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nyunknown. I never fully got invovled with the Way anymore than the PFAL classes. I knew I could not go by all it's guide lines, sort of like being a member of a church. I don't remember a lot about it or my frame of mind at the time. Meeting members of the Way and attending Twig was the best thing to happen and I believe that was the group I was led to not knowing. I believed in God. As a kid I used to think an Angel was with me but a lot of kids did. I just felt at times a wierd presence at times. God and Jesus were just people we read about in Sunday school(caticism? don't remember how to spell that word). I think it was in 76, I was 21, things were going good but I wasn't happy at all but everything was pretty much good but I felt lonely,even though I knew a lot of people who could talk to me, I had no one to talk too, I was too heavy they would say. one night I was talking to God and begged for a sign, let me know something. I got my sign that erased any doubt in my mind about the existence of God. What a rush that was, then was it just my imagination. I used to always write words poems, songs in my head. I might have mentioned this before, but it will also fit here again. Talking to God I felt angry, sad, tearful, I wasn't liking life too much. I wasn't a suicide type. just felt death would not be a bad thing. Death wish type. So after a period of time staring at the ceiling waiting for a sign( probably less than a second these words came to me in a poem. God said I could go to heaven If I could find the Door He sent me on this journey And told me nothing more. J.P.L. Well that did it, Thank you God. At that time I did not understand the door part. I had never really read the bible. I knew the door had something to do with Jesus. As it was taught he is the Son of God. So I made a promise I would try and understand the Jesus part. I belived in God, just had to learn about Jesus. So I went on with life. Met the bar room preachers. The come to our meeting. all kinds of are you a believer types through the years. Some I did attend. I used to hitchhike a lot to get from place to place so I had many chances met many people who spoke of Jesus so my need to know increased. Then I met a member of the way. Maybe God figured I needed a female companion to lead me. He was right. She spoke of the way and what she had been through in life. The fellowship she attentended. I was curious. Always invited me but was more encouraging than pushy. we saw each other a lot and I liked the things I was hearing so I got a chance to meet a few more of her friends from Twig, outside of a fellowship, I think helping someone move I don't remember. But there I was with other people talking about God and Jesus thinking nothing of it just a normal conversation with other people who thought like I did. I started attending Twig. I felt comfortable this is were I'm supposed to be. Why? I did not know at the time. I was told about the PFAL class they were putting together as others started attending, some just before, some after. I took the classes read the books. I liked what I had learned. Oh, now the door part of the poem came to light and I had found it. As time went by I stayed connected with Twig and the people I met as it grew places changed people came and went but the friends I had made kept it going though at that time the Way cut them off. I moved to Ca from CT, time went by. met some belivers we could talk went to a few fellow ships none had ever heard of the Way. So i had to be careful it seemed of what I could say. Belonging was not for me in these groups though I did like attending. Ten years went by I'm in Ma. now for a few years. Then I got a computer. started looking for info on the Way appeared to have fallen apart. I was able to contact someone who was a member and they told me about things that had happened. that was it. A period of time went by I needed to find people who at least knew of the way and had taken PFAL classes. I found this site. This is where I am supposed to be at this time. I don't know why. I just believe. Maybe death draws near and this is the diary of an unsound mind. Maybe the things I write others need to read. I was never a actual member of the Way I just attentended Fellowships put together by members of the Way who through the PFAL classes gave me a better understanding of the bible that I could not get anywhere else. Not saying this was the path for others just part of my path. As I was told " The bible say's what it means and means what it say's" with out interpetation. That's the part I needed to understand. yes I felt compelled to write this. Think of me as you will as I have yet to understand some of why's of the things I do. I know I am not alone in these thoughts so I am not afraid to share.
