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Everything posted by exwaycorps
The computer sure seems to embolden some of you to say THE most AAAmazing things to one another. Just one more example of how these women were treated horribly by twi...only to get the same treatment (or worse) here. I cannot even imagine being faced with some of the things these women have been through. Can you ? Yet, some of you feel nothing at all about lauding YOUR OPINION, of them, up to the sky in what seems like an attempt to glorify YOUR knowledge,YOUR feelings,YOUR *superiority*over them on these very personal matters. They have obviously been deeply hurt. But, of course, YOUR opinion, summation of events (you know nothing about)... well... THAT'S THE IMPORTANT THING. Isn't it ? Their pain means nothing. right? Go ahead ...add to it!! As long as YOU get YOUR two cents in. That's what really matters in here huh? GOD FORBID WE GO THROUGH LIFE WITHOUT YOUR OPINION If some of these things were said *face to face* I'm sure you'd have more to deal with than you'd care to. Nobody would stand for that. I think the loved ones in their life would take exception to it. (just a hunch) Who among you would EVER DARE tell a rape victim that her rapist was a pretty cool guy ? or that she probably misunderstood him. Or "no way that really happened!!" OR telling a woman who believes she was FORCED into getting an abortion... that it's no big deal. "get over it!" I really don't think you would. So...why is it ok in here?? Going with the flow... Here's some thread ideas we can really sink our (very sharp) teeth into. I mean, why not? These things are being said anyway. Right? 1 you're a lying wh_re 2 keep your legs together b_tch 3 101 ways to rip each other up 3 twi... who needs them? we have each other (to bring down) 4 How i'm better than you (and I can provide scripture) 5 wh_re "de jour" 6 liar,liar (pants on fire) 7 here's how wrong you really are (IMHO) 8 "neener,neener,neener!!" 9 here's how I think you should have handled (your own life) 10 I know that was harsh but...(let me make it even worse for you, ok?) COME ON !!!! A lil "over the top" but sheesh Can we stop for a moment and think about how we're treating each other. Granted . We get mad etc. but... we're talking about people's LIVES here. Thank you in advance (risky,I know)
Love reading this stuff! thanks guys
THAT'S HILARIOUS!!! Twisted minds are far more common than great ones. It's a lot easier to be twisted than great. Great minds tends to stand out. Twisted minds "huddle" together trying to figure out how to be great,or how to topple the great ones and reduce them to being merely twisted like the majority. Is greatness inate or thrust upon one? Is being twisted contagious? A few great thoughts from a twisted mind ? or A few twisted thoughts from a great mind? or neither hahaha
Let this mouse blather on for just a sec. I'm no apologist (read my posts if you like,or not) pfal got me born again. I don't believe THAT was a scam or that I got duped (by that). That,to me,IS something of real,lasting value. Not mearly "bait". I believe that twi went to hell in a handbasket. I also believe that broad, sweeping generalizations (like yours) are always incorrect. Too many varied experiences to be swept under one VERY broad statement. Make room for MY experiences without insulting me and I'll do the same for yours. thankyouverymuch. exwaycorps (born again guy)
If I may invoke the holy name of Oprah (the new messiah) just ask her ,she'll tell you ^ tongue in cheek NOT forgiving...only eats at YOU,not them
thanks "back at ya " Ex 10 Yes...boy pig lol
Hee Hee thanks I like to think the pig is laughing out loud. He's "up" for the role of Arnold in the remake of "Green Acres" That's why he got his teeth "done"
Wondering if any of you are around the cafe ?
