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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. Waysider.......it was B.G. Leonard from whom dictor paul plagiarized verbatim, the definitions of all nine of the "manifestations". Verbatim! From SIT to Gifts of Healing, all B.G. DPW NEVER wrote ANYTHING! He couldn't! He had every one of his "written works" transcribed from tapes made of all his garbage at Chimes Hour Youth Caravan and his Sunday sermons. He was too dumb to write. Plagiarism was necessary for him to write anything. That's why it's all word-for-word. So, first Rhoda, and then his daughter Karen, and later, Donna Randall, transcribed and edited everything to make it sensible, coherent English. Dic could not write! He was a C- student at Sheboygan Mission House College. He attended Princeton Theological Seminary which has absolutely NOTHING to do with Princeton University. It was a separate, Presbyterian Seminary located in Princeton, NJ, with zero affiliation with anyone except the Presbyterian Church! Another false assumption dictor purposely promoted to enhance his "academic credentials" in the PR propaganda dic used to hype himself. FRAUD much??? LOL! "I find it interesting that everybody here attacks me personally. Nobody address the things I say about the word. You keep wanting to make it about VP. Nobody here really knows my thinking on VP or the twi because I've said next to nothing about either. Go back and look. My interest is in the word. I started this post by saying I don't care how I got the word, VP, Stiles, Buillinger, or whatever or whoever doesn't matter. I'm pro word and seldom think about VP, twi, or any splinter group. I'm involved with NO group whatsoever. I've not been to one fellowship with the Way or any splinter group. My thoughts are my own. True, some line up with what VP says, but that doesn't mean VP channels through me when I speak." Okay Rich. So what's the Julian Bible Institute that your e-mail address blabs about?? Not a group???? YOU LIE! Typical of brainwashed personality cultists. Congratulations! You have proven yourself once again! LMAO!
  2. Hey Rich! Why not troll TLTF, STFI, GEER, LTFI, and the 3000 other TWIt offshoots? Agree with them too much, I guess? You and JulianBible are just another TWIt wannabe worshipping a drunk, Nazi, malignant, paranoid narcissist with the accompanying compulsive pathological lying, a serial sexual batterer and rapist, misogynist, racist, bigoted fraud. That's your great MOG, and idol. Be ye imitators of Vic is what your interpretation of Vic's interpretation of B.G.'s, and Bullinger's, and Stiles', and E.Stanley Jones, Rosalind Rinker, Glenn Clark, Rufus Mosley, Oswald Chambers Starr Daly, Kenyon, Welch, F.F. Bruce's, interpretations of whatever version of the Bible translated from whatever Greek or Hebrew, or Latin, or Aramaic critical texts, compiled from hundreds of MSS, copied from other MSS written by who knows because "there are no originals"! LOL! Go for it dude! It's failed for every other offshoot just like it will for your's. Do you know Mike O'Neil? Just like every other self-righteous and self-important offshoot TWIt has spewn forth. Good luck & Godspeed! Talk about a whiner. "What if this, what if that, well not really but, well that never really happened but, how many people have you hurt with your words, what if, what if, what if....." That's your rap Rich. We here at the GSC don't live or think in "what if"! We all prefer to live in and think of WHAT IS, not what ifs! It's played here 31 years now. You like self-serving, smarmy, condescending, hypothetical bible interpretations? FINE. Your problen! But, I refuse to feed you empty-headed trolls. Seen you scores of times here before. The only way to communicate with cultists like you is to ignore you. I'm happy to do that henceforth. Have fun whining and bullshitting your new cult to income-producing status for your retirement. God bless and may your tribe decease. TTFG!
  3. I revealed your name. Whoops! Sorry. I don't blame you for wanting to hide it. My bad. How old are you now, r? 12? Oh! I'm sorry! I must be being mean again! LOL! I've got to stop that. I am being so adversely affected I'm laughing my ass off! Thanks for helping me LMAO r. I know you really wanted to. Mission accomplished. I think you and reality need to hook-up. Put a hook in yourself and reel yourself back to Earth. LOL.
  4. Yup! Stupid you, I guess. Poor little victim of speaking the truth in love, aren't you! If you can't take the heat, stop screwing around in the kitchen. Whoops! I'm sorry poor little Richie Robson. I did not mean to castigate you. Poor baby.
