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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. I don't know how many times I've been "called out" for snoozing at ministry functions. Once I was instructed to stand for an entire fellowship while everyone else sat. People used to through things at me in the PWA during the Advanced class when I was sleepy. That reminds me, does anyone remember when we used to have to stand when we sang in fellowhip? (It was supposesd to help us practice following the leader or something)
  2. I should add that I've been trying to get on some sort communicatable level with my folks and I'm starting to get bits and pieces of info that let me now understand why getting along is a pain. first, they talk wayfer. that's clear. A bigger problem is their obedience to leadership. I've found out decisions that they made concerning me were not their decisions in the first place. It was TWI leadership. Leadership would tell them they were bad parents and then tell them what to do. They are so obiendent that my folks are just puppets for leadership. I don't see how it would be possible to really know who my parents are untill the virus is erradicated and systems are rebooted.
  3. WHOA!!!! I just found this thread tonight. I was raised in TWI. I've never had a good relationship with my parents. My impression of parents in TWI is that the only thing that matters to them is that their kids go to fellowship. They may say they love and just want the best and yada yada but, The only thing that matters to them is that their kids go to fellowship. not that they understand the Word not that they have a relationship with The Father not that they can develop real relationships with human beings not that you can function in society not that they feel loved The only thing that matters to them is that their kids go to fellowship.
  4. So VPW was a theif. What is it that keeps current leadership motivated?
  5. thanks Wordwolf, I've managed to find someone with a copy of TWIlil they're gonna give me next month. I was told a lot of wayfers were ordered to burn that book.
  6. A BEER THREAD!!!! WHOO HOO!!!! A family from Germany moved in next door to me on some sort of exchange program with the military. And they came bearing gifts. Man, are they critical of American beer. But I'm not critical theirs. Anyone heard of Franziskanner?
  7. millions? I had a free ride to college, they had me convinced if I didn't go corps I would suffer eternal shame. School is for the weak. Now I take out loans to buy family's groceries. But debt sinful. I should ABS more of my measly paycheck. They gave me a peanut and potato skin when I left the gulag. millions? I want my damn cut.
  8. hello While at the gulag, it had been told to me that VPWs last words were "Forgive me Father, I believe I've made a great mistake." It was speculated that he was referring to putting LCM in charge. It had always bugged me that his tombstone or whatever it is reads "I wish I was the man I knew to be" As far I know Paul said he "fought the good fight" and Jesus made a cry of triumph. Has anyone else heard what his last words were or have comments about them?
  9. my folks had the video, I had the coloring book, I liked to watch the big blob, I joked around a lot about it with other young people.
  10. Bolshevik

    The Youth

    Waysider, sorry if I took you the wrong way also. Peace :)
  11. I remember constantly being told about who was and wasn't a homo at twig. Once the LC at an ACTs class yelled and bragged to the whole class about how he backed a married man up against a wall until he confessed to being a homo. My own mother even confronted me because I didn't have a girlfriend at the time. (I was pimple-faced teenager with no car, what the H-ll?)
  12. Hi All, I was just reading a thread recommend to me on the old days of The Way and someone mentioned how exciting speaking in tongues and interpreting was. I've heard manifestions a thousand times and I've never been excitied about anything said, because nothing manifested was ever anything new. They seem so mundane and purposeless. I've never seen the manifestations in action that had any real meaningful impact. I've heard stories, but that's it. I still SIT at times out of habit but I honestly don't know if does anything. As far as I understand the Bible says we are to SIT. For a long to I've been goaded to prophecy BOLDLY and the latest thing was to always be ready to receive revelation. (because if something goes wrong, I was obviouly not listening to the revelation given to me). Do people who leave TWI (and its spinoffs) continue with manifestions? Was it ever really exciting or meaningful? Does anyone have comments on what the Bible really teaches?
  13. Bolshevik

    Never give in...

