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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. Who said he's not a nice guy? Lots of folks in the way are nice. They want to do the Word. He's just misled. I believe it's been said here that lcm was just the ultimate student of vpw, grossly misled. We were all misled. Linder, Get out of the way! Leave!!!!! For your daughters' sake leave!!! Nobody will consider you unloyal. Leaving the way is not leaving God.
  2. I went Way D to make the Advanced Class live. They said it would! A-holes! I should have stayed in SCHOOL! anyway, yeah, it was a bummer
  3. Just watched it. Good movie. Anyone seen it?
  4. people close to him are starting to say he's beginning to see what he did was wrong. Is anyone ready to forgive him? (We all followed the doctrine at some point)
  5. I got to the point where I didn't trust what I'm talking about.
  6. Maybe I misunderstand, and I don't mean to nic pit, but "documented" as in the forums here or some other source?
  7. "Since PFAL and continuing through WOAP -- even until today -- TWI has taught that it is the right of the man of god to have sex any woman in the way. This is a doctrinal teaching folks, and has been since VP was at the helm. Not sure who I just quoted, and sorry if I missed the answer to this question but, Where in the syllabi (what specific pages, sections etc.) was this taught?
  8. I remember when being a Way D, occasionally, we'd knock on someone's door who'd already been involved with twi in the past. And some of them would say something about what happened to them and we'd feel bad for them. One of us brought this up to the LC's wife and she made it clear, "We make no apologies for our ministry!"
  9. So, Faith is trusting God. God says someting will happen, you believe in it, trust Him or expect it. You do the actions He requires. Believng is deciding something needs to happen? Don't you go to The Word to see "What's available"? and believe based on that? Doesn't that put God in control, or is He bound to some rules He made? Does that have something or nothing to do with God "Magnifying his Word above His name? Isn't that like faith? I still believe you can pray for things. I was listening to this Joel Osteen fellow and he said basically to pray and believe for you goals, and if you get them, praise God, if not, don't get upset, stay in faith, God has something better in mind. Now in this logic God is definitely in control. He is a good parent. He won't give you everything you want every time, He gives you the best and/or what you don't know you need. I'm still fuzzy as to the distinction between twi's believing and true Christian faith, if there is one. Please don't stop this thread.
  10. seattle, . . . (sigh) . . . Dice-K is indeed a mere mortal. . Darn it.
  11. Linder (and all there) , Are your retirement plans all set?
  12. Everyone going Corps must go Way D, even if they've been Way D before. I believe my group "witnessed" to 14,000 people. Maybe a dozen or so came to fellowship. One to the class (barely). After the class that was it for him. Smart guy.
  13. Again, not to imply any hatred toward lesbians in general.
  14. Do people hate the President of the United States because of who he is or the because of the position he holds and the decisions he makes? Even if Rivenbark is not a lesbian in any way. F Her.
  15. I went Way Disc.iple. That year we stayed in our limbs (and yes, I was disappointed). One of guys, we used his same old apartment he moved out of to go Way D. But he couldn't live there. We were a team, half guys half girls, team leader or whatever being one of the women. So this guy was sent across town with the other guys, and the women moved into his old apartment. That must of felt really weird for him. Way D stunk. It was more about getting the other wayfers excited than actually accomplishing anything. What a waste. F U twi
  16. Maybe we could play internet backgammon or something.
  17. That explains Athletes! Dunt dunt dunt dunt Daaah . . .
  18. I did a forum search on international and ended up with a hit for every "The Way International" twi is based in the US. Leadership encourages people to learn english in order to take the classes. twi is always advertising its "outreach countries" with "pride". Some the best stories come from countries in the midst of civil war or something of the like. I was just thinking, me being a "fat lazy stupid American" and having a negative view of twi; How does the international population view twi? its leadership? it practices? Are the leaders overseas guilty of the same things as the American leaders? Any views a Non-American would like to bring up?
  19. Matsuzaka vs Irchiro Tonight. 7:05. Fenway Park. All of Japan will be watching. Japan?
  20. (E.W Bullinger number in scripture) lcm really took of when he started using multiples. "Now theres 24 uses of that word in this passage, that's 3 times 8, a complete new beginning. . ." oh, and always top of a teaching with "AAHHHHHHH!!!!! Malarky! AAAHHHHH!!!!" A frend of mine snuck an old corps tape out of somewhere and we listened to lcm chewing out the corps for not flipping through the pages fast enough. lol anyway I'm rambling "AAHHHHHHH!!!!! Malarky! AAAHHHHH!!!!"
  21. I had a crawdad do that once too. No the water isn't dingy, I didn't mention that I've removed the lighting (compact flourescents) for now to prevent algae. I got a few snails and hermit crabs to finish off whatever grows. I prefer a protein skimmer when I do use filters. I'm trying to avoid any chemical filters (charcoal, phosphater removers etc.) I want to focus on water circulation, bacteria, lighting, and of course a balanced fauna that completment the needs of the tank. Can't say I've accomplished this yet. But I'm trying to learn now, practicing with a 37 gallon, so in a few years I can confidently invest in a nice set-up. I'm more concerned with nitrogen removal for now. Oh, and nice pic rhino! :)
  22. Note taking isn't bad. It helps with learning (as a college student I know). I admire good and faithful notetakers. making notes in the bible helps you interact with what's on the pages, not just mindlessly going through and saying uh-huh, yep in twi, what was being learned (spoken, then written, then reading the bible), and therefore what notes were written, errr. . .
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