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penworks last won the day on February 26

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    Author of two books:
    Undertow: My Escape from the Fundamentalism and Cult Control of The Way International (2017)
    From the Porch to the Page: A Guidebook for the Writing Life (2022)
    Blogger at https://charleneedge.com

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  1. My question was rhetorical, but the resources Rocky shared in response are excellent. For some of us, those resources and books came out YEARS after we left, after our own moral compasses pointed us toward the exit signs.
  2. And so, after reading Wierwille's own words, as Nathan so well describes, who would want to follow along with a group that lauds such a man, as he reveals himself to be in those letters, as a great "man of God?" Sigh. But many still do. For instance, some old timers on the Board of TWI are well aware of stuff in those letters. Yet, they pledge loyalty to VPW anyway. They maintain a tough wall of denial to breach. In my view, a person has to be ready psychologically to admit they made a mistake in their adoration of VPW. A person has to be willing to consider VPW conned them. That's not easy, but it can and has been done by a lot of us. And life didn't end. And life actually expanded for many of us. Life opened itself in wonderful, healing, and loving ways.
  3. If anyone wants the 8 PDF files I made of VPW's letters to the Way Corps (1977 - 1981), let me know in a message, and I'll email them to you. They show beyond a doubt his manipulative tactics... and more! They are an historical record of many disturbing events. Among other things, you'll see the letter I quote in Undertow showing his denigration of certain eighth Way Corps guys for challenging his research. They are too large to upload here on GSC, otherwise I would've done that. I should probably limit how long I can keep emailing these to people. Let's say the offer is good until April 30, 2025 at 5 pm :-). Cheers!
  4. If anyone wants the 8 PDF files I made of VPW's letters to the Way Corps (1977 - 1981), let me know in a message, and I'll email them to you. They show oh so much of his manipulative mind ... and more! Among other things, you'll see the letter I quote in Undertow showing his denigration of certain eighth Corps guys for challenging his research.
  5. For more from me, visit me on Blogspot. My posts there are FREE. My posts on my own website are FREE also. Charlene Lamy Edge Speaks about The Way International My website is: https://charleneedge.com
  6. For anyone considering getting involved with The Way, or if you are and you're having doubts about the group, consider this. It is information you may not have already: The current Way organization still lauds the corrupt VPW as their founding "man of God?" About the Founder - Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille That's enough for me to categorize the current organization as corrupt. Its roots in Wierwille are rotten. Their current "tree" cannot be any good no matter how "nice" any followers might be. Many of us had first-hand experience with the authoritarian, narcissistic, predatory, abusive plagiarist named Victor Paul Wierwille. We know that he stole most of his teachings that are found on tapes and in his books. Many of those are still used today, or tweaked, or slanted this way or that. We know the women he seduced and raped and silenced. We know the emotional abuse he inflicted on anyone who questioned him. We now understand how cults work and how they make extensive efforts to hide their corrupt histories like the one The Way has and cannot escape. We know that no matter how many fresh coats of paint you slather over filth, the filth is still underneath. To any followers of this organization: ask where the money goes. Ask where the power lies. Ask what happens if you leave the group. Ask what happens if you disagree with the ideology. Think for yourself.
  7. If anyone is reading this who is currently involved with TWI, or if you're having doubts about staying involved, consider this: Isn't it true that the current Way organization still lauds the corrupt VPW as their founding "man of God?" About the Founder - Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille That's enough for me to categorize the current organization as corrupt. Its roots in Wierwille are rotten. Their current "tree" cannot be any good no matter how "nice" any followers might be. Many of us had first-hand experience with the authoritarian, narcissistic, predatory, abusive plagiarist named Victor Paul Wierwille. We know that he stole most of his teachings that are found on tapes and in his books. Many of those are still used today, or tweaked, or slanted this way or that. We know the women he seduced and raped and silenced. We know the emotional abuse he inflicted on anyone who questioned him. We now understand how cults work and how they make extensive efforts to hide their corrupt histories like the one The Way has and cannot escape. We know that no matter how many fresh coats of paint you slather over filth, the filth is still underneath. To any followers of this organization: ask where the money goes. Ask where the power lies. Ask what happens if you leave the group. Ask what happens if you disagree with the ideology. Think for yourself.
  8. I'll post it in a couple other places here today.
  9. Isn't it true that the current Way organization still lauds the corrupt VPW as their founding "man of God?" About the Founder - Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille That's enough for me to categorize the current organization as corrupt. Its roots in Wierwille are rotten. Their current "tree" cannot be any good no matter how "nice" any followers might be. Many of us had first-hand experience with the authoritarian, narcissistic, predatory, abusive plagiarist named Victor Paul Wierwille. We know that he stole most of his teachings that are found on tapes and in his books. Many of those are still used today, or tweaked, or slanted this way or that. We know the women he seduced and raped and silenced. We know the emotional abuse he inflicted on anyone who questioned him. We now understand how cults work and how they make extensive efforts to hide their corrupt histories like the one The Way has and cannot escape. We know that no matter how many fresh coats of paint you slather over filth, the filth is still underneath. To any followers of this organization: ask where the money goes. Ask where the power lies. Ask what happens if you leave the group. Ask what happens if you disagree with the ideology. Think for yourself.
  10. Besides my book, Undertow, and Kristen Skedgell's book, Losing The Way, here's another expose but it's by an outsider named Jonathan Morrow. I actually found and read the copy I still have before I escaped TWI HQ in 1987. It was for sale in a used bookstore over in Fort Wayne, IN. Most of it is fairly accurate in my view. If anyone is interested, here's a copy for sale at Thriftbooks. Victor Paul Wierwille and the Way... book by Jonathan Morrow
  11. Thanks for this, Rocky. As for tactics TWI used in the past to find prospects. In the 1970s, one big time leader I won't name, told us to comb throught the obituaries to find the names of families who'd lost loved ones so we could approach them, offer "comfort," and try to sign them up for the PFAL class. I found that piece of advice so revolting I never did it. At least I had some good sense tucked in my mind somewhere back then ...
  12. Sorry to hear this. I first met Kit in California around 1973 or 74. She was indeed a kind person and strong! Thank you for letting us know, Pawtucket.
  13. Congratulations on your baby girl, Raf. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Charlene
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