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Everything posted by Bolshevik

  1. I think there's others here who share your views.
  2. Mr. Ham, I'm so sorry . . . http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1226203/A-shrine-squirrel-Towns-Diana-style-grief-dead-albino-rodent.html
  3. *careful not to spew his beer* "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man . . . " careful study shows that "not that" is one word that really means "Absolutely completely completely complete is that" mouth is a mistranslation, the Trinitarians changed all the letters around to change "ears" to "mouth"
  4. oh, we don't need no website to get angry. PFAL is The Word of God?
  5. I guess fundieism would be a "prong" in a sense, but how deep does it really pierce the nostalgia onion?
  6. Linder supposedly once tackled a guy with a handgun just as he was sneaking up on lcm in his dressing room. So, did anyone try it on vpw or was he just too likable?
  7. I hadn't heard of the term "antipodean" before. Thought is was some kind of arthropod.
  8. When people would sit around and talk after fellowship it seemed like that's what they talked about, "spiritual gossip". Anything to do with leadership or spurts.
  9. Now, if someone believes that the bible is a credible book, they may be more prone to get involved in twi. But not every "bible-believer" joined twi, and not every cult uses christianity. vpw reigned in young people with crazy enthusiasm for his cause? People miss the excitement and being spoon-fed on demand? vpw was a story-teller, people liked the emotions he aroused? The fundie-part I would think served as some vestige of credibility, an excuse, a license to follow vpw.
  10. I thought vpw plagiarized to get rich and laid. His belief was very simple.
  11. If one were a fundie in twi, wouldn't they stand up one day and say, "yeah, uh, "spirit of lesbianism", uh, am I reading the same verse?" If anything was inerrant it was vpw. God crush his soul.
  12. Notice all the bible references in the following passage: How many did you count?
  13. You know, when I look at fundies, literalists, whatever, I don't really relate to them. The wayfer in me feels no connection. Cause, wayfers don't look to the bible, they look to leadership. Fundies know the bible inside out. Wayfers, don't. They know "Wierwille said blah blah blah blah." Wayfers use the bible to make themselves more credible to other religious groups. I guess fundies who joined twi would be more comfortable cause they were holding a bible. But in twi, the bible was all for show, IMO.
  14. I don't understand your conclusion. This whole "jesus is coming!" stuff began at the beginning of the bible, not with the gospels? If you take a literal interpretation, then Adam and Eve knew, and therefore their descendants. Wierwille would of course focus on "the adversary" (bogie oogie oogie and so forth) instead of obvious human nature.
  15. "Happy Hearts Day" instead of valentine's day.
  16. America was founded over money. Religion sometimes decides who gets what.
  17. I saw it once when I was a teenager. Only thread I saw was about Rosie and Donna being you-know-whats. Leadership ordered me via mi padre not to look ever again. And I have never looked on Waydale since.
  18. there's a poster here with some quote about irony in their signature.
  19. odd . . . you seem angry well I'm angry too. Have you ever fired a potato cannon? 25 years ago, man, that's almost an entire life.
  20. you forgot the axioms talk. oh well
  21. Or, one could point out these as evidence of a common origin of many cultures/religions. All eagerly expecting the same future event. just saying . . . no evidence can be conclusive.
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