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Research Geek

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Everything posted by Research Geek

  1. Zix, ROTFALOL! Actually busting a gut and laughing out loud! That was soooo funny! May the farce be with you!
  2. Hi, I thought it appropriate to weigh in on this thread because my secular job involves being the AntiVirus Coordinator for a world-wide company. The problem with KLEZ is that it "spoofs" the return address. You could be protected to the hilt and still get the butt end of the KLEZ joke. All you did was send someone an e-mail who later got infected. The virus was sent out from their PC with your return address on it instead of theirs. In fact, in the past two days the most widespread new virus since KLEZ has arisen and it has adopted the same trick of "spoofing" the return address. But it is still necessary to protect yourself with Anti-Virus Software and keep it updated, especially if you have a Cable connection or DSL line. In addition to using an Anti-Virus program it is highly recommended to patch your operating system and programs with the latest patches. That will automatically protect you against half of the new viruses. It will protect you even before your Anti-Virus software gets its update. The other half of the new viruses come by way of browsing to infected websites or downloading files from websites that have trojans imbedded in them. Microsoft, though the cause of most of the problems due to poor quality control with their programs, does have a good site to give your PC a security check-up http://www.microsoft.com/security/articles/steps_default.asp Another thing you can do if you have Windows 2000 or XP is to run the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer. This program will check out your PC and recommend ways of closing security loopholes. Just go to Microsoft.com and search for "Baseline Security Analyzer".
  3. Bow wow! Ruf, r-r-ruf. Gr-r-r-r-r-r, ruf ruf! (That's a cat speaking in tongues...) We once had a cat that we had to take to the vet. The cat seemed to know where we were taking her. When we entered the door to the vet's waiting room, the cat let loose with a yowl that literally sounded like "No-o-o-o-o-o-o". It was so clear that the staff from the vet's office all came into the waiting room and asked about it!
  4. Hi everyone, I guess I at least need to weigh in a bit on this thread since I'm referred to, etc. The first thing I need to say is that I understand that there are a galaxy of reactions to the abuse we all experienced at the hands of twi. And I state it as excatly that, the hands of twi... It was NOT God. It was people, misguided, who thought they were doing His will when they actually were working for the other side! Some have reacted to the point where they have rejected God. Others have reacted to the extent that they shun everything twi. But I maintain that there still is a God and there still is a Bible and the truth is greater than all of us. There are some who still hunger for the truth even though they were ravaged by misguided "waybots", lcm henchmen and wanna-bes. So now even though I have somewhat of a voice on this forum, having been here from the beginning and even before on Waydale, I still think that it would be unethical for me to commend myself or to commend the organization that I have chosen to affiliate myself with. Therefore, I say that wherever your searching heart finds a home, that's fine with me. Many have found a home for their hearts at CFF. That's wonderful. I am not an official spokesman for them, but I believe that at least I can say that all we want to do is to bless and to heal God's people. I did say those things that someone quoted from the website. But they were written long before Greasespot even existed. They were said back in the days of Waydale. They are part of my first CFF teaching and posted on that site. I cannot change them now even though I have learned much since about vpw. However, one thing that I think we need to realize is we need to separate the doctrine from the practice. If you check out my "Top Ten" which was posted on Waydale and on this site, they primarily focus on practice. In my opinion today after many hours of soul searching and study, I say that most of the principles presented in the foundational class are still sound. However, I agree with everyone that the practice of them certainly was soured and became corrupt. Of all the heart-cries in this thread, I think that the statement of Long Gone is the most poignant. _______________________________________________ "In my opinion, the primary issue shouldn't be Wierwille's personal life, corrupt as I think it was. The main issue should be the foundation he built. If it was a good foundation and TWI was a good and godly work brought down by Martindale and the successors to the original BOT, then building a Christian work on a similar foundation is a good idea. If the problems of TWI were natural outgrowths of the foundation that Wierwille laid, then building a Christian work on a similar foundation is a bad idea. ________________________________________________ What is going to prove this to be true or not? Will it be the witty sophistries presented on this site? Will it be the anguished cries of those still hurt lashing out? Or will it be fruit, long term results that cannot be faked? I for one still believe that there is a God and I was dissatisfied with the lukewarm, systemetized offerings of denominational Christianity. Maybe there are others out there who are likewise disenchanted with what else there is available. So if CFF or CES or any other offshoot has something to offer which may help to assuage the hurt and the breach of trust that we all suffered at the hands of lcm and twi, I say great. At least someone is trying to help people who are hurting. If you find you fit great, if not I hope you can find a place where you can feel at home. There certainly are others on this site who have done so. For the rest whose words may on the surface seem to be harsh and challenging, I say I think I understand your situation. I love you and I want to help if you will let me, not for my gain or that of the organization I fellowship with but for your gain and God's. I hope that you all get over the damage suffered at the hands of lcm and twi and move on with your lives. I will be here to help you if you ever wish my assistance, for there is nothing you could say which could stop me from loving you.
