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Everything posted by Galen

  1. DEFENSE-PRESS-SERVICE Am I the only guy who thinks that 10 tonnes is a lot? TEN TONNES!!! That is 20,000 pounds. :)
  2. I got his book for Christmas. I thumbed through it the other day and was not very impressed. Is there anything I can look up for you? It looks to me like he Googled for 'cures', categorized them and printed them out as a book. He recommends that you do 15 colon cleanses in 30 days. then he lists, 15 different makers of colon cleanses and says to do one of each of them every other day for a month. He also lists each colon cleanse website so to refer you to it. Not taking 'sides' with any of them but to say that if colon cleanses are good, do all of them. It seemed like about a third of the book is spent on a diatribe about his failed bread business, and the legal trials and fees that were incurred from trying to market whole grain bread and labeling the package with a statement about the health benefits of a high-fiber-diet. You don't need to buy it though just ask me, if you wish and I will gladly look in the book for you. He talks about drinking eight glasses of water every day. and he spends time on saying that the water must be 'pure'. [from my experience, we had pure water on subs for feeding the reactor. We were not allowed to drink it, as water purified without ions in it, will mess up your electrolytes. So my understanding is that pure water is bad]. He says to use a trampoline ten minutes a say. To walk one hour a day. To do a muscle / tendon stretch To deep breath to sweat in a dry sauna to get a full-body Swedish / deep tissue massage regularly. to practice Chi Kung To practice Tai chi to do a 7 - 30 day fast He recommends: reflexology, acupuncture, cranial-sacral therapy, reiki, essential oil treatment, That is just what he tells to do, in about four pages. [with websites attached to each recommendation] I think that if you fully followed this guy we would be broke in a few weeks. :) Duck quick I hear a duck Quack Quack!!!
  3. Yes I am glad that I now live here in Maine. Where we know exactly what snow is for: piling up on the roads, drifting up against the houses, genrally covering up the weeds, and for children to throw at each other. :)
  4. Two years ago, two of our foster children were suspended from elementary school for a week, for throwing snow balls. they had been in front of our house and walking down the street towards the bus stop. they stopped making and throwing them as we reached the bus-stop. I was walking with them, I encouraged the snow ball throwing and I had them stop as we neared the bus stop. Nobody's vehicle was nit, nobody's house was hit [excuse me, but we may have hit my house, but I own it], no other child was hit. The principal was very serious and could not imagine why I would encourage such irresponsible behavior. Two of our children were suspended from school. She also told me that one of our neighbors had called the school and complained that our children had been seen throwing snow balls in our backyard, but that she wanted to discuss this behavior with me, before she called the police. This was the same public school principle that insisted that black children calling white children "Honky crackers" was not racist, but white children calling black children "Niggers" was racist, because as she explained only white's can be racist. I vented about both occurances here on Greasespt Cafe at the time each event happened. this all happened in Connecticut.
  5. Galen

    Newbee says hi

    Welcome!! And May God Bless you and keep you.
  6. Galen

    words women use

    You KNOW what's wrong, I dont NEED to say it. [meaning that we are to read her mind to figure it out] and I say: "I am so sorry, I do apologize, I should have known better and realized what was happening, I am really sorry" My little sister was very mad at me, she publically told people that she 'dis-owned' me and did not want ot talk to me. she has held this anger against me for over ten years. Last year I saw her at our eldest sister's funeral, and I repeated the *magic* phrase [above] to her. Now she seems happy and will talk to me again. I never have been able to figure out what happened or why she decided that she did not like me. Obviously I can't ASK her, then she will know that I had no idea what I was apologizing for, and she would be mad again. So guys, lets all repeat the magic phrase: "I am so sorry, I do apologize, I should have known better and realized what was happening, I am really sorry" :)
  7. a waste? Perhaps for some. but others of us ministered to help those in need. Ran fellowships and had fun. We studied the Bible, healed folks and kept things 'posetive'. The only real wasted times that I recall were the few minutes every yer or two that I had to deal with Corps-nazis. but fortunately many many of us did not deal with WC with any routine basis. So over all it is not bad. Obviously it did get worse and worse as the years went by, and Each of us finally got to some point where the BS was just too over-whelming.
  8. Galen