I am thankful for this site. Harsh as it can be sometimes. I have learned sooo much from you guys. I'd like to express my gratitude and open it up for others to do the same. If we get "blessed" by somebody. Let's not wait. Let's speak it ! I don't expect everyone to post a LIST. I just wanted to kick it off. If you get "blessed" ,inspired or just want to express thanks to someone. Come in here and do it without waiting. NO SLAMS ok? I swear, I think I learn SOMETHING from each post. Even if it's just another way to look at something. Here goes. JUST A SMALL SAMPLING Otherwise this initial post would be FAR too long. You get the idea Suda ... you blow me away...kind... wise...When I see a post by you i can't wait to read it. Excathedra... Whoa! the way you put yourself "out there" often at your own personal cost, for others is amazing. Dot ... I feel your heart comming off the screen.You actually inspired me to start this thread. Johnny... loved the story of your father and you crack me up. dmiller... I sorta feel "undersheparded" by you in here. thanks man! Doreen... please come back rhino... you get to the "point". lame I know... just couldn't resist rocky...I love reading your thoughts, especially in the political arena. out there... you were the very first to welcome me and I thank you. John Jeudes... thanks for taking the heat and still comming back.Your site confirmed many things for me. Paw...thank you, thank you ,thank you ! Just a few of you that come to mind for me. There will be many more I'm sure. If this thread is allowed to continue and not fall off the map for lack of participation. I know we all are thankful for someone in here. I look forward to reading the posts. Might just be the boost somebody needs for the day. "Warm fuzzies" have their place. I hope this is it. Sappy? Perhaps.
I do Doreen. Shall we try to start afresh? :)
Dot...Suda Whoa !! First two posts I read this morning
WHAT A GREAT IDEA !!!! REALLY sends the message "don't mess with me... I'M PACKIN!" I'm getting some of those stickers!!! My BRAND NEW car (baby) was broken into only a month after I got it. One very expensive alarm system later...I still want those stickers !!!! Do you have to join to get them ????
exwaycorps replied to rosestoyou's topic in About The Way
I love that ! -
I agree. I really don't know what happened along the way. Tragic... how it turned out. I don't believe the heart that dreamed up twi..ORIGINALLY...(remember this word) dreamed it up as an alternative to a swingers club. I've often wondered how and when did it all go so very wrong. I wish I could turn back the clock to the very first time VPW was "tempted" and scream "DO NOT DO THIS!!!" But I can't. How, on earth, did it go from "wow" WORD OVER THE WORLD (very powerful vision) to 1-900-TWI-SEXY ??? I think it could have been the greatest thing ever. I thought it was. For years. Who knew ,one day, ... A lot of people would need healing because of it. Johnny, That was a powerful post about your dad's healing. Thank you. I'm glad you had the tools you needed for that situation. Whether pfal was stolen,inspired, or not (personally ,I think it was a combo deal) ...it worked for me too. I'm glad i had that opportunity. When I look back on my years in twi. I can't arrive at one single opinion of it. I have many. My experiences are just too varied. Can you imagine ...what it would be like today... if it hadn't "all gone south" WOW INDEED !!! More than anger (and there's a lot of it at times) is sadness. Here's how I see it: (horrible) 1<----------50---------->100 (awesome) Each memory places me at a different point on the spectrum. Lots of 1's, 50's, 75's, & 100's I guess there's room in my head for all of them. AND for hearing those different numbers ,from others , as well. One person's "75" does not "trump" another persons "10" and vice-versa. IMHO. None of our experiences are a carbon copy of another's. Opinions are like...um...hmmm...NOSES yeah! that's it.(cleaned up version) We all have them... AND no two are exactly alike (ok,ok... barring plastic surgery) One memory does not validate or nullify another. They are PERSONAL and UNIQUE... to that individual. there's my 2 cents... ( ok, 5)
WTF oldies??????????? you've got some brass ones mister!!!!!!!!
