would ascribe to atheism the new found poignance of your observations, CD. Rather, I would credit your awakening unto our unviversally shared humanity without the man are fear of religious bondage of ANY kind. If that leads you to atheism, wonderful. The most important thing IMO, is that it has not led you away from our shared humanity and to a realization that we are truly "made of one blood to dwell upon the earth", with neither religion nor science changing that reality. IMO, science proves it.
  16. TLC.....Hi! I do not know what I said that ....ed you off. If you don't mind telling me what and where I said something that irked you I would honestly like to know if an apology is in order. I appreciate your itemized answers to my 8 questions. I intend to respond after considering thoroughly what you wrote. However, I would like to resolve the animosity issue first if that's OK with you?
  17. Oy vey teach! My suggestion? Go fishing, put a hook in yourself, and, please!.....reel yourself back in. Am I reading Dune? Batman vs Superman? L. Ron Hubbard? I mean.......YIKES dude.
  18. You keep diverting the target. Were you equally effective in the military? And, since you mentioned ego, Emerson was one of the biggest ego-jerks out there. The fact you think he was such a "good guy" who got thrown under the buss(sic!) demonstrates to me you love for taking orders without question. You say he got dumped for following twit "SOP" with serial sexual predation and abuse. FACTS are that he was so egregious at engaging in these "SOP"s even enjoying same with good ole dictor paul while in-rez in 1974-75, while we interim corpses were busy cleaning up the stinkbombs he left all over NC. He was cheating on his wife long before hitting HQ. His wife was shacking up with Larry Panare!!0 while she was in-Rez, so she was relieved I guess of her duties to him. Within 3 weeks of getting back to his hideout in NC, he ran off with Karen Ca##ack who would later graduate the 7 corpse. She married another womanizing idiot, and eventually went on to further fame by having a sexual affair with John Lynn who got dumped from CES because of it. YOU SURE CAN PICK 'EM mrap! From Emerson to Gei$$ler, to Eat0n, to jalvis and schoenheit! Glad I never knew you! Really glad. TTFN.
  19. Not so WordWolf. My questions are logical, honest and transparent. I encourage further discussion. TY for your always insightful input.
  20. Hi TLC. You are in many ways doing exactly what extwits usually do in discussions about this topic. You double down on Paul and what YOU consider to be the "godbreathed" revelation of his Epistles. BEFORE engaging in your explanations of Pauline theology and doctrine, deciding whether ANY of it is indeed "godbreathed" is a necessary first step. What causes you to : 1) Believe Paul's Epistles are as godbreathed as The Gospels and Acts? 2) Do you believe that The 7 Pauline Epistles, Romans through II Thessalonians are indeed "The apex of all revelation given to the Church"? 3) Are you an "ultradispensationalist like Bullinger, Welch, and Wierwille? 4) your "definition" of Pauline Christian please? It is different from mine. 5) Your comparison of Pauline Scripture with anything else, (I.e. Gospels, Old Testament) regarding understanding these "gift ministries" prior to the Ascension of Christ? What is available OUTSIDE PAUL regarding "Apostles, prophets, or teachers"? The Aaronic Priesthoid was to the world, and therefore I would include "pastors and evangelists" as functions of the Aaronic Priesthood to Israel and the world. 6) Please explain how YOUR understanding of gift ministries differs from dictor's, da forehead's, B.G. Leonard, The Roman Catholic Church, and The Southern Baptist Convention? 7) Your understanding of who gives, sends, and energizes these "ministries" in the Church? God? Jesus Christ? Holy Spirit? 8) Your understanding of who benefits from these "gifts" and how? That'll keep us busy for awhile with a substantive and reflective discussion. What think Ye? Oh!......and BTW, it makes NO difference to me who wrote Hebrews. The debate has gone on for 1500 years now. Paul or someone else? IF it's all "godbreathed" what difference does it make?
