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Bwaaaahahahaha!!! Thanks Twinky!
Hi Fellow Greasespotters! Thanks for your kind appreciation! shade at your "theory" bro! Just added info. Knowing many "intimate" details of dictor's childhood nuclear family provides extra info to analyze and then review clinically. Hindsight, as they say, is always 20/20. So is post-mortem psychological evaluation, LOL! Seriously though, I have enjoyed the good fortune of "interviewing" numerous firsthand eyewitnesses and their accounts re: dic's early childhood development, and family dynamic. I found them to be very enlightening and helpful in understanding the factual, nature-based events of dic's unfolding personality disorders. I enjoy your "theories" because they are thoughtful, self-reflective and honest! Keep on keepin' ' on brother Bone!
Hi all! imo, one must never lose sight of the debilitating co-morbidities and unconfronted, untreated pathologies which were an integral and dominant part of dictor paul's lifelong devolution into madness. This was never "a good man gone wrong", or a "spiritual 'breaking bad' " story. This was the predictable outworking and acting out behavior of a deeply disturbed individual. This was the inevitable progression of a sexually and psychologically abused child of a dysfunctional Prussian immigrant family (read pre-Nazi white, Aryan nationalism), in rural, agrarian Ohio, populated by a major cluster of German immigrants. This is reflected even in the local town names....Minster, New Bremen, St. Mary's, Anna, and others, amongst an equally large population of Scots-Irish Protestant "colonists" in the area. Interesting cultural and historical mix of genomes. Add to that, an increasing need for self-medication with alcohol in the teen years, and the growing paranoia and demand for approval and attention his malignant narcissism demanded, his mental "clarity" was under self-destructive assault from at least age 14. There were various misguided and/or uniformed attempts at intervention by family members, most notably older sisters Sevilla, and Lydia, and angry, punitive interventions by his guilty father, but dictor's "problems" remained unconfronted and untreated, hence predictable and inevitable from a clinical point of view, but totally hidden and disguised socially and interpersonally. Quite typically solipsistic and sociopathic. dictor paul was "outta control" in high school already, and as the substance abuse increased so did the erratic, attention-seeking behavior. He eloped with his HS sweetheart. Went through a C- academic career at a WI Evangelical and Reformed denominational college supported by the local New Knoxville congregation, was part of Lindbergh's America First "Anti-War" Movement, took his first pastorate in Payne, OH, had his first extra-marital affair with a "Christian evangelist", Rosalind Rinker, started Chimes Hour Youth Caravan, and a series of extra-marital dalliances with musical directors, personal secretaries, church secretaries, all during the move and pastorate time in Van Wert which lasted until the fall of 1957, when dic, and Harry, and Ermal, founded The Way Inc., and started work on renovating the family farm, and then the BRC. All during this time, there was no "good going bad". It was bad gojng worse! And, gaining money and members and victims yearly until the wretched death of metastatic melanoma claimed another body in May of 1985. Not a pretty story. Quite a shitty legacy. Immeasurable human suffering and horrific human carnage. No Jesus visible. No "good fruit" from the Righteous Branch. Abjectly opposed to and anti(against)-Christ. Don't be fooled by the false narrative of possible "good intentions"! The road to hell is paved with good intentions. In the twisted case of dictor paul, there were no "good intentions". There were perverted and psychotic pathologies with the accompanying depraved behaviors . There were victims, not "blessed followers". There was destruction, not deliverance. There was was brainwashing, not teaching. There was group think, not fellowship. There was normalization of Aryan Supremacist Theology, not Biblical Research. There was hubris, not Holy Spirit. There was theft, not community service. There was MLM economics, not outreach. There was control, not love. There was a cult of personality, not the truth of da woid. It was all trick, no treat. Don't be fooled again. Happy Halloween.
What must you do to be saved??? REPENT!
