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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. And Donnie got his doctorate when? 1977 was it?
  2. Any one want to make an effort to return to the original purpose of starting this thread in the subforum "Spirit and Truth Fellowship" and posting opinions and/or counterpoints? Opinions as to the content of what I quoted in the opening posts on this thread from TLTF's most recent rehashed TWIt-n-Vic tripe? That was, after all, the purpose of the opening series of posts here prior to various detours unrelated to the opening series of posts and the topic. That seems to me to be the purpose of this subform. TY.
  3. Bye Twinky. Sorry you feel the way you do. I answered you honestly and politely. As I've said to you before......don't like my style, ignore me. I'm happy to do the same for you if you desire. One man's ceiling is another man's floor. I have stated. Just think of me as the Gordon Ramsay if the kitchen here at the cafe. Maybe that will help you think of my style a little less opinionated. Peace.
  4. One man's ceiling is another man's floor. I stated my opinions, you stated your's. I agree to disagree with you. Argue at length with yourself. I look forward to more opinions from other posters, as I'm sure you do. Have a great day today. Peace.
  5. Thanks WordWolf. Appreciate the info. The quotes on Skyrider's posts are all I've ever seen of the book too.
  6. I never went "after Twinky" WW. Your impression is wrong. You are absolutely able to have an opinion and express it. Your experiences with other posters through your years here as mentioned above are interesting, but, honestly irrelevant to my own experiences. I'll agree to disagree unless you insist on being argumentative. Maybe you need another "emotional" time-out?.........peace.
  7. Your "effort" to assure kindness and decorum in discussion of TWIt-n-Vic is noble and admirable, WordWolf. It is also highly opinionated and expresses your opinions regarding "decorum" on these threads. Your OPINIONS are respected here as you know. However, imo, it is not the "official" proclamation of the history of GSC, nor its mission. To blame the lack of "decorum" on those who are the brunt of consistent ad hominem attacks and false allegations regarding mental state or motivation is self-serving and myopic imo. You know better. You've been here long enough. If the poor little posters can't speak on their own behalf why do you think that's the fault of other posters telling the TRUTH and FACTS about TWIt-n-Vic? Why is it YOUR job to speak for them? Your platitudinal hypothetical scenarios of various possible "personal conditions" of new posters or members are just that......hypothetical. Your opinions are not fact, nor should they be generalized to all new or long-time members here. Your opinions are exactly that, your opinions. They are respected and considered here. But they are NOT the governing rules of this site, imo. Everyone's honest opinion is valued here equally. If your position is that posting "style" or "decorum" is more important than delivering the Truths and Facts re:Twit-n-Vic and the other side of the story, you have every right to post those opinions any time and anywhere you want. But I implore you, please do not insist that the rest of us are duty-bound to post according to your style preferences. Thanks, WordWolf, and........peace.
  8. I asked a simple question which included Twinky. Frankly, I am sonewhat annoyed at your constant petty criticism of HOW I say things versus an objective critique of the CONTENT, WordWolf. Your persistent private opinions about how I post rather than what I post are petty IMO. I do not criticize your posting style, WW. Why do you continue wasting time on style as opposed to content? Why do you PRESUME to know my intentions, and what I am thinking regarding the "why" of my posts? Why cast aspersions as to my style and question my motivation as if you somehow KNOW it?? If you don't like them, don't read them. In the meantime, attempting to "prove" your impartiality by playing style games to "protect" other posters who take issue with HOW I post rather than the content is somewhat disconcerting to me, especially since I have expressed my reason for "graphic" posting about TWIt-n-Vic numerous times. And, I have answered your critiques and posts quite plainly and politely. The mission of this site has ALWAYS been to tell "the other side of the story re: Twit-n-Vic. AFAIK, that mission remains the same. Your input and voice are respected here and you've been here a long time. If you think impartiality means bending over backwards to be "fair" to waybrained pontificators, so be it. But it is not changing the content or the style of what I post. Take issue with content. Physician heal thyself when it comes to style...............peace.