Well Now. I guess it was good that I came into a Twig at the time they were breaking away and not comforming to all the rules. I think the next PFAL class would have had something to do with interpetation of tounges. They could not get access to any more material for that fact so that is as far as I got with the Classes, well almost that far. I did like the knowledge I gained. I did step into a thread that took a strange turn. So if my sense of good and evil might not be hightend. I might just understand a sense that I already had, or just a delusion in my mind. At least God knows I believe. And so after I have my talk with God at night and I thank him in the name of Jesus Christ and the voices that I speak in are gibberish, well God knows I believe. And the way I live(not very well, and all I've been through,Job Did well, I'm still here. I still believe. I can't show you or anyone the things God and Jesus have done for me. It looks like nothing to others eyes. Yet I still believe. I can't show anyone the things God has done for me. I can't prove God's done for me, things I don't understand, I just believe it's part of his plan. Sure I sometimes spread God's word but who am I, just look at me, the words I speak ,will you believe. So it be. I walk not alone, with God and Jesus leading me home. So I pray before the final light. People I met along the way come to belive that night. A litttle more about me. I just belive things I don't understand. Faith is hoping you might believe, believing is no doubt in your mind without understanding. God And Jesus are a personal relationship that I can't prove to any one that I have. Maybe a believer might believe me.
This is in addition to my last post. The situations I was talking about people are involved but only for that situation on hand. It really has nothing to with that person in general just maybe I can put it like this, A force working through, maybe around or just present at the time. what happens is those moments that affect my actions or re-actions that bring consequences that I did not forsee weather good or bad. Sometimes the spidey sense says it's a God thing . It has nothing to do with the people or persons as an individuals. Just tools to bring about the events that will bring a change to my life or thought. Not all these situations leave me with a feeling of the presence of evil, like I stated before sometimes I feel it was a God thing that just happened. Something like that.
Discerning of spririts. I'm not sure this is part of this topic. my understanding of discerning of spirits is the abilility of a heightened sense to detect the presence of evil. Sort of like you are in a situation or encounter someone and your spider sense starts tingling. not an ability to cast out the demons, the best way I can put it. Some times I get a real strange feeling about something that something just is'nt right and times most times it involves people and my having to make a descion. I would explain further but I might be off track. Topics like this Is why I'm here.
Well I guess my Iguana will fit right in with the turtle. Mr. Ron is his name. been with me since 99, when I drove from Ca to Ma. in 2000, It was kind off chilly in may so just before Colorado I put him on dashboard to stay warm. Had burlap bag up there fot him to lay on and crawl into when it was time to sleep. Rode pretty much the whole trip on the dash, between food stops. I cant figure out wether it thinks it's a dog or a cat. Will follow me around like a dog but like a cat it won't come to me when I call. when I pet it's sides it leans into it like a purring cat but like a dog it likes to nip sometimes. Do not let an Iguana nip you. I keep him in a large ferret cage modified a bit. Let him walk around a bit. it has a personality.
Enjoy Your Life Now or Later? I can give you no advice on that. It is a decision you have to make. I am 52. I went with the play now pay later plan. though I did nothing great I did accomplish some of the things I set out to do that at one point were just impossible daydreams of a lost little boy. I had plenty of perfect opportunities to have that white pickett fence life. just could not find love at the time, or maybe I did not know how to reconize it. I guess I was one of those dreamer types who wind up being a loner and sort of a drifter. I did do well but never took into account the years I thought I would never see, I'm well into those years now. I call them bonus time. I have few regrets. In the eyes of others I could have done better. That is according to their standards of life which is something yes I could have done but I chose to pursue the things I wanted to do in life. Well once again nothing great just the fact that I did accomplish some of the things I set out to do, I am content with the life I have. sure I still would like to do better and still may be able to. I do not need a mercedes, I do need a vehicle. A house would be nice, an apartment will do. I'll get right to the point. If you truly believe in God and Jesus Christ, trust them, believe they will be with you no matter your decision. Your needs will always be met and some of your wants, just maybe not to your expectations. right now as the penalties for drifting and not staying anywhere long enought to collect a pension for except from the type of work I am doing now, with SS should it still be there, a small pension check, A little annuity and maybe a part time job I will survive alright. That is okay with me I had the chance to live outside the Box, good times and bad times. I will share this with you. My ultimite goal is to be able to support myself with songs and poems I have written. I had to put that goal aside as I have to put a plan together for the days I'll never see, just in case I do, I still enjoy life now, how can I enjoy it later with all that time to wish I had done the things I have the opportunity to do now or have already done. I hope this makes sense. It not a topic I can provide a good answear to as the end results are unknown to me at this time, Just my thoughts in relation too me. Why do I feel my face turning red, tough post
I purchased the $22.+ set up. It is only 1 screw, flathead, maybe 1/4-20 machine thread. Comes with it. I will say this this was not a highend guitar. It is a good guitar in my opinion. Now it is better. It does have more sustain and better sound. I was surprised. D'Angelico acoustic strings have the sound I like. I did not realize the difference as I could not find them for years. I thought they were no longer made.