Same crap, different decade, imo. rrobs is as bereft of critical thinking and as dense as dictor paul. Same condescending, superiority complex based upon genuine ignorance and lack of ability in any legitimate exegesis of "Da word". There are no "originals", remember? What principles of legitimate textual criticism and peer review did you follow? What are your "credentials" besides simply copying what "everybody else said"? "Just the word", eh? Which version? All you have is versions of 500 year old translations of the 1550 critical Greek text (Stephens) translated into 17th Century English. Copies of copies of copies etc. 80% of all the knowledge available regarding Critical Greek texts, other versions of "Da woid", and MSS documentation and evidence have occurred since 1980! Are you even aware of those FACTS? Seems to me all you're capable of is mindless regurgitation of whatever someone else has said before. You demonstrate the same lack of intellect, personal bias, and "private interpretation" dictor paul demonstrated. Lots of rambling preaching with no substance. Why do you waste your precious time here? Go to those other 2 sites and preach over there. Get your trophies and accolades over there. Here you're just another haughty, uneducated, misled, self-deluded ex-wayfer. Very boring and packed with errors. You may impress the Biblically ignorant, but you don't reach anyone here with your 50 year old bullshit. Same crap, different decade. TTFN.
Congrats Catcup on your academic achievements! Great to hear! And, congrats to Kittencup on her admission to Harvard! She'll love it! Any idea what she's planning to study? Hi to John too!
30 Years: Trying to Revive the Twit-Corpse
DontWorryBeHappy replied to skyrider's topic in About The Way
The more attrition, the fewer people left to divide the $64 million spoils they stole from all the rest who long ago abandoned the death and destruction of dictor paul's cult. Fewer medical bills, fewer salaries to squeeze out, no more of those damn "retirees" sucking down all Rosie and Donna's moolah. Soon, they won't have to go anywhere except Gunnison and the OH Gulag. No more big meetings or manufactured "spiritual needs" to pay the bills with. Just a really comfortable, rich easy stroll into senility and the grave. TWIt will die when they die. Follow the money! -
UnTwist It! Hi! Idk what is not allowing you to PM me. Might be cause my message area is full. Please try again! If you can't get through, I'll message you as soon as you post telling me you still can't get through. Your dad and uncle are among a few of the closest and oldest friends I have. Would love to give you any info you need about their time in the way. Neither was ever "possessed" other than by the slander of those who wanted to use them or steal their music. Gimme a shout!
The Way Biblical Research - New Slogans
DontWorryBeHappy replied to chockfull's topic in About The Way
Sky! i find your post of the original promo video for piffle to be so inspiring! Go Brown 75! I wonder if the townies have sued for destruction of air quality emanating from that damn farm? It's year-round and really fragrant, if ya catch my drift! You're doin' a heckuva job Rosie! -
Anniverary Weekend: The Conjuring of the Cult's Ghost
DontWorryBeHappy replied to skyrider's topic in About The Way
LOL!! Sorry! I was just thinking that, if I was still "yoked and salted", that this would have been the 46th freaking time that I would have been "celebrating" the same sex, lies, and video tape that's been celebrated by those inbred mutants since my first in 1971! And, as I pondered these "lotsa things", I burst out laughing....hence the opening LOL. How desperately bereft of any authentic, individual identity these automatons have "trained" themselves to become. I thought, "this is the perfect combo between The Village of the Damned and The Stepford Wives". I see absolutely no way anyone would still be shoveling this horseshit after all these years unless they are brainwashed (Braindead!), or "possessed"! LOL! 75 years??? Pfffftttttttt! What is left on that garbage heap in OH, and the beautiful place built by slave labor in CO, is the stench of death, mental, psychosocial, spiritual and even physical DEATH. Oblivion. Nothingness. Not even Dark Matter! It's like an old Rube Goldberg obstacle path! Only takes one marble to start the totally predictable and destructive path to a TWIt end......."a life of quiet desperation", followed by the ultimate disappointment when they find out all their bema fairytales and champagne wishes are as phony as their arrongant, deluded, impotent brand of "Christianity". Happy Freaking Anniversary morons! Enough is enough already. Stop torturing yourselves and all those who come in contact with you Zombie Jesus Nazis! Please! LOL! -
Wanna hear something funny? I graduated from the 4th corpse in August,1976. My first "assignment" as a corpse grad was "State WOW Coordinator, MI". There were 20 WOW families sent to 10 different cities in MI, plus a slew of College WOWS at all the big college campuses in the state. Each team of WOWs was led by an Interim sickth corpse person or couple. That year of 1976-77, there was a two-family WOW team with a 6th corpse Coordinator, and there was an entire Way Home of College WOWs in Ann Arbor, coordinated by a 6th corpse couple. Between them they ran 9 classes, with 5 of them being large video classes. Many of those new grads went WOW, but they left 5 solid twigs behind in Ann Arbor, and 2 in Ypsilanti when they left. I highly doubt that what TWIt is sending out now will produce more than 5 grads, if that many. The world has changed. TWIt is so out of touch with reality, and so abjectly tone deaf to the human condition, because they have not changed at all, other than for the worse. Back in 1976, the toxic tentacles of Way-Nash had not reached the twigs and branches with its poison yet. That didn't really happen until 1979-80. So, the genuine experience of authentic Christian revival was seen in many places. Right now, in 2017, TWIt is so spiritually, culturally, and intellectually DEAD, and so completely dysfunctional socially and politically and economically, that all it has to offer is complete and total impotence in every beneficial form of human endeavor. A fitting tribute and legacy to that dead, drunk, sociopathic, paranoid narcissistic, serial rapist and sexual batterer, Nazi, racist, misogynistic, fraud of a subhuman being in his waterlogged crypt beneath the fountain. WD? Yup! Way Death..............peace.
