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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. Yeah, Skyrider.... splinters are oftentimes worse than the original disease from which they metastasized! Look at “Rev” Charlie Quillen’s “Faithful In Christ Ministries” out of Chicago, IL & hooked in tight with CFFM, SOWERS, Wrenn, Reahard and all the other pathetic wierwilleites running around the fringiest fringes of the Alt-Right Aryan “Christian” Dominionist groups flooding the evangelical fundamentalist persecuted hordes of the faithful! They provide shelter and cover for each other, doing their best to sweep away all the blood tracks dripping back to Wierwille, The Way, and and all the spiritual and sexual abuse that they participated in and/or enabled! Quillen (along with MacMullan) was the wannabe Heinrich Himmler of the wierwille/martindale reich....Head Of The Gestapo and SS. We’ve had tons of stories here at the GSC through the years, involving the creepy stares and eerie presence of the “bless patrol chief’s” security for the MOGs of TWI. Standing guard at the door of the motor coach as the abused victims marched in and out under the watchful stare of “Rev” Quillen and “Rev” Geer, game OF Thrones 1970s cornfield cult style! LOL! Well, now “Rev” Charlie has a pretty decent sized Wierwille-cult in IL now and has all sorts of “related pages” and “ministries” he sponsors, like “The Solution Radio Show: Jesus Christ Is God’s Solution” which is advertised all over Charlie’s pages. Greg Backes runs the joint and hooks up with old TWIt broadcast refugees like Mike Verdicchio, the voice of Sprits In The Althlete, who also does some jeeezus show on some radio station out west somewhere. CFFM, and SOWERS are heavily promoted as is Sparrow Cartoons, a “Christian” cartoon publishing company owned and operated by none other then one of Charlie’s most loyal Blesstapo Patrol henchman, and Heinrich Himmler to convicted rapist and cult leader, and fellow corpse bruddah, Victor Barnard! Frontczak has 476 likes and followers on his page now! Taking care of each other is now their job, instead of taking care of the wierwille family. Well......same thing really, since the only wierwille’s still living are all active in CFFM, SOWERS, or John Hagee Ministries......and these ex-wayfer cults are all intermarried with each other! So, I agree, Skyrider. The splinters are worse in the sense that they have brewed and distilled wierwillean doctrinal and psychosocial perversion down into a slick, state-of-the-art megachurch con, as good and as far removed from what’s left of TWIt in New Knoxville and Gunnison. Makes it easier to “forgive” your old pals and overlook their current associations and alliances with cult-buddies and grifters from their glory daze in TWIt, boozin’ and sexin’ it up in the name of jeeezus and da holy spurt! Worse than hypocrites......cowardly, shameful enablers. Worse indeed, Skyrider. Worse indeed.
  2. I totally agree with waysider. Take your time. In pseudo-legal and legal questions such as these, I certainly have no desire to see any victim, witness, or whistleblower be injured in any way. Neither have I enough legal accumen to know if and when I’m saying anything “wrong”, or other than what I know to be factual and true. However, I remain indignant, (hopefully righteously so), whenever the scumbags I KNOW are guilty as sin of harming the flock of the True Shepherd, live and continue to breed their perverted evolving mutation of wierwille’s self-serving, sociopathic MOGism, as if nothing THEY ever DID was as bad as what their MOG du jour did! Lying, thieving, grifting cultist weasel bastids! LOL! It irks me terribly! That being said, I don’t think that either of the Mods here want to go against one of the primary missions of this great old Spot, by maliciously withholding the “other side of the story” regarding TWIt or any of it’s ridiculous and annoying splinters, offshoots, and blunders! Both are meticulously honest and respected men in their respective professions, neither of which is The Law. They do what they do here, spending their most valuable asset, their time, volunteering here to keep the Old Joint open and the coffee fresh. They do a heckuva job imho, and I think both pay due props to the soul of this place as Pawtucket formed it out of TWIt’s earliest fugees, and boldly, fearlessly, HONESTLY, and repeatedly TELLING THE TRUTHS AND FACTS about the other side of the TWIt monstrosities we had all been a part of and come out alive! I trust that the issues can be justly and properly resolved so that legal and pseudo-legal matters will not preclude the free, open, and honest telling of the REAL TWIt story!................peace.
  3. Wow Oldies! Once a cultist always a cultist I guess, eh? LOL! A 50 year long circle. Glad you found your way home. I still like Pope Frank! Way better guy than that DiKKKtor Paul pope you used to worship! And, a helluva lot less dangerous too. Light some candles in St. Paddy’s for us here at the GSC when ya get a chance. Thanks!
  4. Absolutely and completely RIGHT ON!!! Thank you Skyrider!
  5. I think TLC should make an extra love offering to the GSC! He definitely got the benefit of “makes life meaningful” from the GSC foundational class for the logically and intellectually challenged! Glad he’s got a sandbox here to whine and ruminate in. At least local officials know where they can find him. I hope he’s not armed!! LOL!
