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Everything posted by Galen

  1. Galen

    Let's See What Happens

    Uh sensitive areas far below your face? Nobody said that you have to shave down there. Bonnie has told me about those mammograms. They do sound fierce. A big steel vice to clamp your stuff in and squish it flat. Ouch.
  2. Galen


    Every year while I was on active-duty (1976-2001) we were required to take every flu shot every year. I really would not know if the nation ever had any 'shortages' during that short period of time. During the WMD scare following the WTO attacks, when everyone seemed to be looking for Cipro; we had plenty of Cipro available to us on base. The last couple of years, when I travel onto base, they commonly are offering the latest flu-shots to everyone who shows up. Thus my impression is that the military is on the top tier of who gets each shot first.
  3. Galen


    Usually the military, then civilian first-responders, then elderly and any hypo-condriac with money.
  4. I think that everyone's "Rights" should extend right up to the point where they reach the nose of someone else. So long as you dont impede anyone else, you dont hurt anyone else, you dont endanger anyone else; and such behavior is not specifically forbidden because it would create an un-due hazard to society. Than that should be your right. But again your talking about denmark. Not America. They have no "rights". Like 'Animal Farm', everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.
  5. Galen


    TWI-2 did put the various forms of possession into a row of progression. At one end being the 'least' or 'slightest', and at the other end were those sins that were the deepest or worst. Suicide was considered the absolute worst, with Homos being just one step 'up' from that. Reading Romans the way they did I could see where they got this idea. It was part of TWI-2's focusing on evil, rather than focusing on godliness. To spend so much time focusing on and praising the Adversary; does not really maintain anyone thinking about love and forgiveness...
  6. Galen

    Let's See What Happens

    I dont think either. I just find many toilets are round when they should be oval. I have always found this bizzare. While I do know a few men who follow sports, I dont. And most of the men whom I have known and worked with dont follow any sports either. Perhaps it is jsut because of my chosen profession, I dont know. "That females play a very powerful role ... the idea that we might be the human equivalent of those males rejected by nature truly evokes angst within us." True. "It is hard for us to talk about our perceived inadequacies because to do so we become vulnerable." Any vulnerability that I admit to, among other men, will be held up against me by them. "... Vulnerability, we believe attracts the sharks in our world like blood in the water. Our training in this area starts when we are quite young." Also in school, boys will group to attack a 'weakling'.
  7. Galen

    Let's See What Happens

    I have heard of this one too. Wait, be patient, let her take her time, love her, be patient, wait, take her time, ... So when she finally gets a libido, we are so old our flesh no longer works. Hah, great. B)
  8. Galen

    Let's See What Happens

    We ALL have to deal with the monthly mess, just in different ways. In recent months (going on for the past couple years) ours have been 'messing' four three weeks out of four. Not all men are without those fears, I was not comfortable alone on dark streets until after I learned to be. You think that it is only females who are concerned about this? Rejection is common, rejection is life. so long as you are still getting rejections, you know your still alive. hmm, I think that my face (and your face) is far more sensative than your legs. A face has more shapes and curves, more blood vessels up close to the surface, and more nerves. I think that a face is much harder to shave, a face bleeds more, and a face is more sensative to shaving; than a leg is.
  9. Galen

    Relocation Project

    Go a couple hours North of Cape Cod and you can find them for cheaper. :D Good luck, Jeannette we will be praying for you.
  10. Galen


    Did I miss something? Did someone say that they judged people to be homosexual based purely on their looks? Those who I have known told me.
  11. Galen


    I am fine. Been very busy all summer, building a new house. Got our previous apartment rented out, got Bonnie and Matthew moved into a new apartment here in Maine, Just went to a wonderful organic-farmer's fair. I am almost done hanging a roor onto our future house. How you doing? Ooops!! True LOL Cool Yes, living up here now. IMHO Males who are acting Homosexually, commonly divide themselves into one of two categorys: masculine, or feminine. Thus those you see who are efeminate. Females who are acting out their lesbianism, commonly divide themselves into one of twoj categorys: masculine, of feminine. Thus those you see who are masculine. Not all homosexuals are efeminate. Not all lesbians are dikes. Just because I have lived for many years, underwater, with so many other men? I truly prefer women. I feel 'drawn' to females. Young, old, thin, chunky, ....
  12. Galen

