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Everything posted by thankgodifinallywokeup
I know you. I thought you were gone! Were you expecting some sort of guilt feeling to arise within our hearts? Or was it fear you were searching for, aiming at, trying to stir up within others here? This is the worldwide web. Think about it. Let's see...could it be that anyone could read about our experiences and we know that and that's why we tell, tell, tell??? What was that poem about the bridge? It fits here nicely, imo.
Cindy! Hi. What great insight. Thanks! It reminded me of how I used to hug my mom and kiss her on the cheek. Maybe I should start back kissing her (we still hug). My girlfriends and I still hug when we say goodbye and I'm not gay, but sometimes I'm aware (always in public) not to hug for very long for fear someone will think we're gay. That's silly, isn't it? But that's our society now, unfortunately. I have a couple of gay friends. They're just people. Imo, it's not my business what goes on in their bedroom. I have a hard enough time keeping up with my own business.
Hi WG. I'm unchurched also and agree wholeheartedly with what Don'tWorry said. I did read the Vine book and the Prayer of Jabez and had similar reactions. I like the Prayer but the Vine didn't help me at all for what it's worth. And, I know exactly what you mean about your pastor. I'll never feel the same way about clergy either. Peace.
What I said to 2 JWs at my door today...
thankgodifinallywokeup replied to thankgodifinallywokeup's topic in Open
Thanks everyone for replying. I appreciated what everyone said even those who disagreed with the way I handled it. Great reading! -
Thanks Rhino. Great article! It takes a lot of courage on his part to stand up to them.
What I said to 2 JWs at my door today...
thankgodifinallywokeup replied to thankgodifinallywokeup's topic in Open
ROFLMAO, cool chef!!!! I know, I know. I appreciate what you said, Belle. But, I no longer believe anything I do will cause them to get out or stay in. I'm just not nice anymore that way for whatever reason, lol. I don't care what they say as they walk away, either. Thanks, Waysider :D I liked the LDS missionaries, Notawafer. Invited 'em in, prayed with them, for them, offered to give them money, furniture, whatever. Told 'em I'd been a missionary with TWI. They said they didn't need anything. Haven't seen them since. The JWs irritate me. They keep coming, and coming, and coming. -
Hello everyone, On a scale of 1-10, how mean do you think I was today to the 2 JWs at my door? My only regret was not saying, "Hey, guys, get a life! Don't you work all week! What are you 2 doing walking around trying to convert new JWs so the JW HQ can collect more tithes?" But, I didn't. They said they wanted to talk to me today about the Bible. Noticed they were wearing their Sunday shoes, shined, nice longsleeved dress shirts, pants, and ties. It's 85 degrees today. I said, "No thanks, I've already been in a cult." "Which one were you in?" they asked. "The Way International," I said. Scanned the Bible in closest one's hand and saw a WatchTower hanging out. Then asked, "Which one are you in, Jehovah's Witnesses?" "Yes, we are in JWs, but we're not in a cult..." Big smiles. I cut them off, "Well that's great, have a good afternoon." I felt good as I shut the door. My reasoning: I've already spent more time with cults than I care to think about and there is just no more of me to give. I just don't have time for it. Honesty feels good. Was I mean to them or is it good for them to hear it straight?
The silence is deafening..
thankgodifinallywokeup replied to Ham's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
...so people can be sued for posting at gsc? how did they know who the people were? isn't everyone anonymous here? -
Yes, the poor guy did look like he hadn't seen the light of day for years...
Well, how about this? I get the old version per JavaJane at Barnes and Noble and the new version anywhere and play them back and forth and compare them? ;)
Thanks, WordWolf. You must be the brain of gsc. Enjoyed the article immensely. Interesting about the 3-D version coming out this year. So will we have to wear those funny little glasses like we did in Young Frankenstein and others? nyunknown, so they changed the character in the vader suit? What's up with that? Very strange.
Some of you I'm sure know more about this. Yesterday I looked into buying all of the Star Wars videos. Then learned parts have been changed! This isn't earth shattering but I'd rather have the version in which Hans Solo shot first and everything else is the same as the original version. Has anyone here looked into getting the series? If so where did you look besides used book stores and e-bay?
