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Everything posted by ChattyKathy

  1. You're a nut! And thanks cause you had a dadgum compliment in there dude. :P
  2. How old do you think someone would have to be to be able to qualify as being predisposed due to understanding of what was to be?
  3. QUOTE (ChattyKathy) Science brought these things about because man was alive in the first place. And not because he crawled out of some freaking ameba I would agree with your logic, sure. QUOTE (ChattyKathy) (I do hope that's how you spell the word) or whatever the heck is taught and I beg of you not to tell me because in truth I don't care about that wacko explanation. Nah! It ain't I'd agree. QUOTE (ChattyKathy) On that I have gotten down right close to smacking the snot out of someone for because it just insulted me so badly I couldn't bear to listen. What can I say dear?! Well I can't say I was kidding because in truth I've wanted to smack someone before but then perhaps they sucked at describing it and I've grown quite a bit since then so I reckon if I was honest I'd listen without the preconception of a stinging palm. Because to listen doesn't have to mean agree does it? Now of course at this point I'll not ask you does that help! :blink:
  4. I'll listen to it in a bit. Rick, You won. I'm watching That 70's Show for the first time. :)
  5. Want to know what makes me feel old (well one thing :P that is)? A final standard for color television was not approved by the FCC until the year I was born. :o And don't go saying you feel old cause you know I'm a million years older than you. :D Oh btw I think you get mono from kissing. :unsure:
  6. Poop on a stick! I wanted to show the 45 before you said sans google so everyone close your eyes at the part between the name of the song and the band. :lol:
  7. Rick, It's freaking me out! And I think I know but let me think about it a bit before I say okeedokee. Hey Rick it's showing the band as it plays. :o Hurry go change it and I won't say who it is.
  8. (poop) There was a picture of Dan Ackroyd and Donna Dixon here. Sushi/Rick/Sudo, Does one of these folks have anything to do with it? Well all three of you are a part of this clue I reckon. ;)
  9. Geo, We were posting at the same time. ;) And I agree with you, this is a tough subject to discuss but it looks like your thread is doing an admirable job of it though with no name calling or anything. Cool eh!
  10. Socks, I don't know which is funnier you or your cat. Kathy
  11. I know the song of course but have no idea what the show was. :mellow: Sorry Sushi!
  12. Geo, While I know you're probably sleeping in your neck of the woods I'd like to talk a bit more. And you'll have to bear up here because it could be a hard read I know. And for those who don't have the pleasure of knowing this man he's very pragmatic even in person (well on the phone that is). And some of this stretches that a tad to read. From a different perspective perhaps a little story now. I a bit over a year past that picture you see of my avatar I had reason to question all that was real about me. And for a period of which I don't know I was so young yet it felt like forever I wasn't sure how to even live from day to day. And so I got on my knees and begged if there was anything that could help me please would it. And of this day I can still recall enough it warms me even this chilly morning with the patio door open for fresh air. It was like a big ole sun with arms and as I told my childish story of despair towards it I sensed tears streaming from it and then arms that embraced me and from that day forward I have had this yellow figure (yeah :blink: I know) holding my hand. But there have been further reasons to go on knee and beg of an explanation and I did it once to quite the extreme of which I'll tell you that the taste of metal is bitter. And it was then that once again I knew that yellow figure was there. Now you may ask where he was earlier that day. You see I move from him. I make mistakes in choices even if innocent and then become quite contraire and at times have asked how could this God I held be real if I had been so abused yet again and again. But Geo I was the one that moved not him. Does that make him conditional? Does that make him evil? Well wild as this may sound in him I do believe there is no shadow of darkness yet he made the potential for darkness so how to explain that I can't begin. Know what I mean, it kind of goes in circles like the chicken/egg gig. And there is nothing that isn't conditional. I breathe because my brain begins the process, nothing is void of conditions. But something that aided me was I knew that just because it didn't work for me right then and there wasn't the fault of the solution. It was the fault of the action taker. That somehow and it's always been fairly clear for me when I just looked at it that I had been the one to miss it. And for me to blame God has never been a part of my life Geo. My pain at times never brought me to believe it was his fault. It just wasn't built in me is all I can gather of it. You see I believe that same yellow thing knew as a child I would have to face horror and he built in me some things that enabled me to find him. And Geo nothing can disprove this of which I speak. I could have made a decision three distinct times in my life to become a victim and bring upon myself even more hurting. But somehow God built in me not to remain there in my heart and thinking. And for that I shall forever be in his debt. Plain as I can tell you.
  13. Sushi, It's gives me an alert but no download. :(
  14. Sudo, well there's something to be said for stems and even dry seeds. Hard times has seen them ground up. And dang what a headache that gave ya. And we call our teens crazy. Yeah right! And here's my clue for Rick's now. And thanks for the excellent clue Sudo.
  15. Um, now that is enhanced! :D Okay let me listen to both y'all's links. And is one of you helping Sushi yet? Sudo, is she related at all? And Rick I don't recognize it well enough yet I've heard it.
  16. Hey, I got it too didn't I? Gosh it's just lovely outdoors in my neck of the woods. I'll listen to it at home okeedokee.
  17. Blonde? And I knew you'd be one that noticed something else about her. I'm leaving the building now, ain't y'all happy to see me out of your hair for a bit? Now what color would that be I wonder. ;)
  18. All better now cause my new friend Geo just emailed me and gave me something to do. ;)
  19. She looks like she could be a true red head. As for the other well I don't make it a habit to look at that part of a woman myself. :P This is one part of working that makes me nutso though, being slow for the moment and not being able to leave the building. :blink: But then I shouldn't complain I reckon cause the busy moments more than make up for it. :mellow: So can I use this now....
  20. This is insane! I love how other countries have it soooo over us!
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