  5. Rich R......I remember you quite well. I flew on that plane while you were pilot, several times. You had a mustache and darker hair back then..... Thanks for the safe flights. I remember you as a diligent and kind man. However, "The Truth" is whatever each human decides it is......whether that be "The Word", the Koran, Dianetics, The Bagha Va Gita, the writings of The Buddha, Confucius, The Beatles, Bertrand Russell, Ted Nugent, Clapton, The Southern Baptist Convention, The United Methodist Church, The Haddakahs and Hallakahs of Judaism, Aristotle, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, The Great Spirit of the Indigenous Peoples of North America, Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Unitarian Universalist Church, The Aztecs, Incas, and Mayan Empires, Zoroastrian deism, Astrology, The Mormons, The Egyptian Gods and Pharoahs, The Roman and Greek gods and goddesses, atheism, socialism, capitalism, and on and on and on. Whatever you feel dictor paul taught you that is still beneficial to you today, is a positive, personal outcome of your "working" with and for him. Unfortunately, your single positive experience is grossly overshadowed by the DOCUMENTED and even ADJUDICATED experiences of hundreds of innocent victims of the same creep you say taught you "The Truth". Victims of his sexual abuse and serial rape. Victims of his "righteous anger". Victims of his fiduciary irresponsibility. Victims of his thefts and frauds. Victims of his pathological mental illnesses and his vicious, narcissistic, spiteful vengeance. Victims of his Nazi and racial hatred. Victims of his unabashed misogyny. Victims of his violent, sociopathic outbursts of repressed rage. Victims of his untreated alcoholism and later opioid abuse. Victims of his perverted peccadilloes and sexual deviance. Victims of his capricious, petulant sense of "biblical justice". Victims of his murderous self-loathing and rabid insecurities. Victims of his sociopathic, malignant, paranoid, narcissistic personality disorder and total lack of moral conscience. I am glad you were able to avoid and/or escape these character traits of your faddah-in-da-woid. I am sad for the many hundreds who enjoyed no such good fortune at the hands of that toxic, anti-Christ hater. There is hatred here at the GSC. Hatred for the whited sepulchers hypocrisy of dictor Paul, da forehead, and all the deadly iterations of Vic's phony "minus-tray". There is hatred here for the hubris, greed, and vulgar dishonesty of Vic and his boyz in da hoods. There is hatred here for the methods used to drive faithful innocents to suicide, and substance abuse. There is hatred here for the coerced abortions of vic's illegitimate offspring. There is hate here for pompous, egregious, self-serving and self-aggrandizing hateful arrogance with which dictor paul conducted his daily affairs and "business". Apparently, you lucked out in avoiding the traps so many less fortunate wayfers walked right into. I'm happy for you. However, if you wish to continue your prepubescent delusions and affections for dictor paul, you have indeed come to the wrong place. But, as long as you're willing to take the heat for your 35 year old memories of life flying for the owner of Shangri-La and living da "truth" you are welcome to post here and flaunt your delusional memories in the faces of the many victims of Vic who also post here. You are NOT hated here Rich. The lies and evil, perverse deeds done to many hundreds of innocent Christians by your faddah-in-da-woid are..............peace.
  6. Hi all! i went to the Flickr site to look at the pics, and felt the same as Skyrider did. Just disgusted at the blatant lying and phony smiles. I was on the in-Rez corpse crew which took down that cabin in the woods from where it was originally located (about 30 miles from HQ), marked and numbered every log, and rebuilt it where it still stands today. John Somerville was the head of that crew, and I remember who the crew was. Hard to believe it's still there! I vividly remember how much fun John Somerville made that project. There were 2 third corpse guys and 4 fourth corpse guys. It was a great experience and we learned a lot from John. Always learned a lot from John! I also recognized Donna and Eddie Doersam, frumpy, plumpy Ros-a-lie, Wanda and Coward Allen. That was it. Saw no pics of Queen Lombardi. They all look as old as they are. They must have taken those pics when every black person on Earth who is a member of TWIt was at HQ! LOL! How pathetic! I also remember the slave labor of the poor 7th and 9th corpses who were "assigned" to Gunnison to work on building the whole damn place under the direction of Grand Lake Log Homes, believers from CO, who also donated their labor. Seeing it now, and remembering what it was like in 1984 the last time I was there, was sad. I loved that place. It was crowded and alive and away from HQ, Emporia, and Rome City. It was rustic and refreshing. Now it looks like a golf course or country club. Huge, empty buildings, gates, enclosures, a time warp of TWIt in the 1980s. The biggest impression I got from viewing the pics was that the place is DEAD. It is pristine in a mausoleum way. All dressed up and ready for the open casket burial. There will be nothing left to bury when the old guard dies off. The place will fold. I wonder who will wind up buying it?? Wonder who'll get the money? What a shame to think of all the love, blood, sweat, and tears poured into those properties for free, by thousands of innocent, enthusiastic, Bible-believing Christians, only to have them melt back into the OH landscape and fade from the memories of all those folks who built it all never to be known again. An overwhelming ambivalence floods my mind as I think on these things. Really glad to see the place return to dust, but still enjoying the good memories of the people and times we shared there. Gunnison will never be sold unless they run out of relatives and emeritus twustees. LOL! Soon, HQ will look like a landscape from Planet Of The Apes, and there will be urban legends spun about that whacky Nazi cult that used be right off highway 29 in rural west central OH. No one will remember the name of the cult, or its malignant, lying "leaders", but EVERYONE will be glad it's gone. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Selah.
