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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. Absolutely. They make a statement, then pound on the bible and get all excited about "the anvil of God's Word." How many times have I (and others) asked a simple queston, "show me from The Word." and leadership just does this dance where they pound with their fists and get all boisterous and start talking about "the truth" and yada yada. Rarely a clear point made. Debt, the tithe, confrontations, are subjects I know they get upset about. Why?
  2. Copenhaggen, Hell, it was hard as hell to find another young person to talk to let alone a date. Remember LCMs family class? Premarrital sex depends on the parents. Not even hinting that it could be harmful. So your a teenager sitting there wondering who's parents let who do what. My patriarchal father's only word's to me ever were "don't be a homo and don't come home with and unbelieving wife."
  3. If we can't go beyond what we are taught. Why are we taught keys to biblcial Understanding? i.e. Unclear verses must be understood in light of the clear verses. (Please let me know if this is misquoted) Is this forced understanding? It seams logical. Sounds good for deductive reasoning. But don't these "keys" imply that we are to go beyond?
  4. The person I was told heard this was a relative of VP, and I don't think that detail is important, just the idea that VP is still influencing us young folks to exalt him. If twi is God's idea VP can be forgotten about. If he "put it all together", good for him, forget him, he'll get his rewards later. What matters is God and His Will. not so in twi. Has anyone seen that silly 6 - 8 foot statue of him?
  5. Stick fellowships I believe we used to call them.
  6. thanks waysider, I certainly will be going over those articles again and again. The revelation manifestations seem to be the most commonly taught manifestations in other churches, and not in the hooky-pook sense. The make as simple having a good gut feeling or just a lack of peace when making a decision. As for discerning of spirits, I believe in the Advanced Class this does not always mean we see or know about some specific devil spirit (as in athletes ) But it could simply mean we (supernaturally) know the difference between a friend or foe. (I don't have my syllabus handy, but I believe they used a record involving David prior to Saul's demise)
  7. that is possible And yes we can't really know what he said. Considering my source, and like I said, I think it is part of trying to convince people that twi's problems stem from men and women other then vp and his teachings. We just need to patch up that little "grave mistake" and move on with vp's ways. WWolf pointed out their plan will fail. But not before many of the young people who fall for these sayings "crash" Oh, and that saying on his tombstone thing is for all to see. That just puzzles me. It's like he admitted failure or didn't give his all or something.
  8. lol Yes, this a huge concern I have also. I want to be part of something, but I trust nothing. My critical little twi brain finds a problem with everything. I also want something good to give to my kids so that they can have some type of compass in life.
  9. Lately twi doesn't call on people to SIT, they ask for a volunteer. Usually there is one or two who jump to the occasion. Afterwords the leader wil usually point out that the readiness to SIT or Prophecy is a sign of quality in that person's life. What about the other manifestations? I've seen on TV ministers like Joel Osteen, talking about the still small voice and other things that he say are God working in or talking to you. Obviously forms of revelation. (He's so clear in his teaching too.) At twi, it was demanded that I receive revelation. What about revelation, gifts of healings, etc? Can anyone testify to these in action?
  10. that they believe is there business, that all it all makes sense is God's, no wait, can the eye say unto teacher, I have no need of thee?
  11. all they know about is standing a lifetime and loyalty. Nothing comes between you and The Word (of Vic of course) not even God's love
  12. The big head is the ministry and the ministry is the big head.
  13. I wonder what percentage of current followers are still with twi because of family reasons. In fact, I know those in twi because they feel too old and tired to look for a knew church. I know those who seem financially stuck to twi. Does anyone really follow twi because the love God?
  14. they would need a separate believers meeting for that. His eye died before the rest of him.
  15. and BELIEVE to raise vic from the dead.
  16. aarrrghhh. My wife and I recently each came to our own conclusion that twi is poo-poo. Now we've suddenly realized we need to rethink what marriage is. How to define our marriage (not to mention who the hell we are individually) is a challenge. We got married intending to go Corps. We were raised in twi "knowing" that the purpose of marriage is for witnessing. We agree twi is a cult. But all our fights seem to revolve around twi. We're considering getting remarried under a different church so as to start over.
  17. "power of suggestion" I like it. (the phrase I mean)
  18. I understand your point but, I bring this up because I believe current TWI leadership is using it as part convincing young people to stay with The Way. There is a huge push at the gulag to focus on attracting young people. It's even alluded to in their new "family class". Many of the current leadership came when they were young. There is an obvius infighting about who knew VPW longer or better. They are pushing to go back to VPWs teachings and only VPWs teachings and are trying to convince us gullible young people there were glory days and we just need to go back to how VPW did it.
  19. Yep. I've told them I don't care for twi and it's built on false assumptions, but they live in la la land. They even asked me for advice on how to get another wayfers kid to come back to fellowship. arrrgghhh
  20. I was taught at the gulag that the quality of your prophecy depends on how much you SIT and study the Word. My issue is that I am not inspired or comforted by manifestations. I receive nothing. I noone receive, what good is giving. I didn't see them as instructions or report backs on progress.
  21. I know I've caught myself doing that. In particular the prophecies at weddings and dedications. Looking for some sign that that so-and-so will be the next president. I know a lot of people record the prophecy and put it on the wall, or in their wallet. (My wife and I began to realize how wierd this is and have decided to stop the practice) I saw the prophecy LCM gave over RFR during her ceremony into the trustees/directors. He prophesied she would "heal this ministry". Prophecy? or an act?
  22. I hadn't heard of Kuhn but it sounds like he was a smart guy. Yes I miss the homeland. The mystery train took me here to Auschwitz and I'm struggling to migrate back. God forbid my son becomes influenced by the midwest. Have you ever been ....ed off at leadership for lecturing a New Englander on what loyalty is? anyway, Let's Go Red Sox!!!!
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