LOL T-Bone!
WHY It all came to an end. It's not your fault.
DontWorryBeHappy replied to rodneyomccarthy's topic in About The Way
Yo! CharlieMc.......ooops......rodneyomccarthy. Wow! You need to avoid revisionist Christian propaganda and cults. Maybe this will help? Try it! You may like it! It is certainly more thought-provoking and entertaining than your "much ado about nothing", IMO. Watch the whole thing..........peace. -
Agree or disagree, incisive wit is a "God-given talent"! I miss this kind of intellectual humor. Talk about Red Flags!
Hi Skyrider! dictor said Zaire was all screwed up because Knupp and Gary Curtis, screwed up the French translation of piffle. Nevermind that there were thousands of people all over the poor country who became piffle grads by the hundreds every week! Geer also blamed translations for screwing up Europe with all the "different versions of the class" which were ALL different from "the ORIGINAL". Then he accused Finnegan, coward allen, Gary Frederick, and bo reahard of dismissing and dissing all international outreach by ignorantly attempting to "Americanize the ministry" in every country except Canada. He said that they were "bullying" people to do it "their way, and not God's". It was a whine-fest to cast aspersions at everyone as if they were coming by revelation from dictor paul straight from his waterlogged grave. EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE was "off da woid", "out of fellowship", or "influenced by debbil spurts" except for the busdriver and the "man-o-gawd". LOL! All POP was, was the psychotic ramblings of 2 sociopathic, paranoid narcissists on beer and drambuie in Scotland. What a fraud and a cruel joke with diabolical purpose. These morons are "bema bound"??? Pfffffffftttttttttttt!
Hi Greasespotters! I just wanted to clear up another piece of official TWIt disinformation. All the BS about how the "Way tree structure" was taken completely and only from "the Book of Acts". That is a complete fabrication from the inebriated and meshuggeneh"mind" of dictor paul. The ENTIRE "self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating" "revelation" is taken VERBATIM from AA's book, "The 12 Traditions" which was first published in 1935!! Check it out for yourself. Totally predictable and habitual unethical and dishonest thinking and behavior from a lazy, intellectually vapid wannabe mog. So, all the bullshit in all these R'n'R asslickers' smarmy posts which brags about "Da woid", and how dictor paul (and now these morons) got EVERYTHING by "revelation", or by "rightly-dividing Da woid", documents the fact that ALL these phony whited sepulchers remain "throughly" TWIt-brained, and self-deluded. They STILL worship dictor paul and they want HIS minus-tray and it's illicit income back. They are hapless, feckless cultists now having to accept the fact that they have wasted their entire lives, and now they're stuck with just their "rewards at the bema", with zero cash in the bank, no homes, no cars, no training or education in any other fields of endeavor besides the perpetual snake-turd "christianity" peddled by their beloved, dead, drunk, waterlogged moggie-pooh. Talk about a bunch of LOSERS, LOW-LIFES, and LIARS. These guys make the Keystone Cops look like Navy Seal Team 6! Bwaaaahahahaha!.......peace.
