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Everything posted by YID
, Hank is definitely younger. Take a closer look at the hair. Craig was going bald in the later years of his reign. Plus, he was getting a belly. His smile is different. Craig always smiled with one nostril higher than the other. Where ever you got this picture, you should send one of Craig. Let the guy know he is more blessed than his look alike.
I'm my own grand-pa! That's all I have to say about that.
This was a very moo- ving story. One observation, the cow in the story was referred to in the masculine, however, the pictures showed a female. Don't you think that is utterly rediculous? When the chickens arrived in choppers, I thought it was foul. Don't get your feathers ruffled, I'm just blowin' my own horn.
I think we may be much too demanding of a guy to actually know the words to a song. I kind of liked the way it sounded like he was calling the cows home. Maybe he's a farmer. Maybe he was mooing in tongues. This just in, Greasespot Cafe News has just learned this guy is auditioning for Way Productions. He will also be playing bagpipes behind the singing ladies.
Dot, I recently began selling video phones. Nice thing is, I know who has one since I sell them and I have a pretty good idea whose calling before I answer the device. Basically, the view is a head and shoulders shot. So, I guess I could get away with just a shirt. But I prefer wearing gym shorts, too. For the record, I wear something when I'm on the phone now. I plan on keeping a shirt on the back of my chair for emergencies.
I may be in error but I think Johnny T. taught the class first and Earl B. did a remake of it. In Johnny's class, it was like an introduction to multi-level marketing. Example: You get a 7 people in your fellowship and run a class. When that Twig splits a number of times, you become a branch leader, and so on. It motivated me to become a witnessing machine. I witnessed, and signed people up for classes with passion. In fact, I remember about 6 months into my involvement, I was visiting a Twig and the Twig leader turned to the rest of the Twig and said, "If you want to get someone signed up for the class, get Rxck (me) in front of 'em. He can sign up anyone." My heart swelled up with joy to think I had that kind of reputation. I was brought down to reality when I witnessed to some trinitarians later that evening. I was totally unprepared.
That's a good question with a simple answer. I think the unusual doctrines started when VPW started reading the Bible and found 'Churchianity' had nothing to offer but 'stories' (i.e. fairytales). I personally believe Churchianity contributed more to the Word over the USA than the WOW program. I wasn't there when VPW had affairs. But I was there when the class ran. 4 crucified, eli;eli; holy spirit stuff was wonderful, but it wasn't the all to end all. The Bible is still here though it's not allowed in classrooms or on courthouse steps or in some churches. I did visit a church a year back. I was the only one there with a Bible. The Sunday so-called worship service was a bunch of Bible verses on a video screen so no one would have to carry their Bible. The lights went out so everyone could see the screen. Then, I couldn't see my Bible. Read the Bible and you'll find a lot of unusual doctrines. Like born again of incorruptible seed. Fellowship vs. sonship. Dispensationalism. etc.
PBS? I tried watching it in the 60's, a few times in the '70's. Nothing else was on... I didn't have cable. Every time I've stopped while channel surfing, to see what they are saying... I feel like I'm back in 1969. It seems they are professionals at identifying a problem and in some cases, making up problems without offering a solution. Pinko Boring Shxt.
BETA TAPES! ! ! Now that was cutting edge!! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I bet you could find a beta player in Russia somewhere! I remember when VHS was offered in the video store around the corner from me and I went in and asked for Beta movies. The clerk would smile and suggest I invest in a VHS machine. Later, I asked a BC why TWI went with Beta and his answer was lame. Something about the quality was so much better than VHS and that someone had been inspired (revelation) to think it was the wave of the future. OOOPPS! ! ! !
While in residence a few girls in twig were a tinsy winsy uptight. Walkin' by the law. The highlight of my day was to make them laugh. I use do the usual things. Like for supper one night the kitchen had served some kind of noodle dish. Of course, I grabbed one and put it in my hand and sneezed...then displayed the noodle. That got 'em goin'. But the best was at breakfast. Since water was the only beverage served at meals. I developed the ability to put the glass to my lips and let the water dribble down my shirt. All spectators of this would look at me as if to say, "Oh Shxt! ! ! Did you know you are leaking? I left breakfast a many a morning with my shirt soaked.
