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Everything posted by RainbowsGirl

  1. ((((((((Thank you TheSongRemainsTheSame))))))),This was and is a sweet and heartwarming story even if she repeated what she had heard from the Guys she emulated and admired. It seems so very typical of a sweet adoring child...Copying is a very high form of flattery.
  2. Amazing Fiddle Player - PAUL McCARTNEY - DANCE TONIGHT- Brilliancy on the Mandolin -
  3. In Honor of Dmillers Birthday! Some "Bluegrass" and "Fiddle Pickers" Nashville Cats Johnny Cash - Sam Stone Bill Monroe and The Bluegrass Boys - Southern Flavor John Hartford - Mississippi Dew Happy Birthday Dmiler! I am sorry Dmiller I can't remember the Best one Sam??? that You had in Your signature in my Birthday thread last year...I really liked him too....Memories fade too much!
  4. Happy Birthday Dmiller! God Bless Your enormous heart of Gold"Fiddle Picker"May Your Birthday be filled to overflowing with Love and Joy! May it touch your heart as much as You have touched and impacted All of those that You have Loved and Helped throughout your life!I Love You DMiller, RainbowsGirl
  5. RainbowsGirl

    Getting Old

    Dear Suda, I picture your hair as very artistically designed, classy and trendsetting...stunningly done! I may just put my beads and long thin spaced braids back in my hair with red and gold highlights may even a little purple dipped ends and express myself too! "But . . . I think I should begin a little now . . . so my friends and family are not too shocked when all of a sudden I'm eccentric and old and start to wear purple!"
  6. What Not To Put On Your Application For Employment NAME: Mr. Dim Wit DESIRED POSITION: Reclining. Ha ha. But seriously, whatever's available. If I was in a position to be picky, I wouldn't be applying here in the first place. DESIRED SALARY: $185,000 a year plus stock options and a Michael Ovitz style severance package. If that's not possible, make an offer and we can haggle. EDUCATION: Yes. LAST POSITION HELD: Target for middle-management hostility. SALARY: Less than I'm worth. MOST NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: My incredible collection of stolen pens and post-it notes. REASON FOR LEAVING: It sucked. HOURS AVAILABLE TO WORK: Any. PREFERRED HOURS: 1:30-3:30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL SKILLS?: Yes, but they're better suited to a more intimate environment. MAY WE CONTACT YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER?: If I had one, would I be here? DO YOU HAVE ANY PHYSICAL CONDITIONS THAT WOULD PROHIBIT YOU FROM LIFTING UP TO 50 LBS?: Of what? DO YOU HAVE A CAR?: I think the more appropriate question here would be "Do you have a car that runs?" HAVE YOU RECEIVED ANY SPECIAL AWARDS OR RECOGNITION?: I may already be a winner of the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes. DO YOU SMOKE?: Only when set on fire. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE DOING IN FIVE YEARS? Living in Bimini with a fabulously wealthy super model who thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread. Actually, I'd like to be doing that now. DO YOU CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE IS TRUE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE?: No, but I dare you to prove otherwise. SIGN HERE: Scorpio with Libra rising.
  7. RainbowsGirl

    Getting Old

    I very much like this Cowgirl!
  8. RainbowsGirl

    Getting Old

    I love these quotations about "Growing Older:" "Beauty is in the eye of the behoder" ~Margret Wolfe Hungerford~ "A Heart in Love with beauty never grows old" ~Unknown~ "Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith,`A whole I planned, youth shows but half, Trust God, See all, nor be afraid' " ~Robert Browning~ Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better. ~King Whitney Jr.~ "We did not change as we grew older; we just became more clearly ourselves." ~Lynn Hall~
  9. Happy Birthday ((((((Joe Pascha)))))))! Your Heart is Beautiful Have an Awesome Birthday with Your Loved Ones, and Friends!I Love You Joe Pascha, RainbowsGirl
  10. Happy Birthday ((((((Georgio Jessio))))))))! Hope You have a Great Birthday basking in the Love of Your Family and Friends I Love You Georgio Jessio, RainbowsGirl
  11. RainbowsGirl

    Getting Old

    Thank You (((((Vickles)))))), That was delightfully refreshing and comforting to read!
  12. All of GOD is everywhere at once...He will never leave or forsake us!
  13. Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy
  14. Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons - Sherry
  15. Thank You ((((AD))))) I particularily love this song and Jethro Tull. I am glad You enjoyed John Mayer...I Love the Blues His Way!
  16. RainbowsGirl


