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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. As a serial killer and mass murderer, Jack The Ripper is a far more interesting personality disorder than this run-of-the-mill psychopath. Glad he's gone. Sad We The People wasted so many millions of dollars on this lowlife pond scum creep. Sometimes capital punishment just seems sooo right, no?
  2. I heard they all took some Bible class in 1970 and now run some cult in OH some where. One of them is Roy Moore's Campaign Chairman!
  3. Hi JayDee! Thanks for your comments! Re: Question 1) By saying "Saul/Paul wrote during his travels in Acts", you are referring to the various Epistles Paul wrote during the time-frame of Acts. As I said previously, I personally do not accept anything Paul wrote as being "God-breathed", or "The Word and Will of God" for whatever "dispensation" the Bullinger freaks want to call the Church of The Body of Christ. The Book of Acts of The Apostles, in my current view is an inspired account of just exactly THAT......the Acts of The Apostles following the Ascension of Jesus Christ to the Right Hand of the Throne of God, "where he ever liveth to make intercession for the saints according to the will of God". Re: Question 2) I am not aware that James or Peter wrote anything "in Acts", however I think your question is the same as the first, namely, do I believe that anything Peter or James WROTE during the time period covered by Acts, is God-breathed, or "inspired by the Holy Spirit" as you put it. My answer is no, in the same way as I do not regard Pauline writings as being THE written Word and Will of God to The Church of The Body of Christ for application by and obedience to it as "revelation" and "commanded by God" by ALL members in particular in the identical manner. I do not accept that personal letters written to specific individuals, or specific groups of Christians, by Apostles, are meant to be generalized and applied to and by the ENTIRE church worldwide for ALL Christians. i do believe that there are numerous places in all the various Epistles of the Canonized New Testament which were authentically INSPIRED by God, or Christ. However, I do not equate "inspired by" with "God-breathed Word and Will of God" as does dictor paul, or Ethelbert W. I do not accept the belief that ALL Scripture is dictated by God The Father using the vocabulary and understanding of the individual writer(s). THERE ARE NO ORIGINALS.........selah. Thanks for your reply JayDee!
  4. My "current view of the Bible"? No "problen". My personal "Canon" of the New Testament Begins with Matthew and ends at Acts 28. I accept nothing Saul of Tarsus wrote in his personal communications to various "churches" in different cities, or to specific individuals, as being "the God-breathed Word and Will of God". Nor do I care about the other New Testament epistles or The Book of Revelation. I consider the teachings, actions, and mission of Jesus Christ to be the doctrinal and practical center of HIS Church, not the Pauline or any other epistles. Why should these letters be any more "God-breathed" than those referred to as The Apocrypha? You're expecting me to be believe the Canon of the New Testament is also God-breathed? As far as the Hebrew Old Testament, there are parts I believe are inspired (e.g. Psalms, Proverbs, the "Major" Prophets) and others that I feel exactly the same about as I feel about the Pauline Epistles. That's my current view in a nutshell T-Bone. Great question. I could go into lengthy explanations for the statements I made above, but I'd rather just respond to questions or comments or snide remarks if they should appear. Thanks for asking for our opinions T-Bone.
  5. One man's ceiling is another man's floor tlc. I prefer the upper stories to the sub-basement of pubescent, ad hominem attacks. And YOUR ego was doing what at the time?