Today, I ordered diet water at a Mexican Food Restaurant. It was jaw-dropping.
ROTFL::: Just think of the mess we'd be in if Ripley took the class! ! ! ! ! ! !
Jesus Christ believed to be raised from the Dead
YID replied to Bolshevik's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
The law of believing could also be expressed as "the principle of believing". Believing is a simple matter of being fully persuaded regardless of what the world says around you. I see clear evidence of Jesus Christ believing throughout his ministry. Mainly, he believed the Word of God and acted on it. -
Jesus Christ believed to be raised from the Dead
YID replied to Bolshevik's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
There are 9 genatives listed in Bullinger's Companion Bible. Taking a look at the definitions he used, the "law of believing" would be usage 5, the genative of relation not usage 4, the genative of apposition. example of genative of relation used would be 'the law as it pertains to believing'. example of genative of apposition used would be 'the law, that is to say, believing'. The 'law of believing' and faith are not the same. The genative identifies the consistancy of the practice. Hence, there would be no confusion with a little research. Of course, IMHO, the real confusion is the use of the word within churchianity. The average church attendee may understand faith is equal to believing, but when things go array, the typical direction from church leaders is to have "more faith. This puts the attendee (in my personal experience) in a position question and condemn his or her self for not having enough and falling short of the mark. -
I remember on two occassions in the '80's, before VPW retired, he expressed a desire for someone to put a paper together on this. I don't think Chris did the work till after VP had died. Ask any successful businesess man. Success is in the details. I'm particularly thankful I've had doctors with a detailed, swat at the nats, mentality. If details aren't important, then why study Greek or Aramaic? Jesus Christ was a nat swatter. I seem to recall him saying something about a 'jot and tittle". Talk about nit-picky. Lots of the work in TWI was nit-picky. That was one of the selling points that got so many of us to start going. It was amazing that people actually new the Bible in detail. The misuse of doctrine was wide-spread. I remember the Advanced Class of '78, VP offered to open the floor up to any question. It was the first time anyone had seen him do it at such an event. Somewhere around the third guy asked the question about Needs and Wants being parallel. VP went nuts! ! ! VP & Me refered to this incident. He started rantin' and ravin' about how the students in the AC should know this stuff. It was foundational! ! ! About eight years later, as I graduated the Corps, I asked some of my Corps buddies if they understood it. Not one understood it. Point: Things were taught and some never got it. The natural thing to do was to accept it as gospel truth and go out and run a class. That was disappointing.
ROTFL I have a number of words that are my favorite in a crisis or urgent or an amazed situation. It always freaks people out if I let one slip in the wrong environment. i.e. a Christmas party or family gathering. While raising our kids, my wife and I use to use the initials to express ourselves. FSD! ! ! I now have to incorporate your slogan. I think it's great! ! ! !
Case of God(Creator) VS Evolutionary Atheism
YID replied to sky4it's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Isn't it common for a person to ignore the dangers of left-wing thought patterens and point out the few right-wing blunderers. I was thinking about it today. I'm going to make a T-shirt. I was thinking on the front, it could say: Dem's contradictions On the back, it will list the contradictions; Pro-abortion but anti-death penalty. Pro-poor but anti-self-sufficient Pro-education but anti-individual success Pro-Freedom of speach but anti-public prayer Pro-evelution but anti-Christ I need to make it a little more humorous and tongue in cheek. Any ideas? I figure if I make about a dozen of them and send them to a few select politicians, it just may catch on at the National Republican Convention. -
Last night at about this same time, I watched the video of this on this post. I somehow clicked the metacafe website and watched clips for about 2 hours. Facinating web-site. Everything from chemical class to the Tonight Show was in it. I don't know if it's true about the battery. But if it is, I would venture that most of the other clips have some fact behind them as well. Thanks for sharing this.