  7. Yes Twinky. For real! The seeds of da forehead's self-destruction and his destruction of others, were planted deeply into his soul by dictor paul. Da forehead even had some pics done of himself in a threesome. They were submitted as evidence in the Kaufman case. Honestly, the perverted and abusive sex acts perpetrated by these scumbags is like an abyss of insanity. Criminals all.
  8. Hi All. Just FYI......as loudly as they roared viciously against "the homos", BOTH dictor paul and da forehead very much enjoyed watching women have sex with each other to "get them ready"! THAT'S why neither one could ever scream about lesbians. Those chickens sure came home to roost all over da forehead's nest. Methinks they did protest too much.
  9. At the risk of encouraging further ridiculous input and illogic from Mike, I offer the following, against my better judgement and waste of time. Mike.....your entire rap is based on the acceptance of dictor paul's illogical, private interpretation and outright, abject, voluminous plagiarism in and throughout his entire phony "minus-tray". IMO, that is a completely false premise. Your ONLY evidence and back-up is based on the presumption that whatever dictor wrote was "revelation", or "godbreathed". It is a false presumption full of logical fallacies and confirmation bias on your part. You continue to delude yourself, after all these years, that everything dictor wrote was "written by the finger of God". That is simply untrue. Your illogic is filled with false equivalencies, straw man arguments, red herrings, and purely unprovable anecdotal "evidence". Your basic premises are false premises based on your own misguided interpretations of dic's alcoholic and drug induced misinterpretations and plagiarism of the works of Bullinger, Stiles, Leonard, Kenyon, Ralph Woodrow, Lamsa, Oswald Chambers, E. Stanley Jones, Glenn Clark, Rufus Mosely, Oral Roberts, Rosalind Rinker, Charles Welch, Norman Vincent Peale, Dale Carnegie, AA, Billy Graham, and the John Birch Society, to name a few. He was a drunk, suffering from malignant, paranoid, sociopathic, narcissistic personality disorder with the accompanying compulsive pathological lying. He was a Nazi and Aryan Supremacist. He was a misogynist. He was a serial sexual batterer and rapist. He was a gross lecher and pervert, along with being a child molester, including his own daughters. He was a thief and a charlatan, and from 1982 until he died in May, 1985, he was an opioid addict (codeine and morphine). He was a serial adulterer. He was severely and debilitatingly mentally ill. He was a low C student at his "academic" best. He was an academic fraud and scholastic charlatan. He died of metastatic melanoma, which, by his own definitions, meant he was possessed by debbil spurts. He had the intellect of a lava rock and the personality of a poisonous sea slug. Yet, YOU put him on the pedestal of Mr. "Revelation", the 20th century Apostle Paul. All false presumptions, and logical fallacies. All YOUR CHOICES. YOU choose to believe they're all "god breathed". YOU ARE GROSSLY MISTAKEN AND MISGUIDED IMO. Your entire "argument" is built on the shifting sands of illogic and private interpretation, along with a debilitating confirmation bias based upon your presumptions and personal prejudices. Many of us here have heard all this before, ad nauseam. IMO, the fact that, after all these years you remain haplessly self-deluded in the false doctrines, wrong practices, and prideful, perverted delusions of a charlatan dead now for 32 years, is quite disappointing. You are a peaceful man of wholesome character AFAIK. I've always known you to be a gentle soul, and a kind man. But, to see you so willingly and devotedly stuck on stupid is sad. I am not trying to insult you, or demean you, or disrespect you. I am honestly and forthrightly expressing my opinions and observations. I accept the possibility that I could be totally wrong. However, I honestly and humbly do not think I am. Your rap is old and worn Mike. It is not only disinteresting, but frankly, really annoying. We have all been here before. I for one, have absolutely no interest or desire to revisit the fruitless and time consuming "discussions" with you based on all the illogic, and narcissistic devotion to a dead drunk. Honestly? I am amazed you still do. Peace to you Mike. I'm outta here.
