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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. Being the alcoholic, opioid-addicted malignant paranoid narcissist he was, it's surprising dictor could even put two coherent sentences together. Each one of the 30 letters I just read is a self-centered, self-obsessed, jargon-filled fit of self-indulgence, from a truly pathological and perverted mind. Mostly they are rambling sob-stories about what a martyr poor ole drunken Dictor was, and how much we owed him for f---ing [mod edit for profanity] us all over in the name of gawd. All the while he was bangin' and boozin' and druggin' his way through every corpse since the first. He wrote those things in the pathopsychological haze of a serial rapist and sexual assault, fueled by his uncontrolled, hateful narcissism and booze and opioids. That's what's in those letters. As far as ordination goes, there is so much info available here on GSC about that from those actually ordained by Vic as well as contemporaneous eyewitness accounts, that I do not understand what you're looking for, TLC. The first corpse men were all ordained, along with Nancy Duncan, upon graduation by invitation from dictor. The 2nd corpse men and 2 2nd corpse women, were ordained by dictor after a year on da field after graduation. Same with the turd and 4th. Some asked and were turned down by dictor. The 5th was the last corpse in which many of their grads were ordained by dictor himself. Not all 5th corpse ordainees were ordained by dictor, and, again, there were several who asked but were denied. After the fifth, the ordination procedure was "farmed out" to clergy and leadership at root locales and on da field. Requests were sent by the candidates to their " top leadership", then discussed at the annual Corpse Placement Meetings in May. After deciding who would or would not be ordained, letters were sent from the BOT to those who were chosen, and ordinations were, from then on, held at corpse week. I was ordained by invitation from dictor, as were the majority of 4th corpse ordainees. I was ordained after the Midwest Region Weekend in Da Woid, at Chicago, on 10/16/77. Three other 4th corpse men were ordained that same night by Vic personally. None of the 4 of us asked to be ordained. There were some other men and women in the 3rd and 4th who requested to be ordained. Some were. Some weren't. As the corpse numbers grew, the ranks of the clergy became populated with the drunks and druggies that were livin' la vida loca on TWIt's dime, sexin' it up and blowing the $$ like it was cocaine! Naturally, more and more were busted or found out and Vic's frenetic cover-ups began in earnest. The more public the fall, the more ....ed vic got. That's when he wrote the rambling apologia about ordination and "how to handle it better". Perhaps you were ordained while in TWIt? Were you? Were you invited to be ordained, or did you ask? Just wondering why the process and procedures remain so "mysterious" to you.
  2. Aw hiway29......I did not mean to insult you not imply that you in any way "supported" your old friend's insanity. It was obvious from your post that you were kind of "ooged out" by his call. I absolutely think your calling him was a loving , compassionate, and right thing to do. No problem t all understanding that. I apologize if I came across in any way as casting aspersions at you. I know you did the right thing and I appreciate your sharing it with us. Charlie Quillen coordinates CFFM in IL where he lives. He's been doing so for quite a while now. He was in charge of security for TWIt and dictor for years. He's as dirty as his turd corpse bruddah, super-secret special ninja-agent dougie MacMullan, who's farm in MS houses V2P2, and SOWERS, the CFFM version of da corpse. They share many, many dirty secrets about dictor and his fellow twustees. I respect neither of them and never will until they apologize to the people who were raped and sexually assaulted serially by the men these two turd corpse bruddahs swore allegiance to, and who consistently aided and abetted those criminals in procuring their long list of victims. MacMullan and Quillen know where the bodies are buried. They know their guilt and shame but refuse to do the right thing according to their prayshuss woid. Proves to me the still believe the word'o'vic is the will of God. Quillen as Fronzack's boss while Markie-boy was one of the uniformed, gun-carrying, "bless patrol" guys at HQ. Getting back in touch with him is just a part of his distancing cover-up away from his abject guilt and complicity in EVERYTHING Barnard did, just like Quillen and MacMullan were with dictor and his twustees. Birds of a feather flock together. They should ALL be in jail.
