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Everything posted by RainbowsGirl

  1. Wow!!!! it is frustrating till you figure out how to stablize it and pounce on it!
  2. Thank You Rascal for sharing this; and each and Everyone else who has ever shared It melts my heart...Everyones courage and GOD's Love!!! GOD heals the brokenhearted; and like You said (except in my words ) being touched by GOD's hand of Love is so healing, so sustaining so individual and and specially unique! He really sees our hearts. It makes me want to cry at how very much I don't understand of GOD's Love or His ways and His thoughts near enough...Will I ever have enough time to learn all I want to and need to? Yet invariably, He still Loves us and helps us like no one else can or will! He Loves us when no one else will... not even ourselves sometimes! He has saved me and healed my broken shattered, and uncooperative heart countless times throughout my life and reminded me that His word is true since Iwas a very small child. I owe Him more than I will ever be capable of giving Him or giving through Him!!! Amazingly, He still sees my heart and understands...so I can and always will keep going on no matter what...!!! Love to All!!!
  3. Mstar1, It would seem strange to me if anyone didn't love Arlo Guthrie! Which leads me to think about Pete Seger....
  4. Dear JeffSjo, WOW! Now there is a tall order! I take it You think this above plan could stand revision If I help You might just have to make sure there is a Plan B! Have a Great Day Friend!
  5. Act2, I am very glad that You liked the tube with Alan Jackson! Hey, if I was a beautiful country girl with style like You I would like Alan Jackson even more than You do! Ahhhh but being a rock n' rock flower child isn't so bad!!! :)!!! Keep Loving God and Life!!! Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures of your Goddaughter and You sweet Isaiah! Happy Birthday again and thank You for always being gracious and overlooking my error with Your name With Love, RainbowsGirl
  6. Happy Birthday Mark Clark!!! Enjoy every moment of Your Birthday! Laugh, Love and be Happy!!! With Love, RainbowsGirl
  7. Happy Birthday Acts2!!!I Hope that your birthday is full of much Love, warm remembrances, and beautiful new memories!!!Happy Birthday Country Girl and God Bless You!!! Alan Jackson - Remember When.With Love RainbowsGirl
  8. The movie and the music soundtrack are both great!!! The Hippie part of TWI was to me where the true word of GOD and heart was mostly genuine. I was seeking GOD and His Word; not TWI! GOD's standards stand and never change! People blow like the wind...Hot, Cold, Heavy, Light and in varying direction...and on and on every changing direction!!! We live in a pluralistic society and have asked GOD to adapt to our individualized standards! It isn't new or the first time this has every happened in the History of the world. :(
  9. Alices Restaurant - Part 1 Alices Restaurant - Part 2
  10. Hey,Nice to have processing power at your fingertips That is a beautiful machine indeed! I am so very happy for You!!!! I am good! Thanks! Hope all is well in your life!
  11. Congratulations DMiller!!!, Sounds like it is worth bragging about :) ! I hope you enjoy it and let us know the perts of a Mac over the PC.
  12. ABBA - Thank You For The Music ABBA - I Have A Dream
  13. ABBA - The Winner Takes It All
  14. Bless you Kit...and thank You! I send my Congratulations as well on achieving you Auditor Certification!!! Randy Pausch - He lived very well and thoroughly....truly an inspirational finale and well worth the time to listen to and His dedication of it all in the end helped me know him the most! It is a sad loss of a rare man. He died today; but his wisdom lives on in the hearts He touched!!!
  15. RainbowsGirl


    ((((( DearAbi))))) What you say here is true and will sadly probably remain true! I read all the threads that you refer too! The compassion and self-control is far less important than all else! You will be missed as one of the very most thoughtful and loving hearts of reason and fair play ever to grace this cafe...I hope you reconsider...Your are needed! It seems so strange that we cannot remember the power of LOVE much anymore; .....and for us Christians the word of GOD... Hey, Leave GOD and HIS Word out (not referring to TWI) ...Put yourself first ='s just this!!! That's what I would have written in your thread...LOVE and GOD's Word except I was too hurt and tired of the name calling, labeling and being ignored! People want to control their viewpoints more than just discussing, thinking, learning, healing, giving and sharing! We will be judged with what measure we judge and obtain mercy with what measure we give it and if we are to Love one another as we love ourselves we are in far more trouble than brews in this forum!!!!! Love You (((Abi)))))...and (((((ALL))))), RG edited for grammar...of course
  16. Chloe Agnew - The Prayer
  17. This One for the memory of "Christian" the Lion in Hap's thread...that magnifies the beauty, edurance and strength that LOVE can give
  18. Topoftheworld! Have a Wonderful Birthday! With Love, RainbowsGirl
  19. RainbowsGirl


    May Your Birthday be filled with Love and Joy that lasts unendingly! With Love, RainbowsGirl
  20. (((((Thank You Hap!!!))))) For sharing this magnificent "Tube" and follow up Story :)! It touches my heart on so very many different levels! It's truly heartwarming and very reminiscent of the prevailing attitude of mind and heart of that and earlier decades...which I could very easily again long for!!! Thank You again, RainbowsGirl
  21. Dear George, Happy Birthday...Enjoy ALL of Your days! With Love, RainbowsGirl
  22. Thanks For the Shout Out "Now I See", Hi back! I enjoy reading many of your comments ...I enjoy your viewpoint as well! Have a Great Day! God Bless You! Love You, RainbowsGirl

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