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Everything posted by Bumpy

  1. Rascal, you need help, you’re suffering from delusions. Also, you don’t know what I’m doing or not doing in my life. You sound like judge and jury and I feel sorry for you. Take the pill!
  2. Here we go again, and I haven’t even gone to bed yet! This was supposed to be read during tomorrow’s morning tea. You’re breaking the suspense! Rascal, honey, get ahold of yourself! You’re sounding like an old scratched record. God Loves YOU...so relax, turn off the screen and the computer, take a relaxing pill and it will all work itself out. I promise! Bump :)
  3. Nothing like a little financial entertainment!
  4. I'm sure a big girl like you could handle it if that were the case, judging by what I read ! :) But just for the record, it never crossed my mind to post, as you say a "bully" remark, just how I sometimes see what's happening? Try not to waylay the discussion too quickly!
  5. Hey Tom! Office hours are closing over here, so I thought I would help out a fellow poster who looked like he was being a bit way laid? Just trying to add a little to the thread! :)
  6. OK, I’ll play the “Gap” role of the straight man. Anotherdan #70, you indeed won’t find too many supporters willing to push anything positive here because that involves risk. The risk of having to defend a position which may not be worth the effort of defending. I am sure there will be little new info. in my words, but I just thought I would jump in...the shark tank! If you try and think of GreaseSpot as a hospital like in my posting #302865, you might come to the following conclusions: @ This site is simply a retirement zone of former cult inmates, of people who basically hate (until the day they die!) Weirwelle and his Cult Business, The Way. If you don’t go along with that theology it’s either the “ignore” button, (formerly known by ex-cultists as mark & avoid) or they will do their best to destroy your argument by picking apart various parts of your response. It’s always the same and there is little tolerance for way brain detours. * Many of these people appear to suffer from addictive/compulsive behavior. This site is not just a “home”, it’s almost their entire life outside of whatever else they do? (& don’t forget those sinister phantoms lurking in cyberland!) It’s a little like the “usual suspects” . You always know who is going to be there to attack, defend, quote a verse here and there, and finally, to give a response and get in the last rascal “word”. That’s very important, the last word. Hit on one of the ‘02’s or 03’s as an “outsider” and another will run to their emotional rescue. A little like cat and mouse soap opera. # Sharks in a cesspool, again the usual sharks spewing the usual benefits of why they need to be here. That is answered by...”to help another poor unwitting soul who needs us to put his life back together” after having been exposed to (or thinking about going in) the evil The Way. In short, they are psychologists in their spare time, always ready to give a reassuring pat on the back...until they later bite your head off! (that comment is going to really drive some of them crazy!!) % Mood Swingers are also very interesting to observe. In the morning over here, I watch the previous night’s blood bath between them & who has been ravaged by whom. (Mind you these are “christians”!) That’s fun! Another image is to think of the cesspool being a fish tank. First you are baptized at the counter, then the questions begin...AND the sharks are always curious and suspicious of anyone who is entering THEIR cult territorial waters! They want to know EVERYTHING! The mood swings are finally best visible in the aftermath of the carnage when feeding time is over, the bones have been licked, and they can get around to “hugging”, crying, and kissing each other!~ That’s fun to watch too! & Never forget in the back of all this is always the hatred of VP & The Way. He is the DEVIL incarnate and the Way, His Ship of Commerce! (He may actually be more alive in death than he was walking around!!) Also any new “tidbits” of information no matter how bizarre or moronic, is food for the fish and vital for consumption and continued discussion (think of peeling an onion!). Cooking, Baseball, the Funnies, all of that is not front page news! Just another segment of the program to keep people entertained. Doctrine is reserved for life’s major problems, where people actually have to pray and seek out the god they say they have always been looking for. That’s the “serious” department! $ So to wrap up this little sandwich, if you look at it maybe from God’s perspective, those avatar’s might just represent middle aged people, disguised as grease spots, trying to resolve their problems in the usual fashion of group therapy, and quoting bits and pieces of scripture along...the way! The Way for sure damaged many, and some good is being done with help on the table, but for the most part it’s just a cult re-hash of the corps past in a closed community box. A sad past of people who lost their dreams in a bible business which ground them up. And for some, Grease Spot maybe all they have, until possible they move on to a more productive way of spending their time. ^ And so the circus must go on with the usual suspects, trashing & bashing, analyzing TWI history of past details & experiences, hugging & crying, a few laughs & smilies, and all the rest. But when the lights go down & the music goes quiet, not much new will have been said or done. (Few will believe that statement) (Conditioned Response again: Bumpy, why are you here? Answer: Entertainment, a laugh, (what’s more healthy in life than laughter?), a little interesting reading, some interaction & maybe meeting a few smart people who aren’t completely hung up on their “ill spent youth”!) Bless You All and again thanks for listening! :) We now return you to normal Cyberspace soap opera operating mode and the “search” for the evil Mr. Geer...
  7. This information is so new, exciting and informative...there has to be some answers to these questions somewhere? Like his astrology charts, when did his aquarius moon arise during the month of Ramadan? You know, lets do his “chart”! Surely some of you dissecting this man’s every move in life over the years, at least know his Zodiac signs? Maybe that can complete the picture to the post mortem. Cultists, must be able to trust the stars to reveal all the remaining hidden secrets not already posted with tears attached 1 million times before! Some one has to explain to me what the term..."Rest in Peace" means here!
  8. I have to think about that...what was his "star sign"?
  9. “Has anyone taken THE class”! Now ~Ex~ you already know we’ve ALL been through that here! Have you forgotten already the benefits you were taught? No snacks during any sessions, especially sit sessions!, no ice cream after corps meals if your plate hasn’t been cleaned. And do not plagiarize the menu...of any past or future sessions of your twi foundational menu recipe(s)! As for waydown.com, it’s on my list of things to do!
  10. Ladies! You are BLOWING my mind!! Are you all certified members of the NRA on national and local registers? You girls might be better suited to take your vengeance out against “men” in Iraq. Did TWI do this to you?? :( Sounds like y’all have enough fire power and toughness to sign on the marine line! Lord knows “W” and all of America could use a few more boots on the ground...Yikes!
  11. Bumpy