  5. This subject is a hot button in many conservative Churches. Yes, God is supposed to heal us if we believe and because of that, many honest and genuine Christians have been persecuted and pressured if they do not seem to get the results their Church expects. Sure we ought to go to God if we need healing, but if for some reason we do not receive it even after we have gotten ministered to by another believer, we should go to a doctor for help. The thing that many people don't realize is that there are many forms of treatment for many ailments. We do not need to take just one MD's diagnosis and treatment recommendations as gospel. We can "shop around" if there is time. Or if what a doctor is recommending does not work after a while, consider going for a second opinion or a third. Sometimes a different doctor will recognize what really is going on and prescribe more accurate treatment. Consider cancer. Some physicians may tell you have 6 months to live, but if you find a clinic that specializes in your form of cancer, they may be able to force it into remission. So if you feel funny about a doctor's diagnosis, it is OK to shop around, consider alternatives and seek advice. However if you seek advice from a minister in addition to physicians, remember that the minister does not have a medical license and therefore should not give medical advice or attempt to negate any doctor's advice. Consider the recent incident where that woman drowned her sons. She had a medical problem, but also was a memner of a conservative church. Her minister discouraged her from following the treatment recommended by her physician which included taking some drugs that the minister did not approve of. So they shopped around, physicians, but with a different motive. They were trying to find someone who would tell them what they wanted to hear, that she did not have the condition the other doctors said she had and that she could follow a different treatment. What happened? She went over the deep end and her sons are dead and she is in jail! What about the minister and the doctor who gave the bad advice? They go on untouched. There are certain things ministers have no business advising people of. If they do not have a medical license, they should not advise people in medical matters, only matters of faith and encouragement in that case. As far as going to 4 different medical people and getting the same diagnosis, yet disbelieving it, I wonder... I'd say go to 4 more. If they all agree, maybe what they are saying might be true and you might be foolish to not follow their advice. I would hate to see another family devistated by the misdiagnosis of a problem or by someone who failed to take medication when they needed it.
  6. Hi folks, how 'ya doin'? I'll be in the Miami area for sure over the weekend of August 24 and 25 and leave on Monday the 26th sometime. If anyone wants to get together, please E-mail me at TheResearchGeek@Netscape.net See ya! If anyone from other areas would like me to visit, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
  7. Dear Ex10, Just to clarify rumor control. I do not display any pictures of vpw, nor do I own one of those brass statues. I used to use those crystal goblets with the vpw crest on them for communion, but have not done so since I left twi2. I do not believe that CFF displays any pictures of him either. If I remember correctly in the vestibule of the CFF teaching center there is a picture of George Washington kneeling and praying as well as a brass plaque dedicated to one of the original CFF trustees who passed away. CFF does reference articles and books by him because it would be plagerism to not do so if we quote stuff. We also footnote others in other offshoots. As far as others' pointed questions, I am not offended by them. In light of all that has happened, honest questions need to be asked and evaluated. However, I am conservative when it comes to throwing out the baby with the bathwater. vpw collected a lot of stuff that was not his own research. I would not be wise to throw that out with him. I have done a lot of in-depth research and am convinced that there are many things that I learned that are correct. But also in the same in-depth research I have found many things that were not. I think that my "Top Ten" which is posted on GreaseSpot demonstrates that I am not held by traditions. It may take years to go over everything and have a mature enough understanding of some subjects to make a final determination. I hope I live long enough and have enough study time to do so. But as far as everyone's questions are concerned, keep 'em comming, but just on their own threads... They stimulate me to re-think stuff and go into the Word for answers. Many times they have led me to deeper understanding of the truth or the error of what I was taught. Now back to the original intent of this thread: It looks like there is a significant amount of interest amongst the Miami area believers. So if anyone else wants to get together, please let me know. I am leaning toward the weekend of the 17th. My main goal is to help assuage any remaining injury to God's people. On my last two trips I also have assisted believers in leaving twi2. If anyone is considering leaving and would like some help, please e-mail me.
