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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. Hi Grace! Welcome to the Spot! Glad to have you here. You'll find out PLENTY as you read along. Enjoy! As long as Ros-a-lie and Lombardi are alive, they'll have control over de Liar. Skyrider knows all about de Liar. Only thing you really need to know about the new cult leader is that he was picked by the old one! That says it all. One case of walking amoebic dysentery recognizes the same in the other. Guaranteed he's as much of a putz as dictor paul wierwille was, but nowhere near as "charismatic". And, no matter what, no one will ever be worse than da Forehead! LOL! Any one picked by TWIt to run TWIt is a guaranteed social moron and "spiritual" idiot. The intellectual prowess of a lava rock, and the compassion of a maggot.
  2. Those Lally idiots were sociopathic Nazis. She was in the 4th corpse. From NY somewhere. He was 8th corpse, and really quite a knuckledragger imo. They stayed until 2000! Were big shots in the naked empire, and gleeful leaders of the inquisition years, Two very stupid and self-serving creatures who hurt many and were despised by many more.
  3. Yeah Belle! i agree with Twinky! I'll always remember your tremendous input on that jeff'n'jal crisis thread back in 2007! And, so many more informative and honest posts through the years here! Really good to read ya!!
  4. Sheesh! Eternal life is necessary for you guys to give this topic a rest. Raf.....you have the patience of Job. Do you have the same "salvation" too??? BWAAAAAHAHAHAHA!
  5. Hallelujah glory to ya! hearty congrats to Lindsay Tornambe! A true heroine for all women and girls who have suffered at the hands of malignant, paranoid narcissists in "Christian" clothing. He should be strung up by his mini-testicles and crapped on by hogs and nibbled by rats. Sorry, but that's how I feel! So should her "parents". [Moderator snip: Come on, DWBH!] May you receive all the "rewards" at the "bema" you deserve! Way to go Lindsay! Please forgive my heartfelt hyperbole. TY.
  6. "Better bring a bucket!".......Monty Python.
  7. RAF.....latest forecast from 5pm today showed Matt hitting the Space Coast(eye over Melbourne), and then up the coast to GA where it makes a freaking U-turn and bangs around the Bahamas and maybe north central Cuba as a cat1. It could amp up after that again they say and circle back around, but most models have it pooping out in the Caribbean. Looks like it's gonna be a wicked blow. Hang tough all you Floridians. BTW......Rick Scott sucks the big boogewiener!
  8. Yikes! Good luck to all you Floridians! Hang tough.
  9. Thanks for reading frank123. Glad to know there are some who get helpful info from what I post. I love this place, and I'm sure glad it's still open for business! Great coffee and food for thought.
  10. Happy to be alive at such an interesting time in the human story. I am enjoying being a grandparent, and breathing fresh mountain air all day long. Yes.....many varied challenges, but, at heart, still a cock-eyed optimist a la Rogers and Hammerstein. Great to see you here at the spot. Thanks for saying hi!
  11. Hi Tzaia! Always great to read you! Succinct, to the point, and wry. How's everything in your interesting life?
  12. Hey there WG! So good to see a post from you! Hope all is well.
  13. Ya know.........as much as these vain babblers say they live to serve Christ by His grace and mercy, TWIt-n-vic, TLTF, STFI, wrenn, SOWERS, finnegan, rood, sides, et al, they, more than any other Christians I know of, are among the most works oriented bible idolaters on the planet. EVERYTHING in life, death, and in between has to to with their forged and foibled "Written Word of God". They even teach Jesus Christ only had "the written word" (The Old Testament) to go on for everything he said and did always. Nothing works in their ritualistic, over-structured "minustray" without the bibliolatry DPW ingrained in them. "The word, the word, and nothing but the word!" The entire context of jally's new piffle redux, JCDOA, is all wierwilleism and other smarmy bible-crap. And, it's all based on what YOU DO, or don't do according to da woid. God is completely limited by your "believing action" just like he was in TWIt. God is not in control! Either the debbil is or YOU are, BY YOUR CHOICE. So, your will trumps God's will, because no matter what, YOU must not blame God for YOUR defects in faith and practice. It's YOUR fault not His. Works get you "rewards(or not sic!) at da bema. If YOU don't do what THEY say Da Woid says you must do you lose. There's more to their eternal life than just making it to paradise. You got to make God's work in and through Christ and the salvation They accomplished better! You gots to get rewards for following Christ. How do you get them? Not by how much word you know but how much word YOU DO......WORKS. It's all up to the choices YOU make. God and Christ are powerless unless YOU choose to believe jally's version of da Woid. WOW! What an insult to God and His Son, IMO. That must be why jally's latest WWF "teaching" is all about how suffering is the key to good Christian character and victorious living. How's that working for ya jally?