  21. Welcome CD! Looking forward to hearing your perspectives. You got in when I got out. To hear firsthand what growing up in twit from 1986 until today has been like. The good, the bad, and the ugly are all fair game around here. Honesty and transparency are valued here. Spewing the old company line and bragging about the dullards and Devils who ran it then and run it now won't accomplish much here. Truth is always liberating. Looking forward to reading you..........peace.
  22. And Doug Emerson was one of the skeeviest twits there ever was. I was stuck cleaning up his mess in NC (1974-75) while he was at HQ learning from vic's Ephesians teachings to the corpse that year that it was cool to screw anyone you wanted. You're a mog after god's own heart just like David. It's good to be King. All the women in the kingdom are your's now. Enjoy your mogdom. He got thrown out of NC, not under any buss(sic!)! Then, he tried again with a new wife, Katrina in the 10th corpse i believe. Screwed that up too. Got thrown out of MA and turned up in HI where his rich daddy lived. Tried one more time and twit finally cut all ties. mrap seems to be a fabulous judge of character too. TTFN.
  23. Hi All! The singular mistake made by vic, IMO, and, which i find repeated over and over again in discussions and theological "debates" about "gift ministries", is that all of it is based on Pauline writings to the various churches he had visited during his journeys. The entire understanding of the new birth, church polity and liturgy that twit espoused was Pauline. How much time did twits ever spend examining the life and history of this Saul of Tarsus? Pharisee of the Pharisees, Sanhedrin member, Christian hunter and killer. What did his own life, beliefs, and background bring to the table before he ever wrote a word? having spent many hours reading about Paul from extra-Biblical material, I learned quite a bit. First one i read that i'd recommend to ex-wayfers is, "The Life and Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle" by Coneybeare and Hausen. That i read while in twit and it really changed my regard for the centerpiece of all twit theology, the Pauline Epistles. All wayfers were ever taught about "gift ministries" comes from Pauline "scripture". Bullinger and Welch were vic's primary plagiarism sources for everything he ever taught about any of the Epistles of Paul. Romans through Thessalonians as well as the so-called pastoral epistles of Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. The teachings to the corpse on Romans, I & II Timothy, Ephessians, Thessalonians etc., were all plagiarized from Bullinger's "The Church Epistles" and Welch's book on Romans, "The Just and The Justifier". john lynn's entire "seminar" on Romans is a repeat of Welch's Just and The Justifier just like vic's corpse teachings were. Read those books i mentioned and see for yourself. So, in response to Twinky's request that we refrain from mention of twi or vic or whatever, my contribution is this. Any consideration of an objective discussion regarding understanding and/or defining "gift ministries" MUST IMO, take note of the intensely legalistic and ritual-bound religion Paul was raised schooled and trained in. He took it to the top. There is no way IMO, that this lifelong devotion to religious piety was a part of everything Paul wrote. I also do NOT accept twit's basic presumption that everything Paul wrote was "god breathed" or divine revelation/inspiration. I believe that Pauline Christianity is different from that which Jesus Christ taught and preached. I believe that Pauline "scripture" is a hellenization of what Jesus came to declare and do. in effect, I believe Paul's epistles reflect his private interpretation of what Jesus came to declare and do, and not the profound spiritual movement Christ came to inaugurate. I place a higher value on the Gospels and The Book of Acts than I place on any of Paul's Epistles. In light of that, I feel that attempting to understand the "5 gift ministries",, or even just the big three, in light of Pauline scripture is a futile endeavor, unless you, as much of Christianity seems to do, are a Pauline Christian. I am NOT a Pauline Christian, so, in fairness, i must bow out of further discussion on this topic since i think most of Pauline scripture is not god breathed, TY.
  24. Modcat5......Hopefully you are aware of my respect and appreciation of you both as a journalist and as the moderator here. If not, allow me to reiterate both. I respect you as a person and a professional and a friend. i love you man, and you can have my Bud Lite!........pardon the reference to an old TV commercial. Having said all that, i repeat, censorship IS censorship. That's all I have to say on that, just like Forrest. Peace.
  25. Good. Lecture over! TY. My opinion? Censorship is censorship. Bending over backwards to be "fair" to an idiot is editorial bias. Is that what the Sun Sentinel would do???
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