Yada, yada, yada, and blah blah blah! WHERE WERE ALL THESE ASSLICKING NAZIS 30 YEARS AGO WHEN IT COUNTED??? i call bullshit on them and their whole bullshit "restoration and revival" offshoot scheme. All they really want to restore and revive is their own bank accounts, and the minus-tray of a waterlogged, dead, Nazi drunk, malignant, paranoid, narcissist, serial rapist and sexual batterer, misogynist, racist, mentally ill fraud. What a holy calling! A mission in depraved futility. Pfffffttttttt!
The Way Biblical Research - New Slogans
DontWorryBeHappy replied to chockfull's topic in About The Way
LOL chockful! -
No apology necessary at all GVC! I just gave you some facts and history you had no knowledge of. That's the mission of this tell the other side of all the "stohries" and urban legends of TWIt's filthy underbelly. Again Grace, no need for any apology. Have a great day!..........peace.
Grace Valerie Claire, Hi! Finnegan is one of the dirtiest, guiltiest, rotten-to-the-core wierwille clones on the planet. The only time vinny-the-hitter ever ran a TWIt region was in 1977-78, while he was LC in NJ. That's the only place he was a limp coordinator until dictor paul fired him at placements in 1984, because he had a fight with Geer who refused to listen to the "worldwide outreach coordinator", who was his boss, when vinny-the-hitter went over to England to "confront" geer. Little ole Chrissy had a hissy fit and ratted vinny out to dictor paul. I had already demanded to leave HQ and the trunk before placements, and dictor personally "handled" my assignment by letting me choose where I wanted to go. I asked to go to NY, and coordinate the limb and Northeast region from there. Going into placements, 1984, THAT was my assignment. The "routine" at placements at that time, was to handle all the "major" assignments on the first day, and then work through each corpse from 1 to whatever, then the outgoing Interim corpse. In 1984, dictor had been "emeritus" for almost two years, and rarely came into placements except to "check up" on us "keedz" to make sure we were doing it right, or to pass around his prosthetic eyeball for us all to touch and worship. On the first day of the 1984 placements meetings, dictor showed up right after we started. He came in from the back room of the BRC in shorts with a lit cigarette and a coffee cup of Drambuie, and "asked" if he could stay and "share" some things. First thing he said was that Bo Reahard would be leaving HQ to run a twig in Atlanta where Bo was starting a computer business with some of his international outreach department staff. Then....the bombshell. He had decided that vinny was on an ego trip and he needed to go "back out on the field" to get a grip on himself and get back in touch with "the ministry". He said that I was supposed to go to NY and do the NEast region from there. He said that, that would not be happening. He said "because Vince is such a 'famous' guy in the ministry, with such a lofty position, he needs an 'impressive" assignment to avoid negative gossip." So, he put him in NY because, he said, "DWBH is the only man in the ministry that can handle Vince. So, DWBH, you pick any limb you want in the northeast and keep an eye on Vince for me." The room was dead silent. Everyone was stunned. then, dictor went on a rampage about international outreach, especially in Europe and Africa. He said that Geer was digging up all sorts of garbage on how phucked up Europe was, and that he (Geer) would now be made European Outreach Coordinator and European Corpse Coordinator as soon as the deal was done on the location, which turned out to be Gartmore. That's when we all figured out what happened with Beence and Bo. When POP blew up in April, 1986, I had to send Pat Hughes and Randy Feese to St. Mary's, where finnegan was in a suicidal ideation episode, because so much in POP was about how vinny and Gary Curtis had screwed up Europe and Africa. Geer read it at the special corpse meeting he called. He named names including, Don and Howard, Da forehead, finnegan, Gary Curtis, Tom Knupp, Gary Frederick and the IO staff, and others. That's what kicked off finnegan's "suicide run". Finnegan regained his composure and became a staunch geerite from that moment on. In 1989, when the split with Geer and the board of Terrorists was finalized, Finnegan took the entire limb of NY, the buildings at the limb HQ which were owned by TWIt, all the bookstore materials, and, most importantly, all the $ he had on hand, and started his own thing with John McCave doing the same thing on Long Island and NYC and joining Finnegan in the grab. They started sending their money to Geer, but, that didn't last very long. The two monster egos