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Larry N Moore

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Everything posted by Larry N Moore

  1. Darn it! I hate it when someone brags about their cooking. Maybe I'm just a bit jealous 'cause if anyone could burn water (instead of boiling it) I would be that guy. Matter of fact -- I did it once when I was trying to make hard-boiled eggs.
  2. Well, if you asked me the question about 45 minutes ago I might have said you may be right. Being the chief representative of my union I have to listen to a lot of complaining (sometimes referred to as whining). Just before I left work tonight I had to listen to a guy (for the upteenth time) complain about how the union didn't represent him. I did get a little cranky WITH him. But I was over it before I got home. So, no actually I'm in a very good mood. Besides -- if you want to get slapped you'll have to ask someone else. I'm not into that sorta thing. ;)
  3. Heck, dooj. If you knew how to open them correctly they wouldn't explode. Didn't TWI teach you anything? ;)
  4. Can I have some biscuits with my gravy? Gravy by itself isn't very appetizing.
  5. Not to worry dooj. I was just doing a little "field work". I thought I might put myself in scrawled out's shoes so the next time he asks me a stupid question I might be able to emphasize with him.
  6. Interesting. You're one of the few atheists/agnostics I've seen capitalizing the word god and the masculine pronoun. Must be a hangover from previous days -- right? Give it a few more years and you'll get over it. ;)
  7. Both however, believe the burden of proof rests on those who claim there is/are gods. As rants go, that's not a bad one. I'm not sure what it has to do with me 'cause I'm just relaying what I've learned from atheists (on the subject). Therefore, I suppose, if you have a bltch with anyone you should take it up with them. As for me, I really don't care what you believe or don't believe. If I was interested in and/or attempting to prove anything to you, you might have a point. I'm not sure what it might be but, I'm sure there's one in there somewhere. You're welcome. :)
  8. How the hell would I know if my avatar is influencing you being a dumb-a$$? If you can't figure it out go see (and pay) a psychologist to help you with your problem.
  9. Sprawled out, why do you and socks share the same stupid avatar? :)
  10. I have to wonder why you are such a jerk who feels it's their duty to tell someone else they are a jerk. I have to wonder that -- but I won't spend more than a few seconds of my time giving it much thought. You just ain't worth the waste of time. :)
  11. :) Both would be called theists. They both believe some sort of god or gods exists. They only differ on what type of gods exists. Atheists and agnostics don't believe in the existence of gods or gods. While one may emphatically state (make a "Truth statement") the other one won't go that far (sorta wimpish according to some atheists). Both however, believe the burden of proof rests on those who claim there is/are gods. Gosh darn it! Here I go again. ;)
  12. Oh gee! I just love it. I really shouldn't but . . . . If you look at this two statements side by side what is the common denominator?
  13. Having spent a great deal of my time (years in fact) debating atheists on this and other various subjects I'm not going to go down that road again. However I'll make it real simple. Agnostic = Doesn't believe in god or gods. Atheist = Doesn't believe in god or gods. One can make a "truth statement" and the other may not but the bottom line is neither of them believe in a god or gods. The former would (and is) considered "weak atheism" and the latter would (and is) considered "strong atheism." Have fun!
  14. No need to apologize Eyes. If you've spent as much time as I have debating/having discussions with atheists you would learn that dictionary definitions of the terms, according to many atheists, are rather simple (or simpleton) and are for the most part -- useless. Now, what was the topic of this thread again? ;) That's simple. The one who insists they're right even though they haven't heard the other side of the debate. I imagine one would find a picture (in an ency.) of a man/woman who has their fingers stuck in their ears while saying out loud: "I don't hear a word you're saying." ;)
  15. Well, this atheist would disagree with you. As would many atheists I've had the pleasure of having discussions with on the SecWeb as well as other major atheist's boards. But if you want to insist there's a real difference I'm not going to argue with you. You're just one "voice in the wilderness" and quite possibly the loudest one. :)
  16. If all you want to do is sell your TWI material why don't you just put a disclaimer on it saying something along the lines of: "Warning! This material (if you're hoodwinked into believing it) will warp your thinking and life. Read it at your own peril." That way, you can have a clear conscience (as you spend your money) for selling something you believe is evil and harmful to people
  17. Hammer, I hear Walmart is having a special on nuts today. You might want to forego your time spent here and get over there real quick like before they're all gone. ;)
  18. However I could make a case that there's really very little difference between the two -- I could but, I won't. :) Well, having gotten it straight from the "horses mouth" who am I to say they're wrong? But then again, I haven't had the pleasure of debating with someone who lacking knowledge of what my case would be is able to tell me beforehand that it would be in error. That's a neat trick I haven't seen before. ;)
  19. My mistake then. However I could make a case that there's really very little difference between the two -- I could but, I won't. ;)
  20. Them there nuts must be spiked today, Mr. Squirrel. You're on a roll with one liners. ;)
  21. I must not have gotten that memo. Damn secretary!
  22. ROTFLOL! Now, that one was especially good.
  23. Yea. One would wonder how that black singing group -- what was their name -- managed to ever get up on the stage of any Way event.
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