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Everything posted by Bumpy
Hamm, I have nothing per se against furry, fluffy critters, but "bump on the log" is cutting it close It was post #99 which reminded me of Animal Farm and the boss changing the rules! I think that book has a lot to say about a lot of things. :)
I think soon, it's going to be necessary to rename this particular thread!! Try and bear with me... Some might be having a harder time reading the news.
Sounds a bit like the book Animal Farm? Maybe there are more similarities!
You'll have a real laugh when you find Hammeroni sitting on your back door...
I don't want to go to Heaven if there are no dogs...seriously!
This is a subject which I don't think is going to go away in the near future...the decline of the US Dollar. Some looking for a small trade might consider the following: http://biz.yahoo.com/ts/070722/10369225.ht...;.pf=retirement
Get "that" ***** out of here! http://apnews.myway.com/article/20070726/D8QK5MHG0.html
I just came back from the dead when I found this... http://www.thestreet.com/s/amaranths-hunte...ml?puc=googlefi I'm going to sleep a lot better now that I know the bad guys are being investigated... <_< We can invite him to the party and have ~EX~ interview him on the next radio show!
Sorry Ham, in this world of frogs, squirrels and their nuts, tell no tales...Liberte', Franternite' & Egalite!
Not until I'm a receivin' the deeds and abundant sharin (plows included) of everything you does a own! After all, all sharin = aaah somethin i can't quite rememba...but you keep believen honey!
Ham, I just read that even the French think squirrels are totally 100% EVIL! So there you have it, the Tour de France, doping and evil squirrels drinking French wine on the stairwell talking up the girls!
Aaaaah com'on, don't be negativo, who needs immigration control, we just need more lawyers...Nobody's "gaming the system", all those wall street guys in fancy clothes living on Nantucket, earn their money the good ol' fashion way! And besides, all that S&L stuff was a long time ago, no one remembers that! Psssst, I have a real good tip for you!
Can a Squirrel eat through this thread and in the process "de-rail" whatever the point of this thread is supposed to be? Only Kidding Ham. Squirrels aren't so bad unless they take over your winter home while you're away!
“Option Heaven”! Oh Lord help me! I don’t think Rhino was referring to this in his posting, the option market? Most people managing their portfolios are small time investors, whose only hope in making any return, is to buy and hold. They are not in the business of trading options, hedge fund investments or other derivatives. (Most can’t read a P&L, much less figure out the P/E, and many fall in love with their stocks anyway.) So I think we can toss out that part of the conversation? Secondly, I think a “professional” trader will do whatever his client requests, right? Your statement “unless one knows beforehand they are putting their investment dollars...” well come on, what are they going to do, the opposite?? “Starting to rotate...”, by that time the easy money is already off the table. What does starting to rotate mean anyway...you’re being roasted? Your third paragraph doesn’t make any sense to me. Are you investing in garbage or in “fundamentally sound stocks to begin with...”? Buy a dart board, or short the market with a used car salesman? What’s your point? I think Rhino had a point, and it’s real simple...”Have a Plan” or at least an exit strategy which is the same thing. And follow the K.I.S.S. business investment principles of smart investing. Or just stay out of the market. PS. Anyone with a computer and a password is a “trader”, right? (Until his nuts are roasted!)
“Little personal advice”...Your guts seem to be a little soft when it comes to $$$. We all know the value of “talk”, not to mention “free advice”! Better to keep it to yourself. <_<
Mr. Schwartz was another one of those "fellows" from the old country who changed his name upon arrival. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Soros Some consider his business past to be... how would you say, "just a little questionable"! Bumpy has fixed no answers to picking stocks or playing the market...except if you buy my book! “I still believe the market will move to the 15,000 range by the end of the year”. Mr. Hills Bro, a little wager of Euros 1000 says your street prophesy of the market reaching 15000 by the end of the year, proves NOT to be true! Do we have a deal?
Except on Christma Day! Except on Christmas Day!
Predictions can be as foolish as history, hindsight is always 20/20 but our eyes may not have wanted “to see” those who stole our future. http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/amer...dist=TNMostRead This may be another “learning curve” coming up but in the wrong direction. They may soon be sweeping the American tourists off the streets of Europe. Bon Voyage!
Hills Bro, didn't know you were so close to Fort Erie. I suggest you visit Lasek there too. Just a thought. Her name is Teal. Bump
Graucho, that was a good post. It's been a quick learning curve for me here at GS, but 'debate' is definitely part of the issue. I haven't been to a twi function since Oslo and that was back about 25 years ago. Even though this has nothing to do with LEAD, the point is, interaction vis a vis what people's experiences were, and the result is not an easy consensus! Fortunately for me, I was never close to the corps (core) of the problem. But I met some of the "players" more than once. <_<
Whatever...the "catch all" phrase of "all believing = receiving" means anything is "available", from top to bottom. One of those Catch 22 principals which...never fails to prove a point! <_<
Obviously, it's a NO win situation! Try playing golf and working that deal after each shot! Especially on the green !
You may find him along 'the way'// HE FLOATS!!
~EX~ Relax, I've found a "lead" for the guy with the "remote"! Nothing like twi ! Satisfaction Guaranteed! I'll need a delivery address! Bump
I think it would work better if we could 'hold hands'!