  6. Protest? Revisionist history much? Oh yeah.....it's Mike! Nevermind! LOL! Skyrider is far more accurate and far less disinformed, Mike. Dictor paul was far too dumb, drunk, and distracted to do much other than serve his own perverted lusts. For me, it became more and more obvious from the first week I "entered" the corpse. By piffle'77, I was so wrapped up in my corpse assignment for the 2 weeks ,("Bless Patrol" Security for all the in-residence dorm "students") that I could have cared less what crap dic was putting out on that stage. As a matter of fact, I attended only 4 teaching sessions the entire time, all in the first week. They were so smarmy, schmaltzy, self-serving and vapid, that I preferred 18-20 hrs a day "doing my job" to sitting in a POS Winegarner/Rivenbark Production to blatantly assuage dic's uncontrolled malignant, paranoid narcissism, overtly kiss his moggie ass, and establish themselves as the truest purveyors of dic's "heart". I cared not one whit about all the bullshit excuses, phoney "revelations", and political shenanigans behind the scenes. I was having too much fun "on-the-field" moving da woid as a State WOW Coordinator in MI, to give a crap about all that BS and palace intrigue. Frankly, I was so glad to NOT be at HQ that I was just not really into the Bob'n'Rosie production of dic's drunken, depraved, lunacy. Because I was a region guy of the "home region" of HQ, I was far more involved behind the scenes of AC'79 than I was at piffle'77. And, it was no fun!! Piffle was just an ego trip made worth the money the false hype and fraudulent promotion squeezed out of the several thousand "students" who paid whatever the exorbitant price was for a product which was NEVER delivered. And, it only got worse as the years slowly progressed as dic rapidly declined into the haze of substance abuse, alcoholism, and the delusions of his mental illnesses. It was less than 8 years between Piffle'77 and the day dic died. As I look back, my time in TWIt was half a lifetime for me when I left. Now, it's only a quarter! Time flies when you're having fun!!................peace all.
  7. Thanks for no longer posting! What a relief! Here's a good scripture quote for ya on your way out.........."suffer not a fool". Bye-bye now.
  8. Claudettee had a polyp on her vocal chords removed in the early 90s. THAT'S when she went the more the way of the secretary. Moved to Atlanta and tried an online cookie store and who knows what else. She is and always has been one of BellaDonna's BFFs. Bob S. OTOH, I've really enjoyed ever since Wayne Merrill had him play at some meeting we did in IL, in 1977. That's all it took, and I got him hooked up to do his first album for TWIt and he became a mainstay at the ROA. That he is STILL a wayfer, and in addition, a "product" of Bill Greene is just completely insane. Bill Greene's ONLY claim to fame was that he once appeared in a porn flick and that he was a "weatherman" on some local TV station in KY or TN before becoming the faithful moggie he is today. If i hired the best screenwriters in Hollywood or NY, I still could not script a stranger, more pathetic, more morally depraved, story of a group of miscreants and perverts than the actual, factual history of dic's pathetic cult. Truly, among all humans, the most miserable and despicable.
  9. And, for a helluva lot more money too, Skyrider! They worked on that thing for over a year. Putting Rosie and Bob Winegarner in charge of the entire project is what sunk way Prod. Up until that point, Ted Ferrell was the Director of Way Prod nominally, but honestly, for the rest of us, the real "head" of Way Prod in the opinion of those of us in the cast, was Ken McCaw. Ken was a talented musician AND composer. He played several instruments (piano, bass, guitar, drums, plus more), read music and was able to score sheet music. He was our age, and he was respected because of his talent, ability, and, the fact that he was a genuinely nice person, made it an informal, yet very tight working arrangement. But, once Rosie and Bob got dictor's ear, and kissed his ass long enough, through the garbage like the Victims (victors), and Braindead (Branded), High Country Caravan, and the other smarmy Oak Ridge Boys-Bill Gaither-Mills Brothers castor oil quality acts in the minds of those of us in the original Joyful Noise and Way Prod casts, way Prod was dead. Then, they sent them all on the field in 1977-1978.....THE very year that they killed way Prod with Rosie and Bob W. So, with all of the original way Prod/Joyful Noise cast out on the field, Rosie and Bobbie consolidated the creative and economic control of Way Prod for good with dictor's enthusiastic, self-serving "blessing". As soon as Piffle 77 was done, they were assigned to "put together" AC '79! And, the original cast and heart and soul of way prod/Joyful Noise was done. Finnegan briefly brought some independence and creativity back