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Everything posted by annam
WoW you have a lot of time in your hands.........pretty impressive are you a lawyer?, you should be your case is solid and by the way I was insulted in the beginning by the starter of this thread. I was giving him a taste of his own medicine, damn you people really need to lighten up............
Grow up ok I get the point .......relax its not good for you to get all worked up
I vaguely remember that reference.....and I was only trying to lighten up a little. I thought the peed in coffee was an appropriate analogy...peace
spirit where's the spirit? watch out they creep up the back of your neck and swallow your head whole. Relax untwist your panties or boxers or whatever you wear...open you mind ....no don't do that(spirits) as for civil.........this whole thing is uncivilized it makes your accusations laughable...........can you say intellectual? I better stop before I get crucified , the devil made me do this.
where were the insults......I see the joke ....did I call u stupid or ignorant, or pigheaded or infantile or ridiculous or foolish ? Naw I never insulted I just spoke the truth and you couldn't take it so you got mad..... There how's that for insulting?
Ok people , you are taking this too far.....I am really tired of this conversation and I will say one last thing before someones head explodes......Vengeance is mine saith the Lord and I'll leave that to him I m sure I can't do the job as well as he can. I'm not called to it....Paul said he wanted one thing known among the brethren Christ and him crucified. Take it how you want it you will anyway . If you want to recount stories and warn others yes that is Good, as far as getting to the Way staffers the was an extreme notion just to emphasize how futile this whole mess of trashy post is. The Brew as you put it, is of all of our making....truly we played a part in all of this now and in the past, I'm not saying we are to blame nor have I ever condoned TWI I don't even like the sound of TWI...... I really hope they are all blessed because God commands that I bless and not curse. TO state the facts is one thing and I have some of my own that I could throw in the mess, but to call the Way people involved in the story bad names and use the bitter language and such is just not in line with what God would have for us. It is clear that many here have not and seem to refuse to forgive, and that my dear ones is the first step to healing.......We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God , it is for our own good that God instructs us not to be angry.....if I have miss read this anger then I confess my mistake and ask for forgiveness, but ask yourselves all of you........how is that mistake made so easily? Look at some of this stuff.....look around , spend sometime and see what you think. You all may know what it is your trying to convey, but their are others who would interpret this as acidic. If thats what you want then who can stop you? retaliate if you wish, I'll probably read it, I pray that God will give me the wisdom not to reply again , for it seems useless to bring to you my point of view. P.S. BY the way I'm a she not a he..........he he he he he he he
hey .... stretch this
someone has peed in it.
Heres a thought ...everyone is all up in arms about my being offended or an offense, saying "we all have our own opinions and" we should be tolerant of each others,......guess what ? Take your own advice people, if your so right then what are you all upset about.......and who the hell cares if you are.....so far I have stated my opinion and you alllllll have chopped it to bits.. talk about way heads.
I'm not offended! you might be nuts your crazy too
That is all very understandable and you have a very good way of putting it...... Jesus didn't sit around and talk with people about how badly they were hurt or abused, nor did he direct any of his harsh words toward anyone one but the devil and those who were his children. He called it like he saw it then pointed people to the Holy WORD, he also called his disciples on the carpet when they strayed from those teachings.... so far I have only addressed those posts that have dealt with gossip those that are mean spirited. If we are to be like Christ we have to forgive and go on with him, he is the only way to healing, maybe if these posts were followed by some real healing words... i.e Bible .....it would not seem so offensive. I have been on the couch and it never healed me... only forgiveness and studying, and the biggy.....doing . trying to do , what it says has set any lasting peace in my heart. Go confront these bad way people in person, that would at least be more like Christ . He walked right up to the Pharisees looked them in the eye and gave them the word....Man can you imagine the witness to those who were around and caught up in it? I'll bet he saved a few in those moments.. and the others that didn't follow were just not ready....."MY sheep hear my voice". Love you guys None taken
I understand your point , my ex was a way corp kid, dyed in the wool, wishes the old days were back guy who when my brother died after 3 horrible days in ICU his explanation was that my father did not believe enough for him to be healed. I can tell you all, that was the beginning of the end for me, and as for those who are still in the way, like I said, they have to walk out of it on their own..... so far not one person that I know of personally, has been deprogrammed successfully by anyone of us. It takes love and prayer and reaching out no matter how long and brutal it may seem. If you talk trash you get trash, its reaping and sowing and God makes no allowance for it even if the way is still around. Please realize that the way didn't start sin, and neither did it start God or the bible or believing.( I can hear the reply s now) DUH My point from the beginning .(if anyone has bothered to listen), has been this.........God gave his word so we could have instruction in everything...right? what is spoken of here is mostly against Gods instruction.....read the book kids.. It doesn't take a genius to understand . DO UNTO OTHERS........JESUS SAID IT i DIDN'T......OF YOU ARE REALLY SURE THAT GOD CAN BLESS CURSING, THEN GO AHEAD. One thing I can take from this is how much prayer we all need..
