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Everything posted by Galen

  1. Some, not all, PFAL was written and presented by man. The Bible was authored by G-D. I am not aware of any one verse that says that no.
  2. Let us pretend for a moment that I do not hold dear any of the teachings from TWI. And that no body here has ever heard / nor attended a TWI worship service. When saying that sex is 'moral' under specific circumstances, what exactly is the guideline to make that determination? Do we each just make it up as we go along? Or is there some definite concrete guide [that does not change] by which we should try to apply to discover moral 'rightness'?
  3. Galen

    Auto Inrurance

    I may be wrong, but I thought that USAA was only commissioned officers, not regular military servicemembers. I spoke with them once in the 80s. But being an enlisted servicemember I was not eligible.
  4. Galen

    save on gas

    They found through there testings that it did not help. They also testing running a vehicle's A/C, verses going with windows down and a few other options. But I truly dont recall what their observations were from the various methods they tried. But I had seen the tailgates removed, so I was watching for that particular test result.
  5. Galen

    Auto Inrurance

    They did not for us. They did recommend another company out of UK that covered us in Italy and Greece, however.
  6. Galen

    save on gas

    I saw that one on 'mythbusters' they tested it.
  7. Galen

    save on gas

    LOL Instead of running the A/C, just run the A/C ??? The 'defrost' mode removes the humidity from the air by running the A/C [which condensates the humidity] and then re-heats it. By turning the heat function down, your just disabling the heating part. :)
  8. Galen