  10. Not stymied, Mike. Simply severely disinterested. Peace.
  11. Review the responses.......forget resuming your story! LOL Mike!
  12. Either way, Mike, your focus is on the PAST. Jerry's dead and so is vic. If we do not learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it. Honestly, your infatuation with The Grateful Dead is far healthier for your soul than the Wierwille schtick, IMO. A lot more phun too! I enjoy living in the present with presence. I look toward to the future with hope, enthusiasm, and excitement for what great NEW things I'll learn, wonderful people I'll meet, and what new marvels will be discovered and/or revealed. One man's ceiling is another man's floor. I like living on the top of the mountain, where the air is clear, and the view is endless. Floors are to be walked on. Ceilings are to be shattered. Unless one accepts that the floors are all self-made, static, rigid, and "under your feet", spreading your human wings and flying free will just remain a bittersweet dream. Lift up your eyes, Mike. Get off the 60 year old floor and climb the mountains, sail the seas, and feed your soul. It's more like the Grateful Dead than Branded or The Victors! LOL!..........peace.
  13. Hey Mike! Ten years?? Is that all?? Good to see you. For all of you who have never "discussed" dictor paul wierwille and his "god breathed" books with Mike, you are in for a real treat, if Mike sticks around. Please do Mike! I'm making popcorn. Glad all is well with and for you, Mike. Thanks for stopping by. See ya around the threads!........peace.
  14. Way prod went bad the minute dictor paul fired Heefner and Doop. That would make it Spring, 1972. They dragged PDSTRO out of NY and Selah from CA, and NY that same year, brought them all to NK, and put them under the new Way Prod Coordinator, Ted Ferrell. But, Ted was an old time "road hooker".....a 50's style, Elvis rock'n'roller, and he loved music. He loved god too.....we all thought we did. The next year, 1973, the 4th corpse included what was to become the first way prod cast, and also, Joyful Noise. Imho, those were the golden years of way prod, 1972-1979. Once Rosie the Riveter got in there with Bob Winegarner, and that god awful and totally scripted "High Country Caravan", Country Gospel, smarmy, gooey, crap.....way prod died. The Victims, Braindead, one insult after another all pushed to the front by Rosie in her faithful service to the moggie. The day the music died, and innocent and intense love and praise for Jesus Christ, through song, and dance, and the arts, died at TWI. It only went downhill from there. It became the court jester and ego-on-display for the Kings and Princes of the new Babylon. The witless whims of a deeply disturbed 3-string jock with the brain of a lava rock and the personality of a sea slug. Long winded, overproduced melodramas by finnegan and of course spirit in the athletes. Empty Towers of pride and false machismo. Wasn't the planes that got em. It was Wierwille who killed the music!
  15. Hi All! Well....I actually finished forcing myself to listen to those lying, sanctimonious, self-deluded fools. I could only take it in 8-10 minute segments, once a day. I felt as if I was watching the defendants at the Nurenberg trials lying their sleazy butts off. Where were they 30 fucking years ago?? These self-serving phonies were the Goehrings, the Eichmanns, the Goebbels, the Speers, the Himmlers of dictor paul's Aryan Nazi cult. I remember some letter writings back in 1986 and1987. I remember these same little Nazi asskissers congratulating themselves over and over for coming to the aid of da forehead throughout the 1990's buying every absurdity he made them believe and thereby carrying out the grand atrocities he devised in his pathologically disturbed mind and corrupt soul. NO ONE HELD A GUN TO ANY OF YOUR HEADS YOU CHICKENSHIT SELF-SERVING PIMPS AND WHORES. I remember old Boob himself so strung out on self-pity and anti-depressants that all the little crybaby could do was sit in meetings with his head on the table crying the crocodile tears of a zombie-wayfer. Horney sounds like a tape of da dancing president. There must not remain a single coherent, non way-brained braincell left in that clanging cranium. And Funnyboy Fort. Get em laughing on the way to the Gulags or push em into the gas chambers, l'il standup wannabe, Mikey the trustee's kid. I won't even get started on their perky, cutesy, smarmy, little slut wives. What a ship of fools. The combined courage of the cowardly lion and a combined IQ of 70. They ALL KNEW the truth about dictor paul, Rosie, da forehead and Donna, coward, ding dong, townsends, cummins, geer, finnegan, lynn, wrenn, et al, as well as their own filth over these many decades now. I was there you jerks. I KNOW! YOU KNOW THAT I KNOW. BUT, MOST IMPORTANTLY, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST KNOWS. And he will surely say to all of you hypocrites and spiritual cadavers, "I never knew you!". And, certainly, and obviously, you have never known Him! Selah!