you are all very fascinating to be sure, I'm sure also that humble, well lets say I assume , humble is the least of your endearing attributes. Mean and Hell sound like a very good description , (in your own words). Glad I could touch you as well. as for "renewing your mind", that would gain God's approval.... according to the scriptures. ( obey , hide in your heart , etc.) Not my idea at all, but a good one.
It doesn't surprise me at all , the back lash is almost comical ... caustic is so endearing , and I love the writing criticism , not a one of you has any defense for your offense.... rock on with your mean selves. I gather that you don't count yourself in with the "great folks here"? Thanks for the English lesson Do you really think you all are any different than the hundreds of ex-wayers.........read up in some stuff yourself. human nature is pretty much across the board the same.
you must be checking up on your old stuff pretty regular.......... Waybrain hmmmm funny how your philosophy about the past doesn't even come close to forgetting and pressing on......I was in the Way too, but fortunately when Craig took over and began to use the F word regularly when teaching and a few other choice disturbing events I left ..... It was The Healing Word and a serious searching for a real relationship with Jesus and some very timely help from people out side of the Waybrain......Many years of Way stuff can't hold a candle to the strength of God and his promise to deliver us.... It just seems that so much scab picking is going on here and lots of commiserating , and to those who don't think I get the reason people come here , I do.... we want to be validated, we want everyone to know that we have been hurt and we have a damn good reason for our bitterness and resentment and possibly good reasons to sin and disobey God. I am sorry that I offended some of you , Thats not my intention , nor is it my intention to judge anyone here for being here. I have looked around and for the most part what stands out is what I have commented on the underlying current seems to be angry and gossipy , both of which we are commanded to not carry. And really what is amazing grouchy is that something you posted a year ago could be mistaken for what is being posted currently. A Last note before I go........The Way was a disaster its true, and people got hurt that can't be denied( I was one of them) Took all the classes did all the way things wow, corp stuff....but I remember walking into a twig fellowship of my own free will because it sparked my interest in studying the Bible(Thank God for that part), and I walked out the same way free.........The only bondage was that which I surrendered , so it makes sense that my true lasting deliverance has come from surrendering to Christ , which is more than words , its actually doing as he says , it is a process and it takes time, many of those here may not have been out of the Way for more that 20 years Like I have ,and I apologize for my insensitivity but please don't let the hurt from the past affect you one more minute.....What so ever is pure lovely and of a good report if there be any virtue ......think on these things..... Phil 4:8 This is Gods word for you all not just a little suggestion .....Look up what he tells you to think and talk about ..... I doubt anyone can find a reason for this kind of continuous forum... I can see this site is exclusive and those with my opinion are not welcome here, how is that unlike how we were in the way? Not much......
Amazed again ......those who live by the past die by the past...........this stuff is so old and useless, since when did God say lets talk about the past until it makes people vomit and clouds their perception of the present and points their direction of the future? I could understand if the old fart were alive or If Craig was still an influence but for real folks ...its like dragging that old man around the same old mountain and crying about how much it hurts! I hope for the best for you all that keep this endless worthless babel going...... as for me I can't see the profit and I'll say Good bye and good luck because on this track your gonna need it. :wave: :
DO YOU HAVE ANY JEWISH FRIEND? if you did they would tell you the same thing my husband told me and give a reason why his family is so small...
The problem is that they never really knew the Head of the body...........if the did they would be convicted by his heart and words..........funny how many christians don't even know the teachings of they one they name themselves after, even if they read them it just passes through their heads or lands on stoney ground, The Way was and is very stoney ground always based on the flesh and knowledge (not unlike so many other groups) you hit it on the head.....Its one thing to talk about the word like we did in the Way and another to actually follow the Word like God commands And please lets remember that is goes for us as well when it comes to bashing the former leaders in the Way , if not we are the worst of all hypocrits:who_me: Jesus Christ is the only Key to Christianity
yeah Hitler was pretty amazing at what he did.......but I wouldn't support his "personal life issues either"