clashed and Liberty in Christ Ministries International was born. I have absolutely NO RESPECT for Finnegan. He is in the same exact class as Geer, Lynn, Wrenn, Seed, Goulet, Schoenheit, Sides, Rood, SOWERS, and every other trailer trash offshoot there is. He is a liar and a thief. I KNOW he has never repented from all the myriad horrors he committed while a BMOC for TWIt. Just last year, a poster here at GSC who was assaulted by her area "leader" in westchester county, NY in 1984, and witnessed the numerous extra-marital trysts he engaged in with the nubile single young girls who lived in his way home. That resulted in the fiancée of one of those girls coming to the house and beating the crap out of the "leader", leaving him lying and bleeding on his own doorstep! When the Greasespotter called to inform vinny-the-hitter, he did nothing but tell everyone they were "out of fellowship", and to never talk about this again. Well, last spring (2016!), she called vinny on the phone and confronted him about this all, and demanded an admission and an apology. He tried to yell and intimidate her, his usual "counseling" style. She had none of it. Finally, after nearly 15 minutes, vinny spat out a sarcastic "OK! I'm sorry! Is that what you wanted to hear?" Such humility and grace, eh? So, Grace Valerie Claire, I don't care much for, and think much less of your pal finnegan. Liking the way someone teaches religious bullshit for filthy lucre's sake is not my idea of a "Christian" leader or teacher. He's no different than Joel Osteen. One man's ceiling is another man's floor..........peace.
Hi Greasespotters! i wrote to Boob MoneyHands back in May, asking some of the same 16 questions I submitted for them to answer at their new cult kickoff rally in early May. They never even answered one at their rally. I also included some poignant questions about the suicides, rapes, domestic violence, and child abuse they knew about and willfully and purposely covered up to protect dictor Paul, and Da Forehead, and THEMSELVES! surprisingly, I received a terse response, finally, to both of my letters, from Boob himself. Here it is in it's entirety: "Hi Ralph." That's it. LOL. He always has been a little whiny chickenshit since the day he pulled into NY to help dictor paul throw out Heefner and steal the entire SEPARATE CORPORATION of The Way East from the Christians who built it, and sucked it into wierwille's black hole cult. Asslickers since ECU. Boob officiated at my first wedding in July, 1973, 2 weeks before I left for OH and the 4th corpse. I heard from Boob once more after his overly loving and lengthy response to my previous e-mails. It was in July. He wished me a happy 44th wedding anniversary, knowing I've been divorced since 2001. Those whited sepulchers and their "minus-trays" are sure reviving and restoring the same old spiteful, vengeful, perverted , Nazi gospel their faddah-in-Da-woid gave his life for. They sure are "salted", and will soon be roasted. LOL! Anyone who buys one ounce of the bullshit this collection of white trailer trash Nazi clones of dictor paul wierwille are pushing, should really obtain professional psychiatric help immediately. For your own safety and financial future. Those are a lot of "gift ministers" you are gonna have to fully support and loyally follow in order to "restore and revive" their bank accounts and "gifts" income. After all, retirement time is near and, like hundreds of others through the years, TWIt always liked to dump retirees to keep moving Da woid without all that dead weight of keeping their promises to "always take care of" their faithful corpse and staff. Just another lie to justify their love of money and total disregard for the teachings and example of The Lord Jesus Christ, who remains chronically absent from anything and everything these liars and charlatans think or do. They remain the plague on humanity they have always been, and continue to spread the anti(against)-Christ horseshit they delude themselves into thinking is "da rightly divided woid in da love of gawd in the renewed mind in manifestation". What a crock of ages! Mark and avoid these asswipes! They're waybrained, self-serving, lying, thieving hypocrites, adulterers and adulteresses, cover-up artists, false teachers, fake "counsellors", sexual abusers and predators, and have the blood of saints on their consciences. They are most miserable among "men". Their "bema" will be a long line of "I never knew yous"! Truly a sad joke and wasted time, air, and space. I pity the fools...........selah, and............peace.
YO! HAM!! Where the hell are ya squirrel?? We're missing you!!
LOL Grace!
Religion is the opiate of the masses. It screws up EVERYBODY'S "wiring".