eye·wit·ness –noun 1. a person who actually sees some act, occurrence, or thing and can give a firsthand account of it: There were two eyewitnesses to the murder. –verb (used with object) 2. to view with one's own eyes: to eyewitness a murder. White Dove (symbol of PEACE right?) WHATEVER Given the definition above. (eye*wit*ness) . I'm wondering. How in the world did you ever come to believe the Bible,and even quote it ??? It has no eye*wit*ness*es. They're all gone. You believe it because.... POSSIBLY you've seen the fruit of it. Results, Lives changing ,growth etc. Well guess what? It's the same for us. On this... and many other matters. We were all taught to look for the fruit of something.(good OR bad) Like I said before. I never SAW "the act" with my own eyes BUT I saw the "fruit" ,(spoiled) ,of that act in the form of a destroyed beautiful, smart, life-loving WOMAN OF GOD. She was SIXTH CORPS BABY! (that was important once) My (once) fearless family co-ordinator and branch leader, The one "in charge" of all us wow's. Then... She became a quivering,trembling,sobbing mass on the floor DAILY. What was it ??? bad hair day??? I DON'T THINK SO...! I KNOW WHAT IT WAS. I sincerely hope that nobody you love EVER experiences something like this without an eye*wit*ness. Apparently you'd NEVER believe them. FYI eye*wit*ness accounts are NOT the only thing that's taken into consideration in a court case (which this is NOT). I know, internet scams are a dime a dozen. Nameless ,faceless, people "pulling the wool" every day. Do you really think that all of us, from ALL over the country,most of whom have never met in person, decided one day to get together, make up a character, name her Marsha, put it up on the internet, fool people ,and have a laugh? Just to make "the ministry" look bad ??? THEY DON'T NEED US FOR THAT. THEY DID JUST FINE. What's our angle?? It's not like were charging admission. What have YOU got to lose by showing a little compassion????????? Would it hurt you somehow??? "she could have left" ... "she had the chance"..."her mistake" WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO SAY ANY OF THAT?? You did not see her state... I DID! Who knows what she was thinking. It's not even relevent. IT WASN'T HER FAULT !! GET IT ?? Calling yourself "white dove"... how pleasant,warm and christian that sounds. Like a breath of fresh air. All the while casting MORE doubt and MORE shame on a great woman of GOD... who you never even knew!!! I knew her then... and by what I've seen from you... "White Dove"...YOU are not fit to wear her shoes. thankyouverymuch! please remember to tip your wait staff!!
Well "WW" I had to try didn't I ? I was a 17 year old boy. JUST left home for the first time. I loved Marsha. She was GREAT. Watching her fall apart... and believeing that she was possessed (from what I had been told). Not being able to do anything to REALLY help... Well, it brings me a little guilt. Everywhere she turned...she was slammed. I can't imagine what that was like. Then to hear her (and others) talked about ,in here, like they're whores or something. Just a continuation of the original incident. Still PICKED APART by "the family" (?) OH MAN!! I would hope that NONE of us would tolerate this of someone we love. Frankly I'm surprised I wrote so many words. I could have summed up my feelings simply with... F.... YOU!!!
PFAL was the launch pad for a whole "lotta" learning for me, as it was for many of you. The dust was certainly cleared from the Bible.(incorrectly or not..NOT MY subject right now) I loved it And yes ,I grew to love the man that taught it to me Things change A positive thread ,for me, is refreshing. I believe I understand the need for both sides .I may be wrong I don't think anyone claims that every minute in twi was bad. I, for one, Love reading a great experience something funny great blessings awesome times answered prayer and many more things that happened for people within (and despite of) twi now,onto the topic of the last few pages of this thread... OMG MARSHA,MARSHA,MARSHA this "aint no" Brady bunch story eyewitness accounts?? why did she go back to the motorcrotch?? place herself "in harm's way?? what was she thinking? (would any of YOU have had a clear head?) She did it to herself ?? Drugged or not?? HERE'S MY PERSPECTIVE to all those who STILL blame her...30YEARS LATER (insert your own name ,I won't) I was there that year. you weren't I saw what Marsha went through as a result of it. FIRST HAND You didn't see her have to deal with being TRASHED byALL the people she looked up to and loved We were all told she was possessedlike it was all her fault I lived with her every day after the motorcrotch visits. you didn't. This poor girl's ENTIRE belief