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Everything posted by JavaJane

  1. A mathematical exactness... scientific pen!$... something...
  2. but.... but... if you aren't IN the household, then you're not ON the Word, right? (oh, wait, I forgot to check my prepositions... in = en (completely within) and on = en (completely within) I am so thankful I got the ek (out from the center of) that bs.
  3. Favorite mind-picture when I have a PTSD flashback to TWI days, especially incidents involving "Uncle Howard"... A chubby squirrel in combat gear heading off for "Howard-thinning" season in New Knoxville.
  4. Rosie's in it for the money, not the love.... I don't think they would actually try and get people to commint suicide - a dead man tells no tales, but he also doesn't tithe or ABS.
  5. If I remember from my brainwashing a while back, aren't they the SAME THING???
  6. Ham, you will always be a squirrel to me. A very chunky, obese squirrel, but a squirrel nonetheless.
  7. I'll miss you, Grease Spot! I'm over at exwayvision.com now, hope all of you join us!

    1. Bolshevik


      SSHHHH!!! . . . GSC doesn't know we're seeing another site . . . don't want to upset it . . .

    2. JavaJane


      It's the one who left US, B. Probably sick of all of our bitching about TWI.

    3. Bolshevik


      FINE . . . you burn bridges . . . if that's how you want to live your life . . .

  8. I have searched and searched my memory... and, no. I can't think of one time.
  9. Also good stuffed... maybe some goat cheese in there? pine nuts? The possibilties are endless!
  10. The whole plagiarism with VP wasn't all that important to me when I started reading GS and questioning my belief in TWI and VP... It just plain didn't matter.. What did matter was how he used "The Word ™" to abuse, rape, steal, and con people who just wanted to believe God and do good. The plagiarism was just one of his methods to accomplish his goal of being set up as The Man Of God For Our Day and Time - a demigod that people would worship and follow without question.
  11. Ironically, this description could be so easily applied to TWI and its current leadership.... BORING fellowships... a leader who lacks the personality to pull off public appearances or teaching... Also a good description of TWI today... spiritually dry and empty. And super legalistic. And Rosie looks more like a prune every day. Of course, there is that sickly sweet facade of "we're so nice now since we're run by a little old lady!" Bleck.
  12. I agree with Brainfixed... It's like trying to compare apples to tortillas. Sure, they are both food, but the comparison ends there. MLK made an indelible mark on the history of this country and the world. VPW wasn't even a blip on the radar given the size of the country and the world. Sure, the effect of his life was HUGE to those of us who were involved in twi, but to the entire country? Not by a long shot.
  13. And I don't think MLK told everyone God told him he would teach the Word as it hadn't been known since the first century - meaning that everything he taught was taight to him by God HIMSELF.
  14. I have lived in the same house now for over 2 years... This is the longest time I have lived in one house in my adult life. Scary, isn't it? And it still seems that every August I think I should be getting ready for some big move. And WHY was it always August when we were moving? Ministry year? New assignments? Or was it just that they wanted to torture us in the insanely HOT weather?
  15. Funny that there's an ad for Scientolgy above the Fast Reply box right now... All of your replies have been very insightful. I find it interesting that I WAS questioning the notion that it wasn't anything to do with my individual abilities when I first heard someone tell me that my accomplishments were related to the Christ-in-you , but the more I heard it, the more I accepted it until it became ingrained in my mind as The Truth ™. Funny how when you hear something enough you just start accepting it as fact!
  16. Even as a I typed the title of this thread I felt like I was being a bad Christian... So, here is what I meant: When I first became involved in TWI, I was just a kid. And whenever I would accomplish anything of note, the twig coordinator or some other believer would tell me "That's just the Christ in you showing through!" and it bothered me as a kid, because I wanted to get some credit for my accomplishments. I wanted to be special on my own... After a while I just told myself it was ego and pride that made me want to take the credit for getting good grades, succeeding at my job, having people like me. I told myself I could accomplish these things because I was "living the Word" in "The Household of God." And consequently, I lost confidence in myself. Everything that was special or successful about me I truly believed was only because of the "Christ-in-me" and that was separate from my soul, which was just me. This idea of "Christ-in-me" coupled with the idea of "living in fellowship" and "The ONE TRUE HOUSEHODL OF GOD" robbed me of my self confidence... It took away every accomplishment I ever had and gave the credit to God... right? NO. It should have, but it really didn't. I should have been thankful to God for giving me the ability to accomplish things, the ability to be successful. I should have been thankful toGod for making me the way He did. But instead, I chalked up all of my successes to "being in fellowship" in "The One true Household" and "Living the Word" that TWI taught. Guess what? I am special. I am smart. I can accomplish whatever I want (within reason) and be successful. GOD gave me my abilitie before I ever heard of TWI. Before my parents ever heard of TWI. Before I was ever born again. I am not putting down the "new birth" at all.. It is wonderful to believe you are God's own child. I think it's great.... but to think that this is the ONLY reason you are successful is selling yourself and what God wrought in you short.
  17. :evilshades:I'd say the Devil kept him alive...
  18. A whole new meaning to the phrase "I wish they'd get off my a$$!"
  19. What annoys me about these sort of things on FB is that it puts pressure on people to make a display of their "faith" to others. I hate that sort of thing. My spiritual beliefs are my own, and I don't have to explain them to anyone since I am an citizen of the USA. Some of my beliefs would offend others, some would lead others to condemn me as a non-believer or devilish. I am Christian, but I believe as Christ said that I don't need to make a show of my beliefs - I can let the fruit of my life show instead. Jesus said that others would know us by the love we have one toward another. Not by a "like" button someone presses without thinking... not by labels... (And if you had to put a label on me, I would be a Buddho-Christian-Catholic-Charismatic with some Pagan tendencies. )
  20. That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard!
  21. I remember sitting at my grandfather's funeral and thinking about how possessed the preacher was who was performing the service. My grandfather was old, so I wasn't angry at him for dying. Like during most emotional life events when I was in TWI (or rather most events that SHOULD HAVE BEEN EMOTIONAL for me) I was just numb. I remember some WC minister guy was there at the funeral to support my family, but he wouldn't go into the actual church sanctuary where the body was because he "didn't want to be that close to death" or some such nonsense... Like it would make him "unclean" or something. I thought that was weird. Now, looking back, I wonder if it was just that he would have burst into flames if he had walked into that holy area of the church. Much like a vampire or witch in an old horror film. Probably not, but the thought has crossed my mind. I'm not so numb anymore, and I feel bad now thinking of how I looked daggers at that poor pastor who was trying to comfort my family at their time of need, while that WC minister just sat in the vestibule not wanting to get his hands dirty. Oh well, I was just a kid back then...
  22. I do like football.. And fútbol.
  23. The "in the household" part if that definition got me started in questioning the accuracy if what was taught as well...
  24. I think this is another great example of how twi blames the victim when someone is hurt. Everything bad that happens is because of unbelief... (or an attack of the adversary if you are in good graces with twi's agenda and leadership of the day.) I remember the first time I heard the teaching that you die when you stop believing... If you follow that thought process through logically, then if your believing is right, you could be immortal. I never thought of how that teaching would effect people who were close with the deceased. It is akin to thinking erroneously that your loved one committed suicide. How evil of a teaching!
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