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Everything posted by bfh

  1. The Lincoln Lawyer William Macy Fargo
  2. New Flick: Now, you listen to me, Mr. Grand High Poobah of Upper B#ttcrack, I'm just about half-past give a sh#t with your fun and games. That is the last time you ever hit me! Next time, one of us is going to the bone yard.
  3. HWTB - I assume you mean Kill Bill Vol. 1 (I'm just messing with ya) :) Cameron Diaz There's Something about Mary Ben Stiller
  4. I just watched this again over the holidays - great movie. American Beauty
  5. Matthew Broderick The Producers Uma Thurman
  6. Chicago is that toddlin' town and, of course, it has a State street. I think the name of the song is "Chicago" and I think it was sung by old blue eyes himself - Frank Sinatra.
  7. bfh

    Song of the moment

    That's quite insulting since you have absolutely no idea in which league I play. Apparently, you have not paid any attention to the plethora of songs I have posted in the last few months. This used to be a lighthearted thread where people could and would post any song - good, bad, or mediocre - that they happened to be into at that particular moment, and not be subjected to ridicule. People were free to enjoy themselves and share some music. If you don't like people's song choices, then don't listen to them; that's what I do. I would never be so rude as to single out a person's song choices and denigrate them, nor would I insult their intelligence, and then excuse my bad behavior by saying that I'm "old and crotchety," a term that you applied to yourself in the post you deleted. Moreover, the name of this thread is "Song of the Moment," not let's critique other people's music choices, or what I think is good music, or even for music lovers. Although, there was a thread entitled "For Music Lovers" started by polar bear with the intention of discussing music, but people seemed to lose interest in that particular thread. Perhaps you could resurrect the "For Music Lovers" thread and post your opinions there, and this thread could be left for it's stated purpose - "Song of the Moment, what are into right now." Or perhaps, you could start your own thread for the "old and crotchety," and discuss only that music which adheres to your exacting standards. But here's the larger concern: Why do so many threads on this website have to turn into friggin' pi$$ing contests? And BTW, you don't have to worry about me upsetting your sensitive sensibilities anymore, because I won't post any more songs to this thread. So, you can police this thread to your heart's content, and make sure to keep the undesirables out. I'm done with it.
  8. I'm working on a novel. Going on six years now. I think I might finish it tonight. You're writing a novel? No, reading it. What are you all sitting around here like a bunch of wimps for? It's what wimps do. And everyone knows that hate is not the opposite of love. Indifference is. Well, whatever you say. I really don't care. You know, I really think I can put together a great Thanksgiving dinner. This'll be the second one that I've cooked, and believe me, the first one was not the disaster that my family said it was. Those kids had a pretty good time in that ambulance. Interesting little article here. It says that, uh... the average human being only uses seventeen percent of his brain. Boy, you realize what that means? We don't use a full, uh... sixty-four percent. Some don't use even more.
  9. As is often the case with Hollywood's take on novels, unfortunately. New Author: A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything. A subject for a great poet would be God's boredom after the seventh day of creation. Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent. Although the most acute judges of the witches and even the witches themselves, were convinced of the guilt of witchery, the guilt nevertheless was non-existent. It is thus with all guilt. And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh.
  10. bfh

    Song of the moment

    "Papa Don't Preach" Madonna
  11. Blues Brothers John Belushi Animal House
  12. Is this the Scottish author who wrote Ivanhoe and Rob Roy: Sir Walter Scott?
  13. bfh

    Song of the moment

    Here's a couple to kick off Labor Day Weekend: "Workin' for a Livin" performed live by Huey Lewis and the News: "Take this Job and Shove It" - Johnny Paycheck http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knetbVx5A-Q
  14. My favorite Chicago song - "25 or 6 to 4" New song: When the night has come
  15. bfh

    Song of the moment

    What a great song to hear first thing in the morning! Woke me right up... Thanks, WS.
  16. That's it - "My Girl" by The Temptations. Your turn....
  17. I was close... :) Here's a new one: I've got so much honey The bees envy me.
  18. "Feelin' Groovy" by (I think) Simon and Garfunkel. And I think there might have been another name for this song...something like "The 59th Street Song."
  19. Man, you're good, wrds. Milton is correct. The quotes are from Paradise Lost. Your turn...
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