to way Prod when they brought JN back to HQ to do the Take A Shit Caravans. That was 1978-79. Later, when the Trunk was transferred to the third guy, the concept grew into the Outreach Weeks and Takit etc., beginning in the early spring of 1980. But, even during the Outreach Weeks, Rosie and Bobbie were responsible for the Saturday Night Concert and the Broadway-style show, "Arnie's Story", starring Joe Fair as Arnie and a number of HQ based actors and performers who came into the Outreach Cities on Fridays to prepare for the Saturday night productions. So, even though Takit and I were a self-contained unit on the way Prod coach, those Saturdays sometimes saw friction between what we "field" personnel wanted to do based on our entire week there, and what the HQ mucketty-mucks thought was "the best way to communicate Dr.Wierwille's heart". Sometimes the friction turned into outright animosity between myself and Rosie-Bob. And, dictor paul artfully played both ends against each other to enjoy his power to manipulate all of his keedz. The bottom line is, beginning with Piffle '77, way Prod and everything in TWIt became ALL ABOUT DIC. That's what it was always all about, but PFAL '77 made it okay to do that publically without reserve, shame, or guilt. Now you may get an idea why I fought so hard to have my interim corpse assignment changed by VP himself. It was the first time any corpse had an Interim year. My assignment was Way Productions/Joyful Noise, HQ. And THAT was the last place I wanted to be!! So, I immediately went over to vic's place after the announcement meeting at the SNS, and told him I could not stay at HQ. I wanted to "move the woid" on the field. So, my second assignment was Twig Coordinator, Asheville, NC. When Doug Emerson, limb dick of NC on his way into the First Special Corpse (Family Corpse 1), heard that he was getting Interim corpse to Western NC, he named it the Western Area and I became the 1st Western Area coordinator based out of Charlotte, instead of Asheville. That is when I officially left Way Prod. IMO, just in time!!..................peace.
  10. Piffle 77 was at Ball State, and AC '79 was st The University of Ohio, Athens, OH. Private college, not connected with OSU.
  11. That was Mike Leb of Selah. I played lead guitar on PDSTRO. Thanks though.
  12. I am refraining from from posting because I don't want to bury this poor bastard without a chance for him to respond. One of the most pathetic waybrained speeches I have ever suffered through! Maybe they refused to broadcast it, even to the Gay Family Ranch, because of all the people who wrote and performed those songs besides Uncle Tom Claudettee and Yard Dog Stanley, who were never contacted, asked for permission to use their material, or play their performances?? They never contacted me and I was in the original Joyful Noise and Way Prod cast. Ros-a-lie must be tired of lawsuits, eh? Nobody has any record of this bullshit memory lane trip outside of those who were there physically, and Rosie's vault of lies and secrets! That's the way she wants it. They are as empty as their minus-try. Pathetic waste of human cellular activity, air, and space. There is no comparison between the dead garbage they throw at people today, and what Joyful Noise and way Prod were in the 70s. Just as there is no comparison between death and life, light and darkness, love and hate.
  13. Marcia Faulk, 5th corpse, is from Greenville, NC. Her father was known down there as "The Colonel". His grandpa was a Colonel in the Confederate Army of NC. He had served in the US military, but, AFAIK, he never attained the rank of Colonel. That moniker dealt with his CSA heritage. A heritage which he was quite loyal to as a KKK supporter. I met him twice. Reminded me of Col. Sanders. LOL! Marcia was one of the original "proto-type" WOWS with Donnie Fugit in the early 70s. She went back to Greenville to finish college at ECU after that WOW deal to MS. She ran the ECU Women's Way Home for a couple of years. She was also very close, platonically, with Steve Aldridge, also from Greenville. He also went into the 5th corpse, but, unfortunately for him, he was gay, so he never made it. BellaDonna spent her interim year in Greenville, NC, as Limb Secy. She became extremely close with 2 women on her interim year. Rosalie Rivenbark and Marcia Faulk. Marcia graduated from the 5th corpse, and basically never left HQ again. She was still BFFs with Marcia that entire time. She married Bill Greene in the early 80s and still never left HQ. She's still there. And, Bill Greene worked for me in the Trunk Office as the PR guy for the 10 WOW Outreach Cities we had that year in the US. I have stories for days about little Billy-da-weasel, but they're not relevant here. No surprise to me that Marcia is still there with BellaDonna. Billy has always been a useful appendage to his wife. SHE'S the reason he's on that Board of Dickheads. SMH.
