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We were involved with a religous group wherein we ran Bible-studys in our home. We occasionally attended seminary courses, and clergy were almost non-existant. We did out-reach programs on college campuses, military bases, and in prisons. We were Non-Denominational Pentacostal Biblical-Fundamentalist Unitarians. As many organizations tend to evolve into hardened control freaks, so did The Way Ministry, and some of the upper leadership became egomaniacs. Most of the middle-management became 'yes' men and willingly went along with it all. Most of their basic doctrine are things that we still beleive in. Bless you, May our Heavenly Father bless you in everyway, in the wonderful name of His son and our brother Jesus. Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. and 'University of Life' Alumni "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
Ever think about doves? When we were in Washington State, we replace all the ground floor windows with big 'bay windows' that stuck out from the building about a foot and a half. They brought much more light into the rooms and made it 'feel' like a much bigger building. In one of those bay-windows in the living room we put 2 white doves. I used a couple sheets of white lace to make curtains, and I loaded the bottom hem with lots of lead fishing weights (to keep the curtains taut). They held the doves in the bay window, and provided us with good view. The building was on a busy intersection (2 four lane streets intersected with a street light), among the local 4-H we often received complements. Apparently while families were stopped waiting for a green light, children would often spot the doves in our window. Sometimes we would look out and even see pedestrians on the sidewlak, who had stopped and were watching those doves. That window was probably 8 feet across, 5 feet tall and 18 inches deep. It also filled the room with their cooing. I got used to it, but when we spoke on our telephone, people would usually ask why their heard birds. At the time, our eldest son was raising rabbits with 4-H and he made a good business from selling them. Our second son took care of the doves as his 4-H project. We were never successful at brooding any chicks to maturity. But we did have fun with the project as it was. I would reccommend doves to anyone, as my family and freinds enjoyed them. Bless you, May our Heavenly Father bless you in everyway, in the wonderful name of His son and our brother Jesus. Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. and 'University of Life' Alumni "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
Since my first PC computer in 1987, I have fought virii and trojans and worms, oh my. I finally decided that paying McAfee $30 each year, every year, is worth it. I hate spending money. I try to watch my expenses. But this one just made sense to me (after years of scanning once, then a month later re-installing a system). This current year's version is a little 'buggy' but I trust that next year it will be back on the 'top' again. Hundreds of virus 'jars' located through-out the internet, the first to isolate and reverse-engineer a new virus, it makes sense that their database should be ahead of others. Bless you, May our Heavenly Father bless you in everyway, in the wonderful name of His son and our brother Jesus. Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. and 'University of Life' Alumni "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
Mister P-Mosh: "I do think that the natural way is the best means of prevention. I don't really believe in all the "shark eyeball, dandelion and poke berry" pills as a cure to cancer, the common cold, and depression. However, there is no question that getting enough vitamins and certain chemicals will help you be healthier." All while exposure to many other chemicals will hurt you. I have seen a few men go down due to exposure to Cadmium, or lead, or radiation. Often times chemicals that are frequently used, will be harmful, but we just don?t know until many decades later. I do tend to 'believe' in multi-vitamins (especially A, C, E), garlic and fresh vegetables. On the other hand: Soy with all its phyto-estrogens, cows-milk with its hormones, fruits with their high levels of glucose, and red meat with what-ever (about the only red-meat I have eaten in years has been dolphin) in it.
