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Everything posted by exwaycorps
-- as far as anonymous or real names here, i don't think it's relevant except that i respect you and thank you for always being who you are agreed! I had my e mail address posted in the contact section of my profile . It really wasn't necessary.People can send me a message if they feel the need and I think that's a better idea. I removed it. It IS still the internet,isn't it ? About John J... ok, first of all , yes ,I'm a "newbie" and how dare I ? but here goes I understand that opinions are welcomed here. Many of us post things about twi we don't like,that are untrue,damaging etc. So does he. Many give advice,counseling,stories, a shoulder, and the like. So does he. Why is HE so often "taken to task" in here for doing the same thing as the rest of us? We all have opinions,perspectives, & experiences that we gladly share. His opinions have been sought out by others and he has done a lot to be helpful. (hence the twi portion of his website). and more. BTW, there are stories posted there that I KNOW to be true. Why do some ,in here ,feel that HIS opinions HAVE to backed up with a long list of credentials etc. Why is he "held up" as one who must prove himself ,over and over? While the rest of us can just post whatever we want? Occasionally somebody gets "pounced" upon but none as often as him. Let alone an entire thread dedicated to him. Seems unfair and sorta "bullying". IMHO Even the name of this thread is sorta, i DUNNO RUDE?? Who the BLANK is he to have an opinion? once again for emphasis WHO IS THIS CHARACTER AND WHO IS HE TO HAVE AN OPINION??? UM, ISN'T THAT WHAT THIS WHOLE SITE IS ? Who are any of us to have an opinion? What is an open forum anyway? Must we prove our worth before we can open our mouth? That sounds a lot like the "organization" we all LEFT! Is there now a sense of fear of anyone who heads up a church ? How can that be helpful? Just some thoughts "...and nobody in all of OZ no wizard that there IS or WAS is EVER gonna bring ME down" ok, so it looks like I messed up the quote portion of my show oops lol
I live in Ohio. I'm about an hour away from HQ. Thought of making the drive. Not to "seriously" go back, just to see the PLACE again. Some memories of that PLACE are quite good ones for me. Sure was beautiful. Put in lots and lots of labor there. Sort of feel like it's mine to visit if I choose. Ya know ? LOVE to take a walk in the way woods.Alone. Is there a bit of scrutiny or can you really just visit? I have no idea. I've heard you cant just stroll onto the grounds but you can visit for sunday night service. THAT'S open to the public, I believe. Anyone know for sure. If I made the drive and was turned away I think I'd be ....ed. Would I need a nametag? I still have mine from the corps. Hmmm, probably not a good idea to wear that huh? lol Nah, I would not tell them who I was. Doubt I'd see anyone there who would know me
Yes Dot. that's EXACTLY what we were told. Charming spirits and many more. I remember a particular meeting where supposedly several spirits were cast out of her. although Marsha never spoke of it we were regularly told things about her "progress" if she would stay "on the field" or not etc. we felt she might disappear at any moment( her choice or not )we were all told that this was a problem SHE was having. she's weak,she's possessed. It was all laid on her. meanwhile she was our immediate corps leadership. we kinda went form feeling sorry and also being a lil afraid of her. I'm ashamed to say I did know the girl you mention. "L......" She was a WOW also from the other family in town. She never spoke of it either. I just know she went with Marsha. As I recall it was her Birthday and that's why she was also invited out to the motorcoach. Again we thought it was a great honor for her. what a birthday present huh?