  9. One more thing Orville........ The mission of this site has ALWAYS BEEN to "tell the other side of the story" regarding TWIt-n-Vic, NOT to rationalize, justify, or equivocate about it and it's "leadership". YOUR personal story is unknown because you have refused to be honest and forthright about the things YOU EXPECT us to know about YOU. How 'bout eet, Orville? TTFN.
  10. Just because someone (me, in this case) doesn't bump and grind on VP (or TWI) with the ferocity and viciousness that you love to wield doesn't automatically put them (or me) in the camp of an apologist. Neither does my current understanding of and affinity for Pauline Christology (which is a FAR cry from what was/is taught and/or practiced in TWI, by VPW, by jolly lynn, or by any of your other favorite targets.) You are (and will undoubtedly remain) completely and totally clueless as to both: (1) any loss or hurt that my family endured, or (2) our current relationship with God and our Lord Jesus Christ." If YOU care enough about what your family and you "experienced" in TWIt, and what YOU REALLY BELIEVE or THINK, or FEEL, then honestly TELL us Mr. Obfuscator. Why should we care about any of that if you don't even have the forthrightness to tell us, but whine about how much we don't know about any of it? If you lack the conviction and honesty to tell us what you REALLY think, believe and feel, then why should we waste our time trying to do the same? You just present the same old lack of honest self-reflection and objective self-evaluation of any ex-wayfer who has yet to come to grips with the FACT that you were totally sucked in to a pathologically perverted, destructive, brainwashing CULT. Sorry boo boo, but YOU WERE. And, by your cryptic, self-serving, whiney, obfuscatory posts, YOU DO come across as a smarmy TWIt-n-Vic apologist. That"s because of your many equivocal, non-answer, whiney posts here. Don't blame us for your lack of honesty, forthrightness, and credibility. Or, "not liking you".......poor baby 3rd grader. Grow up, get honest, quit bulldangting, and have the simple guts and common courtesy of saying what you mean and meaning what you say. In the meantime, you'll continue to remain the incredible, foggy memories TWIt apologist you've proven yourself to be. It's no one's fault but your own, Orville.
  11. Awwww......TLC........did mean old dwbh make you think "I don't like you" again?.......I sowwy. I did not realize real, honest facts concerning your old church and its Royal Pauline family were so hurtful or offensive to TLC, you poor little obfuscator you. I'm sorry if truths and facts bust up your little Pauline religious views. Maybe you should just keep charming yourself with your own fantasies and falsehoods? Especially if you think only GSC "doesn't like you". Are you addicted to sticking around defending the indefensible to people who know better? Seems you're very thin-skinned about ANYTHING that doesn't agree with dictor Pauline or Ethelbert of London, or YOUR sweet memories of them. Maybe post at TWIt's site? Or, TLTF? Or, STFI? There are still a few of the deluded keeping old dictor paul's anti-Christ teachings alive there.....just the way you like them.....Full-o-Bullinger and your wonderful faddah-in-da-woid, dictor of new knoxville. I do not dislike you one bit TLC. I am IMPRESSED by your defense of all you hold dear from TWIt-n-Vic. I do dislike your lack of forthrightness, honesty, and constant need of approval from those who know the truths and facts about all of TWIt-n-Vic far better than you seem to, with quite a bit more acceptance of their REALITY. If honest facts from honest people cause you to feel disliked, undervalued or insignificant, then find a new place to get your necessary approval and validation of your disinformation. Very few people I have ever met dislike objective honesty regardless of how it may be delivered. Remember.......it is only The Truth, and accepting REALITY that makes one free, not foggy fond old memories. TTFN.