    Let's See What Happens

    I could see where, a pitcher on the mound going through those overly-exagerated pitches raising his legs up to chest-height with each pitch, would easily re-arrange your underwear with each pitch. I no longer work terribly physically active. but just doing 'things' it is not un-coomon for a man's underwear to become re-arranged when you also have various loosely hanging items also in that same underwear. If you had nothing in that same underwear, I could easily see where you might never become re-arranged under-neath. We once had a conversation months ago, about the difficulties of using a toilet. A round toilet bowl, means there is a 'question' of where a man puts is plumbing when he sits. Outside means you might leak onto the floor. Inside means you dangle up against the inside of the bowl, or down into the water-puddle. Either way if anything is dropped into the water-puddle it is going to splash your plumbing. I dont think that women are concerned with this, as they dont have anything hanging down into the bowl. I have had to wear ties. You get used to them. I was never able to get used to shaving. Shave once at 5am, then again by noon I would have to shave again. After a week my neck is so raw and I have in-grown hairs, curling and twisting, growing under-neath the skin, getting infected. During my last tour of duty (as an MP) I had to shave twice a day for three years, by the end of the first year I was constantly broken out and infected, with drainage on my neck. My last day on active-duty was the last day that I have shaved. Fortunately most of my career was spent at sea, so I was able to grow a beard. Is any of this, what you were expecting?
  13. Galen


    I admit that when I was a young adult, I experimented with homosexuality. I found that I did not 'like' it. I prefer females. 'child molester' uh, well, according to culture this issue varies a great deal. Historically our culture allowed marriage with 'children' females, and in some limited states it still does. 'drug sellers' is a fairly new idea. My grandparents could purchase opium, heroin, codiene, and even marijuana Over-the-counter. When they passed away, we found a stash of opium poppy heads and seeds in their garden shed. They were members of their church, leaders of their community, and highly respected. They never left America, they had a farm before the Great Depression, taught grammar school, and later after the Great Depression they founded a church together, wrote a weekly column in the local newspaper, and were highly respected. Were they 'druggees'? Here in America beign a 'drug dealer' was not considered in any way a bad thing 100 years ago. 'murderers' LOL. Yes, we have many veterans all around us. You quite likely already do have drug-sellers, child molesters, and murderers living all around you. AND thier children and their grand children.
  14. Galen


    I have made numerous trips up here during the past couple years, I really have not seen how the snow here is any worse than in Connecticut. We will see. :D
  15. Galen


    The fair was great. Bonnie loved it. I loved it. Exhaustive though. Bonnie sat for over an hour in the weavers tent learning to spin wool into thread. So many hippys, wow. Oxen-team pulls, horse-team pulls, Llamas, sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, oh my. one-man saw-mills, composting toilets, multi-fuel home heating systems, wind-power systems, lots of folk living 'off-the-grid'. Bought a bag of grains for making bread, from a family that works their farm using only horse-teams. Everything there is organic.
  16. Galen


    Hmm, some who were living their lives as homosexuals have later 'changed' (or have been delivered), and yet others would argue that no homosexual has ever 'changed'. hmm.
  17. Galen

    Knocking on My Door

    I have served with many LDS. Generally I have always found them to be respectible. Numerous LDS have found me to be a close friend.
  18. Wayfer Not!: They may well have been okay people I really dont recall. We were only stationed in Virginia from the middle of 1980 to early 1983, so we only ran a Twig for 2 years ish, maybe two PFAL classes each year and a few folks going WOW. We would not have recognized each other on the sidewalk had we bumped into each other. My understanding at the time, and years later was that Inside of Norfolk the beleivers were thick as flys. I recall that in a twig we ran in Ct 1990 through 1993, we had a Corp couple that was on 'probation' and they said that Norfolk had so many beleivers that they would commonly go months at a time without face-to-face seeing and speaking with a non-beleiver. In that case, it was a real problem for that couple (Oborsky) as it had been so many years since they had experienced not being within a 'tight' branch with hundreds of corp and Joe Believers. So apparently the Lallys were tightly surrounded by a very thick crowd of corp to help and shield them from Joe Believers. It is hard to imagine anyone being more egotistical and judgemental than Steve Strezpec. But we have likely discussed that before. :-)
  19. Galen


    Galen: I do apologize one and all, if I have stepped on anyone's toes or set a stumbling block before you. "I do beleive that homosexual and lesbian activity is a sin." "I also beleive that we are all born in sin, and live in sin." I do beleive that: "We are in fact all sinners" "G-d's Word delivers. Nothing else really does. Study His Word, Share it, and love her. Pray for her and pray with her. If she wants to pray about her sexual tendency than fine, I would try to be a friend, I would try to be understanding and non-judgemental. When she and her Heavenly Father are ready to remove those drives from her, then it will happen." "I have known and ministered to a number of homosexuals and a couple lesbians, I have also served killers and rapists. No doubt had I spent more of my adult life in the presence of females, I would have known more lesbians." The above I do mean in all sincerity. I am also 'drawn' towards females. I made a figurative comparison between myself and lesbians in that manner, I thought was humour, perhaps it was not appropriate. Sorry. :-)
  20. Galen