Jesus Christ believed to be raised from the Dead
YID replied to Bolshevik's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I never understood this to mean he was dead and believed to get raised from the dead. My understanding was that he went to the cross believing he would be raised from the dead. The two records where he refered to Jonah being in the fish's belly for 3 days and 3 nights is what made it clear for me. -
OK. More false doctrine here brought to you by Lucky Strikes and me. The five catagories of the word 'Pistis'. Senses Faith (believing) : The believing used by senses man. We all use it. We believe if we sit in the chair, it will hold us up. It's typically conditional on circumstance (we won't believe the chair will hold us up if it's broken...but we will believe a new chair will) Faith of Jesus Christ: This was taught as being innate within the believer and synonymous with being born-again, filled with the spirit. Manifestation of Faith: This is the one with the Advanced Class definition. The manifestation of faith is your God-given ability to bring to pass the impossible at your command once you have ascertained the neccessary information by Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom or Discerning of Spirits. It also inspires believing in others. examples: Moses parting the Red Sea, Jesus walking on the water, turning water into wine, and healing people. Fruit Faith: Listed amoung the 9 fruits of the spirit in Galatians. As close as I remember it, it was a result of walking by the spirit of God. Family Faith: This is the believing within a group of people as seen in Acts when the earthquake opened the jail doors for Peter. Acts has a lot of examples of this. Example:People getting healed at the passing of Peter's shadow. In the Bible, the only times when it was possible to believe for someone else or in their stead was if the person was mentally incapacitated or if they were dead. I never knew Chxxs Gxxr published a work on this. To my knowledge, these are the only catagories taught by VPW. I never thought of it as 'doctrine'. I just thought of it as a huge deal to know the boundries we have to work in. IMHO these boundries assist us to walk in the unlimited grace of God.
This question was a motivator for starting a business. I had the idea of starting a janitorial business and wanted to be competitive. I was trying to determine what I should charge. As it turned out, I just happened to have filled out an application a few weeks previous that posed the same question. "What was your last year's salary?" I was embarrassed. After years in TWI, I was barely making over half the medium income for Texas. Growing up in a blue collar town, I always found humor in how different the mentality was compared to a city like Kasas City. You ask some one in KC what school they went to and their proud button get's pushed. "I went to Emporia State!" or "I went to University of Kansas!" In Corpus Christi, you ask that question and the typical response is, " I went to Carrol High School!" or "I went to King High School!" The proud button is the same, just a different value system. Likewise, you ask a college grad what his income is and you'll likely hear an annual salary. Go to Corpus And ask that and it will be an hourly salary. So, I did the math. The medium income for a family was about $30,000 a year. So, let's see. If you work 40 hours a week for a year (52 weeks) that's 2080 hours. Divide 30,000 by 2000 hours (allowing 80 hours for down time and vacation)....I needed to charge about $15.00 an hour. Today, I'm on disability. I'm a few months away from telling Social Security they are fired! I'm still disabled but I'm not dead. I can figure out how to set up a substantial residual income that makes Social Security an insult to a person with just a little brain left. I have the experience and have earned the right to pursue a six figure residual income. Doors have opened extremely wide and I running through. This question was a motivator for starting a business. I had the idea of starting a janitorial business and wanted to be competitive. I was trying to determine what I should charge. As it turned out, I just happened to have filled out an application a few weeks previous that posed the same question. "What was your last year's salary?" I was embarrassed. After years in TWI, I was barely making over half the medium income for Texas. Growing up in a blue collar town, I always found humor in how different the mentality was compared to a city like Kasas City. You ask some one in KC what school they went to and their proud button get's pushed. "I went to Emporia State!" or "I went to University of Kansas!" In Corpus Christi, you ask that question and the typical response is, " I went to Carrol High School!" or "I went to King High School!" The proud button is the same, just a different value system. Likewise, you ask a college grad what his income is and you'll likely hear an annual salary. Go to Corpus And ask that and it will be an hourly salary. So, I did the math. The medium income for a family was about $30,000 a year. So, let's see. If you work 40 hours a week for a year (52 weeks) that's 2080 hours. Divide 30,000 by 2000 hours (allowing 80 hours for down time and vacation)....I needed to charge about $15.00 an hour. Today, I'm on disability. I'm a few months away from telling Social Security they are fired! I'm still disabled but I'm not dead. I can figure out how to set up a substantial residual income that makes Social Security an insult to a person with just a little brain left. I have the experience and have earned the right to pursue a six figure residual income. Doors have opened extremely wide and I running through.