  12. WCOE was DENIED degree-granting status BEFORE ding dong ever got his Doctorate! He used to go to classes from his home at Emporia! He knew his PhD would gain him nothing other than being a "legitimate" Dr. Wierwille. One of the reasons he hated the old man, "who bought him his doctorate" (dictor's own words") in order to get Donnie on the BOT and try to "legitimize" the whole minus-tray by having a Dr. Of Education Admin on his board of terrorists along with thinking he could get Emporia's Presbyterian Church accreditation and degree-granting privileges re-instated. They were revoked during ding dong's first year at emporia as "Dean". Dictor figured if he got emporia accredited he could call Rome City an adjunct campus and use emporia as the accredited institution. Unfortunately for dic and son, that NEVER happened, despite the thousands they spent, not only on ding dong's doctorate, but also on all the applications and appeals of denial they filed to get the golden egg. So, ding dong was throughly (pun intended) ....ed off yet again at the old man for getting him to quit his principal's job at a WI middle school, spending all that time and money earning a legitimate Doctoral Degree in Education, to run two Podunk, non-accredited bible colleges with uneducated, unqualified faculty and administrators. A perfectly good PhD. thrown away on dictor's burning compost pile of a perverted pathological minus-tray. Ding dong, (DEW was well aware of this nickname at use among the corpse and staff for years, tlc, as if you didn't know. He even referred to himself often by that very nickname. When did you say you left HQ? Oh! That's right. That's part of your cryptic, cowardly, transparent, obfuscation "plan". LOL!)......knew Emporia and Rome City would NEVER be accredited by ANYBODY except themselves, so that's exactly what they did. For someone who spends so much time feeling bad about honest people "not liking" you (3rd grade anyone?) for posting mealy-mouthed pseudo-defenses of your beloved TWIt-n-Vic, I suggest you get your facts straight before you post more apologist garbage about your favorite dictor-Pauline family of bible thumping liars. TTFN.
  13. So then......are TLC and Twinky proposing that the TLTF teachings regarding their elevation of the Pauline Epistles to the status of "the apex of ALL REVELATION given to the Church" are correct?? How does that differ from dictor paul and Bullinger? How is it any less hyperdispensationalist than their teachings? All jally does is add yet another "administration"(sic!) to the trifle they're baking? DP lifted EVERY ONE of his meshuggene "corpse night and research" teachings on any of the Pauline Epistles straight from Bullinger's "The Church Epistles".......everything from the entire "literary structure" of all of them as a group, as well as each one individually, and as usual it was VERBATIM. All jallyroll has done is slightly revise and repeat everything dictor paul plagiarized from Bullinger, Welch, and his own "research department" and some of the brighter-than-usual corpse at the "root locales" or on da field. He repeats so many of dictor's flowery nonsense lines that one begins to hear DP himself boring us to tears with his phoney bible ramm a lamma ding dong, "literal translations according to Biblical useage", and institutionalizing dictor's elevation and idolizations of every thing Pauline, especially Ephesians to the "apex of all revelation to the Christian church". That's like saying "we need more lawyers and politicians" in our church. The focus of Christ-centered Christianity is the lifestyle He made available to his disciples by his death and resurrection and His sending of the Comforter, Holy Spirit, in His name. A new RELATIONSHIP between God and humanity via incorruptible seed. A relationship exemplified by the works and ministry of Jesus Christ.......e.g. feed the hungry, heal the sick, house the homeless, help the poor, and love without ceasing or self-service, along with "mass production" of the fruit of the spirit, reflecting the full Glory of God in the life and face of Jesus Christ, NOT Paul. Pauline Christianity is centered on liturgies, various different forms of worship, prayer, church polity and church structure. Paul added the hierarchical "gift ministries" in Ephesians, and the gifts ("manifestations") of the spirit in I Corinthians, which both B.G. Leonard mis-defined, dictor plagiarized VERBATIM, along with Bullinger's own misinterpretations of them. Who elevated and "canonized" Paul's personal letters to "godbreathed revelation"? Jesus Christ sure didn't. Who made up "the great mystery", or "the sacred secret"? Jesus? Why of course not! Jesus never knew it himself until after it was revealed by Paul?? I THINK NOT! Pauline writings certainly add forms of worship, prayer, liturgical ceremonies, and methods of church structure and outreach to certain Christian groups and churches. Many may even find them useful or helpful. But nowhere does the rest of "scripture" elevate Paul's interpretations, opinions, or writings, or "commandments" on The Old Covenant/New Covenant juxtaposition, or the Pauline teachings re: Christ and His short biographies in The Canonized 4 Gospels, to the level of THE WORD OF GOD, commanded by God to be accepted as coming directly from God or commanded as "doctrine, reproof, and correction" for the entire Body of Christ, let alone being "the apex" of ALL revelation to that Body. Paul was a professional Pharisee of the Pharisees. They thrived on their constant re-interpretation of "God's Word". Their interpretations of the canonized Old Testament ruled Israel and The Temple. What THEY SAID was law. That was their holy job, and Paul was one of the best there ever was. BUT he never was, and never will be Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ IS The Word of God incarnate, the very bread of life. Jesus Christ IS forever the one and only apex of all revelation ever given or to be given to all humanity in all the Earth for all time. NOT Paul of Tarsus, nor dictor paul of new Knoxville, nor Ethelbert of London, or jally frankencough of Indianapolis. The life of Jesus Christ provides all the doctrine, reproof, and correction we need. HE and HE alone. TLTF stands in direct opposition to the ministries of Jesus Christ. He is absent from them according to their own false teachings. Methinks they doth protest too much about being anti(against)-Christ. THEY ARE.