  3. IMO, that boy Fronzack has got one helluva lot of repenting, confessing, and testifying to do. I don't care how "stressed" his family is. They EARNED it! What about Lindsey and Jen?? What stress were they put under for the 10 years barnyard was raping and smacking them around? Fronzacks knew. So did Stephanie barnyard. They consented to the adultery between the "adults" and to the sexual assault on their own firstborn daughters. Ask Carmine Tornambe if he knew. Ask his wife if she gave her oldest daughter to the apostle victor for him to do whatever he saw fit to her. She's still there in WA. I heard she even gave a second child to that perverted pondscum. Fronzacks gave a daughter too, right? They helped with the move to WA. They helped barnyard get to Brazil. Now, suddenly, they all want to "just move on", live their lives as if they bear no responsibility for their crimes against women and children in there pathetic "river road fellowship"......more like river road straight to the bowels of hell for those poor maidens. They harbored, aided, and abetted a fugitive felon. They helped him leave the country. They gave him money and shelter, and lied to investigating authorities about barnyard's activities and whereabouts. They are all as guilty as Victor Barnard himself. They are his accomplices and accessories. They need some jail time themselves. Sorry hiway29, but that's my thinking. I know how your heart must hurt for your old friend. But, be well assured he is not the same man who was your friend back in the wayday. He is a disgrace to God, and to humankind. He is an abject moral failure as a parent and a man. He supported and consented to everything barnyard did. He was one of the top "leaders" in that perverted little cult. And now he wants to just let bygones be bygones, and slither away to his new life of moving on in order to avoid the jail time he so richly deserves. Is he going to Brazil too?? And then there's that ignorant slut, Stephanie Barnard. Why is she not behind bars. She's probably headin' for Brazil too. They ALL should be headed to Pine County Jail in MN. Government transport is uncomfortable but cheap. And cheap lowlife kind of fits their description. Disgusting pigs every one of them
  4. Excellent posts you all! Anyone reading these facts and truths about rosie rivenbark's way international knows more than enough to turn your life from the frenetic activity of accomplishing absolutely nothing for God or mankind or even one single neighbor. Rosie and Donna have hijacked the death spiral cult "founded" by dictor paul w. They kicked the hapless, ignorant, malignant paranoid narcissist, da forehead in leotards, out of his kingdom, took the 64 million vic amassed in the late 70s and early 80s, and keep their neo-Nazi war machine chugging along as if nothing were wrong. Kinda like, "We're all gone now", or "we're loving and moving da woud just like we used to." BWWAAAHAHAHA! Back to the zombie apocalypse of way corpse and wows, now called "disciples". Their "minus-tray" remains toxic and deadly to human life as intended by the very God they disgrace every second their doors or microphones are open. Add the morons jallyroll lynn, professor Ludwig Von schoenheit, "rev" gerry overschmaltz wrenn, smarmy nostalgia to the nth degree. There are scores more of these wierwillized zombies brought to the bloody troughs of various TWIt spawn "ministries". Listen to the wise words of SkyRider, Rocky, waysider, T-bone, and Penworks. Get out now! Cut those constricting tentacles of ignorance, arrogance, and slow painful life-drain that these liars and thieves have to offer. Your "abundant living" is a sham cult. It's run by a woman whose psychopathologies are totalist control over everything she sees as her own, including the private lives and personal preferences of all the zombies who allow rosie and her donna to intrude into every detailed nook and cranny of peoples' personal lives and tell them what to do and how to think. It worked real well for Rosie's 2nd son, Jim Shumate, who was with rosie during her in-rez years in the 2nd family corpse. If he's still alive in prison where he was sent for murder and armed robbery, you've got a perfect example of how you turn out when your forced to live rosie's Way. There are dead people thanks to da forehead and rosie, and dictor paul, and coward allen, married to donnie wierwille's widow, wanda. They live the life of Reilly for free at Gunnison, as twustee emeritae. Still living off of dictor's stolen ABS. Still ruining peoples' lives and families and futures. LISTEN! Leave! Love yourselves and your families.