    A Bridge Too Far...

    I forgot to add...this thread was laid out to be a discussion on US infra-structure, whether bridges or bowling alleys. It might make for interesting reading if viewers pointed out areas of concern in their neighborhoods. That’s the big idea anyway. Afterwards you can call Jim or your congressman to come an inspect the problem! And btw, the “state of the union” infra-structure of the economy is also fair game. Even more fare when you get on the EuroTrain...did someone say vacation! <_<
  12. Bumpy

    A Bridge Too Far...

    Dear Jim, One thing I love about my morning tea, is reading the latest entertaining news, mostly US events, which Drudge reports on overnight. The second most entertaining is having fun with my brothers and sisters in Christ on gs. Today, you are my favorite guy! Jim, you may be your local sewage inspector, and I appreciate that the pipes are all up & running to government standards in your neighborhood! I do construction engineering of houses, renovation work, etc., but I try and stay away from that area! And you may have a hard time reading my bad English due to my terrible French accent, ah oui? But Lafayette did come and save General Washington’s foot from defeat at Valley Forge, right? And I don’t think VietNam worked out any better for America than for the French? N’est ce pas?? So pulling the old war torn history card out is a bit...how voold ve say en France, ...“stu’pid? <_< Mon ami, maybe the best thing about gs, is people can hide behind their avatar’s on the internet and be whoever the Walter Middy character they want to be? Certainly that would have probably been a useful alternative for you and others who got lost so long in the cult corridors of the Way. (btw.,how many years were you in those “sewers” anyway?) Finally, I'm happy you found true friendship from those latino guys “vacationing” in America! I think they will be around for awhile...n’est ce pas?? Bon Weekend. Bump
  13. Ladies! Wait until you visit the crime capitol of the Universe, South Africa! Six times the US per capita!! Johannesburg is a no go-zone, as are all major SA cities after about 6pm. Everyone has been or knows someone who has been...”attacked”, raped, shot, murdered, mugged, you name it. This link should give you a little idea. Plus all the other links associated with crime in SA. It’s a bit more than lions, tigers and bears....oh my!! Everyone lives in fear behind security systems and personal weapons. How soon will America be experiencing the same degree of crime?? http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=...92015790C824249
  14. Bumpy

