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Posts posted by bfh

  1. Here's the previous clues:

    When your mother-in-law and me was goin' around together, it was two years - we never - I never - I mean absolutely nothin', not 'til the wedding night.

    Yeah, and even then...

    I just thank God I'm an atheist.

    Little boys who play with dolls grow up to be other boys' roommates.

    Whatever happened to the good old days when kids was scared to death of their parents?

    Here's some new clues:

    Who put the last roll of terlit paper on the spool up there?

    I did.

    I mighta knew that. The terlit paper is supposed to go over the spool not under.

    Hey it just occurred to me, Mickey Mouse is black.

    Mickey Mouse ain't got no race. He represents all men.

    Oh, I guess that's why Walt made him a mouse.

    Well in the words of Harry S. Truman, if it's too hot in the kitchen, stay away from the cook.

    How did you hurt your back?

    Lifting a hibachi.

    What a dope, you lifted a motorcycle?

    The Lord wants you to come to him on your knees, not wigglin' and jigglin' 'til your parts fall off.

  2. References to a person that has not been convicted of a crime as guilty are not proper manner of speech the proper term is alleged, anyone knws that slander and libel come into play when one does so. Im betting it is equally hurtful for the Wierwille family to see their dad accused without representation . Is anyone concerned with any hurt there ,Of course not because hating must prevail....... Oh and by the way who made youthe reader of my intent? wasn't it you that just pointed out to someone that they could not know your mind? Is that a one way thing it only works for you? :confused:
    Wrong I have never asked to silence any critics ,what I did say is that it is not proper to refer to one as guilty without the benefit of due process I believe that our laws support that premise despite the fact that you wish to assign guilt at will. I have repeatedly stated opinions are peoples right as well, and even complimented a poster on expressing his as such although did not necessarily agree. Your charges are without backing. And avoiding evil would assume that you have determined such evil by proper methods such as a persons rights......

    Dead people are accorded no legal rights in the USA.

    Legally a dead person is a "body" or "remains" and a body has no legal rights.

    The estate of the deceased has legal rights and responsibilities, and is considered a separate legal entity.

    The heirs have some legal rights as well.

    But the dead body has absolutely no legal rights.

    One can not libel a dead body

    One can not slander a dead body.

    One can not falsely accuse a dead body of any crime.

    A dead body does not qualify for the legal protections of due process or innocent until proven guilty.

    I'll say it again, dead people have no legal rights in the US criminal justice system.

    However, it's possible that the estate could sue, but I would assume that the estate has been settled by now.

    The heirs could sue, but they, not the women, would be charged with the burden of proof.

    In essence, they would have to prove that the sexual abuse didn't happen, and that the women are lying.

    And, they would lose, because it's next to impossible to prove a negative.

  3. Wow, either you're really good, or I'm making these way too easy!!

    Night Court it is!!

    Either that or we like the same stuff cuz' there's plenty of times that I don't have a clue.

    The "time served" part may have triggered a memory-Judge Stone said that a lot in sentencing.

    This was my thinking:

    Read the quotes - thought Comedy.

    Keyed in on "Your Honor" - thought Courtroom Comedy.

    The only Courtroom Comedy that I know of is Night Court, which I like, watch (even in reruns) and think is hilarious.

    So, really it was a lucky guess - I don't actually have any superhuman powers of TV show discernment. :biglaugh:

    Anyway, here's a new one:

    When your mother-in-law and me was goin' around together, it was two years - we never - I never - I mean absolutely nothin', not 'til the wedding night.

    Yeah, and even then...

    I just thank God I'm an atheist.

    Little boys who play with dolls grow up to be other boys' roommates.

    Whatever happened to the good old days when kids was scared to death of their parents?

  4. More Clues:

    What happened to the old bank? It was beautiful.

    People kept robbing it.

    Small price to pay for beauty.

    How long before you figure they're not after us?

    A while longer.

    How come you're so talkative?

    Naturally blabby, I guess.

    Thank God for that. For a moment there I thought we were in trouble.

    Can you hit anything?


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