    Auto Inrurance

    Right now we are with Gieco. We have been with them before, I guess that most times we have moved we have gotten a different policy with different companys. This past year, I moved between states and was able to keep gieco. But they did change the policy and the prices. I wish that we could have just kept the same policy, but since each company seems to only cover it's little area. Gieco seems to be getting better about us moving. But they could not cover us in Italy.
  9. You demand that I can only bash your private pet-peeve. So I call you "mister Moderator", as if you owned the BBS. LOL I think that in America I can likely bash any thing that I wish to bash. Did someone tell you not to bash your 'black/white"?
  10. Okay fine. Mister Moderator. :) We will only bash the specific part of the ministry that you wish to bash. :) Catcup, Groucho and LiftedUp - I agree with you and think that your great! LOL I saw good and I saw bad. Like both of you. I worked hard to strike a balance [thanks Groucho]. I may have said at some point that I despised WC, I dont recall. I have been fairly drunk at times too. And to be honest 99% of my problems with TWI was from dealing with WC. I recal that someone else had used the phrase WC nazi, and I liked the way it sounded so I used that phrase for a time. But it really did offend others. So after a time I stopped using it. But even after stopped from using it, others here will still admit that they had to deal with WC who were nazis. So is it just me? But there were good ones too. I dont I disliked all of them, just those that I saw hurting others. Taking advantage over others. I certainly do believe that I was called of God to be apart of TWI. And I do believe that parts of PFAL are great. I freely admit that, and we have debated that at length. Bless you guys. :)
  11. I did not mean to be white-washing, nor denying that bad happened. Life happens and life is filled with bad. I know that I have hurt people, I have caused people to be maimed and even killed. Though I dont think that through my involvement with The Way Ministry that I hurt anyone [though I certainly may have], I did try not to hurt anyone. Sometimes when I saw someone in a fellowship getting into something that looked shaky, I would often go aside with them to talk about it. Not uncommonly it was the influence of some idiot WC. I did see folks getting hurt, and I stood up and spoke out against it, when I could. Though being at the Twig level, my overall involvement with WC was fortunately very limited. I think that it was up to each one of us, to walk in God;s light and to minister to others. If anyone of us saw bad things happening to other believers, than it was / is our duty to stand up and help them. I was just a little Twig Coordinator, and for a time a Country Coordinator. I did things that caused WC to really dislike me. I could see them taking a deep breath and trying to renew their minds when getting ready to speak with me. Because I did my best to hold them to a standard, and I stopped them as often as I could to force them back onto that standard. :)
  12. I saw some of these things, though I did stand up and refute those that I did see. I am not saying that the others did not happen, but rather that it was a big ministry and we all had entirely different experiences in it. #1- I saw folks who had to wait over a year for a PFAL class to start. I waited 8 or 9 months. So harping on someone that they must take the class was often kind of dumb. #2- The only problem that I see with asking questions, is that while your in mid-session it stops the session and stops the schedule of getting through the set of 12 sessions. But questions were welcome, write them down and we can discuss them before / during / after dinner the following evening. #3- We did make-up sessions routinely. #4 and #5- what do I *want* to know? I dont follow, WC routinely get into my face about going WC. But I always found that quoting PFAL back at them, usually stopped it. God is not going to tell anyone else' His Will in your life until after He has told you first. 'Little birdies' hearing it does not count. #6- it has got to be The Word. When you can show a WC ring-knocker that his stand is off from the Bible, they shut up. :)
  13. I guess I missed it, what insult? Do you mean about the yorky?
  14. Yes, thank you, now after looking the full phrase up on 'wikipedia' I found it. Thank you. Many of you guys, say things that I miss or dont entirely understand, so I usually blow it off, but this time, it caught my attention as it might have been some important flourish as to why everyone seemed so terribly upset, thus I asked. I assumed that it was some reference to a 'friends' or 'sienfield', or one of the other sit-coms that ran while I was serving overseas or underwater. I do commonly miss references to sitcoms that I have not seen, which is why I assumed as such. Thanks again. :)
  15. 'my claim' because I quoted the scripture? Unless you can find a verse that does forbid it. Same scripture passage, I thought that we had already discussed that part. Violate another man's wife or betrothed and you get killed. Okay, fine, and who is Virginia? I take it then that you are also un-familiar with the concept of 'Amalek' killing the stragglers take followed behind the main-party, being equated with 'terrorism'. I had not heard of that either.
  16. Dont forget that it was Gore who inented the internet, right after he invented the computer. :)
  17. I am certainly not innocent of much. I am a sinner. and I have committed many wrongs. If you have a verse to share I am sure that you would do so. You wish to argue for a position without a chapter and verse backing that position. Again. I dont recall saying that I am innocent of anything. Terrorism may well be discussed in political forums, though from this rabbi's comments it looked like here was a Biblical context which addressed the topic of terrorism, thus I brought it to this 'doctrine' forum.
  18. I was asking if anyone was familiar with using the phrase 'Amalek' to describe terrorism. People want to talk about rape instead, fine. Okay lets see: Yes??? I dont know your Waldo. Uhm, a cartoon? Are you saying that there is a Law in the Old Testament that forbids it? If so than please jsut quote it, rather than playing these word games. The verse you discussed earlier clearly said that the rapist would have to marry the female, unless she was married or betrothed. Do you, or Virginia have some other verse you would wish to bring up?
  19. I fail to see any connection between what I said and 'rape'. Taking a wife from among another population. would possibly bring STDs into your population. If all your people are faithful in their marriages, then STD should be rare. Since you do not know, how any of those females behaved themselves, you have no idea which ones were the whores, or the prostitutes. So restricting all 'spoils of war' brides to be virgin, would limit bringing STD back into your people. Get your mind out of the gutter. :) That post said nothing about rape.
  20. Our local papermill just closed a couple months ago. They accounted for just over a 1/3 of the local town's tax budget. [Well not in MY town, but the next town over, they are a bigger town, they have a post office and a gas station. My town is much smaller. But we do share their zip code.] I dont know. it seems to me, that with so much empty forest land. If they would jsut require replanting, then every 20 years or so each plot could be timbered again, and it would keep the industry going. Instead they aim at being able to re-timber in 80 years, from the previous cutting. Which seems to me is really stupid. But I am not a native Mainiac, so I just dont get it. It is pretty, and rural and has lots of hunting and fishing. :) We are way off-topic here, sorry folks! I did not want anyone to think that re-planting was being done everywhere in all of U.S. forests.
  21. Greasytech in post #7 used the phrase. Abigail in post #9 used the phrase. Abigail again in post #11 used the phrase. In post #16, I quoted Abigail"s use of the phrase "rape" and quoted scripture which directly pertained to that topic [which is still not the topic of which I was asking when I started this thread]. So yes I guess your right. I did bring it up in the first place. [down in post #16 after it had already been bandied about for 9 posts]. :)
  22. I was asking about Amalek. You wish to talk about rape and saying that The Law forbids it, when a plain reading of the The Law clearly does not. I dont think that I am working hard to do much other than build our new house right now, simply sharing scripture is not hard. :) Surely The Bible does not need my defense. It is the Word of God.
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