It seems to me that one any topic, the more 'sure' tha tthe doctors are about something, most likely the more hot debate there is on that topic. I have never really felt comfortable going to them (medical people), but I have full medical coverage so at least it does not cost me anything. Most times if something is stuck in me, or I am cut, I can usually stitch it up by myself. A few times, I have needed someone else's help with tying the knots. The worst stitches that I have ever had, were in the back of my head. I had to trust a medic and they rteally did not know what they were doing. The last time our son Matthew hurt his face (he did a nose dive from a stkateboard and cut up his brow, nose and lip). I met him at the hospital, and tried to comfort him while the medic played around. they were getting consultations and really taking their own stupid time about it, so I finally stitched Matthew's lip back together, while a P.A. stitched his brow. On the other hand, I have a duodinal ulcer (meaning that it is just below my stomach). I have some cool pictures of it also. Once each year that have me swallow a gardenhose looking video camera, but in return I get prilosec which really does help my heart-burn. Bless you, May our Heavenly Father bless you in everyway, in the wonderful name of His son and our brother Jesus. Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. and 'University of Life' Alumni "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
Pervasive Developmental Disorder/Atypical Autism
Galen replied to Abigail's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
It does seem like a public school teacher needs to know a lot to be able to teach today. There are just so many dis-orders that effect children. Often requiring a slightly different way of teaching. Dealing with the teachers with our kids (dyslexic, FAS, ADHD, ODD, RAD, and sexually abused), it does seem over-whelming at times. My prayers are that all parents and teachers of special needs children will take the time to learn about the problems; and try. Bless you, May our Heavenly Father bless you in everyway, in the wonderful name of His son and our brother Jesus. Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. and 'University of Life' Alumni "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller -
Where has God took you since you left the Way
Galen replied to year2027's topic in Getting help for cult dysfunction
?Where has God took you since you left the Way? What are doing with your life?? Lots of places; overseas and back stateside again. Sometimes we have done fellowships in our home; sometimes we have not. Pretty much the same as when we were still ?in? the Way Ministry. Only now we don?t get Sunday Night Service Tapes and we make no thought toward attending Limb meetings / corpse recruitment nights. Before we would actually think about attending and if I was not otherwise employed by the US Navy, I would even go to the annual corpse recruitment events (limb Meetings). What am I doing with my life? Wow, my parents want an answer to that question as well. When will I grow up? When will I begin a reputable career? And stop living off of the government? These are questions I hear anytime I speak with either of my parents. Right now I goof around fixing things in the apartments of my renters. Sometimes we host BBQs and invite our renter?s families. I attend training sessions to maintain our foster-care license. Bonnie and I attend 2 different monthly support groups for fostering (one for ?normal? fostering and one for the ADHD, ODD, RAD, FAS, abused and abusive children). I attend school functions and PTA junk for my 3 foster children (P/T meetings, IEPs). I respond to the schools each time the foster children get in ?act up?. I take them to: their semi-annual dental appointments and medical check-ups, their weekly shrink-therapist sessions, and monthly visitations with social workers. They are raising rabbits as a 4-H project, so I end up over-seeing that. I Homeschool our 13 year old (he wants to start college next year, but we are trying to convince him to wait 1 more year). I try to be understanding and helpful to our 18 year old, as he is finishing his A.S. and faces life?s options before him. Last summer we all spent at least one day every week sailing on a river nearby. I take the kids on trips and we see the local museums and sites of interest. We just got a motor-home to start taking the tribe out on weekend trips; and hopefully next spring take them on week long site-seeing trips. I make occasional road trips on my ?82 Gold-Wing, I do like the way it feels (I went up to Mass for a CES advance a couple weeks ago, and I had a ball). I made a few week-long trips this past fall, up to Maine, shopping for a new home, perhaps a site to build a vacation home on. ?Where has God taken me? And What is He doing with my life?? Many places. We are working at me giving back to this next generation to help some of them become adults. While I come to terms with the things that I have done in the Navy. It has been a couple years now since we last ran a PFAL class. We did run ?Harmonizing-the-Gospels? about a year ago (I even posted a review following each session here on Greasespot Café), we enjoyed that. We usually do ?Tending-a-garden-with-God? every spring. We listen to tapes from a dear friend?s ministry in San Diego every week, and sometimes the tapes from CES. Galen Young University of Life Alumni -
I went to a weekend advance about 2 weeks ago, in Mass. It was very nice and we all had a good time. There was a few non-TWI people. A few times they had to stop us and ask questions as the leaders were kind of assuming that everyone present had the same background. Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
DamitJanet- "Does all that stuff after your name mean you are a Mason?" Yes I am a member of: Harry S. Truman, Lodge 649, F&AM, Naples, Italy Steadfast, Lodge 216, F&AM, Bremerton, Wa Bay View, Lodge 120, AF&AM, Niantic, Ct Reliance, Chapter 70, Bremerton, Wa Valley of Bremeron, Orient of Washington, 32* AFFIFI Temple, AAONMS of Tacoma, Wa "I am a majority member of Job's Daughters and a former Rainbow Girl." I am glad to hear such, my daughter. "Haven't made it to Eastern Star yet." Something to consider. [This message was edited by Galen on October 05, 2003 at 20:23.]
The Trinity has met it's match!