  5. FYI, I am a Christian, and, by personal choice, I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.. One man's ceiling is another man's floor, as Paul Simon wrote. I do not limit God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Brahma, Vishnu, Confucius, The Great Spirit of the Indigenous Sioux tribes, among other Indigenous Peoples, here and around the world, nor do I limit or confirm the beliefs of others regarding who and what their God is. If JC wasn't God, then most certainly none of the churches formed in His name, nor any of their "spiritual leaders" can be God either. Like others here have posted, God and Christ know how to sort the mail. I agree wholeheartedly with Steve Lortz: "A Sioux can pray to the Great Spirit, and if that Sioux intends her prayer to reach the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, it will." Amen. FYI, I am a Christian, and, by personal choice, I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.. One man's ceiling is another man's floor, as Paul Simon wrote. I do not limit God, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Brahma, Vishnu, Confucius, The Great Spirit of the Indigenous Sioux tribes, among other Indigenous Peoples, here and around the world, nor do I limit or confirm the beliefs of others regarding who and what their God is. If JC wasn't God, then most certainly none of the churches formed in His name, nor any of their "spiritual leaders" can be God either. Like others here have posted, God and Christ know how to sort the mail. I agree wholeheartedly with Steve Lortz: "A Sioux can pray to the Great Spirit, and if that Sioux intends her prayer to reach the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, it will." Amen.
  6. Not to be argumentative here...... The defining characteristic of the "one, true God" is not worship. It is not works. It is not blind obedience to any one group or thought or even fantasy about God. It is not limited or confined or enshrined in ANY man-made theology, ideology, or philosophy. There is no "one right way" of either worshipping or pleasing God. There is, IMO, no human act of heart or mind can define, prescribe, or limit God to one specific belief system or religion conjured up by man or any group of people. So then, how do we know if the way we think, act, and behave indeed is directed toward pleasing the one true God? BY THE PRESENCE OR ANSENCE OF FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT. Love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, kindness, meekness, self-control and patience. FRIT OF THE SPIRIT is the only way to identify those human beings who are living and worshipping the true God. Name any benevolent, beneficent church or religion which does not include the idea that these fruit are not to be desired or that they do not contribute in a Godly way to the improvement and benefit of all mankind regardless of the specific words, teachings, beliefs used to describe or define that faith. Yes! As long as there have been humans living on this planet, we have seen long histories where the opposite of fruit of the spirit is flourishing. Hatreds, wars, murders, idolatry, blind obedience to the "lust and passions of the flesh", tyrants, Kings, lords, emperors, dictators of every kind have been as much a part of human history as the fruit of the Spirit have. Talk is cheap. The words and thoughts of man, according to the Bible, "are only evil continually". "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh." It seems to me, TLC, that your theological basis for limiting and restricting worship, service, and praise to God is still wrapped up in your Pauline skewed "one Way only" Christianity. Your belief system appears to be threatened by diversity and disagreement. My suggestion? The the fruit do the talking.
  7. Just hiding, laundering, stealing money to fund their ragtag, group of psychosocial and intellectual misfits from the bizarro world of repulsive wierwilleism planted in these idiots while they were in da corpse. Once corpse always corpse you know.
  8. Dictor never got drafted by the USA. He was part of Lindberg's America First movement which supported the Nazis by keeping the USA out of the war in Europe. Dictor was a Nazi sympathizer at user during WWII, and after, throughout his life. John S. Lynn, the father of the lowlife jalvis, introduced dictor to the John Birch Society and all it's publications and propaganda. His son jalvis, incorporates JBS ideology into his TLTF group, and Professor john von schoenheit does the same. BOTH are right-wing Christian nutjob groups of LGBTQ haters, anti-Semites, racist haters of black folk, and rabid farther than right-wing Teapartyers. If Hitler was around, they'd be his loyal and trusted SS, and Geheimstatpolizei.....Gestapo. There is absolutely no social, interpersonal, or spiritual value to rivenbark's TWIt, exactly like there was none under dictor Paul or Ignacius LOYola Martinfail. They are empty frauds. They are anti-Christ in doctrine and practice. They do absolutely NOTHING that Jesus Christ commanded in terms of feeding the poor, housing the sick, and contributing to community advancement. They are all greedy, self-serving pigs and sodomites. They exist only to promote themselves and their insane perversion of the Bible. They are of all, the most lying and hypocritical of any so-called "Christian ministries" out there. They glorify da Debbil and the power of his Debbil spurts above the power of the Resurrected Christ. They DO NIT ALLOW FELLOWSHIP WITH OR PRAYER TO JESUS CHRIST! They teach that there are numerous Debbil spurts roaming the planet "seeking whom they may devour". They spend more time describing, defining, and hunting for Satan while Jesus Christ is ABSENT from their ministry according to their own teaching, is absurdly paranoid. The fear of Satan runs their sham outfit, not the love of Christ. Their leadership is a gross abomination before God and mankind. In the words of The Soup TV show: "The way, this is God. Please stop!". Amen to that.
