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Posts posted by bfh

  1. It's disconcerting at first due to the 15 second clips, but since the story line is so well know, one adjusts to it quite quickly.

    Furthermore, since I am familiar with the story line, I bookmarked it and watched it in 15 - 20 minute intervals without losing

    the plot or character development.

    It's fascinating to see what people came up with: kids using Mom's afghan off the couch for Darth Vader's cape and cardboard for R2D2's costume;

    hand puppets; kids roping parents into participating or parents roping kids into participating, ages of people ranging from young to old;

    homages to other iconic movies; and stunning cartoon animation.

    Some of it's funny, some is ultra low budget filming in the garage or house, some of it's cheesy, but most of all,

    I think it's just fun and off-the-charts creative.

    I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

  2. Don't know if you've heard of this or you would be interested, but I thought I'd post it, just in case you haven't seen or heard about it.

    Star Wars Uncut won a 2010 Emmy for interactive media.

    <a href ="http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/28/arts/television/28uncut.html">From the New York Times</a>

    Hundreds of Internet users remade “Star Wars: A New Hope” into a fan film last year, 15 seconds at a time. This month they all played a part in Emmy history.

    <a href="http://www.salon.com/2012/01/25/star_wars_like_youve_never_seen_it_before">Salon Article</a>

    <a href="http://youtu.be/7ezeYJUz-84"> Star Wars Uncut: Directors Cut</a> on youtube (this is the full two hour movie).

  3. Well, it looks like I've managed to bring two threads to a screeching halt - yea for me. :doh:

    So let me see if I can rectify this situation.

    Here's the first clue:

    It's three am, there's too much noise

    don't you people ever wanna go to bed?

    'Cause you feel so good

    Do you have to drive me out of my head?

    And here's some more:

    I live in an apartment on the ninety-ninth floor of my block

    And I sit at home looking out the window

    Imagining the world has stopped

    Bonus Hint:

    The band's initials are RS and they have been together for more than 40 years.

  4. It is hard to believe that it's been that long. I was never into the Carpenter's music, a little too saccharin for me, but she definitely had a great voice.

    Her death was so tragic - I hope she has found the peace that was so elusive for her on this planet.

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/j1Ckee7rabM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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