  14. What year did Dotsie die? Were you still in TWIt when that happened? Did you go to the funeral or memorial? Did Don die in 2000, or 2001? Did you have any conversations with Don or anyone else about Dotsie's mental status? Sorry for all the questions Skyrider. I'm not interrogating you, I'm just interested in getting an accurate timeline of events that seem to have occurred closely together. Thanks for your help!
  15. Yes! Excellent input Skyrider! Thank you. I am sure Dotsie was more "with it" in 1995, 1996. I am also sure that she was quite kind to dictor in her edited recollections. I think the book was done for HER by her daughters, and I'm sure there were many, many, things left unsaid. The manuscript must have been under microscopic examination by Rosie and her Way pub Nazis. LOL! But, I know ALL those women had a tale to tell should they have chosen to. The BOT insured that would NEVER happen! Dotsie felt quite comfortable around you. I'm sure, that as long as she had input, she demanded YOU be her escort. Cora Mae was her constant companion even back when I left in '86. The need to have her there with you in '97 demonstrates the growing discomfort that not only the BOT had re: her mental status, but also Dotsie's own discomfort. She was an RN after-all, though ancient by that time. Did you notice any other evidence of Dotsie's psychosocial decline before you left? I know you were in OK toward the last years of your TWIt time, however, you still have a most unique, firsthand insight into her mental status at that time that I do not. And, as I said, I have never seen nor read the book. So, my understanding of the wierwille family psychodynamic is only firsthand through December, 1986. Your input here is invaluable in putting this together! Thanks for posting Sky! Helps me put together several things I could not have without your input. Keep on ridin' bro!
  16. 1996, eh? IIRC, Dotsie was suffering from senile dementia, if not Altzheimer's, which was progressing rapidly at this time. I think chockful hit the nail on the head. Not only was she emotionally detached from any memories she may have maintained about dictor paul, but her mental status was dementia. She WROTE nothing. She was not capable. This book was a heavily edited transcript of nostalgic conversations between a rapidly progressing senile dementia patient and her loving daughters. Probably afternoon conversations in the living room of the "founder's home" over tea with a fire in the fireplace. That's my opinion, never having seen the book, but being acutely aware of the intense psychodynamic driving the wierwille family at this time. Remember, EVERY PERSON in dictor's' nuclear family was a victim of his undiagnosed, untreated, severe psycho-emotional illnesses. None were spared. Dotsie herself became hopelessly co-dependent and a classic enabler. Donnie grew up idolizing his father until he became mature enough to recognize that his father was insane, and that dic wanted to live on vicariously through Donnie and keep TWIt forever in the control of the wierwille bloodline. Once, during a Yak Twig meeting, confronting da forehead on more sexual conquests of his, Okie brings up something about Don "never respecting" Da forehead because even though dictor wanted Don to be the 2nd prez, Don "couldn't cut it! You couldn't make the cut with your own father!". Don stands up (we were in the motorcycle shed), and wails, "Stop! Stop it! He's dead! He's dead! And he's still torturing me from his fucking grave!". Don then began sobbing, and I went over to hug him and try to console/calm him down. There was dead silence in the shed. Eventually, one-by-one, or two-by-two, the shed emptied out leaving Don and I sitting on lawn chairs in silence for a while. Then, we both went home. i recount this to point out that, the intensity of the emotions, the psychological shock at what had transpired since POP's first attack in April of 1986, and the incredible hurt, pain, spiteful vengeance, and sadism Geer's dictor impersonation brought down upon the BOT, made these "twig meetings" incredible real-time, psychodramatic, soap-operas of human malevolent dysfunction. This dysfunction was NEVER confronted, or treated. It continued to fulminate in the broken souls of the BOT and the remnants of the wierwille family and the zombie "old-timers" walking around drooling and crying in a haze of guilt, shame, and self-loathing. This dysfunction is what drove the TWIt machine throughout the 90s. The hate, spiteful vengeance, hubris, avarice, and perverted promiscuity which ran dictor paul and da forehead, had now infected the entire "remnant" left behind the walls of Zion in the promised land of the prevailing word, and run it into the waterlogged grave of its founder. Don allowed himself to devolve into a hateful character full of piss and venom. He had his mother committed to a skilled nursing facility in St.Mary's because he didn't want his demented mother nearby at HQ. He systematically banished his own brother and sisters from seeing their own mother "on grounds". He truly descended into the depths of vile human depravity, before he himself rotted from lung cancer. Seems dem cancer spurts really take a hankerin' to dem wierwille boyz. Throw Ros-a-lie and BellaDonna in there, Howard, and the asslickers like Greene, Rupp, DeLiar, and, until recently, MoneyHands, Horneys, Forts, et al, and you have a witches brew of self-serving pathological puritans who literally do NOTHING of any human significance, importance, or social value on a daily basis for absolutely no comprehensible reason. I remember the old phrase, "do not confuse activity with accomplishment". TWIt has been hyperactive and hypermanic since the 60s, and yet they have accomplished nothing beyond adding to the death, destruction, suffering, and torment of religious herds on God's Good Earth. "Their answer my friend, is blowin'' in the wind. The answer is blowin' in the wind."................peace all.
