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Hey, rascal!! Happy Birthday....and I DO mean HAPPY!! Isn't it great to be 29!! Let's have a PARTY!!!
Yeah, I'm past poo-pooing anyone else's beliefs. I don't know squat about past lives. I DO know that two-way-whistling is fun...especially at partys! Is there any reference to reincarnation in the bible? Never thought about it.
Well, Ham, that IS very strange and bizzare! I would never have thought you, of all people, would have such a thing in your past, much less believe in it. It must cause a bit of turmoil for you presently. But, I must come clean, and admit that I, too, can whistle while breathing in or out. There I said it! I feel cleansed and free!! As far as the other things about past lives....don't know.....maybe I never had one? :huh: (j/k) Actually, I never put much stock in reincarnation. Never read up on it either, though. This should be an interesting discussion.
Hi there, freelady, and welcome to GS. I hope you will take some time to do a little reading of the material on the home page here at GS. Running PF@L for people new to the Word will expose them to some significant errors. You might want to reconsider. That class is not what TWI said it was, nor is it what we thought it was. (I first took it in 73) Of course, there is a lot of scripture referenced, and that's nice, but the conclusions drawn from them are often misconstrued and downright wrong. PLEASE rethink running it for people new to the Word. I know I wouldn't want to feel responsible for someone being led astray from the truth of God's Word...and running PF@L would be doing just that. I STRONGLY advise that you study it yourself first and compare it with the articles on the GS home page.
Web-o-phobes? Absolutely. If they had an interactive website, people would have to maintain it, and they would receive emails...nasty emails. Not to mention viruses. I imagine they still ban members from accessing the web. They would have to actually overhaul their doctrines, make appologies, accept criticism, and communicate with other people if they wanted to use the web for outreach. Naw, they aren't going to do that. I think the trustees are content to spend the money salted away in the past (and what little may be trickling in from abs) to maintain their standard of living. They don't want to rock the money-boat, nor, GOD FORBID, do the intense work of renewing their stance on biblical doctrines and teachings! The current trustees aren't going to try anything even remotely risky. Everything about TWI presently smacks of laziness and complacence. They just don't want to, or are afraid to, make any significant changes that would cause the appearance of discrediting the memories of vp...he's their only claim to fame! <_<
Well, it's back up now. Looks like they did some upgrades. Copyright now says 2007. Still the same old cr@p, though.
Well, they're based in Nashville, according to the "contact us" info. Looks like and ex-wafer is running an on-line bookstore. Not surprising to see lots of music by ex-wayfers there. There are still ex-way musicians active in producing tapes and CDs of their music. They may have a deal with TWI to sell the various books and such. Maybe they are affiliated?
THAT was a big nutshell, topoftheworld!!
I just want to say Thanks, Mark, for starting this topic. I've never been one to do much research...I just read the bible a lot. These links and software are just what I needed to get me interested is deeper study. I'm off to the races! Many thanks!!
You know you are in a cult when: You are taught to keep the "trap door" closed so the adversary can't get you, only to find out he has access to your life through the leadership!!!
The USPS may be greedy and fiscally irresponsible, but they aren't stupid. <_< If they turned back items for insufficient postage on the first day, they'd cause such backlash of angry voters that they'd get their buts handed to them. They'll let $0.39 stamped mail go for a few days, maybe a week or so. All this rate change and restructuring is due to so many business using electronic/web document transmission methods nowadays...and, of course, the USPS has to raise rates to stay viable. God forbid they should do something to increase efficiency instead!!
Phalatalist? Have you seen a doctor for that condition, coochef?? (j/k)
I've had those large capsules...you know the clear ones that get sticky if they get wet?...get stuck on the way down. What's bad is when they dissolve right there! Major YUCK!! Glad you're OK, mstar1.
:biglaugh: Good grief!! Glad that's not a frequent-flyer route!! :biglaugh:
WIB - Word In Business(?) HFC - Household Family Corps(?) WD40 - (this one I do know) - WD40 stands for Water Displacement, formulation #40. I sometimes get lost in the acronyms too. Being a tech, there are a million of 'em!