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Everything posted by smarter

  1. smarter

    GreaseSpot Cafe

    Paw, let me offer my congratulations on the big change in your life. I also thank you for Greasespot. May both continue for a long time.
  2. smarter

    face book

    Facebook is good for catching up with old acquaintences and meeting new friends. I even met my fiance on Facebook.
  3. Keep mind that the US Senate can vote to refuse to seat whoever he appointed.
  4. I was in Tulsa in 78-79. I haven't kept up with any of the people I knew there.
  5. You said a mouthful. It doesn't have to be about religion, either.
  6. If people would only realize how true is the last part of this quote. Some people obtained a LITTLE bit of knowledge and then acted like God gave them the right to be total bastards.
  7. The following information is pertinent: http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art...rticlekey=82107
  8. And here is yet one more person trying to tell me what to do with my life. I guess my MBA and 136 IQ disqualifies me from thinking for myself.
  9. smarter

    Guilt Trips

    One of the first and most subtle steps in my "surrendering" process was health food. The person that witnessed to me had said that the Way was about learning Biblical principals, not rules and regulations. The fellowships taught about our freedom in Christ. Meanwhile, I was already being told what I should eat, if not for my own good, then for the good of the planet. Since the Garden of Eden, people (or spirit beings) have always attempted to get control over people by saying that it's for their own good.
  10. I have just now read this thread for the first time. I want to puke. I wish I could go back in time and find a way to prevent all this crap from having happened.
  11. Mini, There are way (sorry for the pun) too many people who can relate. Actually, just one is too many. Just want you to know that you are not alone.
  12. I saw them at a Rock of Ages once afterwards, I'm guessing around 1980 or so. I haven't seen or heard from them since. For some reason I'm thinking that they went WOW to Wyoming. That's about all I know. Sorry I don't have any more info.
  13. I knew Pat when I was in Greenville, NC 1977-1978. She married Ron Crutchfield from Sanford, NC. Both were/are fine people, as least when I knew them. I, too, hope they are doing well.
  14. Thank you kindly. Have one on me, also.
  15. Topoftheworld-----My heart breaks for you. I guess you realize by now that the true worthless pieces of crap are the sadistic bastards that made you feel that way.
  16. I have a new favorite message board :)
  17. I had actually been gradually withdrawing for some time before 87. I felt traveling to branch meetings and limb meetings, etc. had become a big waste of time. In 88 the local coordinator paid his own way to meet with Ralph Dubofsky and relayed the details to us. I throughly enjoyed smashing that PFAL '77 commemorative plate.
  18. You know you are in TWI when you are talked to like you are dirt by people who think they are more spiritual than you. You know you are in TWI when these "more spiritual" people spread a lie that you took advantage of a girl in Charlotte, NC---even though you were in Oklahoma when said incident in Charlotte took place. But that's OK---God told them.
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