  17. Robson......how dumb do you think we are??? You sir, are a moron, imo. "How CCHR Was Established: CCHR was co-founded as an independent mental health watchdog in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus Dr. Thomas Szasz at a time when patients were being warehoused in institutions, abused, stripped of their constitutional, civil and human rights, and left without recourse." So, use one destructive fascist cult to validate the beliefs of another??? The "Church" of Scientology doesn't "have any actual facts" about ANYTHING with any hint of science or evidence to back up L. Ron Hubbard's personal hatred for ALL things "psychiatric" or "psychological". Of all the "beaucoup hits" you pick the most abjectly insane one of them all. Zero clinical evidence. No clinical trial results. No clinical test results. No peer review. Just Scientologist propaganda. They're just as "lazy" as YOU as far as thinking "actual facts" matter in medical science, since their entire field was "born in a seance" according to your moggie dictor paul. That is why the evidence overwhelmingly points to you being an uneducated, misguided, and biased moron to post something from CCHR as presenting anything of any veracity containing "actual facts" regarding fields they blatantly disdain, discount, disrespect, despise, and literally HATE. Dude! What drugs are YOU on??
  18. Sheesh! So much motivation by guilt and the logical fallacy of false equivalence! "MY Ministry", eh? Thanks for posting Sky! Never saw this before. Saw the resignation letter and the back-and-forth between dic and the denominational beaurocrats, the haggling over "Dilemma of Foreign Missions in India", the allegations of embezzlement and extra-marital sexual affairs, and the animosity dic had toward his previous employers. But, I never saw this letter! Sounds just as bad as the corpse letters he had Karen Kerger, Donna Randall, and others "help" him with. As I've said many times before, there was NEVER a time when TWIt was "good"! It was built on lies, stealing, and adultery from the 1940s-1957. After they got the farm to be their HQ, and alleviated the "constant Satanic pressure" from the denomination, dic was free to build his cult of personality and self-aggrandizement. He was free to guilt and shame "the household" into giving him their $$ as proof of their stalwart belief and financial support of ""HIS minus-tray"! He was free to bang any woman he wanted to with impunity. The King "owns" ALL the women in the Kingdom, remember? That includes their teenaged daughters too! They had their hula-hoop product and now they sold it like crazy. Once dic stumbled into the hippie Jesus freaks in CA, while "researching" their supposed "open marriages" as practiced in their "Christian orgies", the "ministry of God's woid" took off. That's what he went to The House of Acts in the Bay Area to do. Jim and Judy and Steve and Sandy freaked. So, dic gave 'em a free ride to Summer School in 1969, allowed them to establish their own independent 501(C)3 corporations in NY and CA, The Way East and The Way West, and made them the mogs for the coasts. Add Donnie Fugit in Wichita, KS, and Steve/Laurie Perez on Long Island, NY, the ECU Way Home started by Tim Somerville (John's brother), and the jalvis show in Indiana, and you have the explosion of TWIt onto the "Jesus Freak" scene, from 1970 forward. Then, in 1972, dic brought it all home to HQ, and TWIt began it's 16 year rise and fall. Both happened with dramatic speed. When dic successfully pulled off his "Christian martyr's" death show, and "turned his face to the wall" to "save" HIS minus-tray, the stage was set for the utter destruction of everything dic said he built! He took his ball and went home! If HE couldn't be the captain, then neither could anyone else! He wanted Donnie to be the second prez. But, he had to go with the moron from Oklahoma, because Donnie was so deadpan boring when speaking publicly, or "teaching Da woid", that he could put the trees his father preached to in the TWIt woods, into the deepest sleep available to trees! LOL! Interesting to note that dic was a whiney little baby beggar boy back then already, who wanted to live the champagne and caviar lifestyle of Hugh Hefner in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. What a farce and what a fraud. And the beat goes on......