I wish I were able to do what this kid did. At my age, I'd have problems getting the other kid on my back, much less 5 yrds downfield.
OK! I live in San Antonio. It's just south of the Hill Country (where Willie Nelson called home). There is a unique beauty in the hill country. The hills will be green during the day but at sunrise and sunset, they turn a unique bluegreen that can take your breath away. Peppered in it all is the Cedar tree. The Cedar tree is the only tree in the world that pollenates in the winter. When it does, you can take a 2x4 board and hit the trunk and all the pollen falls like snow. It's a sight to see. Especially if you are allergic to it. Immediately, your sinus cavity fills with mucus. Your breathing becomes labored and in my case, I sneeze like a comedian.........only it's not funny. I can end up blowin' 'stuff' clear across the room. It's very embarassing and inconvenient. The season is only from the 1st week or 10 days of December to the first week or 10 days of February. I need to find a place with no Cedar trees north of it. Preferably close to Texas where I can stay for 2 months during Cedar Season. Is there such a place (besides the West Coast) in the U.S.A.? I'm thinking that Cedar is all over the south. Is it in Atlanta? The Carolina's, Nebraska or even New Mexico? Somebody knows where there is and isn't Cedar.
Just a note: My handle in here is 'YID'. It's not because I claim Jewish descent. My handle use to be, "YIdon'tgotochurch". But the space allowed in the chat room and in the forums only allowed for 'YIDON"T'. People started calling me 'YID'. Others started asking how I came up with that name. I finally gave in and shortened it. Some know the history and know who I am. Y I don't go to church is for the same reason I think others in here don't. I can't stand to listen to someone hack the Word into pieces. The minute they refer to I Cor 12 as the 'gifts of the spirit' or chapter 13 as 'the LOVE chapter', I'm outa here.
Where I share your observation on the misuse of the word, I don't think you can surmise the definition from the one verse you refered to in the Gospels as conclusive. In one dictionary. One of the definitions of the word "believe" is "a state of mind". Uniquely, it is often used as a verb. Which connotes a state of mind or action. Personally, 'desire' sounds like a misuse of a word somewhere. "Expecting to see you there" would be a lot more accurate and it allows the person to know there is a commitment involved to getting there and that you expect them to make and keep such a commitment. You are very correct. The word was misused. Typically a word misused is a direct result of laziness or lack of eduction regarding it's proper usage. We all suffer from the misuse of words. People say they get 'mad' when actually, they are frustrated or disappointed. Sometimes even angry. But because of a lack of thinking about it, they associate frustration or disappointment with anger. I'm 52 years old this March. I haven't had a "bad" day in 32 years. I'm not stupid! I've had a lot of 'hard' or 'difficult' days. A 'bad' day would be 24 hours of bad. Having had 3 brain surgeries, I can tell you without hesitation there were some 'bad' moments and even 'bad' hours. But they just made the day difficult. At my age, I'm starting to see more and more difficult days. My motivation to get up and go to work is lower than it's ever been. My ability to adapt to uncomfortable situations is less compromising. My ability to put up with stupid people and situations is stretched and my patience is much thinner than it should be. But then, I'm at a great time in my life! I've done and seen more things than most people I went to school with ever dreamed. I've survived things that would kill the average person. In fact, a class mate of mine died of a brain tumor in his 30's. All of this makes you go "Humph! The 5 catagories of believing taught by VPW are still the best work I've seen. Now, I'm sure someone will say he plagerized it from someone else. But it was still taught by VPW to me. If someone else figured it out first, then why couldn't they figure it out enough to get it out to the denominations and to me? The denominations misuse 'faith' or 'believing' more than any group of believer's in TWI ever did. They can't distiquish between senses faith and the manifestation of faith. At least, most in TWI were exposed to the difference. Churchianity will never get it because 'it's a gift'. Funny how one subject always dovetails into many.