    The Common Grounds fair is just a week away.
  21. We ran a Twig in their Limb in Virginia for two years. I remember meeting them once, we went to the airport to greet them both. A bunch of us (maybe twenty) to greet them from some trip. Someone had to try and explain what Twig we were, and they said "Oh, yeah the 'Outer regions twig'". From that time on, instead of calling ourselves the Newport News Twig, we called ourselves the 'Outer Regions' twig. The Lallys did maintain a very close relationship with all their Twigs and Twig Coordinators. I am certain that if we had stayed there for a decade or more, they might have known us by name, or even would have visited our Twig once. Or at least they woudl have been able to recognize us by sight. Bonnie has very fond memorys of both Lallys, she attended more limb functions than I did. That once at the airport was the only time that either Bonnie or I ever actually meet the Lallys face-to-face, though and I am certain that it did not last more than 60 seconds. Bonnie was in the audience for likely a dozen limb functions, though. As Twig Coordinators from 1980 until 1997, we probably had the most posetive and most functional relationship with those two, as we did with any limb Coordinators.
  22. Galen

    USA Destinations

    George Aar: "1. San Francisco, a pretty town, the Golden Gate Bridge, a couple of nice museums, Chinatown, lots of great restaurants, - worth a day or two." Sausalito too, I have a brother that runs a paid parking lot there. "2. San Diego, great weather, always sunny and moderate, not much to see and do other than lay on the beach, or maybe go to Tijuana (a rather acquired taste)." What? San Diego is great! Taking the train south is fun too! Just stay in the areas with pavement, when the pavement runs out, the streets just continue, but You should not continue. "3.Boston, just another megalopolis. I couldn't find anything noteworthy there except having lunch at "Cheers" (big whoop)" Yawn. "4.San Antonio, well there's the Alamo, and, ummm, uhhh," The river walk is fun. "5.Las Vegas, I think I'll wait till after I'm dead for a return visit. (Though "The Amazing Meeting III happens there in a couple of months, that might be worth it)." Too commercial for me. "6.Little Big Horn, kinda interesting, but really not much to see, I'd give it an hour or two." Yawn "7.Gettysburg, for a Civil War buff it's a must see, but, again, it won't take long to take it all in. It's just pastures and fencerows and a few old canons now." This one was fun for us. "8.Hawaii, never been, seems too hot to me. I was never one for lying on the beach and sweating. I do enough of that at work." Been there many times, Wow, it is expensive. Take the metro bus to the Mormon's Polynesian Cultural Center it is great and they have a wonderful evening show. It takes maybe three or four hours to tour the facility before the evening show starts. It is great. I grew up very near to Yosemite Park, and went there continously. Bonnie really likes Yellowstone and makes a point of stopping there most times that she drives coast-to-coast. We lived in Bremerton across the bay from Seattle and Tacoma, we went there for the museums and the underground tour but I could not think of anything there that would draw a tourist. I have been to London, Manchester, etc. Yawn, but Bonnie loves them. Edinborough is the greatest! And maybe Sterling too! Bonnie loves Paris, I dont. Rome is fun! Mount Etna is great! We had a lot of fun in Greece, touring and checking out Corinth. I would go back to Cervina anytime. I had so much fun there. It is right across the border from Zermatt, but everything is half the price as things are in Zermatt. And between the two is the greatest skiing, on the planet. Cervina has two Irish pubs too, we had more fun in them, then we did while in Dublin. My goodness those Irish kow how to drink, they sing. Everyone is expected to sing,
  23. Galen


    I do beleive that homosexual and lesbian activity is a sin. I also beleive that we are all born in sin, and live in sin. We are in fact all sinners. I dont have to kill Christians, to be a sinner. G-d's Word delivers. Nothing else really does. Study His Word, Share it, and love her. Pray for her and pray with her. If she wants to pray about her sexual tendency than fine, I would try to be a friend, I would try to be understanding and non-judgemental. When she and her Heavenly Father are ready to remove those drives from her, then it will happen. I have known and ministered to a number of homosexuals and a couple lesbians, I have also served killers and rapists. No doubt had I spent more of my adult life in the presence of females, I would have known more lesbians. I also am one who beleives that I am a lesbian trapped within a man's body. I feel a strong drive toward them: short / tall, red / blonde / brunette, skinny / plump, young / old, ...
  24. Two weeks ago, I listened to the Sunday Morning service, the pastor taught on tithing. He spent an hour urging that the minimum any christian could possibly give back to G-d was 10%. If you can not immediately go to 10 percent, he suggested that everyone start at 1% then step up to 10% as you see how it is possible. This last week's Sunday service was about door-to-door witnessing. has anyone heard of these things before?
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