  6. Raf and Rocky...... I admire your patience in continuing to debate with those who have clearly renounced the use of reason. It is an exercise in futility, imho, and as Thomas Paine said, it’s like “administering medicine to the dead.” LOL! i say this not as a matter of condescending sarcasm, but as an objective view of the numerous grand debates throughout the course of mankind's history regarding the fundamentally contrary positions of reason versus faith. Oftentimes, the conclusion on both “sides” is that they tend to be mutually exclusive, precisely because their definition of terms is contradictory. For example, take the word “evidence”. The “spiritual” definition of the bastardization of the meaning of “evidence” is epitomized by dictor paul’s incessant repetition of, ”Speaking in tongues is the manifestation in the senses realm, of the internal reality and presence of holy spirit. The evidence that you are born again from on high and that you’re going to heaven and all hell can’t stop you!”. This is a slick cover-up of the old logical fallacy of false equivalence. DP gets the “student” to equate speaking in tongues as MATERIAL EVIDENCE in the “senses realm” of holy spirit present in the person speaking. The cognitive dissonance of the illogic is smoothed over by the invention of a non-existent “spiritual realm” equal, if not superior to, the realm of the incomplete “natural man” which is unfortunately limited to only what she/he can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch. However, every mammal on Earth learns everything it ever knows like that, so limiting mankind to the realm of incomplete “body and soul”, discounts or eliminates that which really sets humanity apart from all the other mammals....THE ABILITY TO THINK/REASON at a higher level than any other species on the planet. Once you can get a human being to equate being “limited to the 5 senses” to the need for the superior “spiritual knowledge” that SOMEONE ELSE owns the secret to, you diminish that person’s ability to THINK, and convince that person that she/he NEEDS the completion that only “God” can bring in order to really “know that you know that you know!” what the TRUTH is and what the meaning and purpose of life is. Neat trick used by every successful snakeoil salesman in history. LOL! So, for the statement I quoted at the opening of this post to even be put forth as a meaningful, substantive, or rational topic for discussion or consideration is, imho, absurdly ludicrous. Hence, my admiration of your patience! Good luck in your medication administration to the intellectually dead walking among us under the guise of “spiritual” ANYTHING, let alone insight or wisdom............peace fellas!
  7. WOW!! Hearty congrats, Raf and your fellow Sun-Sentinel colleagues!! What an honor and accomplishment!
  8. This thread is rapidly becoming one of my favorite! Wonderfully heartfelt, HONEST, and well-articulated firsthand experience, personal courage, and transparency for all to respect and enjoy. Thank you all. Keep it going!
  9. The final date of September 11, 4 BC, was arrived at by Ernest Martin and confirmed by Bernegger, McCrae, and John Crouch. That’s why it was in the book they wrote Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed. David Wilensky and I were also involved in tracking this down, he more so than I. He actually worked with Bernegger and McCrae on the original manuscript of what Vic stole from them, covering it up by excommunicating Bernegger, Fanning, and McCrae at a public kangaroo court show trial in Emporia. I was there teaching an Old Testament History class for 3 weeks, and present at this shitshow on a Wednesday Corpse night from Emporia. In those daze, the weekly corpse meetings with dictor paul teaching, were done on Wednesday’s (having been moved from what had been it’s “traditional” Tuesday night slot), with telephone hookups to all the “Root Locales”.....HQ, Emporia, Rome City and Gunnison. So this public hanging took place live at all four of these locations simultaneously in real time. Fortunately, since David’s involvement was “unofficial”, and based upon Bernegger and McCrae’s sincere respect for David's mathematical genius........ (no hyperbole here, it was fact!), and experience flying in and interpreting the data and photos of U2 missions, and the intelligence interpretation of satellite intelligence data for the DOD, CIA, and the FBI...... .....David avoided any part of this grand inquisition. How ever you choose to determine the actual length of Christ’s life, whether he was 31 at crucifixion, or 33, the actual chronology of the crucifixion, death, and resurrection is determined not by the futile efforts to “harmonize” the Gospels, but by the Old Testament laws regarding the Feast of Passover as found in the Pentateuch. That is what I choose to rely upon. This chronology is not dependent upon which day of the week the Passover fell on. Also remember, the Hebrews used a lunar calendar different from our familiar Julian calendar. At the “upper crust” levels of modern day textual criticism and research, the number of years Christ ministered “in the flesh” are still debated constantly. Heck! His very existence in the flesh is debated in these circles in places like Oxford, Cambridge, Jerusalem, Harvard, University of Chicago, and a good number of other well-known and well reputed institutions of higher learning and religion. So, if one chooses to accept the 4 BC theory, then the crucifixion could have taken place from 27 AD to 29 AD. Crouch himself still travels around to offshoots and splinter groups doing an excellent presentation of all this stuff. He and Gervais stopped and visited me on their way up to North Adams, MA, to teach this subject free of the dictor paul shadow and chains. Smart guy!