  14. In another thread, Penworks mentioned that dictor paul had a ghost writer for his "By The Way" editorials in the St. Mary's Evening Leader. She named Alison Heaney Freeland. She grew up in Rye, NY. Her brother Brian Heaney was a 2nd corpse grad. They were both "groovy Christians" along with one chris geer, the bus driver. Both geer and alison were 7th corpse grads. She was hardly the only ghost writer dictor used. Here's a brief list of who else wrote numerous BTW columns. Bill Winegarner, beence finnegan, da forehead, dave Carley, and myself wrote at least 6-10 each. I myself wrote 12. Ding dong wrote at least a half dozen, coward allen wrote 2 (with lots of help from cookie lofstedt). art poling wrote several, earl burton wrote a couple, as did Bo Reahard. I personally know those I mentioned wrote those columns for him. I never even knew heaney wrote them too. All of those on the president's cabinet were given letters from believers all around the world written personally to dp to answer for him and he signed his name to them. I got the majority of USA letters, Bo, finnegan, and coward got the Int'l Outreach letters plus numbers from the US Trunk. Da forehead got the corpse ones and ding dong got corpse and college letters. Winegarner (Bill), burton, and Reahard got the word in business and questions about the finances letters. Coward pawned almost all of those off to those guys. Rosie handled the letters re: Way pub, and Lombardi helped da forehead with the corpse letters along with jallyroll, Jenkinson and moynihan. That was daily practice for all of us. DP was too busy being spiritual, SITing for gawd and the universe and the entire minustray, getting revelation from "daddy's cookie jar" 24/7, and bangin' and boozin' his way through as many in-rez corpses as he could at every "root locale", and enjoying his old flames on da field wherever he went. THERE IS NO CONSCIENCE in sociopathy. Not even a "seared" one! Zero, zilch, nada, nichts, nothing. Add to that alcoholism and serial rape/sexual assault, and you'll begin to realize that the only "ministering" dictor paul ever did was to administer drugged booze to unsuspecting corpse girls and then force himself on them sexually to "teach them about gawd's love". It's embarrassing that we stayed so blind for so long, only to be cruelly betrayed by the moggies. The books JCOPassover, and JCPromised Seed, had not a single word contributed by DP in either of them. Are The Dead Alive Now was plagiarized from Bullinger. The only publication that DP did a good bit of actual writing for was JCINotGod. The shortest and most illiterate and textually inaccurate book of the whole lot of them. Every other book DP actually "wrote" was a transcript of either pfal or SNS, or some other "live teaching" dictor did wherever. It's hard to write when your too dumb, drunk, and lazy to do it. So really, in actuality, dictor paul never wrote ANYTHING himself! Not one sentence. Literally. I read his "doctoral thesis" on Peter and it was just like reading one of the old "collaterals" from early piffle classes after the '67 filming. If it wasn't for Donna Randall, wally cummins, Karen Wierwille and the growing numbers in the "research department", you'd have nothing at all for American Christian Press to publish. What a complete and total fraud. Wish he were here to read his real biography. He lived his lying false one until the day he died.