  9. My opinion? Yes. They each worship the same god they invented from the Hebrew Old Testament. Include the Jews and you have the core of what they call The Abrahamic Faiths. They are all high on Joseph Campbell's Power of Myth list. Three versions of the same god and Hebrew scripture.
  10. Hi folks! The rabidly insane hatred for and constant hatespeech toward the LGTBQ community from the bowels of the "biblical research" moggies and moggettes of TWIt goes back to dictor Paul's days in Lindbergh's America First pro-fascism movement of the late 30's and early 40s here in the USA. Once dictor's inbred Naziism found its political validation in the John Birch Society, his hatreds were now "politically correct" as well as "approved of gawd". The Advanced Class was the breeding swamp for dictor's most personal peccadilloes of hate and sexual perversion. That's where he repeatedly browbeat his students into accepting his utter disdain for psychiatry, psychology and LICSW professional, medical couselling and science. He went on to nastily relegate the entire field and all its practitioners and patients to having been "born in a seance". All patients and practitioners were proclaimed to be possessed and only dictor had the rightly-divided answers and the "power" they contained. Cancer? Debbil spurts. Homos? Debbil spurts. Freud? Seed boy. Psychiatry? Born in a seance. Depression? Debbil spurts. Murder? Debbil spurts. The Pope and all the "top leaders" of ALL religions on Earth especially Christianity? ALL seed boys and girls. US Democrats, Liberals, Commie-pinko-socialists, hippies, civil and women's rights advocates.....all possessed or influenced by debbil spurts. Dictor spent the vast majority of his AC teaching minus-tray glorifying and describing and defining da Debbil, Satan, da Adversary, Beelzebub, Baal and all the various types of Debbil spurts of "possession and oppression" than he ever spent on the earthly life of Jesus Christ. heard of. The great attitude Vic built his personal mission on was NOT the love of Christ, but rather the fear of Satan. Christ was unavailable for fellowship or even being prayed to. He was ABSENT and dictor convinced his followers that he and his moggies took His, Christ's place! How anti-Christ can ya get?? JC's work and life were not enough. He's gone. I'm here in his place so I can do the job correctly until gawd sez it's done and then JC will come do the mop-up and hand out the piñatas. That's rightly divided??....LMFAO! Then, dictor is replaced by da forehead. Things go from depraved pathology to the truly bizarre! The okie doofus gave the god of this world far more than his just desserts. He made him the center of TWIt policy, activity, purpose and personal calling. Spirits in The Athlete epitomized da forehead's toddler-like understanding of the Bible. It was the child of the childmind of the fallen prince.....a deranged DVD of the bible fantasies of the dancing pwesident of TWIt......a view into the truly disturbed fantasy world in which da forehead reigned supreme......until reality came crashing down on craigie's camelot. How ironic it was that King okie, who cancelled the ROA and the WOW program because of "homo infiltration", was married to the lesbian lover of his future successor Rosie of Crotchaven during the entire time of the various homo purges conducted by ignatius Loy-ola De Martindale.. A faithful 4th corpse slut who allowed her faddah in da woid to arrange her marriage to the next pwesident of TWIt. Now that worked out just great didn't it Donna? After all those times you went down on vic's notably undersized manhood? That's all ya got??! Not as far as you and Rosie were concerned! But, you two had the dumbest jock on Earth getting all the "revelation" so you and Rosie were quite safe!.....LOL! You had King Doofus the Okie to cover all your tracks with his Sasquatch-sized footprints. Methinks he did protest too much, eh Billy Shakes? The visceral hatred of all things LGBTQ is an integral part of the TWIt DNA. It will be