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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. Those cartridges contain silver. Maybe more useful than gold. https://www3.epa.gov/pesticides/chem_search/reg_actions/reregistration/fs_G-75_1-Jun-93.pdf
  2. I don't know what these people are trying to sell. But they're giving out free information. Tread carefully. https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/drinking-water-emergency-response#:~:text=While it rarely occurs%2C your,your drinking water comes from.
  3. That may be. The link certainly implies it the product will take care of the bacteria. There's no method to monitor performance (as I think you were mentioning - I happen to have access to labs - and I know there's no end to the questions one could ask) From the link: The DOULTON-W9361123 reduces the following contaminants: Bacteria Chlorine Taste & Odor Cholera Cryptosporidium Cysts E. Coli Giardia Klebsiella Terrigena Lead at pH 6.5 Particulates Salmonella Sediment Shigella Turbidity Typhoid
  4. I can remember Cabinet members going off about this. Wasn't sure what they were so mad at me for. I didn't bring it up. God guided VPW to these sources. VPW put it all together so the rest of us didn't have to stumble (that bridge poem from earlier was mentioned). So what if it's plagiarism, it's THE WORD that matters. All belongs to GAWD.
  5. I see this and think VPW was more a scavenger than a predator. The other groups failed to fill their role, and did not protect their own. In another context he would have not had success.
  6. In TWI, it is the child's responsibility to be "The Example". Children are a witness. A child off The Word is a shame to the parents, The Twig Fellowship, and The Ministry. It was said a hundred times TWI children are better behaved than children of the world. It shouldn't have to be explained to you. You don't have unlearning to do. You are luckier than all humans. You renew your mind. You can't go beyond what you are taught. I'm not yelling at you I'm teaching you.
  7. Do I light a match in the bathroom or the fireplace? . . . . I mean . . . do I pee out the chimney?
  8. Usually that's the municipality's job, if that's the context, it should be safe at the tap. Simple filters help with taste, if that's your preference. This is not an IV bag. Gadgets like these seem to sell you what you've already paid for.
  9. I just see another gadget that needs cleaning and maintaining that ends up in the basement. Any system will need new filters occasionally. I was gifted a gravity system once. While neat to look at it's like keeping a fish tank, IMO. There's no advantage. It's not like you can pour pond water into it and get worry free water. Inline systems located where the water comes into the dwelling are most convenient. Many fridges have filters for drinking water and ice. If you're camping, why would you lug this system along?
  10. If you have an inline system you are probably using gravity to make water pressure anyway.
  11. Well okay, Trinity in The Matrix was both a liability and an asset to Neo. There was also a colorful choice.
  12. The parable of the prodigal son bothered me for a long time. He definitely enjoyed it while he could. Then he couldn't and it turned out fine.
  13. A lot of Hebrew names end in El. God Cain-do what he is Abel.
  14. Teach? Teach? Teaching by repetitive rubbing. A cyclic drubbing of a bait and switch to supply and demean. An economy ego inflated through quantitative teasing. A mathematical precision of terrible de-cision.
  15. I tend to think if you can't understand it or it's too big and mysterious to comprehend, you can't control it. VPW, aware or not, needed something simpler. Others have repeated The Word (VPW) takes the place of the absent Christ. I remember being shocked in my mid twenties learning that the Christians think they have some sort of "relationship" with Jesus. I think there's a reason VPW put the Jesus archetype into retirement at the right hand of God Others have said VPW needed to attack the Trinity to distinguish himself and draw battle lines. I think he also needed to position himself as the center of attention, and a Trinity makes it more difficult.
  16. There's a sideshow in the opening post. If you go through it you'll notice a familiar writing style, reflective of a certain type of thinking.
  17. I could cross out beliefs too. This thread is specific to The Way. I can tell you that there is no transition from childhood to adulthood in The Way. The goalposts were repeatedly moved. There was an effort to extend childhood. They just kept changes their minds about when Ephesians 6:1 did not apply, 18? 21? 30? 50? Marriage was one way out. How is that a functioning anything?
  18. I could cross out religion in your sentence and put culture, language, nation, tribe and probability a lot of others words, words that describe things.
  19. I'm not suggesting, implying, stating, insinuating, dictating, commanding, ordering, subtextuly sliding in, or sounding like that if TWI were gone the problems of the world would be gone. That's absurd, idiotic, stupid, moronic, dumb, or as LCM would say, malarkey, which is Aramaic for bologna. The cult is a product of disease and abuse. And it manifests and occurs where it does. You're opening sentence paragraph is, and I mean it, an interesting thought, which seems loaded, and a thread unto itself.
  20. Hi Johniam, Maybe reread your paragraph. You say people have a choice . . . But it sounds like an ultimatum. You start off with love and end with a threat. The middle sentence feels like a lie in that context. I'm just saying, after reading that, who cares what the topic of the thread is?
  21. Yes, repeating yourself is part of being a parent. No, this is not misunderstood. This about obedience to The Word. The slides are very clear on that. And The Word means The Way International. Nowhere is their room for change between generations. This is about arresting development, inhibiting growth, for the purpose of control. The parent and child are not family. The cult is family.
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