  15. TY WordWolf! Appreciate the info. I have never even seen Dotsie's book. I'd like to read it sometime to see what her recounting is. Any idea where I can find it to read? I read Whiteside's book only once. We used to go from Queens to her apt in Manhattan to hang out in the City. I never read the book more than once because Elena "held court" regularly at her place and would tell us the stories orally and many Wierwille-worshipping traditions began based on her experience in OH writing the book. The book she wrote, The Way Living In Love, was "old news" by the time it came out. We city folk never really went for her book. We were driving back and forth to new Knoxville often back in 1971 and 1972. Pressed Down moved to OH. I flew out to record on their first album. We went to summer school and the ROA in 1971. We met and hung with the 1st and 2nd corpses and lived at HQ for the summer school in the unfinished executive office building, the barn and the upper room, along with trailer six and seven, the single corpse women and men's trailers respectively. The entire atmosphere was very casual. Dic and the bigshots were readily available all the time. It was like a big happy family, lots of sports and lots of meetings/teachings in the BRC, a bunch of pizza and beer and burger nights, dances, live music. Totally different than even 7 short years later, and not in a good way. Most of the PFAL series was not even in written form yet. Word of mouth and the grapevine were the main communications from HQ. The books and all the "advanced studies classes" all started pouring out from NK in the first half of the 1970s. You are probably one of the few who has read and catalogued them and posted here at GSC much solid info gleaned from all the books. Thanks for all your work and input through these years of WayDale and the GSC.
  16. Hey BlueCord! Thanks for the update. Sounds like all is well. One idea I had regarding their mild attempt at "badgering by invitation"......so far, ignoring them with no answers has worked quite well. You owe them no explanation of anything. They'll get the hint one unanswered text or E-mail at a time. They are dense in the skull. Besides, it'll save you some time!........LOL. It was built up in your mind since 2010 bro. It was done purposely. It's called intentionally programmed fear of abandonment. As I've said before, FEAR of Satan is at the center of the only motivational techniques they employ. Fear, is all they have because there is no love of Christ in them. He's just a password to get your prayers answered, and pass out the piƱatas at their segregated, man-invented bema. Tell them to give my sweetest regards to the former lesbian lovers and leaders of TWIt, rosie and Lombardi. Tell them I've changed......BBWWAAAHAHAHA.
  17. Hi all! There are a number of ex-wayfers, and of course, the $$-grubbing "leaders and elders", ex-TWIt clergy and way corpse sycophants, who delude themselves into thinking that TWIt-n-vic "wasn't always rotten from the beginning". That the gathering of money, followers, properties and hyperbolic adulation, particularly from the 1970's until 1985 when he croaked due to occular melanoma with metastatic disease to the liver. This is simply NOT true. In actuality, dictor was rotten from the womb, but his sociopathic narcissistic behavior began acting out in his early teens. Just ask ANYONE who has ever lived in or around new Knoxville. While alive, you could have even asked his own brothers, sisters, spouse and his oldest son, Donnie, along with a long list of extended family and most of the native new knoxville population! Dictor was an "ordained clergyman" by 1942, when he claims he and gawd started TWIt. He was an ordained clergyman when he had an extra-marital affair with Rosalind Rinker, a well-known evangelist and speaker back in the mid to late 1940's. She is the author of the title, "Power For Abundant Living", which was the name of a pamphlet she wrote and one of her lecture topics. She also was the author of dic's favorite phrase, "the word of God is the will of God". Vic mentions her departure from him in the 1940's, and how it was a grave sin between them which caused him to repent and her to leave. Then, dictor hired a young pianist/music director for his chimes hour youth caravan. She was a young Mennonite from western NY. Her name was Rhoda Becker. She later went on to be vic's church and "personal" secretary in Van Wert. After using her up, dictor passed her off to his brother Reuben who was married to her until he died. Thank you Rhoda. So, dictor was nowhere near starting to "break bad" when the free-spirited, sexually active hippies started thronging to da farm in OH. He'd been raping and sexually assaulting women at least 20 years previously. He was an unabashed, sexual assaulter