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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. He is ALIVE in us via the holy spirit. "It's Christ in you, the Hope of Glory". Do you remember that teaching? I do. I'd say that qualifies as fellowship but you can believe what you want! A lot of wayfers talk this way. I don't know how to describe it.
  2. That's where the sewer trout go to spawn?
  3. twi taught that christ has fellowship with us? the other statements are just that, nothing more. they taught nothing.
  4. Sierra Nevada has a decent winter, or Christmas Ale. The batch back in winter 2006 was very good I remember. I try it every year since.
  5. Somebody brought beer from Belgium. It had fruit in it. Peaches, raspberry, a few others. (each a separate beer) Stop putting fruit in beer!!!!
  6. I've wondered for awhile why this has not happened, or at least something like it. Usually the people that come by are literally off their meds . . .
  7. Is this where the monkey fling gets dumped?
  8. Good fruit comes from fertile soil. or something . . . I'm a very bad student.
  9. That's probably true for some. It is my understanding that many also fought off their parents' concerns about twi.
  10. One time, at HQ, this young lady with red slippers was running through the OSC screaming wildly with a pail of water. She was tackled by safety near Rosie's office. Don't know what happened to her . . .
  11. I often heard people who grew up in a church (catholic, baptist, etc.) say that they were attracted to teachings at twig fellowships because they made more sense. Much energy was spent talking about how other religions don't make sense, implying that twi's teaching did. Is that how you really felt? Did PFAL provide a real sense of enlightenment, or real intellectual satisfaction (so to speak)? Did this type of talk really have more to do with previous experiences in churches that were disappointing than the quality of twi's "doctrines"? Also, I know the internet wasn't accessible back then, but was there information in libraries that could verify twi's claims?
  12. Is there a single theme to their teachings? Wierwille was a prophet? I dunno. Some "beliefs" like the trinity talk, are about just being against something, not really a belief, IMO. IMO, a lot of the teachings have nothing to do with each other. It's a bunch of thrown together random stuff. There's no coherent belief system to be against really. You can pick on individual things, yes. What does a wayfer believe? nothing, nothing at all . . .
  13. There are no beliefs to attack. There are no beliefs.
  14. Lonely kids join gangs. Then they start shooting each other. I don't run into any lonely kids. I keep hearing about them though. The network of individuals who worked in unison to keep me under their control, were not lonely kids. . . .
  15. In twi, you call them "stick fellowships". Get it? A stick? not a twig or branch? fallen from the tree? ha ha ha
  16. no preincarnite christ, special sperm was created in a fallopian tube . . . how they know this? I don't know.
  17. Don't know what CES does, but I think this is why twi has to torpedo the book of job.
  18. those just might work the driver has a mandolin. he needs lessons. He's also a beer snob.
  19. Apparently, Kenneth grows his own hot peppers. Dries and grinds them into a powder too. Needless to say, my nose is running tonight.
  20. I see you like to live dangerously . . . He already lost one eye . . .
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