    speak for your self, I am married which means that I have sex with rosy. rosy palm
  9. I agree. Got spare food coupons? and want to assist military families in need? Food coupons are honoured and they are still 'good' for an additional 6 months beyond their printed expiration date, at all commissaries over-seas. Send them to: Naval Support Act - Naples Family Service Center Attn: Food Coupon Drive PSC 817, Box 10 FPO-AE 09622 Thank you.
  10. I am sorry that you experienced such high pressure tactics. I was fortunate in that I did not. I sought out PFAL, after once being witnessed to about it. I have never been to a 'Billy Graham' rally. but from the way they are hyped, I would expect long before I got there that once inside I would be pressured for 2 hours to finally once and for all give my life to Jesus. I find it amazing that any 'un-beleiver' would allow himself to be dragged to see Billy Graham, unless they are already a beleiver, in which case, as a recruitment tool it seems kind of silly.
  11. Yes there was some good. As with many other denominations was it becomes a business it's road downward is well paved. And without any system of checks and balances a single ring-master can run his circus in any direction he wants. :)
  12. I would have to imagine that few Floridians are this stupid. LOL
  13. Most of my career, I had no exposure to any reservists. But during my last tour, and now since then, I have met many part-timers. To your son, I would have one word of advise to consider. If a servicemember can 'withstand' serving [the military is just not for everyone], then they should really be in active duty and NOT the reserves. A reservist has to serve for 40 years to accumulate enough 'points' to qualify for a pension. then they still will not be on a pension until they reach 65. and in the interum years they have few other benefits. On active duty it only takes 20 years to qualify for the pension, and your pension starts immediately. Plus the medical coverage continues, and dental, and free 'Space-A' travel, and shopping on base. :)
  14. That is really great! ET1(SS) - USN retired
  15. Are you asking a question, or making a statement? :)
  16. I do live near a few of them. I dont recall anyteaching about them though. Got spare food coupons? and want to assist military families in need? Send them to: Naval Support Act - Naples Family Service Center Attn: Food Coupon Drive PSC 817, Box 10 FPO-AE 09622 Thank you.
  17. We have a few books on home medicine and nursing, as well as on herbal stuff. Many of the older ones list the Devil's Apple, since it is a member of the nightshade family it is most obviously a poison. but today I can't imagine living in Italy without it. So much of our food today is based on the little red citrus. I love them, plus they are pushed for all men as protection from prostate cancer.
  18. Galen

    Just Some Quotes

    Belle- Paine wrote a great deal and a century later his writings were used as the definative for Deists. However Many of the founding Fathers lived before Paine, and really did not agree with him much. To hold up one roman catholic individual as the definative for the entire religion spanning over a 1000 years would also be poor. I agree that diests generally were strongly against organised religion. They were generally very much against Papal rule. They were also Biblical fundys by todays' standards. Reason as coming from focused study of the Bible, rather than a single man's revelations, or the teachings of organized religion (understood to be Papal or Anglican). This is mis-leading. Unitarians back then was like saying Monotheists, those who beleive in a single diety. Jews were and are Unitarians. TWI is Unitarian. It was not for another hundred years that the Unitarians joined with the Universalists. to say Diest and Unitarian is almost saying the same thing. The writings of Washington, the prayers of Our Worshipful Past Master geo. Washington, reveal him to be as much a unitarian as diest. He strongly beleived in a single diety, the Creator of the heavens and Earth.
  19. http://www.organicconsumers.org/epa6.cfm Public Comment Period for this rule Closes December 12, 2005 Public comments are now being accepted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on its newly proposed federal regulation regarding the testing of chemicals and pesticides on human subjects. On August 2, 2005, Congress had mandated the EPA create a rule that permanently bans chemical testing on pregnant women and children. But the EPA's newly proposed rule, misleadingly titled "Protections for Subjects in Human Research," puts industry profits ahead of children's welfare. The rule allows for government and industry scientists to treat children as human guinea pigs in chemical experiments in the following situations: Children who "cannot be reasonably consulted," such as those that are mentally handicapped or orphaned newborns may be tested on. With permission from the institution or guardian in charge of the individual, the child may be exposed to chemicals for the sake of research. Parental consent forms are not necessary for testing on children who have been neglected or abused. Chemical studies on any children outside of the U.S. are acceptable. 70 FR 53865 26.408(a) "The IRB (Independent Review Board) shall determine that adequate provisions are made for soliciting the assent of the children, when in the judgment of the IRB the children are capable of providing assent...If the IRB determines that the capability of some or all of the children is so limited that they cannot reasonably be consulted, the assent of the children is not a necessary condition for proceeding with the research. Even where the IRB determines that the subjects are capable of assenting, the IRB may still waive the assent requirement..." (OCA NOTE: Under this clause, a mentally handicapped child or infant orphan could be tested on without assent. This violates the Nuremberg Code, an international treaty that mandates assent of test subjects is "absolutely essential," and that the test subject must have "legal capacity to give consent" and must be "so situated as to exercise free power of choice." This loophole in the rule must be completely removed.)
  20. Good for her. :D Though I am surprized that the mother did not end up in jail.
  21. LOL He must have worked for me for months before I finally figured out what Georgia he was from. It was wierd for me, most of my career 'they' were the enemys. non-citizen servicemembers get to reduce the time requirements before applying for citizenship. I think the minimum number of years is cut in half, so every year spent in uniform would count as two years for a resident civilian. Got spare food coupons? and want to assist military families in need? Send them to: Naval Support Act - Naples Family Service Center Attn: Food Coupon Drive PSC 817, Box 10 FPO-AE 09622 Thank you.
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