Galen replied to Jeff USAF RET's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Rafael 1969: "1. The Father is greater than the Son and therefore they are not equal." I agree that they are not equal in strength or power. "2. The Father has (or had) knowledge of the timing of future events that He did not share with the Son." I agree. "3. Points 1 and 2 lead me to the conclusion that Jesus Christ is not God." I agree. "4. Hebrews 1, through employment of the figure of speech erotesis . . . states that Jesus Christ is not "an angel," I agree. "5. If Jesus Christ is not God and not an angel, then he did not exist prior to his birth, and scriptural implications to the contrary need to be explained in light of that understanding. Any explanation of those proof texts that does not address the identity of Jesus Christ as a man whose existence began at birth are, in my opinion, invalid." I think I see a error here. While I agree that Jesus Christ is not our Heavenly Father, I agree that Jesus Christ is not an angel, and I agree that Jesus Christ did not live before he was born. However logic would not conclude this. "Could Jesus have existed prior to his birth without being God or an angel?" As was discussed previously, the idea of time-line skipping that would enable Moses and Elijah to both show up and rap with Jesus, and both return to their own times, all without disturbing the idea that they both died and are now awaiting the return. Just as Paul needed to travel forward to see the return, to build his hope, so Moses and Elijah needed Hope. Since both Moses and Elijah knew Jesus personally, it could be said that Jesus' presence was known before his birth. -
So what was the Christian Family and Sex class about?
Galen replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in About The Way
vickles: "I wonder why some classes had pictures and others didn't? I know galen stated there were no pictures there and I know that both classes I went to there were. Was the class shown differently depending on what area you lived in? If so why would that be? If not is it because it was so long ago that we just don't remember? I know for myself I would have thought that I would remember everyone and everything that happened in twi but as time goes on those memories are becoming less and less. I don't think they are changing as far as what the content is but that it is just less. What do you think?" I stated: "After having read this thread, I still dont remember a lot of pictures and there was NO video of anyone doing any kind of sex." I think there may have been a few 'pictures', I simply dont recall any videos. I only sat through the class once. To my experience, PFAL was loaned to Twig Leaders / Coordinators to run classes; and eventually as TWI tightened control of things this faded to only Corpse being able to handle PFAL, then later only certain corpse being able to handle PFAL. In the case with CF&S, it seemed to be restricted to only certain corpse, early on. I ran various fellowships, filled with singles and I recall requesting to run CF&S many times. Without Corpse in the twig, I was always turned down. Even later when I had corpse couples in my twig (I was their twig coordinator), it still was not allowed as only 'certain' corpse could do it. -
So what was the Christian Family and Sex class about?
Galen replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in About The Way
WeWereScammed: "I wonder if VPW made his trip to India to, among what other things he may have done there, learn more about the _Kama Sutra_. Doesn't that sound kinda up his alley?" I dont think so. The general idea that we each need to worship multiple gods and strengthen our every vice in order to obtain a higher level and eventually Nirvana; tends to lean at odds with everythings else he did as a monotheist. Besides mantras and meditation techniques are a little out of character with the rest of the ministry. Within the guidelines of Judeo-Christian beleifs: seeking after animal spirit deities, intro-spective meditations, and apetite over-indulgence for the sake of soul purity; are all rather bad. Granted so is adultry. There are some 'christian' doctrines where the boundarys of adultry get stretched, in the name of love. And others where the boundarys are questionable concerning meditation. As a basic monotheist fundy, most of VPW's ideas can be argued Biblically (even though many would contend that they dont line-up with church or 'popular' doctrine); to pursue polytheism is a far greater stretch. -
So what was the Christian Family and Sex class about?
Galen replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in About The Way
I took CF&S in 1979, I was a single sailor in a twig of sailors. After having read this thread, I still dont remember a lot of pictures and there was NO video of anyone doing any kind of sex. I do recall a section on the Virtous woman, and basic biology of reproduction. I dont recall 'funbags' but I think he did list a few slang terms. I do recall a brief section when he mentioned how women tended to be slow to warm-up, whereas men are ever-ready. His theory was that because men and women each had different timing, one or the other needed to be in charge of the timing. Though I dont recall which one he thought should be in control. In either case, given the decade, I thought it was fairly appropriate. When I graduated High school (1977) sex ed was a simple biology course. Men's body's had these parts. Women's bodys had these parts. In some method, sperm traveled in the uterus and found the egg. How the sperm found their way from the testicles to the woman's uterus was left a mystery. Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller -
The Trinity has met it's match!
Galen replied to Jeff USAF RET's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I dont see the problem here. We all know that Jeff works for CES. I at least recognize the book "One Lord one God" as a good book that CES is selling. Why does he have to 'say' that he is a follower of CES? Why does anyone care? Jeff is making his presence known on the internet, and establishing a presence for unitarians. Good for him and good for his site. -
The Trinity has met it's match!