and flagrant adulterer for 20 years already by the summer of '69. This was nothing new! Dic probably thought it was another miraculous answer to prayer.......LOL! Plagiarizing others and sexually abusing women are what Vic built his minus-tray on. He was breaking bad from high school already, and NEVER broke good. It never had much to do with God or Jesus. It was just an easy way to make money and get laid. Try to put a timeline to "the founding" of TWIt. Was it 1942? Was it after Rosalind Rinker left Van Wert? Was it the blizzard in OK in 1951, when J.E. Stiles "led him into tongues"? Was it when he first took B.G.'s "Gifts of the Spirit" class in 1952? Was it when he taught B.G.'s class on his own and called it power for abundant living? Was that in honor of his hot love for Rosalind or her Bible? Was it on the trip to India in '56? Was it when he was fired by the Evangelical and Reformed Church for "misconduct"? Was it when Harry bought him the family farm and ACTUALLY started The Way Inc.? Was it when they dedicated the BRC? And, most interestingly, was it the snowy gas pumps apparition (or hallucination) and the audible voice "commission" from God himself? What year was that??? He never says does he? Sounds like it was in Van Wert, but WHEN?? IF, it happened at all before dic told his legendary pile of "miracles" to Elena Whiteside in 1971. Ahhh......the blissful delusions of malignant paranoid narcissism and alcohol! That's the gawd who pulled off all the various foundings and iterations of Vic-n-twit. The letters linked by Penworks are indeed "evidence" of dictor's pathological alcoholic rollercoaster ride through psychoemotional terrorism. The consumers of the worst of dictor's "righteous wrath" we're his corpse. There are dozens who carry on his pathologies in their own names with their own minustrays. Volume does not turn lies into truth or evil into good. Serial rape and sexual assault are not fruit of the spirit. Sociopathic malignant paranoid narcissism is the stuff of genocidal dictators and wide-eyed, smiling cult leaders. None of those destructive illnesses and addictions to hateful behavior teach of Jesus Christ nor His Heavenly Father. They raise up and maintain Satan, Da Debbil to his rightful place in TWIt......the center of all power, influence, authority, calling, and purpose of all Vic-n-twit were and hoped to be. Rosie, Donna, and Howard are no less self-deluded and mentally ill. There's nothing new or different at or about TWIt today. It remains the fulminating infection of wicked people and sick minds with no good intent or good will toward their fellow humans. They are all destined to join dictor paul on the dungheap of the dark side of human nature. What a minustry!!!
  18. Oooohhhhh!......"foul tongue and brash swagger". Ouch.......LOL! Ad hominem attack any one? Thanks for proving what I just posted, Orville. Hope you're charmed by yourself again. No one else is. Get honest and get real. You're long overdue. TTFN.
  19. Nor do I care. Not in the least. How many years did you spend singing his lyrics, orville? Or was your smug superiority complex strong enough to keep you in ignorant denial of those facts? You were just too smahrt to really believe you bought the same crap we all did, eh? More importantly, you appear to accept much of the same old crap dic spewed which, of course, you never really believed because you were soooo smahrt back then already, right. As I said before, I could care less what you believed then, or now. And, as far as why you left and when, I could care less about that either. If it is supposed to engender interest in your self-centered, cryptic beliefs then or now, it has failed miserably. It communicates nothing other than how impressed you are with yourself and whatever "distancing" you managed since your tough decision to leave HQ. Everyone is oh so proud of you orville, OK? If you choose to charm yourself with yourself and your lack of forthrightness and transparent honesty to actually say what you think and tell it like it is does nothing but further decrease your credibility and that of your posts. Get honest mr. bigshot. Or is honest reflection and evaluation part of what you've left behind while "distancing yourself" from your beloved dictor and his HQ? I guess we'll never get the real Stohree from you either, will we. Your just to smahrt to be honest and tell us what you really think and believe. If it doesn't matter enough to you to even formulate some non-equivocal words with a genuine point other than proving your expertise with red herring, straw man, and ad hominem logical fallacies, than why should it matter to us here at GSC? Buy a clue orville.....your stated commitment to obfuscation matters to no one but you. TTFN. ,
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