    We have Chocolate Malto Meal here Griffp...and well it's kinda good once in awhile! I am not its strongest advocate anymore though, as after both of my acid reflux surgeries I had to eat it along with other similar bland baby food type concoctions...Which all are good once in awhile...Trust me Too much of a good thing can stop seeming good after You eat it for months and months!
  17. Happy Birthday ((((((Outofdafog))))))))!I hope You have a Wonderful Birthday with the Love of Your Friends and Family! I Love You Outofdafog, RainbowsGirl
  18. Thank You Dear(((((Nero)))), Your sharing Your Story and Your Heart will help others too!; Just as others have helped you! May God help You to heal your Heart and Mind and teach You all that is right and true! Encore!,encore! and Bravo! to everyone who has and uses their imagination for good! It can help you through a lot of wildernesses and help you to express and deal with the many slings and arrows in this life dished out on every avenue by developing strategies and resources to strengthen and carry You through Your whole life! Dreaming isn't bad either, if it comes from a pure and loving heart! Dream new and beautifully true dreams Nero, and make this world a better place with Your impact! When I was reading Your Story it dislodged this memory:(I hope You don't mind my sharing it, perhaps it will give a lessen to someone) In one of the fellowships I attended, I was asked to put my son in the car to wait until the fellowship was over. He was being restless not really that disruptive and that night it was only myself, my son and the Corp Co-ordinator in attendance. She wanted Him to behave better and for me to increase my believing, though it was very much against my heart and better judgment I did as she requested. The reasons will become clear as you read this account! I Loved Her and I still do (Patti) and I know that she had meant only good to come of this and believed whole hearted what she was taught. I knew She and I both knew that God is more than equal to any situation to guard and help us I always understood that it was GOD not me believing it but believing GOD would do it! This was a most particularly hard for me to blatantly do request; and to trust GOD to watch over Him...as it was a first time thing. After all, It was and is my job as his Loving Mom and friend to prevent situations like this, not creating them! Dear (((Nero)))) like your parents and many others in TWI, I was looking for the missing link or links that we needed for our particular deliverances! You see my son has a rare chromosome deletion, autistic traits and tendencies, an attention span primarily of about two minutes, and needs total one on one care and does not process speech or fine and gross motor activity well and all of the other manifestations and complications of this deletion (This is not to say that He has not received healing throughout His life)! I was all too used to hearing these heartbreaking requests and persecutions for not being able to believe GOD that He was restored to wholeness and soundness throughout the 25 0dd years of isolation within TWI! In former requests we would just moved to another room or listen outside a door; but this time was different the Corp Co-ordinator wanted me to stay and put him downstairs in the car, where I could neither see or hear him and even worse he could not see or hear me! I was scared out of my mind taking Him down there it was a pitch black night! I had been so broken hearted on a daily basis; I guess I was too blinded too not seek a remedy...sadly not the right one! I prayed to GOD as I always had when I didn't know what else for certain to do! I prayed that he would protect and guard my son and keep Him safe as he had always done and still always does! I prayed that GOD would talk to Him and comfort and hold Him! I told them both how much I loved Them! I covered my son up, rubbed His back and head, and told Him to sleep here and wait...that I would be back SOON and that GOD was with Him(He knows GOD well); and then locked Him in knowing that GOD would lock all harm away from Him. I knew that God was Love and that He had so many other countless times and ways protected, guarded and heals Us Both! GOD did protect and guard my Son to my great relief and joy as I ran down immediately to him at the end of Her teaching...I told GOD and my Dear SON that this request would never again be honored as well as any other ungodly requests! In retrospect it was not a wise decision on my part at all and I will alway regret making it, yet I will always be THANKFUL to GOD knowing a little about how Enormous GOD truly LOVES Us ALL! I thoroughly understand the use of imagination as You have described it; I have honed it down to a fine art in my life. Whether it be in TWI or any other part of the world we are often hurt and isolated in our circumstance; But GOD has always been there to Shelter, Comfort and Protect us! Man's countless inhumanities to mankind are long standing on any front; It has been from the beginning and will last until the end of this world! This isn't a fault of God to allow us freedom of will. It is a fault of man not to discipline himself enough to walk in the Love Light, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding that is available for Him to walk in! I don't blame GOD for the treacheries of man! We all fall short! Incidentally, my Son is a PFAL Grad and I am very proud of Him in all respects. I raised Him from birth in GOD's word...not in TWI influences for the most part! They, TWI's man-made standards, were always as unacceptable to us as we were to them and their heartless cruelties! to the Café! Have and a Cup of Coffee with me! I Love You Nero, RainbowsGirl Nero, Please remember GOD's Heart!!!
  19. Happy Birthday ((((((((((Linda)))))))))!In Every Way You are a thoroughly Beautiful Person with a Stellar Heart full of Love Wisdom and Grace! I Hope that God paints You a Birthday full with Love and Joys abounding; A Wonderful Celebration with Your Family, Friends and Loved Ones that lasts the whole year through! I hope that They see you Life and Heart as you have learned to see Lives and Hearts Thank you for Your Many GiftsMay You receive ManyI Love You Linda, RainbowsGirl
  20. Thank You Dmiller, For thoughtful bringing this up and providing the links!
  21. Dear (((((((((Raf)))))))))! I will be keeping ((((((Diana)))))))) and You as well as your whole Family in my Prayers! Stay strong for Her and comfort one another in Love!
  22. Happy Birthday Catscup! Have a Great Birthday Celebration, full with much Love and Joy!I Love You Catscup, RainbowsGirl
  23. Congratulation Rascal! You have a lot to be proud about in all aspects of your life...You are a very remarkable person!
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