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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. *shrug* https://medium.com/narcissistic-abuse-recovery-collaborators/the-voices-in-my-head-a318c27ddc2c
  2. According to Jung, Christ is symbolic of the self. So, you. And The Word is VPW. His views, his thoughts, his concerns. His repurposed stolen nonsense. And since the Great Principle is a Trojan horse, in which the self is willingly subdued and diminished, The Word takes the place of the Absent Christ. That IS what VPW was doing?
  3. He vanished into a cloud. Or behind it. We think it was a cloud. Or fog. Maybe. https://bigthink.com/13-8/limits-of-knowledge-big-bang-origin-life/
  4. The cloud part was discussed before, I don't remember where. But there is some variance. "not known after the flesh" would sound 3-dimensional, if flesh means the human body, which is 3 dimensional We agree on the last one. Can you summarize, as briefly as possible, 1) where has Jesus been for the last 2000 years? 2) What is The Word? 3) Does The Word relate to Jesus and how? I know you've probably gone over it but the thread is long.
  5. These phrases are all figurative and not necessarily pertaining to physical dimensions, are they?
  6. The thread is about "The Absent Christ", not the absence of evidence for The Big Bang. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
  7. There need not be a point ever made if the goal is attention.
  8. LINK I was told years ago, when broaching the topic, that beating children is not beating women, so that's different. (IOW, It's okay to beat kids because kids are not women)
  9. And we know that we know yay for ashurity, The Great Principle has no evidence whatsoever. To speak of the GP with extreme surety is poor academics.
  10. I think time can be calculated back to a singularity, what would be the Big Bang, maybe. It's an extrapolation from the expansion of the universe. The Big Bang itself has no calculation. Usually when people say Big Bang, it means that moment we're not sure of.
  11. Not clear on the scope of this jealousy. His surety comes from a natural passion for a big bang... .I mean science.
  12. Well, I think we're getting at supplanting a child's biological parental units at a young age. It's not about one church or another. This is already done to some degree by daycare and the school system. Horror stories around child services are also out there pertaining to bogus claims. Parents are traditionally found in the form of marriage. It used to be marriage was an acknowledgement by the State of one's private life. Marriage is no longer that. Marriage is the invasion by the State into one's personal life. Who is supposed to raise the children? If people no longer belong in family groups, what do they belong to?
  13. I don't think I've heard The Fall used in a dimensional reference with Adam and Eve. Maybe Lucifer is pictured falling from the heavens. But I think it's understood this is a fall in status. Adam and Eve cover themselves because of shame. God still found them. So who were they really hiding from?
  14. Well, In the beginning was The Word. And the Word was with God. And The Word was God. . . . Nope, no big bang or absentee list.
  15. Eve looked with her eyes? Opening your eyes, like an awakening? A change in perception. Or maybe The Fall was porno scene. You need eyes for that too.
  16. I was just thinking about this. I'm aware of and utilize all kinds of vibrations in science. But these vibrations can be measured, modeled, mathematically represented, and used in various applications. It's how we know what stars are made of. When I say we live in a narrow band of perception, it's because that's the area homo sapiens sapiens evolved in. We express all things within that narrow perception. I know some can claim "the universe is vibrations" and then go down some road where they start explaining all sorts of things because some idea popped into their heads, like healing themselves with crystals. . . . yeah we are immersed in infinite vibrations but that doesn't mean we make up the rules. At some point in human evolution we became different than other life. We think of the future, and that creates anxiety. How do you deal with that? Our brains require further growth outside the womb, that makes us very dependent on the previous generation. How should we organize ourselves? Do we work together or not? Our frames are upright and exposed. Do you feel vulnerable being conscious of this? Why do you wear clothes? Our problems come from outside of us, and they also come from within us. We can guess what others are thinking based how much we understand ourselves. If I know what hurts me, then I know how to hurt you, and what you could do to me . . The Fall in The Bible is a description of our perception of ourselves going from unawareness like a plant to the consciousness of the human condition . . . So I don't see The Fall as much as an objective event exactly. Where is God? The Bible says where two or more gather their He is. Is He subjective? When we gather do we all have to see objective reality to agree on something? So other dimensions and vibrations and stuff, not really a search for God. Objectively speaking.
  17. I use science everyday. Everyday I have to change my thoughts. If you're not happy with current research, get your hands dirty and share your results with the world. I don't know what science has to do with the Absent Christ and vica versa. How do you quantify meaning, consciousness, purpose, the self and free will?
  18. I was a teen and a minor when I visited a church. Someone was trying to Christianize me or rid me of Wayferdom or whatever their plan was. I remember looking at a pamphlet at a Church which was about The Way International and how TWI is evil. But it was over my head. Didn't answer questions I had. Talked about stuff I couldn't care less about. Then some lady, former Wayfer, walked up and started talking to me, she must have been 30 or 40 or 25 or 50. Didn't understand a thing she said. I did not have her experiences. We would never resonate. I hated Fellowship, because Fellowship is stupid and disgusting and is for the retarded. But I didn't like these other efforts, they didn't care what I thought or cared about, it was just another form of control. Their goal was speak against TWI, the organization THEY chose. Others had THEIR agenda. They ignored the conversations a minor already has in the works. It created more enemies.
  19. Can someone without free will communicate? Or is their communication limited? If the mind is "renewed" then negative emotion is subdued. And how can their be real positive emotion without the potential for negative? What on earth could someone in a "spiritual world" possibly have to say or relate to?
  20. See if this guy left through some exit program, how would that change his resentment about the actions of his mother? He can't control her. This guy was 41 years old. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/07/27/national/crime-legal/yamagami-mother-unification-church/
  21. I am in awe at how much I have no idea what was just said here.
  22. Thanks, Oldies. It was partly rhetorical, most if not all of us work in groups and need to share and receive input from others. Two heads are better than one. Multitude of counselors, etc. The story with The Bible is interesting because I can understand the written Word exists alongside the actual experience of life. And the many, many groups and individuals life involves. One person, or one group's interpretation is problematic. Too small a group and we have a power imbalance. Handing out The Bible via the press to many allows to common person to verify what leaders are telling them. But, a single person cannot possibly interpret all things. That's life. So we need many involved. Then we're back to the possibility of an elite group claiming authority over the rest. Individuals need to take some responsibility but also need to trust others. That's an interesting discussion.
  23. The Word, The Word, nothing but the milk of God's Word.
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