    A Bridge Too Far...

    If it makes it any easier, think of French West Africa! Why, because it’s so entertaining. Look at politics (any pork you want or any lobbyist), politicians (pick one just for fun and tell me if you’d want him as a neighbor?), the legal system (who isn’t suing, & who is enforcing (immigration) LAWS??), Wall Street (who isn’t gaming the system?), media (who’s in charge of programming your brain?), the food you eat (what does “processed” really mean?, national security (that’s too crazy to even think about!)... This could go on all night! The country appears to be superman on steroids blasting off into outer space a little tipsy! One thing you should be asking is, WHERE is the $$$ going to come from to fix your neighborhood infra-structure once it goes...”poooooofff? :unsure: Speaking of “entertainment”, those guys running your TV & Music in Hollywood even want to sue you now for playing music in public! And you’ve ALREADY PAID for it!! :( http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/busi..._royalty01.html Excuse me, but maybe people have lost their minds in accepting what I’m reading about? It’s costing apparently $4.000 US dollars a SECOND to play war games in Iraq. Look around and think about it. Everyone I know is wondering “who’s in charge”?? Imagine how things are going to look 10 years down the road!! That may be a thought too far...for some? God Bless America, soon available in Spanish!
  15. Bumpy

    A Bridge Too Far...

    Come on, it's the weekend...have a laugh! :)
  16. Bumpy

    A Bridge Too Far...

    Ok, here’s the stage. America is takenover & run by illegal gangs, crime is rampant, there are no security controls. Families basically don’t exist, the legal system is a joke, the economy is non-existent (like South Africa, all the ATM’s have been blown up) and the black market rules the street, food shortages are everywhere, hospitals are run by the drug lords & for the sake of discussion, America’s once glorious infra-structure is looking like Mexico. I think you’ve got the idea? In short WW3 but America is not yet nuked. Robots and the national guard are being controlled by an unknown “leader” but no one knows who or where he is. Death is everywhere and no one is doing door to door witnessing. Who do you call?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e26Gnc3E0yg PS, and oh yea, happy birthday Raf, whoever you are?
  17. Bumpy

    A Bridge Too Far...

    It's not THE ONE BRIDGE "stupid", it's all the infra-structure in the CNBC report given in the link! If you are going to respond please don't cherry pick. My thread wasn't to compare Mexico with the USA either. I am not comparing the gdp of Lichtenstein and LA ! If you don't see the big picture it's because you never will. Too much TV! You're right about that. Finally, I am not on the doomsayers list. I think the war in Iraq is great! It's good for the market and a few American companies. Cheney is my hero. I think Bush is doing a wonderful job, homeland security couldn't be better, & the markets will turn around Monday. I agree with you completely!
  18. I just thought this bit from Rhino had another "read worthiness" attached to it regarding today's fall off?[/size][/b] The best analogy would be to picture watching a poker game and around the table are the biggest Wall Street Sharks. A lot of chips are on the table and depending on the accounting treatment used, each player would claim to have won the entire pot even though the last cards have yet to be dealt. The problem is, those cards will be dealt eventually and someone is going to have to book a loss. In this type of poker game, if you don’t know who the patsy is, you’re the patsy! A number of investors in some big subprime mortgage hedge funds just found this out. For the past couple of years, 40 percent of profits in the S&P 500 have come from financing activities, and financial profits have a long way to fall just to get back to historical averages. Remember, the U.S. economy has been driven by the financial system which has created an unprecedented level of debt. For those of you celebrating when the Dow edged up toward 14,000 and the S&P 500 hit a new record high, you may find the next celebration a long time coming. The recent stock market slide is caused primarily by worries over credit quality and excess leverage. The problems are just beginning.
  19. Bumpy

    A Bridge Too Far...