system had been turned on it's ear Bad enough that it happened But fromHIM Thatman!. THE TEACHER!!! (?) Betrayal to the verycore of her soul Many of you treat people, and their stories, no better than the "MOGS" you bitch about all day long. I believe that constantly bringing up all the tiny,intricate details of this story for debate is DISGUSTING It sounds a little like blaming a small girl who takes candy from a strager. I guess she should just accept her responsibility too ? After all...she DID take the candy right? She HAD it comming ?????? She's just a dumba$$ SHAME ON YOU I have the unique perspective of being one of Marsha's wow brothers that year The other girl in the motorcrotch was a wow also, from another family. It was that girl's birthday as I recall. That's why she got the honor(?) of going to the motorcrotch too.The fact that she was GORGEOUS didn't hurt either I'm sure Ok,yeah. that WAS speculation on my part. "My bad Did I SEE vp stick it in her ? no. (graphic sorry) So I guess anything I say ,on the topic, has no value ??? BS !! I'm sure that Marsha "loosing her marbles" RIGHT after a visit to the motorcrotch was COMPLETELY A COINCIDENCE Did any of us know what reallyhappened (at that time) ? no She never said at the time. Sadly, I believe she thought she was protecting us from the sh1t storm Do I hAVE photographic EVIDENCE . NO. Do I believe it anyless ? HELL NO I saw what happened to her after FIRST HAND I think some of you need to be a little less "villagers with torches" when it comes to discussing certainsubject matter.(again, insert your OWN name ONLY if this applies to you We are talking about a woman's WHOLE LIFE here side note. yes ,you can leave home and go wow @17 I did it and yes, I had to have my parents permission
Leinenkugel's YUMM-O berry wiess...apple spice (out of season) praying hard ...*looking out the window* where is Oakspear with my beer ??????? LOL JK
I can verify as well. "M" was my branch coordinator/WOW sister in State College,PA. '76-'77 I've posted about that story previously.
I hear about people selling old way stuff on Ebay. Who buys this stuff? People that are still in? Looking for old books etc.? I think I still have every shred of paper,book,note,trinket etc. from my way days. Dating back to the 70's Just a pack-rat with a large basement. LOL Never occured to me that somebody would want to buy it. Interesting.
exactly JEANIAM !!
I basically subscribe to this theory. Believing = recieving...( or something similar) ok. Remember, I said "BASICALLY" BUT I really don't believe that all the troubles of this world can be "chalked up" to someone, somewhere, not believing hard enough. I'm Not posting this to enter into a discussion/debate about this specifically. MORE ... the using of it, by some in twi, to elevate one (reproover ) and belittle another (reproovee). Ever happen to you? Seeing this USED against people,anywhere. MAKES ME ANGRY. Always did. Some in twi seemed to relish the opportunity to do JUST that. Seemed to be "the order of the day." The timing of it ,usually, could not be worse. HEARTLESS "WHAT'S THE PROFIT ? " ( if I may use that phrase) IN BLAMING THE VICTIM because their believing wasn't "up to snuff??" Let's say something really bad happens to you or a loved one... THEN... you have some @ssh@le telling you that, basically , IT WAS YOUR OWN FAULT ??????????????? YOUR believing MADE it happen?????? MAJOR oversimplification and twisting. To say the least. IMHO I was re-reading the LEAD thread this morning (wow, what LIVELY discussion!!) Something really touched me. Anyway, one of the posters (who was the subject of a good deal of that thread) posted a little of her experience with LEAD (not good) :( not sure how to get back to that page to snag her quote something like... (paraphrasing)... at that time, she considered... {did my believing have something to do with these events ? } The thought that her believing could have been "called into question" after the horrible ordeal she was put through makes me sooo angry. Having to deal with both the incident AND believer's cruelty afterwards!!!! Even the most "base" of human beings (insert your own example...) rally together to protect one of "their own". How could men and women "of God" do LESS ? I know that God NEVER intended "the law of believing" to be used as a cruel weapon against people. Compassion? Humanity ? Loving counsel? A shoulder? "OMG ! how can I help ?" Being "...especially good to the household..." ??? Basic KINDNESS ? WHERE WERE THESE THINGS ??? I know there is a "spectrum" of experiences had by all in here. This is a topic that just always "frosted" me as it seemed to me to be a "measuring stick" of a persons "worth" as a believer. Just some thoughts