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Larry N Moore

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Everything posted by Larry N Moore

  1. Well, of course you wouldn't. Especially if you have an abundant supply of tomatoes that you're just itching to get rid of. ;)
  2. That's great Roses! If at any time you feel like sharing how God is working in your life I for one would love to hear about it.
  3. Skyrider does have a valid point there Bumby. However, it may be true that a greater percentage of the members here have the mindset that you describe. I probably would if they could figure out how to pipe air conditioning throughout the plant I work at. :) But, in any case -- you likewise have a nice day!
  4. How so? Explain to me how you can attack what a person says or does without attacking the person him/herself. If you call someone a "twit" because they "defend" what they believe is true (as presented to them in PFAL) how is that NOT attacking the person?
  5. No argument from me on this. By "'more direct' approach" I take it you mean -- throw tomatoes at them? :) "Set [you] straight"? If there's one thing I've learned in all my years of experience it's how true the ole saying: "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink it." is. I have no delusional notions whatsoever that I will ever set anyone here straight. That's your (Greasespot's) mission. Or did you forget?
  6. Are these . . . . . . not your words Groucho? If they are, I don't see how you can interpret them any other way then telling someone to go elsewhere or trying to limit what they choose to post. You're doing a bit of a back-peddling act -- in my opinion. Own your words.
  7. I'm not surprised but, I would question the appropriateness of the action IF your stated purpose is to help others get out from under the influence of TWI. What profit is there in lobbing tomatoes at someone who still has a TWI mindset if what you want to do is sincerely help someone? I mean, if I was still under the TWI mindset and someone started tossing tomatoes at me for being so my natural (instinctual) reaction would be to pull my head back out. All you've accomplished by throwing tomatoes at someone of that mindset is cut off the possibility that eventually they might come to see it from your perspective.
  8. I suppose that's always something worth remembering whenever you're inclined to tell someone else what they can or cannot post.
  9. George, correct me if I'm wrong but, aren't you an atheist? If so -- has any Christian participating on GS called you "dogpoop" or not worth anything?
  10. You most certainly are "free to post [your] opinion. And sometimes that opinion includes biblical doctrine such as: .Any time you voice what YOU think the Bible says you're doing what you're telling others not to do here at GS. I've seen several threads started in this particular forum which actually belongs down (called the basement) Doctrinal forum. I've only seen one of them moved down there. Personally, I think if you're going to enforce that rule on one topic you should enforce it on all topics that touch on doctrinal matters. But then, that can be very time-consuming for an Administrator -- so I wouldn't nit-pick over such trivial stuff.
  11. Groucho how can you possibly disagree that (at least for) Deciderator "The Word and nothing but the Word" was what he took from PFAL? You may NOT have taken that from PFAL but you can't say you disagree that that was what Deciderator took from it. Or do you disagree that his comment solicited negative reactions? Sheesh! It may NOT be a "Christian website" but there sure is A LOT of discussion about Christianity and doctrinal matters -- even in a forum that's NOT suppose to cater to it. If you don't like it perhaps YOU should go somewhere else.
  12. :) That's a relief! But I wonder if you would still have no disagreement with me if I changed one one little thing in this statement: "I'm not sure where that point is for each individual but I do have a point where I personally get weary of hearing the same thing over and over and over again." But, hold that thought and let's just close this chapter out with mutual agreement.
  13. I agree. However, I think there comes a point where "talking things out" takes a sharp turn to the left and all it does is reinforce your pain and/or bitterness. I'm not sure where that point is for each individual but I do have a point where I personally get weary of hearing the same thing over and over and over again. It's at that point that it's time for me to move on. It's at that point that I will not be able to help in the process. It's at that point that I realize I'll probably only make things worse. Yes, but what the focus should be on is how time and time again God came through for them. No, but I wonder if David might say: "I'm blessed you learned from my life how loving and forgiving God is." I've been asked many times -- "How can you forgive that person after what they did to you?" I have been wronged in some of the worst ways imaginable but I just can't get past how much I've been forgiven for. I think that's one thing that makes it easier for me to forgive. The other is I know how much bitterness can destroy a person. I've seen it enuf times. I refuse to go down that path. And finally I think forgiving someone imparts tremendous healing power even if they don't know they're forgiven. If not to them -- then at least to myself.
  14. I don't think anyone who regularly posts here hasn't already heard the warning. Why keep tooting your horn? If it's for those who lurk -- have you ever wonder why they continue to just lurk? I've always seen the design of it. I'm one of those roses that have flaws and yet God is able to overlook them and still see what beauty I have within me. You ever wonder why God allowed the history of His "chosen people" be recorded even though much of what you will read is a testimony to how flawed they were? I think it only illustrates how much we need Him -- His love and forgiveness. And how much -- despite our flaws -- God is still working in us -- yes -- even those who have turned their backs on Him. Maybe that's the lesson we were meant to see. Maybe we should learn how to love as He loves us despite our flaws.
  15. We both share something in common -- much of what I say regarding scripture is coming from what I remember. I haven't actually studied the Bible in years and about the only time I read it is when someone brings it up in discussion. I have yet to see a member of the body that is 100% healthy. There are varying degrees of unhealthiness among us all. I think the point is -- What do you choose to focus on? I use to use the analogy of a rose. Looking at it it sure seems beautiful. But if you put it under a microscope you'll soon discover some flaws, nicks and what have you. I guess the rose is an ugly flower afterall.
  16. Dooj, how do you define a "healthy body"? Is it one that's perfect?
  17. False. God will only answer those prayers that are in alignment and harmony with His will. Can you imagine God honoring your request to strike someone dead because he/she said or did something mean to you? I know, -- that was an extreme example. :) Dan, I apologize for piping up in this thread without at least taking a "crack" at your questions first.
  18. :) I'm not sure what's so excellent about it. The way that "sounds" brings to mind a vision of a shark smelling blood on the water. Actually, that's not entirely correct. The second part of the OP asked why we (who think he was a false prophet) thought he was a good minister. Which if you asked me (I know you didn't) seems a bit contradictory. Why would I (if I thought he was a false prophet) think he was a good minister? You added the "with problems." part. Now, having read through the remainder of this thread (following your inquisitive post) I'm inclined not to bother with this subject or answering your question with any detail. No matter what opinion I have to share I really don't think most of the participants on this thread are really interested in it. Their minds are convinced that he was not only a false prophet but an evil man as well. Besides -- anotherdan pretty much expressed my thinking on this matter (with a few exceptions). So Eyes, I'll just leave you and everyone on this thread to their own devices. Enjoy!
  19. I've heard some doozies but this one takes the top prize.
  20. I don't know if causing one to get a chuckle out of something someone says qualifies as blessing someone but, darn, if laughter is the best type of medicine -- you just gave me a healthy dose of it.
  21. Well, I think it's a wonderful thing that you wanted to do this (start this thread). That blesses me.
  22. You're pardoned. Ok. I'm with you so far. That's true. But I sorta think we should discern what Rose had in mind and speak to that meaning instead of our own. We can always get our own baby and bathwater and define what we're speaking of (in another thread). But then, I've been informed that that's not the way things operate here at GS. Anyways, thanks for clarifying what you meant to say.
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