JLD Bridge System follow up. Hi all. Ordered from Stewrart-MacDonald. Order was shipped 8/07/07. Got hungup at P.O. Box, no notice. Waited 10 days. Contacted Stew-Mac. They Shipped another unit out yesterday, Which I will send back as they said first order might have got lost in transit. Original order came today. A+ for Stew-mac F- for P.O. If I did not recieve another package they would not have noticed this one. Anyway, Did not look like it would do anything but secure my bridge from pulling up and keeping the top from warpping any more. I got the one where you have to drll into the bridge. Guinea Pig guitar, Aspen Hummingbird copy. Pretty easy to install, you do need 9/64's bit and 1/4" brad point bit and a little saw to cut tension rod to lenght. All said and done. The sound hole warp is still there maybe not as bad. It did bring the bridge up to almost level, real close, I'll play it for a week and give the tension rod another turn if it needs it. The bridge angle was very noticable before. Sort of lining up with the heel at the back of guitar, maybe not that much but close.I did not check with straight edge just a slightly exaggerated guess. so for the bridge part it looks better already. It might take a couple days or longer for the 30 or so years of it being like that for the wood to relax. now for the fuller sound and more sustain. Yep got some of that too. I did switch strings. From Martin SP Phosphor Bronze 12's to D'Angelico Phosphor Bronze 12's, I like D'Angelico just took me some time to find them. Not a popular brand. glad I have a computer now, could not have found them otherwise, sorry about that side tracked. So I did get a fuller sound with this guitar. Nice on the bottom. almost like a drone effect when strumming. Now for the finger picking part(or Flat pick, plectrum) I do get more sustain,not a miricle amount but more than I was. This is how I will describe it. Before I would pluck the high E, 10 count all gone. Got weak quick. now it holds a strong 12 count and is still fading at 16, the low E will ring into 20+. My opinion. It made this guitar sound better And so far it took care of most of the bridge problem, a little more time it just might take care of the little bit left and I probably can use 13's without worry as bridge is now scewed in place. For me it was worth the purchase. The past issues I thought it might have do not exist. Still not a Gibson, but a good road-ready player
Oh! Oh! okay. The birds and the bees. The English Bird. and bees. Hmmm! well bees make honey. It starts with Honey, well,maybe not all the time. But I'm sure honey gets mentioned some of the time, anyway. I can just tell you the beginning of the story and how it got started. It started like this. HONEY! I'M HOME. To be continued.
I haven't been here long enough for anything else than other. My life has changed Spiritually and they way I look at life now. I was not fully invovled with the way but the people in the twig I went to became my friends though I was still kind of messed up with life and did not know how to be one. I was never able to open up to anyone. they stuck me out and gradually I talked about some things as some shared the same thoughs and feelings. I learned the weight I was carrying was'nt mine and I gave it to God to hold. I did not realize it at the time just one day I just realize I felt better inside. My life was still the same mess but saw it different and felt better about it. This is the place where people will understand what I talk about, Maybe not every one( had to put the maybe in for safety) Seek and Ye shall find. well I found this place and I guess it's where I'm supposed to be.