    Maybe a family of bats live there.
  14. I don't ever think I'll get the music out of my head. I occasionally start doing the moves when someone mentions the manifestations.
  15. Bolshevik

    The Youth

    waysider, I meant that last part about the fence and the devil as joke. I'm just commenting that I've got to a point where I don't believe the practices of The Way can be taught or learned. The rules are just made up as the powers that be go. As for the China thing, that is very interesting. I googled "law of believing" and found in it three major catergories(at that time anyway) 1. Wierwille related stuff. 2. Nature worship/spiritualist/cosmic something-or-others (religions I don't understand) 3. and most predominantly, Roman Catholiscm. (and yes I do know the US is a republic, distinct from a democracy and what I was referring to was the wierd way leadership makes a good thing so bad.)
  16. Bolshevik

    The Youth

    Lindyhopper: Eccl 7:7 says "surely oppression makes a wise man mad..." I don't know what wisdom I have that's truly wisdom (again, raised in The Way) but anger is one thing I know I have in abundance. Like a lot of people here at Grease Spot I lost time (or just wasted it, life's not over I know.) The free will subject is a tough one for me. In The Way, free will is like democracy. Leadership basically teaches you "How is a democracy supposed to work if everyone votes wrong?"(3rd Rock) If ever I spoke of a concern in The Way pretty much any adult would just say "Well, foolishness is bound in the heart of a child." Well, I'm looking at my own child now. He doesn't look inherently evil. When I was a teenager I said I didn't want to go to twig. I was told "tough, obey". Okay I said, I'll wait. Then I was 18, hundreds of miles from home, I said "okay, time for me to make my own decisions". NOPE. Your still a kid. Your still covered by your parents. Send detailed schedules to your parents home each week and report deviations etc. etc. (a number of LCs and my parents coordinated that one, in fact an LC from a different region was instructing my parents on what to do.) It was clear to me then that TWI = my parents = TWI. Then the flip-flopping started. One day I'm and adult, the next under my folks, depending on the circumstance. The entire time I was convinced that if I didn't to as I was told I would be recieving an eternal scolding from J.C. at the bema for my disobedience. If I didn't obey my parents, I would die young, because if obedience to parents guarentees long life, then the converse it true. . . Anyway, ....ed. I've been straddling the fence for awhile. I figure I'll put the DTA class to good use. You see, the Adversary sees I'm on the fence. So he's gonna make my life all comfy and give me all sorts of stuff I want. But I know he's just goading me and is ready to pull the rug out from under me once I jump to his side. So once I do, and see he's coming for me, I just jump right back on the fence. I'll get him to bait me again, take the bait and leave the hook. You know, just play him awhile. That is what the spiritual competition is all about right? Games and prizes?
  17. I've been picking up information here and there on the web that The Way phenonmenom was part of a larger "Jesus Movement." I've read and been taught much about TWIs history (according to TWI). These things all happened long before I came into being. My wife and I's parents came to TWI in the mid to late 70s. I've tried picking their brains about the past but there is surprisingly little to find. Does know of a book or have good info on how TWI grew? i.e. What was The Way East and The Way West?
  18. some friends of mine and I have recently been yelled at (from TOP leadership) for not listening to what God (supposedly) told us to do. This type of reproof happened more then once. How did they know God was talking to me? To they have some sort of spiritual scanner?
  19. I know a number of us have delayed our dreams for a decade because we were taught all the time that Way Corps was the only way to make a difference. I see young people still grappling with this issue. Knowing what they want to do with their life but forcing themselves to believe they are Way Corps bound.
  20. I once was made and example during a foundational class because my socks didn't match my pants. (I didn't know any better) To this day I'm still concerned with matching my socks to my pants.
  21. Is it possible to "fix" The Way?
  22. I know a number of young men and women going in residence and who are now Way Corps. A number of them admit there are problems with the organization of The Way. Their idea now is to lie low, learn as much good from those currently "in power", and change things in the future. (since they obviously won't accomplish much now). Does anyone think that they are either courageous or are setting out on a fruitless endeavor?
  23. what? space is big. atoms are small. eternity is a long time. yes He walks and talks with us. Yes He works through others. But does He desire that we put concepts together without his constant input? Couldn't we glorify Him greater when we come to our own conclusion about things? or what are you saying?
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