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Everything posted by bowtwi

  1. Here's a link to the pictures I put in the Gallery. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...si&img=1019
  2. From the album: Lightning struck the tree

    My poor pool!!!
  3. Fortunately the tree didn't damage the house - it sort of slid along the back of the screened-in porch.
  4. From the album: Lightning struck the tree

    The mailbox is now about 25 feet from where I left it. Happens every time we get winds strong enough for tornado watches. The mail people won't deliver to it on the ground.
  5. We had 70+ mph winds last night and I don't know how many tornadoes in this area alone. Look what I found when I got up this morning. First, the mailbox got blown off its base again - happens every time we get tornado warnings. I found it about 25 feet from where it was supposed to be. Then I went to the back yard. I'm sure the pool can be fixed, but yowza!!! The top of the tree sort of slid along the backside of the screened-in porch and over the air conditioner. It doesn't appear to have damaged the house per se or the air conditioner. We have plans to open the pool this weekend - I think we still can, just need a bit of repair work. Thank God for 18-gauge stainless steel pools! I can't post the pics here so I'll put them in my gallery and come back here to add a link to there... (We live about 30 miles north of Kansas City, MO)
  6. bowtwi

    Chickens Essay

    Yep, that's silly alright! :blink:
  7. Easy Chicken Fajita Pizza Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 lb chicken breast, skinned, boned, cut into 2 x 1/2 inch strips 1-2 teaspoon chili powder 1/2 teaspoon cumin (not in original recipe) 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1 cup thinly sliced onion 1/2 cup green bell pepper, strips 1/2 cup red bell pepper, strips pizza dough, for 12 inch pizza (you can use refrigerated pizza crust if you like.) 1/2 cup mild salsa 2 cups monterey jack cheese, shredded Directions Heat oil in large skillet. Add chicken and cook, stirring frequently until lightly browned. Stir in seasonings. Add onions and bell peppers, cook an additional minute or so until vegetables are crisp-tender. Heat oven to 425°. Sprinkle pizza pan with semolina flour and press dough into pan. Pre-bake dough until it is a very light golden brown, about 6 minutes. Remove from oven and scatter chicken over crust, spoon salsa over chicken, spread vegetable mixture over that, and finally, top with cheese. Bake for another 15 minutes until crust is golden brown. http://www.recipezaar.com/30021
  8. bowtwi

    Song of the moment

    Great stuff, waysider - my song of the moment is over on dooj's What's The Buzz thread, post 8, I think it is. Ya know, this is one of my all-time favorite threads here at GS - I try to listen to most of what people post as what they're listening to now - I sure enjoy the variety! Wow, dmiller - I think I done died and went to heaven!!!
  9. bowtwi

    What's the Buzz?

    Cool, another fun version - I wasn't aware of that one. Here's the one I've got on DVD. I just watched it again after watching the one you sent me and the one above. I still like this one best - maybe cause of King Herod's jiggling belly or floppy manboobs while he dances, maybe cause of all the flamboyant dancing - it's a total feast of entertainment for me. I hope you like it as much as I do. King Herod's song to Jesus from the original play - 1973, I think.
  10. Well, at least they're not pretending to be a research, teaching, and fellowship ministry - they're a little bit closer to being honest now... This reminds me of a stow-ry. When I was on the phone with M Fort, the then-trunk coordinator (gag me), immediately after I was marked and avoided and I was trying to speak to lcm on the phone, M Fort told me to go find a nice secular counselor, that the way was "not a research, teaching, and COUNSELING ministry". Huge emphasis on COUNSELING, as if he were choking over the very word. I had asked him if I was that messed up and out of control of my mind, couldn't I live near some strong way corps so I could get help in "the household" while I got myself unpossessed of my supposed homosexuality. I had been a faithful twiggy for 15 years at that point... Personally, I find the new slogan hysterical. Thanks for the laugh, WG! I'd buy several.
  11. bowtwi

    What's the Buzz?