Hi Socks. After I posted last night I went further in to searching for info. I contacted a lady who installed it in her Yamaki guitar, stated the imediate results were minimul, maybe over time it might have had an effect. Waiting to hear from her. I did order the lower priced unit where I have to drill a mounting hole in bridge. I don't have an issue with that as it is my guitar and it's a good anywhere player. I'll be the guinea pig and let others here know how it works out. I see it will sit on the backs bracing. I am hoping that the screw pulls the top to the block without putting pressure on the back bracing as time goes by I dont want to see splitting along the back sides. Majority of sites I found that it was used gave it a + though a couple noticed little if any change. I am just cautious that none of the reviews or the main page mentioned anything about it affecting the back side or concern. It should be here by Fri. and I'll put it in on weekend. I can see how it can be good on a new guitar so you can use heavy strings and being a preventive measure but to totaly fix an existing problem. I will find out. I will get back here with results. Joe
Hi Socks, I had read that site and a few others. It looks like it will do the job. What is not talked about is how it affects the back of the guitar if the top does'nt want to give up the warp that easy. Guess e-mail will get his answear but hopefully I'll give this post some time maybe some one has or knows someone who has used it. I might try it any way and post the results. it is used on some new guitars by a known guitar maker. Thanks Joe
JLD bridge system. is anyone here familiar with it. I picked up a guitar that looks like it had been sitting aroud for it's 30 or so years. the bridge has the issue that this product states will fix. I was thinking of ordering one if it would at least help correct the problem partially. Write ups are good but hearing from some one who has first hand knowledge is better. Other than that the guitar is in great shape for it's age. Changed out nut + saddle put new tuning machines on it. Thanks
What is your non-spiritual, non-relgious stress reliever?
walking replied to Tony Soprano's topic in Open
Fingerpicking guitar, putting a record album on the turntable and just sitting and listening to the music. -
Hello excatherda' Thank You Joe
I had checked out that site, Harmony Central, most info I could find was there. bits and pieces on a couple sites. Oh well. I now have an electric and acoustic from this maker. thanks
It's going to happen I'm ready. Death is nothing for me to fear. Ive been living on bonus time for a long time. I enjoyed it. even the rough spots. Where I felt more alive after I got through them. No children bear my name. I am not a depressed or miserable soul. Just try and tell it like it is. I enjoyed the ride. got to pull over and park some time. AM. OD. On my way to heaven I met an Angel with a Smile We sat down on a cloud We talked a little while She said to me I see you were walking slow I said yes mam I really don't want to go When she asked me why All I did was start to cry Then I told her I didn't know I just thought it was time for me to go Well she gave me a few words To ease my worried mind Turned me right around Back on earth myself I find The words she gave to me Were sweeter than any wine All she said to me was it takes more than just time. J.P. L.
Did that. No alter ego. My kinfolk are doing well.
Thanks for the response waysider. I guess if it's not broke don't fix it. I had pretty much beat up my other guitars, needed new nut on one and re-fret on the other. I was just looking for a cheap guitar and came across this one. I bought it on name alone as I have also LP copy made by Aspen which is a real good copy. it is hot rodded now. Thinking if Aspen made a LP copy that well, hope they do the same for acoustics. I was right. In my search for info on Aspen I foud that The Martin copies they made were very good also. This was just from reading info on other guitar sites by people searching for Aspen info also. The price was right. Though it looked a little rough at first from a distance when I picked it up I could barely find a scratch. What looked like a finnish well worn of the neck was maybe a discolored wax or oxidation most of it came off with cleaning and the rest with playing. Yep, it sounds good to me, a keeper. Gave me all these Ideas. I wait till my playing develops to a level I'm happy with. For such a good guitar I wonder why it is so hard to find a company history.
