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Everything posted by ChattyKathy

  1. Hang out in the world of your choosing for your special day.
  2. Hi old friend, Hope and I got caught up (yeah right) over the phone but we spoke of getting together soon and it will be so awesome to hang out again. I'm sorry we didn't make it when David was there but next time for certain, those are always a party. ;) Tell Hope hi for me and we will see you soon.
  3. I have now spoken with a few people that I never dreamed could get pass the "where do you go from here when you had all the rightly divided word" thinking that have found churches that aren't perfect, none are, yet have enough substance to them that they have found a spiritual home that satisfies their longings. And IMHO it takes removing yourself from twi to allow yourself to freely receive and see that that group has no market on accuracy. In fact they are way off on freedom since legalism keeps their ship on target. Even though RFR said they were going to turn that ship around, and how long it would take to do so, they only fancied up the window dressing but the locks on the cabin doors were not changed. Yet while in their fold I believed I had something worth enduring what I endured to have. How else would generally healthy minded folks continue to allow themselves to be horsewhipped into compliance with the guise of spiritual superiority.
  4. Excellent scripture T-Bone, and can it say it any clearer! When I was at HQ it was like we lived in a world of our own. Most had been on the field and knew that life was hard out there yet once they got in the compound of thinking being fed to them (myself included) they began to think we're not neglecting all else but rather we're so spiritually mature that we're taking it all in and placing it in it's nice little rooms, oh how clever we were indeed. When the truth of the matter was we were living in a cocoon never to emerge into the butterfly we were promised we would become. The walk of freedom we would have when others stumbled around us. All the things that were to make us so right and all else so wrong never materialized. And in time we stopped asking for them to and never seemed to notice it. Head knowledge and attention to details that had nothing to do with life and living.
  5. I have had experiences on both sides, the side of heaven and of h3ll, and yet I've not chosen to blame or toss God away as others have. If I had no experience in which to consider others actions against, not to say mine were worse, simply to say they existed, then I don't feel I could even throw out my .02 worth. But when I have lived through the fire and still didn't turn my back on God I know that anyone else could have done the same. And I suspect it is that proof in my own life that fuels me to notice others walking away. And why I can't get there for myself personally because I know for me had I walked away I would not be alive today. But then it still comes to what you want to do in your life and I will always believe in that saying "a man changed against his will is of the same opinion still". No doubt someone can find holes in my reasoning and that is our/their right to do so. But for me I won't be walking away from God.
  6. ASpot, There is a balance aint' there but I'd rather only know a few verses and cleave to them than know the whole bible and do none of them. Even the Devil can quote the bible so that doesn't impress me much IMHO. (this is not to you personally of course) What I can't wrap my head around and suspect I never will be able to is folks that just toss God into the trash because of experiences. But then I don't have to worry for their walk, only my own. You have some interesting points, it was nice chatting with you. Kathy
  7. RG, still praying dear one. Todd, cute picture.
  8. Gosh, you laid it out so clearly and that makes so much sense. TWI kept us in bondage to head knowledge and the lure they had "it" and no one else did so if we left it we'd actually wondered if we'd be able to find anything to sustain our thinking. But IMHO they just kept us all busy in our head so we'd not have the freedom to see they were not living what they were researching and sharing. And there are scriptures to back up what they were doing as head knowledge puffs us up. Plus they by far had "it". (Sorry ASpot but I'm trying to listen to the podcast of last night while thinking and posting to you and it's not conducive and I need to ready for work now)
  9. Hi ASpot, Sorry about neglecting your post to me. I had read it and got distracted. Let me read it again.
  10. I swear when I read that name I don't see the first "r" and it cracks up. :lol: (not trying to get this relegated to the dungeon either)
  11. I'm so I missed it. I actually fell asleep reading. I just woke up and know it's too late to join now. I'm so sorry I missed it. Dang!
  12. I'm not one of the players for this (know nothing at all about art) but I plan to be there and it works for me Paw.
