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waytrix survivor

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    Outside the compound... on Bless Patrol.

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  1. Job 14:4 - Who can bring what is pure from the impure? No one!
  2. I don't mind the component of our society that pushes for "payment" for wrongs that have been done. I wouldn't feel good about living in a place where people were let off the hook because: "other people make mistakes too, you know." Do you have no concept of justice? Or do you have no concept of what this guy did? Your version of a justice system, sounds like it may be required to say: "Oh well... I guess raping those little boys wasn't THAT bad... We've all made mistakes... you're free to go! No apology required." I understand that's taking what you've said to an extreme... but its a good way to test a thought, and yours fails. Loy Craig Martindale ABUSED a position of power! It's like a police officer who uses his position to steal, or worse.... The punishments for this should be higher than it is for normal folks. You should rethink whatever WEAK, "WHO CARES" logic has caused you to think like that, or you may find yourself being taken advantage of again.
  3. Biker babe, I wish your story seemed unusual. People with little control over thier prior or present life, loved coming into twi to gain power over something controllable... people. It made them feel important... which they were and are not. ex10 - thanks for the great Houston pitch. Is the humidity bad? Atlanta wasn't a killer for heat, and that's why I liked it... I have also lived in Brisbane, Australia... where the heat was a killer because of the humidity. I figure I could handle a hot & dry summer, but I think that would be more San Antonio - with Houston being wetter. We're thinking of crossing Portland/Seattle off our lists for the sweater reason. We got the impression yesterday that we wouldn't be swimming there ever. As for leadership witnessing, I saw some of them do it with me... I'll give them credit where it's due, I actually think quite a few of the top leadership would work along side the workmen. And why shouldn't they? More indians makes for happier chiefs!
  4. Now that's a fantastic point. He appearantly has nothing left to gain from people staying in... but the borg queen does. What do you want to bet the borg queen still has something over him? I left & I was placed on "spiritual probation", where I was supposed to conduct a letter writing campaign to rev. a$$h@(e about what I thought of the sns tape or way mag. Early on, I figured the REAL point of this was to get me to keep funding the borg... but I now think it was a retainer of some measure of control over me as well. What could the borg queen still have over the package handler? btw - does anyone have a pic of loy handling a package... I'd pay damn good money for one with poster quality dpi.
  5. Thanks for all of the information on Portland dmiller... We were actually thinking Vancouver, WA where there's no income tax & you're right across the border from no sales tax! We piced cities with over a million folks & a high growth rate + relatively low cost of living... continuing advice on the following is appreciated: Richmond, VA; Raleigh-Durham, Charlotte, NC; Atlanta, GA; Houston, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Austin, San Antonio, TX; Seattle or Vancouver, WA
  6. So there was this thread that rosie started with: and then there was the expected responses.... and then there was rosie explanation (that you can find if you want to), and that explanation sounded to me like rosie may have thought that we're all over here ministering to each other, you know... trying to deal with our possessors.... and that rosie was actually speaking to the borg members that had wandered in here or something. Which made me want to take odds on whether or not they really do think that we're all possessed. And I figure I'd take odds at 10 to 1 right now that if asked.... a member of the borg would say that if you go to the GSC, and actually consider what's being said here that you'd be "opening yourself up... BIG TIME!" Anyone want to take further odds that it's essentially word for word?
  7. Thanks - we are planning a trip to do just that. My wife and I have narrowed down our possible destinations to only 12 at this point. 5 large cities in TX, two in NC, Atlanta, Seattle, Portland, & Richmond, VA. We're actually planning to visit as many of them as we can prior to moving - we're seeking a more abundant life, without having to renew our minds so much.
  8. Whew - that's so spiritually heavy - god told you to say that? I'm leaving - heart pierced by the truth... and I'm not going to stop until I see wayprod dancing in the gazebo.... oh wait... I came to my senses, god wouldn't have someone waste their time with that sort of fruitless bs , so rosie... my dear rosie.... your shiny new Epesians screenname isn't a real cool one ... and like I told you before, and shouldn't have to f'ing tell you again! If you're going to post that sort of crap... go on over to MySpace, and dump it into one of the two twi groups there, where thy borg is situated. Their conversation just wreaks of legalism, and your post will apply well actually. Oh, and while I've got you reading this - send me back my money b_tch! http://groups.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseac...1d-0bae00b3c77b http://groups.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseac...73-cd061f2f614c
  9. IT WAS ALL CIRCULAR LOGIC - A sealed system of it, like a bearing on an axel. The whole crock of crap was just an answer to it's own inevitable questions to the wrong answers that you'd been given to start with. Those questions were called an "unrenewed mind" by the way, in case you don't remember having them... You went to twi for an abundant life, but inevitably, and invariably if no abundant life came unto you - it was your fault. There was no other answer possible - the default was set to "it's the believer's fault", and the default was NEVER changed. The fact that your life was still sucky in any way wasn't the "consequences" either, because the real "consequeces" were always left as a possibility that assuredly WOULD come if you left twi: posession! But you wanted to stay... because: no one IN twi was ever possessed - unless it was convenient and they had already been, or were just about to be "cleaned out" - because possession was the fear specifically designed to keep you IN! Which was fine with you. You wanted to stay in, because you just knew you were right on the verge of the abundant life... if you could JUST renew your freakin' mind to BELIEVE that eating balogne on white bread and not owning a car was abundance, while you were giving 23% of your income to twi. What you believe IS important! If there's a law of believing, it would certainly have to be closer to the above... heck the law of believing itself may even be 100% dead on - but the point is - it was severely misused for the gain of our old evil taskmasters. A hammer is not wrong on its own - but when taken from the box, and used to work on the windows - it can become very destructive.
  10. Attention future winner: A reference in a totally different topic to rosie as the "borg queen" got me thinking that it would be fun if we could have a photoshop picture challenge. For instance I'd like to see if anyone could redo this: http://sfc.strategyplanet.gamespy.com/imag...org_picture.gif or this: http://www.mala.bc.ca/~soules/medi402/walker/borg1.GIF or perhaps one of these (but I think with a bit more searching you could find a better one to start with): http://www.prosieben.de/imperia/md/images/...p2_1024_768.jpg http://www.lostpedia.com/images/9/9c/3x13_...ke_ben_talk.jpg - no holds barred... Any ideas for the prize? If some of us are good at this, maybe we could photoshop vpw into all of the places he said he'd been, doing all the sh-t he said he did, with all the snow he could have wished for.
  11. So, I'm thinking about moving.... yet again. I think I move habitually every few years or so partially because of going WOW & Way Disciple. And it got me thinking of how I just put where i lived in the hands of others so mindlessly - and I have to admit, I liked that! The adventure of finding out where you were sent on your next "mission" (whether or not you choose to accept it). And I wonder if it was just a carry over from missionaries - or was there any more cynical reason that someone can think of for it? Was it more important for the "borg queen" (to use an awesome reference from another recent post) WHO you were with, than where you were sent within the growing colony? If it was just a simple carry over from the old missionaries, why did they do that? BTW - I went to Atlanta once, and to This small midwestern city the other time. I hated the midwestern city for the most part, but I liked Atlanta, so much so that I'm presently considering moving back. Waytrix Survivor
  12. Rosie sure looks butch on that avatar!! LOLOLOL!!!!

  13. Anytime anyone would discuss Wayprod I always felt so hypocritical... They ALL suck, not one of them would even stand a chance at even winning a spot on your average reality tv show... And the worst part of anything Wayprod was that dispicable FORCED SMILE - chill out, breathe, look natural, anything but that f__king forced smile! Scary!
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