Hello all. Anyone hear of Aspen guitars. Lawsuit era. I found a hummingbird copy and it souds nice, plays nice. Not as much sustain as J-50 but holds well to Alvarez DY73 CS. How can a person tell a plastic nut from bone as this nut may have been molded with grain to look like bone or ivory, I can't tell, looked with magnifying glass. thinking of bone nut and saddle with setup maybe get a little more sustain. New machines and I have a new guitar. Looks like one owner hardly played guitar. No scratches on headstock. No buckle marks on back. Thought about changing inlay to real MOP. If it is something I can do my self. Any info or Ideas would help. Thanks
Hi Patrick. Been awhile. I like the coffee here so I will be here off and on. My story is about as complicated as anyone else's. what little time I spent with Twig members I did learn things that have enhanced my life. SIT still a toucy subject for some. My opinion. At first it is something a person does'nt understand so the thoughts go back and forth from thinking you are SIT to the doubts. Some eventually put it aside with doubt. some still carry on with some doubt but because of their belief in the readings of the bible they still SIT. Some of that group eventually put it aside. Some will carry on until they realize all the different voicings actually sound like a language they don't understand,something like that, till their is no doubt in their mind, Truly believe with no doubt, and then the manifestaion of tounges has been achieved. Though some will achieve this state sooner than others by just believing. I hope this makes some sort of sense with out offending anyone, that is not my intention, This is just the short version so my use of words might not be all that great. it is a more complicted topic than that. On a lighter note I got to go over to the guitar topic site. Something I was looking for was made available to me.
Guess I'm in a similar situation. Looking for a fellowship something myself out here in MA.
Wow! I must be in the right place. Things went haywire for awhile in life,right down to the computer. computer is still an issue. Heading to a small claims issue. Guess I'll have a coffee. When I first started speaking in tongues, yes it sounded like gibbersh. I was believing it wasn't. Kept speaking every night at the least after talking to God. Time went by and I noticed the different voicings. I noticed how some of the sounds (maybe syllables) seemed clusterd. I moved around a lot and met people from a lot of different cultures and heard many different languages and noticed the same clustering sound. So in understanding that fact I did not know what they were talking about but were having a good coversation. Well when I speak in tounges I don't know what I'm saying but it's now sounding like conversation or that I am saying something that I don't understand. Plus the different voicings. Sort of like, some times the voicing would sound asian, maybe arabic, maybe like aztec I don't know how to describe all the voicings I hear, just they are not alway the same. Some times the last few lines sound like the end of a prayer. Some times I think I hear an interpertaion in far less words that were spoke. not all the time. Why I wrote this is as I was going through this haywire situation and talking to God, after I thought I was done, in my mind I heard, This too shall pass, I wondered if it was my imagination. Then I heard, Some shall only see, how blind they are, to the light that leads the way. I felt compeled to share this. Now I could just be crazy in the head, I'm alright with that. It seems to be working well with me. Any input is welcome. Oh the go see a shrink line. Why pay some one to tell me something I already know. Till we meet again, Joe
Hi Waysider. I will get back on this topic in guitar talk. I will say this. I pattern Pick well, that is what kept me going. I could learn a new chord progression, fingerpick to make it sound like something. Yes I have messed with bottleneck and open tunings. what little I did sounded pretty good though it was simple but I added some Harmonics from the strings made it sound like i knew what I was doing. I was in Hawaii for a year so I got turned on to Hawaiian slack key, I like that sound along with the old bottleneck blues. I would like to get good enough to get a dobro. one of my goals is to learn how to play guitar, I mean really play it so I can sit in on jams of any style but Blues jams will be where I will have the most fun as I write make up a lot of lyrics. I put a couple links in for a project I worked on, I wrote the lyrics to Freddies Song and Wander'ers Shoes co-wrote Neutral Zone. Freddie's Song I originally wrote as a twelve bar blues, which I also sang at a blues jam but my friend Trevor changed it to suit his style as he was producing Jason Graves. Project fell apart soon after but I got this part of a dream. I hope this is alright here. It is part of my story though any more I will answear over at guitar talk. No money was made off this project but along time ago I told some friends My dream was to be able to walk into a bar put my money in a jukebox and play an artist singing the words I wrote( good thing I was liked and the owners where I hung out put it on their jukebox) I did not need to make money. God allowed me to do something I said I was going to do. A daydream reality. though the people I had told were no longer in my life. I still have to work to make a living. http://www.audiolunchbox.com/album?a=28294 http://www.emusic.com/album/10818/10818427.html
H'mmm, Maybe somebody from the old twig in Mystic, CT. might stop by. Thanks for the Danish Lori. Maybe a fellowship in Ma. Ri. area, Close to Providence, Ri. Been years, don't mind the thunder and lightning. That twig was my only real connection with the Way.