found in every offshoot as well with equal and sometimes harsher rhetoric and fervor. TLTF, STFI, "Rev" gerry wrenn's TWIt redux, et al. They all promote anti-Christ hatespeech and "doctrines of Devils". They are all neo-Nazi John Birch Society devotees as was their faddah-in-da-woid. Anti(against)-Christ, Anti-Semitic, blatantly racist, anti-LGBT haters just like the Westboro Baptist Church and the Phelps' of Topeka. It's in their DNA. They cannot help it. Hate lives deeply in their blood and they just must reproduce what their DNA demands. LGBTQ humans are just that......HUMAN BEINGS! They are not diseased dogs who must be euthanized like Hitler wanted. Christ died FOR ALL THAT WHOSOEVER WILL MAY COME UNTO HIM AND BE SAVED. No authentic Christian will hate anyone for whom Christ died. There are no exceptions to "whosoever"! There are no qualifiers. The Boss don't check between your legs to save ya. Why should some numbnuts RWCNJ.....right wing Christian nutjob.....decide that's her/his job?? Love is the fulfilling of the Law Jesus said. Not sexual preference or gender identity, or skin color, or spiritual beliefs, or the 2nd Amendment, or ethnicity or cultural heritage. LOVE. Unconditional, unrelenting, unswerving, indefatigable, hopeful and truthful......LOVE. You RWCNJs love your pets more than your fellow humans. You treat your dogs with more respect and concern. The words of Mohandas K. Gandhi come to mind....."I love your Jesus. It's your Christians I find troublesome". Thank God Jesus was not a religious leader.............peace.
  11. Wise choice imo BlueCord. Reached with good communication with the most important person in your life, your wife. Honest, mutual respect with the trust only live can bring, you two can't go wrong. Keep on ROCKIN' in the free world!
  12. Hey Oldies......how's Cookie Lof$stedt doing? She back in NY? Or CO? Hope she's well and happy. TTFN.
  13. Hi BlueCord. Welcome to the Greasespot!......Best site on the web for accurate, proven, and even publicly adjudicated FACTS on TWIt and all its pathological "trustees", from dictor paul to Rosie the riveter. Malignant paranoid narcissists, serial rapists and sexual predators, drunks, neo-Nazis and pathological liars. You have yet to come to grips with the fact that TWIt and EVERYTHING you and your wife have ever heard or "learned" from TWIt is false teaching and ALL of it is anti(against)-Christ. Jesus Christ has absolutely no place as the active Lord and Intercessor in ANY TWIt doctrine. There is no room for Christ in TWIt. They're all to busy trying to take the place of the absent Christ......and, He is indeed ABSENT from TWIt......with their private interpretation of their "Word"......plagiarized at its best from Bullinger, Stiles, Leonard, et al. You and your wife have been trained to allow TWIt doctrine to usurp your true identity in Christ. Heck!....you're not even allowed to pray to or have fellowship with the Author and Finisher of the faith which bears His name! Also, you have conditioned yourselves to trust no one outside TWIt's mogs and moggettes. They fear the Devil and his minions than they love the Boss, Jesus Christ. They are more consumed with their meaningless and fruitless "spiritual warfare against The Adversary" and all his constant attacks and conspiracies against them, than they are in a loving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. You have allowed yourselves to distrust everything, everyone, all the time.....especially those who question TWIt and their anti-Christ doctrine. They're all of the da Debbil or controlled by debbil spurts. You're either totally with them or you're with da debbil. Those Greasespotters are all bitter, angry, crazy or possessed. They're full of hate and vain babble. They're off da woid! Yeah well, welcome to REALITY! Hang in here for a while BlueCord. I think you'll feel at home quite soon. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, not the anti-Christ poison of TWIt. The Truth will make you free!..................peace.