  13. They were married the day before that post at 7:00 actually.
  14. I'm sure you're right on that one. I had read a few accounts where the couples thought it would bring them luck but I bet easy to remember numbers beat that group. :)
  15. Garth, There are bits and pieces of the process in the Radio forum but it's mixed into the radio threads there. If you have the time to skim each of them you'll find what you are looking for. If not I'll help you tomorrow but right now I'm heading away from the screen again. Some is in this one for a start: http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic=14378 And here is the site where you download from and get set up at: http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/main....=1&cmd=home Kathy
  16. More lottery tickets were sold today also. But the reason folks wanted to marry on 7/7/7 was thinking it would bring them luck in their marriage. I don't think you two needed that. :wub: How wonderful for you again Raf.
  17. Had y'all ever considered getting married today so it would have been 7/7/7? :P
  18. How tragic for that little life to think that was the better choice. My goodness. :(
  19. So glad you could stop by Kathy dear. The last couple of posts have been a bit long. I am pleased that you would wade through them with us. I love you dear sister! I don't put the time I should into research like I use to so hesitate to add too much that comes off the top of my head. But I have things stored up there and they come out when I read things here and it expands my understanding. Not because I simply follow the words of posters like you and Mark who I was speaking of above but because once you've done some work for your own understanding it helps you recognize godly logic IMHO. Not that I'm so great, goodness no, but I do have a personal relationship with God and He blows my mind with how he provides things when I put in the littlest of efforts. It makes me think He must be so thrilled to have someone love and believe in Him (in this day and time) that He doesn't even hesitate to go beyond His written promises in our lives. But that isn't exactly on point for this thread I know. Hugs dear one!
  20. Just had to sneak in here to let Mark and Eyes know that their conversation is most interesting to follow. Thank you both!
  21. I was just outside and I've never seen fireworks all around me before. You couldn't look fast enough to catch them all. I'm thankful we had a little rain yesterday so things aren't as dry as they've been. I was working Bless Patrol at HQ one ROA and saw a fire start where I was on watch by the west woods. I called and it was taken care of before anyone even knew it was going. So what did that have to do with anything. Thank you Polar Bear for your well wishes to our nation.
  22. My regrets that I didn't read this thread until now. Excellent questions, answers and viewpoints spoken here. As for me I feel to harbor sin against someone harms me and in so doing puts some of the responsibility for my compromised health mentally, physically and spiritually on me. It doesn't mean I invited the sin against myself or that I think the sinner deserves anything. He/she are no longer the issue. I the receiver am. And what I do with their sin against me is mine to sort through at that point. When I see my maker someday that person(s) will not be standing next to me as part of my wholeness or lack thereof. It will be simply me and what I have or have not done for my own self. If Bob sins against Nancy and I being Nancy's best friend were to become responsible for their hearts intent it would make it rather impossible for me to live any type of peaceable life. All I can do in that case is comfort and suggest (if I feel I have something worth offering) so that I might be a part of the support group while Nancy and Bob work through what is theirs solely to do and either come to or don't come to a resolution. I hold no power for either of them. I have experience in forgiving my trespassers and know the inward benefit of doing so. I've been on the 'before I forgave him' and 'after I forgave him' side and there is no question as to which side I began to find my healing on. No question! But since I can't forgive another's sin against another it doesn't mean I have to hate as the abused hates their abuser either. And I believe there are generations of people who continue to hate others who never experientially did a thing to them and the results of that deep seeded hate harms the innocent the moment they take on inherited baggage. And wars and killing and prejudice survive.
  23. ChattyKathy

    I'm new

    Welcome Katy, I know nothing about CES but this web site has plenty about it I'm certain. If you need any assistance moving about from forum to forum just ask. There are some good folks here that will do all they can to assist you. Kathy (RG...you have the most awesome graphics girl)
  24. Happiest of Years for you ahead I pray!
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