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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. Okay, here it is, Die Scheinleistung ist ist vom Liefrant bereitszustellen. Diese setze sich aus der Wirkleistung und der Blindleistung zusammen. diese ums vekoriell addiert werden und ergibt sozusagen die letztendliche Scheinleistung. Alles klar? wer es besser weiss, soll mir bitte antworten...
  2. Ha Haa!!!! A Rod!!! Thrrrrrpppp!!!!! He played great. Too bad. Not like I thought it would go, but the Red Sox won and that´ll do. Good pig. he he, Mariano was used, and two games to go, herm, .... LET´S GO RED SOX!!!!!!
  3. tie game, gotta go find someone with ESPN. . .
  4. No, not at HQ, Wapakaneta. My mistake. A corps couple was assigned to run a fellowship in her home. They refused. They ain't corps no more.
  5. I've had bit of anger I've carried with me concerning him. He affected my life and thinking too. (He probably doesn't even know I'm still irritated) from what I've been told, he's been reduced to a bit of a sad state, not too far I hope. For his kids sake I hope he'll be alright.
  6. Oh no. Not Jenny. Joyful as ever.
  7. Bolshevik


    Yeah, like them evil Baptists and Methodists.
  8. We used to repeat this over and over to each other during Way Disciple. "I shoulda took the red pill" (or was it the blue? I dunno)
  9. I got 100 (brag gloat) but some of the questions I wasn't so sure about. The correct answer for the flood I believe was a year but not an option. They don't have the rightly divided Word!!
  10. I thought I might be derailing the other baseball thread by writing: LET'S GO RED SOXS!!! So I found one which seemed more appropriate. Besides, who doesn't want a 2004 repeat?
  11. I think my folks were at that one. They said one was in Athens, no, an Advance Class. I'd ask them now, but they are on their way to the one this weekend
  12. Uh, yes. I wouldn't worry -- I think twi caught up with him. He's in his fifty's and starting over.
  13. The Special's this weekend at HQ. Lot's of excitement. Last one I hear was really good. Amazing!!!!!! -- Say those who went say. What was amazing about it you ask? They don't know either!!!!! But it was Awesome!!!!!!!!
  14. HQ VERY good at interior designing a Founders Hall room
  15. You knew Frank and Bonnie!!!!!! The left twi yes. Let me know how the are doing!! And Frank Jr.!!
  16. Dropped from Corps or something. Was Cali or Virginia? IM me if you need to.
  17. Married, Nancy Brooks and a baby
  18. HQ, last I checked real nice guy
  19. if your talking about the cosmos related to the platigs, they are in NK i believe
  20. IM me if your still looking.
  21. Chas, We must know each other. I think they moved to Oklahoma. I wonder of her brother.
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