  16. Ewwwwww! Bolshevik! You gotta give a warning and a barfbag before posting something like that! The 6th Church of The Plagiarist carries on! How freaking noble. LOL! Just what the world needs. One more self-deluded, self-obsessed, and self-appointed "biblical scholar", pedantic "teacher", "carrier of the light" sent by gawd to be "a gift from Him to you!"......LOL! Boy am I glad gawd made this succession thing so easy! Who knew???
  17. Hi all! imho, anyone who accepts anything any of these brain-dead Nazis says, "teaches", writes, or thinks about, or is not delusional, paranoid nacrsissistic psychobabble, should now, once and for all have their doubts explained or their "consciences" seared. What a total crock of shit. LMAO at these self-important, self-inflated, and self-deluded morons.
  18. During the second half of 1986, I was in the bogus Yuk Twig at HQ. My "assignment" from April to November, 1986, was "Way Corpse Director, Way Corpse In-Residence Coordinator, HQ Oversight of US Trunk with Howard Allen." The elder corpse that year was the 15th. First year in-rez was the 17th. Horneys were "Area Leaders" among the in-Rez corpses at HQ that year. I was their Corpse Director AND corpse Coordinator. I know more than I ever needed to know about these manipulative little horny bastids. LOL! After I left in December that year, and became the seed-boy possesso, da forehead made it his mission to get all the in-rez corpse whom I had corrupted and opened to the billions of debbil spurts that are ALWAYS all over new Knoxville and every "root locale". The horneys were among his most loyal and "lockbox" sycophants and co-participators. As far as Michael Blowhard Fort,....don't even get me started! I've known him since he was the loudmouth asshole courting coward allen's oldest child, and taking advantage of every nepotistic advantage bestowed upon him once he married her. TOTAL ASSHOLE! My disdain for Boob and Doody has been a matter of record here since 2000. These jerks are among the most insignificant self-important delusional sociopaths and Elmer Gantrys fundamentalist "Christianity" has every crapped on the innocents.
  19. Thanks CD! I could not find it. What an incredible and huge crock of shit! LMAO! These lying HYPOCRITES and WHITED SEPULCHERS are stinking up the place. I say bye bye and fuck em all! LOL!
  20. Hey Chockfull! Right on! As we used to say, back whenever. LOL! It was Steve and Sandi Heefner in March, 1972, during the Rye,NY advanced class! I was in that class, and was also a "branch coordinator" in Queens/Brooklyn at the time. That was Boob and Doody's first hit. Boob officiated at my wedding in 1973, right before we went into the corpse. We fought in NY just about every branch Coordinators' meeting, which were on Wednesdays at the Rye Limb home. My disdain for Boob and Doody goes all the way back to our first "leaders" meeting after the coups which put them in charge of the new Way of NY replacing the Way East. The Way East (Heefner) and the Way West were INDEPENDENT 501(c)3 corporations, completely and legally separate from wierwille and new Knoxville. When Wierwille threw them out under the cover of his AC show, moneyhands, coward allen and dictor paul formed a new corporation The Way of NY, which was "owned" by new knoxville now. The Way East also included the states of New England, NJ, DE, & PA. All those states were also "incorporated under "the Way international" as subsidiaries in their own right, thus accomplishing the corporate takeover of The Way East with the "M&A-ing" of the Heefner's and consolidating all control to dictor paul and the BOT, which at that time was Ermal and Harry. Remember, those three were the ONLY official members of TWI at that time. Boob and Doody participated and executed all that for dic and the boyz and went on to become the Eastern Region Coordinator for the Way international. Hmmmm.......what a serendipitous coincidence. Boob and Doody have been accomplished backstabbers and hitmen since I've known them, starting in 1972. Do not think they have "changed" for any other reason than their own hubris.
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