thanks for the hug Dot
I don't know this man John Juedes but I am grateful for him. Here's why: I've posted a bit of this in other threads In '76 I was WOW in State College,Pa. I was 17. It was my first time away from home.My branch coordinator was a 6th corps woman. Her story is posted on John's website. <A href="mailto:Messiah7@empirenet.com%20%20%20%20"Marsha's">Messiah7@empirenet.com "Marsha's story" I knew something quite upsetting had happened to her due to many sudden changes in her and countless meetings regarding her (meant to tame our curiosity and cover tracks ,i'm now sure). Talk about an ironclad veil of secrecy!! Clearly she was changed by something or someone. All this began with vp's visit to our town, and her visiting the motorcoach.we all thought it was a great honor for her. anyway, We were told she was possessed, this ,that and the other.Obviously, a really rough time for her, us too (much lesser degree) fast forward years later out of twi hearing tons of similar stories thinking OMG, could that have been it ?? puttin pieces together, i sorta thought hmm i'll bet but never really knew 30 years later(yeah I know) THERE HER STORY IS, IN BLACK AND WHITE why the story got to me in the way it did SO many years later I have no answer but it did obviously she reached out to and trusted(which i'm sure was a big deal to her)this man John thank god for him as I said in another thread while reading her story my mouth literally dropped, I'm talkin' wipe up the drool and the whole thing lol yay for her she obviously now has courage,strength,has reached out, moved up and on GO MARSHA,GO MARSHA!!!!!! SO, FOR ME THAT POSTING WAS HEALING I have e-mailed John and thanked him privately but this thread seemed like a good place to tell you guys and express my support for him,publicly.Obviously he's been quite helpful to others. what it's all about!
thanks Jane, Having a cup right now
thanks "OUT THERE" this site is brand new to me and i can't get enough. names, faces (sorta),places all comming back to me. Whenever the way comes up (my family were involved) mixed emotions follow. I've stuffed so much of my experiences down deep for many reasons. not wanting to face them i guess. My only "way" contact is my mom. So often she'll call and tell me something she's recently learned and always adds "I no longer think the way had it right"... on this topic or that. I would always challenge her "new" belief. The Way opened the book for me so it's hard sometimes to let go of a long held belief. it's INTERESTING to read up on others thoughts, feelings, experiences . etc. on subjects that were a big part of my life. Hard reading at times. I became a "working" christian (actively seeking knowledge and spiritual growth) at a twig fellowship at the age of 16 or so ('70s). the way was sort of my intro to God. I will always be grateful for that. Hearing all that happened in the latter years is so very weird for me. sorta shaking the foundation of what i thought was truth. Almost like hearing you're adopted or something similar. the V.P. sex things ,for example, SOOOOO hard to believe although I know it really happened. there was an incident on my first wow year. didn't really know what happened for sure till i (just this week) read about it from the source ,my wow sister, on a related website. "marsha's story" putting pieces together from stories i've heard and what i witnessed ,I knew thats what must have happened. the wow year got REAL interesting after vp's visit. now I know for sure. I so loved that man for so long(please, nobody pounce on me for that) wow "what a long,strange trip it's been"
Just read a huge sexual abuse story on this guy's website "Marsha" She was my wow sister back in '76. I remember a lot about that time. never knew what happened the night she went out to the motorcoach. it all just got a lil weird. She was definately CHANGED that night. We were all told she was "possessed". Then years later I began to hear all these stories,sexual abuse etc. and i immediately went back in my mind to that year,my first wow year, and all those events. I was convinced that was what happened. Then ,Just today I read her story. my mouth just dropped. and, of course I sent an email to that site. It would be cool if i could get in touch with her and tell her myself how much she taught me and what an example of a great woman of god she was to me,and how my heart goes out to her all these years later, Man this is all a lot to think about!
A poll of how many years you were in TWI: 0 - 20years
exwaycorps replied to Royal Gorge's topic in My Story
pfal '75 wow'76 wow'78 advanced class '79 11th corps KICKED out in '82 before the real fallout started (so i hear) so much makes sense now hearing others stories loved many during those years learned a great deal about a lot of things that still serve me. yet reliving the ending is rough never felt so betrayed lied to misunderstood undervalued and nearly hated. just found this site today often wondered about the way had no idea how much happend sheesh ( I almost said "wow") -
Just found this website wow quite interesting 11th corps here. didn't finish. left in my interim year. hadn't seen or heard from anyone in the way in years. now and again i want to drive to HQ to look 'round . heard it's not really welcoming any more.still In ohio here.