  14. Just as a goofy aside....... Regarding soul life in the animal kingdom....... I have always enjoyed Genesis 9:6ff in this regard. It's the account of Noah right after the flood is receding. It is the record of the first Covenant between Jahweh and man after Eden. It declares that God will never again destroy the living creatures of ANY kind ever again, and as a signature to this everlasting covenant with man and all living creatures, God gave the sign of the rainbow. I think of Genesis 9 every time I see a rainbow.......or, look into the eyes of a dog, a horse, a great ape, a cat, an otter, a dolphin, a blue whale, a grey parrot, a tortoise, an eagle, etc. Soul is awesome, and it's not the sole possession of humankind. Just my thoughts........peace.
  15. Very interesting topic. Thanks Bolshevik! i never bought vic's anecdotal yet "god breathed" evidence of any of the manifestations. Why? Because I "grew up in da Woid" under a couple of Steves who had it goin' on with Jesus Christ ! And, those Steves were Perez and Heefner, and, imho, they were both and each the "real deal" along with their spouses, Laurie P., and Sandi H. And, under THEIR genuine "ministries", I was won to Christ and became a dedicated and bold disciple. Piffle was merely a class....a biblical proof that the Word was right and righteous! The real movement of God, through Christ, via holy spirit was what was happening every night in fellowships around NYC and LI. There was no stoopeed, hokey dictor paul contaminating the revival by Christ that was crashing through the northeast and every other part of the 1970 USA. That WAS God and The Boss, JC, doing their thing among the idealistic hippies of the late 60s. DPW lucked out enough to catch that wave with a BG-Bullinger board and a load of bullshit that was perfect for his day and time and hour....LOL! What an absolute fraud! Even in the first AC I took, in Rye, NY in March, 1972, I never bought the John Noble anti-Beatles BS, or the "all psychiatry was born in a seance" garbage. I knew better, both intellectually and experientially, thanks to the Perezes, and the Heefners, along with my medical and nursing training. Carrying this internal conflict and cognitive dissonance was for me, the single most personal betrayal of self I ever committed in my life. I thankfully have both made amends to those I have hurt, and repented before the Lord Jesus Christ and those whom I have harmed, asking, and receiving their forgiveness......for which I am unspeakably thankful and duly responsible.
  16. Yikes! Chockfull.....men in tights....LOL! Sounds Shakespearean.
  17. Seriously.....da forehead is one of the most densely self-deluded malignant paranoid narcissists I've ever met in my life. He had the critical thinking skills of a salted slug. He had the personality of a redneck thug, as easily put down as Joe Pesci put down the same in My Cousin Vinny......LOL! The boy was simply a really dopey, Southern Baptist wannabe athlete with a subpar intellect and the personality of a Pamploma bull. He allowed a drunken, malignant paranoid narcissist to frame loy-boy's identity as the bumbling stumbling fumbling jock doofus moggie that he turned out to be. A knuckle-dragging Prince with no redeeming value of any kind....social, intellectual, or spiritual. The dope is an entire package of LOSER. He is a very ill RWCNJ, with a chip on his shoulder the size of Anatacrtica, and twice as cold. He is a self-consumed Shskespearan tragedy in real time. A miserable ghost of a subhuman mutatation. EEWWWWWWWW!
  18. Thanks chockfull! It's like it was written yesterday.
  19. God is able to save to the uttermost all them which call upon His name. No specifics re:Buddha, Brahma, Vishnu, Muhammad, Confucius, The Great Spirit of the Indigenous Americans, Sikhism, Christianity, Shintoism, Gnosticism, and so forth. By their fruit shall ye know them. The One True God is not and never has been a "one-trick-pony". He's never been fitted into any man made theological boxes or "definitions". She is GOD period, and can do whatever the heck She wants to do, anywhere, at any time, in any manner She sees fit. All the rest is man made. Dem's da facts jack!......imo.
  20. Hi DogLover! By no means did I intend to criticize your question, nor would I criticize anyone for honestly questioning anything DPW taught or implied. I simply tried to define the context in which your question is set, i.e. wierwille's advanced class. It is within THAT context that I posted what I did above. I apologize if you took any personal offense at what I posted. I meant no such offense to come from what I wrote. Love and peace to you.
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