  19. Hi Waysider! i did not mean to be so "verbally" condescending as I perhaps was, in my statements regarding the "chemical imbalances" you referred to. It just happens to be a Nusing Certification I used daily for years.....Nursing Pharmacology.....and, there are not only many misconceptions about medication selection and administration in times past, but, the incredible advances made in the last 20 years in medical and technological research have produced amazing and reproduceable results at a rate almost as fast as the high-tech industry itself! This makes the number of treatment modalities expand geometrically, and new medications as well as new categories of medications are popping up like crazy. This is why I am so disheartened by "Big Pharma". They are sitting on a lot of great new treatments just to squeeze out every last possible dollar they can IMO. The implications and prognosis for future beneficial use of new medications discovered with the latest technological aids and the brightest research minds, are enormous. The understanding of biology, physiology, and electrochemistry at the quantum level literally has made "all things possible"! Imagine 3D printing of human organs developed from the patient's very own individual genome allowing for transplants with absolutely no risk of rejection! This has already taken place at the animal level.....mice, pigs, sheep. The understanding of biochemical interaction at the quantum level has made the understanding of "chemical imbalances" far more detailed and holistic. Medications are now being designed from the patient's own genome and antigens genetically specific by it. Cancer chemotherapeutic agents are now being produced on an individual basis for each patient. Results are showing wonderful results and promising new treatment modalities. The knowledge is expanding exponentially every year. So, it is an extremely hopeful and exciting time not only for development of medications and treatments for the physiological killers like cancers and retroviruses, but also for the tormentors of the soul like psychiatric and social anxiety disorders. Sorry for the pedantic lecture, but I did not want to offend you in any way, so I tried to explain myself fully. Love ya bruddah!
  20. If one is going to plagiarize the plagiarizer, then that one ought to at least have the "alacrity of mind" to do so accurately, or, at the very least, correctly. Along with the inordinate number of baseless wierwillean platitudes, and the complete lack of any evidence, scriptural or otherwise, some post their regurgitated Wierwille-ized unbiblical disinformation as if it as true as Einstein's General Theory of Relativity! Then, when completely incredulous and demonstrably ignorant statements regarding "chemical imbalances" and treating them with man-made chemicals are proffered as if they carry even a featherweight of educated relevance, the complete imbecility of these unprovable, platitudinal, OPINIONS becomes horrifically blatant. The dictor paul term "mental ASSENT" has been erroneously quoted or referenced as "mental consent". Sorry.....but it's just as much mental masturbatory BS as the original term dictor paul invented. What is demonstrated to me by such mindless, reflexive "intellectual" crutches, used habitually without critical thought to "prove" non-existent "biblical principles", exhibits a complete intellectual laziness accompanied by a total lack of critical review and objective counterpoint. You can take the vegetable out of the cult, but you can't take the cult out of the vegetable. LOL! My recommendation to the intellectually challenged wierwille apologists, is to first, get an identity other than the one dic manufactured for you in TWIt. And, secondly, stop choosing to stay stuck on stupid for the rest of your life. It is insulting to any ex-Wayfer to be lectured by any other ex-wayfers on how much we need to continue to delude ourselves and others with the ridiculously outdated and disproven "teachings and research" of dictor paul. He was a deranged, perverted, malignant, paranoid narcissist. Get over those FACTS, accept them, and then you may begin to uncork your cranium from dic's rectum. TTFN.
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