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Everything posted by def59
Some seem to be getting soft on sexual immorality as evidenced by the battles over homosexuality.
CK, Check out Matthew 24 and 26. "At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory."
since ewb was dead, they could use his writings and no heir was going to speak up, they could lionize and criticize him when it suited their purpose. With Leonard being alive, they had to watch their step.
I think success under these circumstances is many folks in the offshoots and elsewhere continuing in the good doctrine while simultaneously abandoning the bad doctrine and practices.Keeping the baby and throwing out the bathwater, as they say. Keeping the gold from Egypt, as they say. I think some of the offshoots are doing an admirable job (much better than twi is) of holding fast to the good doctrine and practice without all the negative baggage of twi. I also consider some of the good doctrine some of the most controversial elements of Christianity, like manifestations of the spirit, JCING, ATDAN, etc., some things that are certainly at least food for thought to the readers. Food that was digested centuries ago and left in a latrine.
Vpw drones: If Whiteside is accurate and vpw said all women are liars, then why should we believe her book?
Bullinger's copyrights probably expired. Leonard was still alive.
For those who think vpw was this awesome man of God, compare his words on women to how Jesus treated women. Then see who is the absent one.
About the only thing good it taught me was showing me to concordances and lexicons. I can see the words for myself now.
George, if you ever come to Florida, never, but never hit the breaks at a yellow light! You'll get rear-ended for sure! And when the light turns green, wait a few minutes for the crossing traffic to finish. --> It's all the friggin' New Yorkers down here. Cause it's definitely not the blue hairs! I lived in Miami Bell and those drivers aren't from NewYork, they're from Habana, Caracas and Rio.
Who says that what happened on the day of pentecost was anything even closely approximating what we learned (oops excuse me--were lead into..)during session 12? I have severe reservations about them being the same experience at all Exactly, on Pentecost everyone in the area (room) understood what was being said even if the speakers did not. What we learned was something else.
Actually, I learned how to use lexicons, concordnances and interlinears while twi. Now I can see how wrong they are.
I didn't get married until 1989 (wow78) so my answer would be no.
def59: I'm sure this would make for an interesting debate in the Doctrinal section, should you choose to start a thread there. I have no doubt most of us can come up with lists of ideas and beliefs that have changed post-TWI. What I'm most interested in is hearing what, if anything, you have preserved from the experience (hopefully, after thoughtful evaluation). Laleo As much as you want to control this thread, it will get away from you lickety-split. but good try nonetheless.
Amen. Since I've been out I have found most churches to be places to remind us what we are doing here. We have the Holy Spirit to convict us of error. And He does a perfect job.
George, since I left twi I embraced the idea that Jesus was fully God and fully man and that made his sacrifice even more poignant. That the God of the universe would choose to live in a body of flesh and live with us and share our limitations is astounding. To see his desire to glorify God and that we would live a holy life so much that he would die on a cross is truly astounding.
I learned how to spot anal-retentive jerks at the drop of a hat. :D-->
I was water baptized in 1991 (2 years post-twi) and have had other experiences that cleansed me from a lot of my past.
It will be 30 for in 2008, and it is pointless to think about what if, life is and my life for good or bad was influence by TwI. So I deal with it now and learn new ways to think. (For myself-what a concept!)
Raf Were you talking to me?
Here's my sheet In the Way..............Out of the Way 1978-1989...............1989-present Denial..................Diabetes (but doing well) 10,000 salary...........44,000 salary single..................Married 15 years (2 kids) false revelation........God talks to my heart Down on myself......... Realized I am meloncholy Zealot turne sloth..... Teaching Sunday School Drunk & lost............Clean & Happy Way home............Own my home > > BEING OUT OF THE WAY -- PRICELESS!!!!!! (Amen)
Whom should God extend Justice to then?
There was the heaven before creation and the fall of Satan the heaven of today - one where Evil can enter to accuse the brethren in front of the lord and the flames of hell can be plainly seen. the heaven of tomorrow (sic) one where there is no suffering, no pain and God's light illuminates us all.
what about the seven trumpets of Revelation?
So OM you believe that the end justifies the means? Doesn't matter how he got it, just so he got it and it "fit." Does that sum up your feelings about Vpw?
IMNSHO I prefer groups like the Newsboys, Jars of Clay, DC Talk, the Katinas, Salvador, Sonic Flood, Petra and Phillips Craig and Dean over Way Prod. I'll take Steven Curtis Chapman, Carman, etc. too.