    Socks! It’s getting late over here after an interesting trading day! I don’t want to really debate semantics, but people in 3rd world countries and even still some here in Europe, have grown up with the idea of America and it’s stand e.g. against the Soviet Union, Berlin Wall, etc., mighty principles indeed. That “illusion” is now superseded by invasions, faulty intelligence,etc, etc. in a country whose polling image is hitting the floor. My take on it is like the economy...artificial, in debt, a debtor nation on its’ way down (nafta, border controls, financial issues, etc.) contributing to the problem. But I see it from the outside for a long time now. You may see it differently from where you are? <_< The big “duh” you mention has to do with preparation in the form of inspections on anything from building codes up-dated for earthquakes, to dykes being prepared for what everyone on the Gulf Coast knew was coming! That was no big surprise, was it? That bridge sitting in the ol’ Miss. was an accident waiting to happen. Not an illusion!
  20. Bumpy

    A Bridge Too Far...

    No problem, my point is very simple. America is regarded worldwide as the riches, most affluent country on the planet, especially in 3rd world continents like Africa. When pictures such as this bridge collapsing for unknown reasons are blasted around the planet, it makes people wonder how can this happen...especially on such a huge scale? It’s becoming obvious to a lot of people everywhere that this “America” may just be an illusion. That the SuperPower is falling apart at the seams. That major structures all across the nation are in a terrible state of disrepair. (That the whole mechanics of how Washington DC functions or doesn’t function, or cannot take action to solve even the most basic problems BEFORE they happen.) Katrina might be another example . With all the Iraq war expenditure, deficit spending, etc., can the United States even afford to take care of its’ own problems?? That may be another question to ask, along with how America could possibly deal with another 9/11?? <_< I hope I am making myself clear?
  21. Bumpy

    A Bridge Too Far...

    Thanks for the reply. My point isn’t the number of car accidents in the USA or comparing bridges on two continents. The television image of the US as the World’s Premier Superpower & the State of the Union regarding the present infra-structure as outlined by the report, was my point. Accidents happen for a variety of reasons. However a train crash in Europe and the statistics of “floating” dangers vis a vis major infra-structural problems on the horizon in America are separate issues. There are thousands of century + old bridges all over Europe requiring constant attention, no question. Some are destined for failure, but hopefully not on the scale of one spanning the largest river in America! I just have a feeling this crash will be a wake up call? <_<
  22. Hopefully this is of intested for those "in the 401 game"! :) http://www.cnbc.com/id/20040817/site/14081545
  23. Maybe if you have a few moments, go back into the anals of Norway Murders, and Stuff...and look at all the things that came out there. All of a sudden there was a lot of exposure about events going on that few knew about or remembered. How much actual proof was provided? Most of you drinking the “cool aid” were living at ground zero and had no clue people were “going missing”!! Do I need actual proof about the sexual abuse...not really, because it’s always been apart of the package or “big picture”. When I first made the claim that there had been a “problem” in Oslo, I was trashed repeatedly for making such an outrageous claim. Who was this “Bumpy” in Africa talking about murders in Norway! <_<
  24. Bumpy

    A Bridge Too Far...

    Who needs “terrorists” to exploit weaknesses when the state of the union has an infra-structure already falling to pieces? IMO, the US economy is a mirror reflection of what’s lying in the Mississippi River. I’ve got a feeling people will be paying a closer look from now on, every time they drive across one of those out-dated, under-funded dinosaurs! European television is certainly shocked by what it sees! <_< http://www.cnbc.com/id/20091174
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