  14. The surrounding of himself with an armed security detail and a tight entourage was not out of fear as much as it was out of malignant narcissism. My first summer school in 1971, dictor was everybody's pal. He walked around in shorts and overalls and hung out with his keedz. Lots of pizza and beer or burger nights, dances with secular rock and R&B music. There was no dress code other than Sunday nights and corpse nights (Tuesday's back then). Lots of laughter and music in prep for the first ROA. But, by the time of my first year in-Rez, it was already changing. As it turned out, I had an affinity for being hailed into dictor's office over the loudspeakers in the courtyard for personal reproof and correction meetings frequently during my first 4 months in the corpse. The first one, I entered his office smoking a cigarette and sat down without asking permission. OMG!....you'd think the world was ending! Dictor screams at me, "Stand up!". Would you walk into the office of President Nixon smoking a .... cigarette?". I quickly shot back, "I wouldn't wanna be anywhere near old tricky dick's office VP!" I was then ordered at top vein-popping volume, to get the .... outta his sight and never call him "VP" again! Never got around to yelling at me for whatever he called me in for. But, I began to see that malignant narcissistic delusional grandeur of dictor as the man-o-gawd. Comparing himself to Nixon as worthy of the same care, concern, respect and treatment for himself as the most important man on the Earth.....the greatest Apostle since Paul in the first centur, expositor of the great mystery, whose "specialty" was "the holy spirit field" which he co-opted and blatantNtly plagiarized from J.E. Stiles, B.G. Leonard, E.W. Bullinger, Kenyon, Pillai, Lamsa, Glenn Clark, Rufus Mosely, Starr Daily, Oswald Chambers, Rosalind Rinker, F.F. Bruce, Charles Welch, to name a few of his original researchers. So, when Dictor had enough $$ and "trained personnel", the security team, "Bless Patrol", guns, malpacks etc., took over and the goon squad began in earnest in 1975 under the guise of "spiritual vigilance and CP# 1" against the reprogrammers and the seedboy-led trinitarian denominations which were out to kill him and "the minus-tray of the word" we all stood for. Oh the humanity!......LOL! Add to the growing malignant paranoid narcissism, alcoholism, neo-Nazi politics and Aryan theology, stir in a little of Nietche's "Ubermensch" and a lot of sexual predation and serial rape, and you've got a lot to protect, eh? Surround yourself with family and corpses and build your kingdom. Grab guys like MacMullan, Quillen, Geer, Wajnberg, and some other psychopathic ex-marines, Green Berets, and general whackos, give 'em guns and "training" and turn them loose. First on the enemies without.....then, more sinisterly, the enemies within. The whole gun/security/bless patrol/goon squad thing was produced not by fear, but rather by a massive malignant paranoid narcissist's vain and self-serving ego trip. Sheesh!
  15. Hi Abigail! Very nice to see you.
  16. Ever wonder what Rod and JoAnn Marindale from OK thought about the bloodline their Botchagaloop son adopted as his own instead of the one they gave him? What about Okie Dope's own nuclear family? How did they fare the rise and fall of the dancing president? How are they faring the mighty crash and burn of moggy jr.? How about his sister? His brother? Wonder what all they went through, let alone his own children? The dictor-made-up Hueguenot bloodline thing came from a drunken Drambuie "nite owl" where vic was rambling on about his trip to Normandy after the first European WOW Festival in England. He of course, never had anything to do with WW II, other than his membership in Lindberg's Nazi-sympathizing America First movement of the 30's and early 40's, when Pearl Harbor happened and Adolph declared war on the USA. He never got drafted or enlisted in ANY war in his entire life. During that "emotionally taxing" visit to Omaha Beach, some corpse grad either with him, or prior to the Normandy side trip, found that vierville-du-mer place on a map of the French Coast and told dictor and entourage how close it was to Omaha Beach. So, they take the mog and his inner court to Vierville, and dictor gets the Hueguenot "revelation"......just like the snow on the gas pumps and theTulsa blizzard that never was.......never corroborated with any degree of certainty genealogically or historically.......simply "received from daddy's cookie jar" with icing, and Drambuie in his coffee......just the way gawd wants it to be. "Let some a$$kissing corpse kid do all the research and see what comes up.....they'll find out Father don't lie to me." Just like everything else, the wizard was furnishing his own OZ and he had the munchkin corpses around to "verify and validate" his every whim and "revelation". Pay no attention to the mog behind the curtain. Suspension of disbelief. Welcome to the religion of TWIt. You can check-in but you can barely leave..............