    I was in Jr. High when it came out. My friend had the album and a single mom that left for work before we had to be at school and worked a couple hours after we were out of school so 4 or 5 of us 13 or 14 year olds would go to their apartment and play Jesus Christ Superstar over and over. We couldn't get enough of it. I've owned 3 copies of the 2-album-set that I wore out. As a wow team, we went to see a live performance of this play. Looking through my waybrain eyes, I thought it immature and tacky. What arrogance - we thought WE knew it all... 10 years post Mark and Avoid I bought the DVD of the play - I've been loving it again ever since. I still know about every word to every song but one and I forget which one that is. I think their King Herod is hysterical and love it when I have the opportunity to watch it again. One of Herod's songs goes something like: "Oh, so you are the Christ? Mr. Wonderful Christ? Prove to me that you're divine - Change my water into wine." and "Prove to me that you're no fool - walk across my swimming pool! Just do that for me and I'll let you go free! C'mon, King of the Jews." Wild stuff. Fun memories (mostly).
  12. bowtwi

    Talkshoe Live

    I'd be up for it, but would need the instructions again - I'm on a different computer now than last year.
  13. Well, I learned a new term today - "Pasture Breeding". Unbeknownst to me, there has been an issue of school buses full of children driving past farms to or from school being exposed to the evils of animals having s-e-x right out there in front of God and everybody - even during daylight hours!!! So there've been laws enacted to forbid anyone from allowing animal s-e-x during DAYLIGHT HOURS. I'm not kidding. I googled this subject and found this discussion. I'm blown away. http://forum.horse.com/tm.asp?m=29084
  14. bowtwi

    Song of the moment

    Sylvia's Mother Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show Freaker's Ball Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show The Wonderful Soup Stone Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show
  15. We ate this tonite for supper - it was delightful! My 11-year-old prepared it along with a lettuce salad and crescent rolls. Mmm mmm good! And there's leftovers for my lunch a couple days this week. We'll have this again!
  16. bowtwi

    Song of the moment

    Neil Diamond - Solitary Man
  17. I knew the song title, but couldn't recall the band - drove me nuts! The Fifth Dimension - I shoulda known that!
  18. Well Jeff, Darlin, I must say as one raised in gool ol' beertown, you were almost complete there. If you add the Pack and brats, I'd agree totally. In fact, I may have to go get some brats and beer to grill this coming weekend and have a good ol' fashioned Milwaukee-style cookout. Two kinds of tater salad, at least that many kinds of beer, brats and burgers, yeah, I think I'm seeing what my weekend's gonna be all about... thanks, neighbor!
  19. Speeding - Good, Better and Best: GOOD: A Madison , WI policeman had a perfect spot to watch for speeders, but wasn't getting many. Then he discovered the problem- a 12- year-old boy was standing up the road with a hand painted sign, which read 'RADAR TRAP AHEAD'. The officer also found the boy had an accomplice who was down the road with a sign reading 'TIPS' and a bucket full of money. (And we used to just sell lemonade!) BETTER: A motorist was mailed a picture of his car speeding through an automated radar post in La Crosse , WI . A $40 speeding ticket was included. Being cute, he sent the police department a picture of $40. The police responded with another mailed photo of handcuffs. BEST: A Young woman was pulled over for speeding. A Wisconsin State Trooper walked to her car window, flipping open his ticket book, she said, 'I bet you are going to sell me a ticket to the State Trooper's Ball. 'He replied, ' Wisconsin State Troopers don't have balls.' There was a moment of silence. He then closed his book, got back in his patrol car and left.
  20. Lots and lots of black-eyed susans, daisies and other perennials all around the house, a few other flower seeds that I got real cheap off ebay last fall and kept in the fridge over winter in hopes of fakin' them out. In the veggie garden: sweet corn, roma & big boy tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, bell peppers so far. May add a few more things as I really love gardening. The rhubarb came back up strong and this is the first year my lilacs are actually blooming!!! I put them in 3 years ago and we had a hard freeze too late in the spring for them to bloom last year. Oh, I love lilacs!!! One of the best reasons to endure winter, in my not so humble.
  21. bowtwi

    Song of the moment

    Flip Wilson as Rocky Raccoon
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