Off Shoots collection
thankgodifinallywokeup replied to thankgodifinallywokeup's topic in About The Way
Mstar, I agree. I was gone also. This was a Geer group. Jeaniam, it sounds like your group is a little different. But don't they have to give CG 15% of the abundant sharing? The rev here didn't just "administer" the money. It was understood this was his ministry and he decided where it went. He was set up like TWI with two other people on the board. I was told by a primary source that one boardmember always went along with the rev so the other boardmember's vote did not make a difference. It sure looked like he used the offering for his family and himself. Everyone was afraid to say anything about it or even inquire. I wondered why people would tithe to him. He had a Sunday morning fellowship (teaching same old same old) and a leader's fellowship once a week and he was done. On Sunday's you didn't dare hang around long enough to talk to him because it was understood no one should interfere with his Sunday noon meal. They ran the Geer classes in other people's homes so he wasn't inconvenienced by that (what a complete and utter bore and waste of time that class was in my opinion). To me the salary seemed out of proportion for a part time job. He would make sarcastic remarks about giving to charities the way we did in The Way so he wasn't giving to charities. Occasionally he would invite other ex way heavy reavys to come here to teach. A building was rented and the followers had to pay a registration fee to attend. In my opinion, if the followers were cut off for even 6 months, they would break their codependency and see they could lead lives of their own. Then they would wonder what they had been doing all of those years just following along and turning over their free will by asking someone else for advice about all of their decisions. They might even find a godly use for their money either for their own retirement or for a good cause. I don't think God wants the ex way revs set for life and the rest of us poor and penniless when retirement rolls around. Again that's my opinion. After that I attended several other ex way minister's groups but was not ever involved for long enough in any of them to notice what they did with the money. So that's why I was curious. I've always wondered if the Geer heavy revy was the norm or the exception. Thanks WordWold and Keith also. Interesting perspectives. -
This has probably been covered before but where does the money go that is collected by the Off Shoot groups? I have been briefly involved with several of them and could not figure out what they did with the money. Most of them still had home fellowships. Does it go to foreign missions or to help inner city kids learn the gospel or to help poor people come to Christ or to help genocide survivors in other countries with basic fundamental necessities? The ones I attended did not broach the subject but it was prayed over before the plate was passed and something was said about blessing back the givers. The revs who led the groups were dressed nicely and one even talked about his stock portfolio when the rest of his group seemed struggling to make ends meet. I wonder sometimes how long people would feel comfortable contributing to home fellowship churches if they are looked at funny when they ask where the offering goes (or abs or whatever they call it now). I was within hearing distance once when someone asked and he was given a curt answer. I remember now, it was a horn of plenty that was passed not a plate. My memory must be healing to have forgotten that. :D
Thanks so much, Suda :D
Thanks Excathedra and Rascal for the welcome. I hesitated to post but felt an obligation to let others know how much my friend's life was changed by that one wrong decision to listen to a "minister''s" wife that she trusted. Gosh, why did we believe them?????? I sometimes wonder how they live with themselves and do not wish to be hard on anyone but they almost exhibit subhuman characteristics.
As I perused all of the replies to this discussion, I began to wonder why it took me so long to realize I didn't need an extwi person to teach me information that is freely available to anyone. The real answer is I don't know. All I know is I'm better now. Why I kept going back to my vomit and getting involved with the offshoots was probably because it felt familiar even though familiar should have been a bright red flag. Catcup, I concur with your statements. How dare Panarella present himself as a minister when he hasn't done the second commandment by loving his neighbor as himself and asking forgiveness to those he knows he's wronged. The same goes for Connie. Lord only knows how many babies never took their first breath because she counseled their scared mamas to abort them. How many women are in pain everyday of their lives because a "Christian" minister's wife told them it was ok because it really wasn't a baby anyway. I know for a fact she counseled many in North Carolina to abort when she was down there. How many others since then? Is she still doing it? How many has she asked forgiveness from for sticking her nose where it didn't belong? What an egregious twisting of the scriptures. I suppose as long as there are believers out there who are codependent like I used to be, then these "ministers" will have an audience and will continue to feed off the flock. What a travesty. Larry and Panarello are not new watering holes as someone stated above. Speaking from experience, you don't need them but they have to have you and people like you to do what they do. I'm glad I finally woke up and got away from all of the ex rev type parasites as Catcup said, and got better. I thank God everyday for everything He does for me and that I'm no longer substituting them for Him.