  17. Thanks WordWolf for bringing up that excellent post by oldschool.....what excellent insight and perspective, imo. Very illuminating. Regarding Rosie's Maiden name.......you know, the one that's on the social register in New Bern, NC dating back to colonial north carolina.......Fox...... I used to poke fun at her back in the daze of those 40th Anniversary Weekends in the Regions during 1981-82. She and Boob Winegarner were in charge of the whole PR and Way Prod schtick and accompanying entourage for those monstrosities of the dpw personality cult leading up to Living Victoriously in June, !982, at New Knoxville. I was trunk guy at the time and had to be at each of those events also....there were 8 regions in the US trunk then.....making sure the region and limb guys had all the necessary money, people, and emotional stability to handle these incredible juggernauts of TWIt worship and idolatry of the insane. This meant i always ran into them on the Way Prod Coach or Ambassador One at each weekend, which is where i learned to dislike each of them very much. They were simply top ministers in the court of the bloody king. I always made fun of Rivenbark about the little fancy home she had built for herself at the back end of wierwille rd. She paid for it to be custom built for her by Way Builders, including the nice big in-ground swimming pool and the latest most expensive interior furnishings and appliances, including furnished apartment with two bedrooms in the basement. SHE called it "Foxhaven". I called it "Crotch-haven" which was actually a triple entendre!......LOL!...... Nevertheless, completely accurate at every level. Rosie hated it, but every body else, (wine garner, coward and emogene, donnie, da forehead) cracked up every time i used it, so it wind up sticking big time, even making it's way through the entire president's cabinet.....LOL! Rosie was always kinda ....ed at me about that........and other things I'm sure. Let me just sum up my relationship with rFr......."I HATED every second of High Country Caravan ever produced, performed, or even thought of. I hated the band Braindead.....er 'skuse me......Branded, I hated the Victims....'skuse me.....The Victors......and I hated the entire concept behind it. It was completely offensive and embarrassing to me personally. Quite frankly, it was utterly repulsive to me." Since rosie and dictor were the two creative forces behind that POS and the in-the-flesh representatives of the entire concept and choice of the target demographic groups, the pink highlighted sentences accurately sums up my attitudes toward rosie at that time and since. Rosie changed as little as she was compelled to by the legal beagles, and that quite begrudgingly so at every inch. She's as dirty as the rest of her board members and their faddah-in-da-woid. She'll probably outlive 'em all except donna. Then.....it'll all be Gone With The Wind for Crotchhaven and Scahhrlet Rosie Fox. And, frankly Scahhrlet Rosie, I don't give a damn.
  18. Hi Shortfuse...... The guy "running" SOWERS is Victor Paul Wierwille II. He is a grandson of dictor paul, but his father is JP's kid, not a Somerville. JP and Doug "super-secret-double-probation special agent" MacMullan, (3rd corpse) and Jan MacMullan own the property in MS that SOWERS uses. They got all sorts ex-wayfers there and they are connected with CFFM in OH.
  19. "A post featuring blatantly political commentary and all posts that followed it (because they referred back to it) have been removed. It was decided some time ago that we would no longer host political discussions on GSC because passions ran so high that it became nearly impossible for the moderators to keep peace. It was not done to punish conservatives or liberals. It was done because political discussions bring out passions that we simply could not handle, and that was when we had oodles of moderators. Today we have one to three mods actively monitoring the forums on any given day. We all have jobs and we're unanimous in our lack of desire to make sure political discussions abide by the rules. This applies to everyone and every political persuasion. We. Don't. Do. Politics. Here." Thank you very much for that, Modcat5. Best way to lose any community is to inject the intolerance of partisan politics into any conversation or relationship. Guaranteed instant poison. I, for one, very much appreciate that rule and think it to be quite wise.
  20. "DWBH, you mean kinda like what this guy describes? A malignant narcissist?"..........OK.......malignant is a good word......kinda like purulent.
  21. Technically, in discussing vic's behavior with numerous Doctors and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners, as well as old corpse folks now involved in the delivery of both acute and chronic mental healthcare delivery, the following appears to be the most clinically accurate. Sociopathic paranoid narcissism with schizoaffective disorder. Alcoholic, misogynistic, racist, neo-Nazi fascist, serial rapist and sexual predator, surrounding himself with classic enablers and/or adoring followers. His life and ministry were entirely pathological from high school until his death. There ya have it. Any comments, thoughts, or opinions?
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