  8. Gee whiz Excathedra, that is a difficult question. I have mixed feelings about the man. However, I do not think that I have called him the Man of God at any time on any of the forums. I now am of the opinion that there is no man of God for the whole world except that man be the Lord Jesus Christ. As far as the consequences of his sexual impropriety and his harsh reaction when they were refused, I did not learn about it until after he was gone and I had left twi. So I could not confront him about it. Does that negate what I learned from him? No, but it sure complicates things a whole lot. I have been going over what I learned from him and have been holding fast to that which is good and throwing out the bad. Truth is still truth no matter who says it and I will not succumb to the logical fallacy that says that I should throw everything out that I learned from him because of what he did. However, I am still looking very hard at each thing and measuring its profit, long-term impact and fruit. That is the best indicator, especially for complex things. One of the major things that my new Intermediate Class does is to confront the errors that occured in both twi and twi2 and to teach the correct practices. I hope that answers your question.
  9. I may be comin' to Miami, or is it Yourami. I guess if it is yours, you can call it Miami... Anyway, I may be visiting the Miami area the weekend of Aug 17th or 24th. If anyone wants to get together, please E-mail me at TheResearchGeek@Netscape.net
  10. You need the following items: 1. A fast enough PC - Pentium 2 233 MHz or better 2. A Sound card in your PC 3. A Stereo amp with aux output 4. Patch cords 5. A Sound program for input capable of MP3 output (I use Sound Forge. They hae a "lite version" for $70. There are less expesive programs out there maybe even shareware that can do this.) A. In Windows, you need to turn on recording by clicking on the volume control icon in the taskbar / properties and select Recording instead of playback B. Enter the Sound Editing program and ready a file for recording. C. Play the record (You probably will need to repeat several times for the proper bass treble and volume settings D. When done close the file and save to MP3 format. This is the gist of it, but you may find there are a few more steps for your soundcard or opearting system.
  11. Thanks for the compliment Dot. I'm not Ben Stein. But I wish I had Ben Stein's money... I actually do a lot of cooking at our house. We had a recipie thread on Waydale once. I posted my recipie for "Butt Buster Chili" and the thread changed course quickly. I remember after that Sudo posted the funniest stuff about Chili. I have two other Chili recipies: Tongue Numb-er Chili and Paint Peeler Chili... I travel a lot and try to duplicate dishes at home that I have at restaurants. Some times they are successful and sometimes they bomb, but it is still fun...
  12. Tyr cutting the Vanilla in half and use Almond extract for the other half. Vanilla accentuates the butter flavor. Almond will accentuate the chocolate flavor.
  13. As a computer professional, I have always been amused by what flakey things that some computer consultants blame glitches and snafus on. At first, way back in the CP/M and DOS days they blamed everything on static electricity. More recently they've blamed stuff on sunspots. Well, maybe they were on to something... We had 6 of out 150 servers go whacko today, more than at any other time. Then I logged on to the Internet and saw the news about the huge solar flare that just happened. http://dailynews.yahoo.com/fc/science/space_weather So blame it on sunspots!
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