  10. Hi Info! Pardon me, but it was E.W. Bullinger who provided the “chronology” of Christ’s crucifixion, NOT dicto paul. He plagiarized that!
  11. Excellent post, Penworks! TY! IMHO, the offshoots and their hypocritical, lying “leaders” are WORSE than dictor paul’s and da forehead’s AND Rosie the riveter’s TWIt personality cult. Why? Because every single one of them has accepted WHOLEHEARTEDLY the entire anti-Christ doctrine, practice and agenda of dictor paul’s Aryan Nazi religious CULT! EVERY SINGLE ONE, for 50 years now!! They are committed, dedicated, and totally reprobate with cauterized consciences. They are Pharisaical fundamentalists, false, and diabolically EVIL ENEMIES OF THE CROSS OF CHRIST. Woe to them! Morons!
  12. Okay! 4/15/2019 here we come. Will Raf get a tax refund or not???
  13. Todd White was married (or is?) to Paula White, one of your “president’s“ favorite alt-right Nazi preachers. Why are you using the doctrinal forum in GSC to promote these phony healers, false prophets, and greedy wolves among God’s flock??? Raf, I protest this bigoted “Christian” BS being promoted here. It’s like promoting dictor paul’s wretched, destructive, fundamentalist Nazi personality cult.
  14. Happy Birthday Twinx!!
  15. Hi Leah! Don’t you dare quit! You ARE on the right path. It’s right because YOU are choosing it. YOU are determining who YOU are! That is the single most difficult task of human development, and at the same time, the most rewarding and fulfilling. That’s why I said, “don’t you dare quit”. You will make it to your authentic YOU if you just keep on going. Damn the hurt, the pain, the fear, the shame, the guilt, and the weariness. Just keep on keepin’ on! According to the 8 stages of human development, the 4th One is “identity formation”. Usually, according to the data, it occurs between the ages of 20-32. It follows adolescence, (12-19), and it is THE critical stage of human development. Observe the usual activities people in the age range 20-32 are engaged in these days in our frenetic culture.....college, trade school, the military, all crucial development tools which help one to self-determine her/his occupation, basic philosophy of life, and accepting who you have decided to be. For most of us here, those were the very years we got involved with TWIt. The TWIt cult stunted our development at the most critical stage. Dictor paul’s psychiatric dysfunctions and perversions, along with the Nazi-like authoritarianism and militarism of his corpse program produced what I term, a forced adolescence upon all wayfers, because the way took over determining our identities with it’s cult indoctrination and a rigid military-like discipline in order to “be the best” according to what the cult determined was “best”, period. But, the incredible cognitive dissonance we all experienced between what wierwille said and what wierwille DID became too much for us to bear, eventually driving our “authentic” selves back to the surface from under the smothering mind control and extreme peer pressure from the cult, and, avouding a psychological breakdown, we summoned enough personal courage to get the hell out of Dodge and retake control of our own, authentic lives....lives WE choose and people WE choose to be with. That’s where the anxiety and depression become an issue. There is so much cognitive dissonance that it usually requires professional help from a licensed counselor in order to sort it all out. It is, unfortunately, a necessity for most, because we have no sense of ourselves outside the complete dominance of the cult in every part of our minds and bodies. Our personal human development was detoured by a destructive religious cult, but by the strength of will and reason, WE now get to determine who and what we are according to OUR standards, beliefs, and desires. This takes time and a bunch of getting used to, but the end of adaptation is FREEDOM, liberty, and confidence that you can do it again as often as necessary. As you can see, I too can ramble! LOL. But more importantly, I want to strongly encourage you to keep on going! YOU ARE on the right path for YOU. We’ve all been at multiple crossroads in our lives, and we are here to help, to listen, to encourage, to inspire, and to hug whenever you need help along your journey to self-actualization. A cool glass of water and a cold, juicy peach on a hot day, passed on to a fellow traveller with love, unspoken understanding, and a joyful smile to help you hang in there baby!! That’s the GSC. As you said, by the grace of God, you have a full life! A loving partner, 2 lovely babies, a good career doing something YOU love because YOU love it and trained for it. YOU did all that! YOU! And YOU will conquer the current difficulties with the help of others also traveling the freedom road to self-identification and rewarding fulfillment......you’ll see REAL fruit of the spirit in your life and you will be happy and at peace. Don’t you dare quit! We love YOU because of who and what YOU are. You belong. You are free to be you. Just do it! We’ll help in any way we can. Peace.
  16. And, perhaps, try being less smugly judgemental. That seems to help conversations around here. Try it.....you may like it. LOL!
  17. She’s a very stable genius! There are so many geniuses running around these daze! It’s like a bunch of Nietzsche’s ubermenchen are raising themselves from the dead and the chemtrails, and are once again co-habitating with us poor limited-to-the-five-senses natural man human beings! Oh happy daze are here again!!
  18. When’s Easter this year?
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