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Posts posted by bfh

  1. New Flick:

    My, we seem to be a little short on brotherly love round here.

    Hey, what are you doin'?

    Stealin' your woman?

    Take her.

    Take her.

    Well, you're a romantic bastard, I'll give you that.

    I have vision, and the rest of the world wears bifocals.

    Do you know what you're doing?


  2. I did remember correctly - "If You Wanna Be Happy" closes Mermaids.

    If you wanna see Cher, Winnona Ryder, and a very young Christine Ricci dancing to it

    - here's the link -

    But I had no idea that Jimmy Soul was the artist.

    Here's a New Tune:

    And he's neat and oh, so sweet,

    And the way he looked at me just

    Swept me off my feet

  3. Dang, I should make my clues harder!

    You are up!

    Well, don't feel too bad, Shawshank is one of my favorite movies, which is based on a novella by one of my favorite authors.

    New flick:

    There's the car! There's the car!

    What car?

    My car, my car! Tan Ciera, tan Ciera!

    There's a minimum charge of four dollars; long-term parking charges by the day.

    I guess you think you're... you know, like an authority figure, with that stupid f*ckin' uniform, huh buddy? King clip-on-tie there, big f*ckin' man, huh? You know these are the limits of your life, man. The rule of your little f*ckin' gate here. Here's your four dollars, you pathetic piece of s##t.

    Well, heck, if you wanna play games here! I'm workin' with ya on this thing, but I... Okay, I'll do a damned lot count!

    Sir? Right now?

    Sure, right now! You're darned tootin'!

  4. One of the reasons I posted this letter was that it seemed to me, having read the other letters,

    that the tone was different, and I was wondering if anyone else thought that also.

    In this letter, JAL seemed to be waxing nostalgic about "the good old days" and

    now has decided to embrace and vaunt PFAL and VPW.

    Maybe it's me, or Mercury is in retrograde, or vertigo from the stock market gyrations today,

    but I'm sensing some kind of movement to get back to the "pure" TWI/VPW era. First the Mississippi Farm Corps and now JAL's letter.

    I also caught the same illogical thinking as mstar - You grads learned more of the Bible in PFAL than anyone else since the first century,

    but there are a few minor doctrinal errors. What? A few? Minor? What?

    In fact a lot of the letter made me think - What???

    For me, there's a lot of dissonance in this letter.

    And on a side note, perhaps JAL's motto has become - Better living through chemistry (or is it chemicals?).

  5. I only have a few minutes, (home on a lunch break) but a cursory reading sent up some major red flags.

    It sounds like he's doing damage control. This quote seemed odd to me:

    The whole letter seems odd to me.

    Is the same letter that JAL penned with JS, RD and some others? If so then he's being dishonest.

    In the 2008 letter posted on the Web there's a link to the 1998 letter to which JAL is referring and was indeed written by him.

    In it he discusses the 1987 letter that was written in conjunction with RD, TR, RB, and PL:

    In February of 1987, in conjunction with Ralph Dubofsky, Tom Reahard, Robert Belt and my wife Pat, I participated in writing a 37-page letter that we sent first to the Trustees. In it we confronted them with God's Word as to where they were in error, and called for a meeting of leadership to get out in the open and resolve them biblically.

    Here's the link to the 1998 letter:


    This does not ring with compassion or sincere apology, but rather, with same-old, same-old.

    Very much like damage control. No acknowledgment of plagiarism, just that TWI pointed the way.

    And this: "The Way International stands out on the spectrum of Church history as an amazingly significant Christian movement." Time will tell. How significant will it be in 100 years time? Still it seems that TWI is getting the glory - not God.

    I only excerpted parts of the 2008 letter and in the whole letter he does acknowledge plagiarism, along with other abuses:

    Yes, there was more doctrinal error than I ever realized while I was in TWI, and there was corresponding practical error

    that became more evil than most of us involved ever imagined. Yes, many precious people were terribly abused.

    Yes, there was dishonesty about Scripture, there was plagiarism, and there was rampant sexual sin,

    all of which contributed to many people choosing to turn away from God and His Word.

    But, it's like a head nod to the abuses: I [JAL] will acknowledge the abuses, so that I can minimize them and talk about how great VPW and TWI were.

    It strikes me as discordant - that's why I'm not sure what to make of it.

  6. Recently, John Lynn wrote another letter to the grads of PFAL, and refers to it as the "sequel to my March, 1998 letter."

    Following are some excerpts from "The Way, It Was - June 2008 letter by John Lynn:"

    In the interest of truth, both small “t” (the facts about The Way International) and capital “T” (the Word of God it taught),

    I am compelled to propose why I think The Way International was (past tense), from a certain perspective, one of the

    most significant movements in the history of the Christian Church. I do so for the benefit of any graduate of

    the “Power For Abundant Living” class who still wants to live for the Lord and who may have been unduly discouraged,

    either by his/her own experience in The Way or by the ensuing barrage of negatives from other ex-Way saints about what was wrong with The Way.

    I speak so that you can know “the rest of the story,” as opposed to all the disparaging things that have been said

    about The Way through the years by the media (much of that false), other Christians (much of that false),

    and disgruntled former followers (much of that true, some of it false).

    My purpose is to set forth a much more redemptive view of The Way than what I have thus far read from others with “ex-Way vision.”

    In some ways, this is a sequel to my March, 1988 letter in which I blew the whistle about what was then going on in TWI.

    Perhaps worst of all, a golden opportunity to make known the Word of God, as it had not been known since the first century, was squandered.

    The Way. It was. What was it? First and foremost, it was, from about 1955-1987, the only place I know of

    where anyone could hear the amount of truth of the Word of God that we heard.

    Like I, you may know of some ministries that do teach some of these truths, but I submit that until 1987

    there was nowhere other than TWI to find all of them taught as accurately as they were there.

    That is why The Way International stands out on the spectrum of Church history as an amazingly significant Christian movement.

    As far as I can see, TWI was also about the most disparate dichotomy of good and evil in the history of Christianity.

    The Way, we were. If you once sat through PFAL, you heard the Word of God taught more accurately

    than the vast majority of Christians who have ever drawn breath. As a fellow PFAL grad, I identify with you,

    and have an affinity for you and a desire to encourage you to take advantage of the truth you once heard,

    if you are not already doing so. Along with me, you will one day stand before our precious Lord Jesus Christ,

    who will reward you according to how you have lived your life as a Christian. In essence, he will ask each of us

    something like this: “What did you do with what you knew?”

    [all emphasis in the above quote is mine]

    If you would like to read the letter in its entirety, here's the link:


    I'm not quite sure what to make of it yet.

    So, I thought I'd just throw it out there and see what everyone else thinks.

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