Galen replied to Jeff USAF RET's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Hmm, I rather liked the site. I logged on and everything. So whats wrong with it? Once Google picks up on it, no doubt other unitarians will feed from it. I know many good Deists who are rather quite and perhaps timid, but seeing this should bring them out more. Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller -
Steve- ?I mean, is the cashier going to think that a guy is buying tampons for himself?? Best rifle barrel cleaner ever made. ?The very few times I've bought condoms, I bought them proudly? Each time that I go in to pick up my prescriptions, I can grab a hand-full (the pharmacy keeps an open box on their shelf) at least there free. Once in 1989, I was stationed in Holyloch Scotland (to repair submarines) and for a few months I was assigned out on the pier as the site Security guard team. To step onto the pier, you had to walk through a British ?border crossing? inspection, then at the end of the pier we had a waiting room and each hour a ferry came to transport people to the subs. Everyone had to walk through a metal detector archway and we X-rayed all baggage. (Mostly we carried drunk sailors back to the subs when they left the pubs.) We had perhaps 5 percent of the sailors there were female. It was not un-common to find electrical vibrators in their sea bags, as they were reporting onboard. Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
I truly dont see that 'PFAL' had a spell over me, that needed to be broken. I read things here. Some things I agree with, other things I do not agree with. I like PFAL. Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
Wow, I looked at each of those, and uh nice. You say she had a gun? I did not notice. I need to go back and look again. . . . . Hey, she did have a gun, cool. How did you notice that?
Perhaps I have drank too much this evening. That last one is great.
Be careful what you post here. It will show up in court!
Galen replied to Kit Sober's topic in GreaseSpot 101
Catcup: "My rules (for what it's worth): 1. Tell the truth. 2. Tell the truth. 3. Don't say anything here you wouldn't want a. repeated back to you in court by opposing counsel. b. seen on a highway billboard with your name attached to it. 4. Always tell the truth." Life gets too complicated 4 me at times. I need to simplify things. I decided long ago, that having to remember the details of lies was just too much work. For every untruth, you would have to remember it as well as who you told what to. No thank you. Speak truth. As to copyright violation; since your not violating criminal law, no law Enforcement agency is going to persue you. Copyright violation us when you copy something and sell it making a profit but no giving the copyright holder their share of those profits. Since it is not a criminal law violation, the copyright holder needs to sue you for that lost money. Simply quoting someone, without giving the author due credit is perhaps 'not nice', but to sue you, they would need to show that you made a profit from doing so. Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller -
Be careful what you post here. It will show up in court!
Galen replied to Kit Sober's topic in GreaseSpot 101
Keep in mind, everything posted on ANY website. Can be monitored by our government, for any purpose they seem 'right'. Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Knight of the Rose Croix, Knight of the order of St Andrew, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller -
Is this one working? Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Knight of the Rose Croix, Knight of the order of St Andrew, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
We own. We have been owners since 1985. We own multi-family propertys (one apartment or house intended for my family to live in, and two to five other apartments or houses for renters to live in). In some locations we have had fellow beleivers living in some of those apartments / homes, while we were running twigs in our home. I dont recall leadership (while on their dreaded occassional trips through the area) ever mentioning that it was a bad idea. More often then not, when we did see a corpse, it was from a phone call, that some corpse was on the road and needed a place to stay overnight, while traveling on to some other area. I dont recall any of those 'traveling' corpse, ever saying anything bad about us owning these propertys. I certainly dont deny this policy from TWI. It does sounds like something that LCM once said and then later Heaven and Earth had to be moved to accomodate his "New Wine". I certainly recall the teachings about eliminating debt. To a large degree, I agree with the idea that many people in our society, carry too much debt. It is a bad thing for someone's financial planning, to carry lots of debt and to be paying interest. I keep credit cards, as I see that having them is a good thing for emergencys. We pay them off each month, so we do not have to pay interest charges. We have always tithed. Not always to TWI, of course. We carfully budget, are educated about finance, and we actively prepare our tax-planning for each year. I was married and made $30K/annum when we bought our first property. You are not fools for owning your own home. I would only say that perhaps you would have been better off by purchasing 'income property'. Otherwise you have done wonderfully. You kept your future in focus and protected your family's investment. Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Knight of the Rose Croix, Knight of the order of St Andrew, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
testing cool if it works Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Knight of the Rose Croix, Knight of the order of St Andrew, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
Since our bodies are mostly water, I truly should add uet another favorite body of water. That of my wife, Bonnie. Red-hair, delicate-white-skin, wonderful-assets Galen ET1 SS - USN Retired, Knight of the Rose Croix, Knight of the order of St Andrew, Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine. "I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller