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Everything posted by Bumpy

  1. Dear Friends, The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. As for the markets, it may be time to start that 13,000 thread real soon! ....be happy, don’t worry! Love that song! http://www.bloomberg.com/index.html?Intro=intro3 Back to the charts and the e-mails, Bump
  2. Bumpy

    I am in a Quandry

    Why not a send Mr. Smith a packin’ back to Washington and have him a explain to Lincoln, WHY thar are a more “sinners” in good ol’ Tennessee dryin’ up (it still a dry state ain’t it?) than thar are a sinners in them other floodin neighborin states receivin’ a too much rain! Last I did read, the wet was a causin a more damage than the dry still? Jethro, get the hel! oudda here!
  3. I sent that cult clip to a childhood friend of mine who many years ago joined L. Ron Hubbard’s Sci-Fi group, and asked him to respond. He lives in Scientology heaven, Glendale, CA. I think a lot of what was shown in the clip he might relate to...if he would watch it. I don’t think he will, because that would mean he would have to respond to his old friend Bump...and that discussion would lead to...aaah... a slight altercation , of balancing our thoughts together vs. his eventual escape from family and cult “friends”. Also, he and his wife are pretty high up there in the old org., so I think escape would be too painful. Too much time and money invested, the same old story. I figure, he would probably have to leave town & divorce because she’s really into cruise & ravolta and the level 42 show! It’s the psychology of manipulation that interests me with regard to the (young) victims inherent weaknesses. Childhood insecurity, rejecting family, leading to cutting yourself off & selling yourself out to cult directives in the new "family". Like the business it really is, the cult organization must be adept, at exploiting those weaknesses right from the start and play a substitution role for rejected family & friends...? Then comes the old money question! <_< It's actually quite interesting.
  4. Das ist sehr gut, Herr WW! Now I can claim it as my own! I was worried about being accused of plagiarism! From now on, I will consider myself the originator of that one & maybe come up with a few new ones down the road! Speaking of the “Trinity”, have you ever used that 3 in 1 oil? Me, I buy more of the WD 40. Works real well with the little straw accessory in car locks and other tight places! :)
  5. Maybe send the bastard back to the farm! <_< http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6966055.stm
  6. Oh Lord won't you buy me a night on the town...dialing for $$$...Poor Mike, a dog's best friend! What will corp. Amerika do? http://www.drudgereport.com/ I sure do hope he finds Jesus!
  7. That's great, but looking back, does it really mean a lot to your present reality? I think for everyone here, twi is just a "chopping block" of ideas based on "The Word". There is no so called consensus, just rebellion and discontent. After that, it's planning your next "vacation"?
  8. This one is much simpler...”Holy mother, full of grace, saviour of the human race”! I guess you can be “brainwashed” on almost anything if you’re willing to believe it to be true? Then just keep reciting the religious mantra! When you become “older & wiser” does it really matter, beyond the debate? Death is just one day closer! <_<
  9. Ladies...The French nightly news has this unbelievably beautiful French female shark presenter...I’m driving my 1/2 French female shark wife crazy with how her “looooks” are affecting my vision!! Just to let you know...IF you were here in this little “bumpy chateau” having breakfast avec moi, I would start with the most beautiful French croissant, followed by your favorite “shark” omelette & Champagne!! Trust Me, the laughs would be on the house! Bump
  10. I’m “cruising” a bit here after dinner...but if “every word that proceedeth from thy mouth shall be judged”...please help me here with chap/verse...I get a bit worried big time! I’m somehow trying to workout my own “salvation” day to day. But I always had this image of a cd recorder hovering over me, recording my every word. I’ve got a feeling, I’m in big trouble...when the “Book of Life” is opened! But I just keep trying! <_<
  11. Bumpy


    ...and "the love of $$$ is the root of all evil"...Idolatry in just another form but always present in bible speak love-ins!
  12. Ladies & Lady Sharks!! It’s morning tea time over here. How was your dinner chez Bumpy? I was actually expecting more blood in the water, so maybe you all over ate on the way to visit me! Remember in all your “female” pain...this department is entitled, silly, which translates here to funny, meaning try not to take yourselves too seriously because someone might have a laugh at your expense. Especially moi! There’s always the prayer department to resolve your internal (shark) problems. And Dooj. darling, you give me the “biting” feeling of someone who still has an ax to grind? <_<
  13. Scarlet Honey...sounds like you married the wrong cop! Might have been bad for your “sense” of humor or as well? But, being a master sniper, I guess he either missed or forgot to pull the trigger?? <_< And who might I ask, would be “setting limits for us”...pas moi! I’m definitely not going to jump into that tank!! But maybe we can be “chums”!! Bump
  14. Actually Cowgirl, I suppose it depends on the brand of pot you’re thinking of smoking, and how much thc ?? Then when you’re sufficiently “stoned” write to me and we’ll discuss the important word...”IMPAIRED”!! :) You might even phone me while you’re driving to give me a “reality check”! Blood pressure, heart rate, lights flashing by, and all the thoughts you can come up with BEFORE you start with some Canadian Bourbon!! And just for fun, I’ll record the conversation for the Grease Spot Sunday Sermon! Bump
  15. Was it one of those "Wayward" group weddings presided over by Rev. Meathead? God forbid...the double whammy!!
  16. Yes, it makes sense it light of the belief that God doesn't kill people, but does the word translated "precious" actual mean "costly"? Maybe it depends on how much you paid for "the class"??
  17. Don't destroy my imagination! Your (shark) tongue is driving me krazy!!
  18. Maybe we should compare xx's! Mine was Spanish with the catholic blood of the Conquisto running through her "shark" veins! It was death 'till we parted"! I'm still looking for "body parts" I might have lost!!
  19. Bumpy


    Gravad Lax...Easy Peazy! Yesterday, I put two large fillets of Norwegian “fresh” salmon (difficult to get here in Burgundy) in a pan. Mixed 60% sugar 40% salt and LOTS of dill, then cheap Napoleon brandy together in a bowl and covered the fish. After, pressed them down with a board on top and 3 litre bottles of water for weight. They get turned after 1-2 days for a total of 4 days in the fridge. After freeze them. For some reason the texture is better? My friend in Sweden showed me this years ago. Any dark alcohol will burn the fish and some may like more salt. Missing my African chef but he makes me lazy in the kitchen.
  20. I’ve heard tell the “Eyes” of the shark are cold and dark, reflecting the death they inflict upon their unsuspecting victims. As they tear into the flesh of their prey, they show no mercy, no thoughts of compassion. Just cold, dead blackness reflecting from a soul created millions of years before human life began.
  21. Suda Darling, I don’t drink enough tea in the morning to get through 10% of your critiques of other people! I mean, do you do this for a living, analyzing the GS forum and people’s personalities, grammar, content, and how you interpret it all? Yikes, write the book but change the style a little. It’s going to kill the readers at the book signing party! <_<
  22. Think of me as the Tuna who escaped the Jaws of the Sharks only to be thrown into the Lake of Fire!
  23. The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington engineering mid-term. The answer was so "profound" that the Professor shared it with colleagues, and the sharing obviously hasn't ceased... Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or Endothermic (absorbs heat)? Most of the students wrote Proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law, (gas cools off when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant. One student, however, wrote the following: "First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate that souls are moving into Hell and the rate they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let us look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there are more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand as souls are added. This gives two possibilities: 1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose. 2. Of course, if Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over. So which is it? If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa Banyan during my Freshman year, "...that it will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you.", and take into account the fact that I still have not succeeded in having sexual relations with her, then, #2 cannot be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and will not freeze." This student received the only A, and later concluded that Teresa was really only "shark bait" Enjoy your weekend!
  24. “Had you been in charge of the class”... I’m just guessing here!...Maybe it would have given the old geaser a “rise” to the occasion, if you had “taken that man aside” and given him an “oral” understanding of just how pleased you were for his healing! Then you could have had a private discussion with the woman and told her about how all of it was a complete “misunderstanding”! Could we “stage” this event for a limp meeting? It might have made for a CF&S addition? The “other members of the class” would have remained clueless, because obviously they all were!! I’m sorry, but it’s late over here. But this was a real attention grabber!
  25. Graucho!...If life begins where TWI left off...WHY?? are you still on this “islamic” anti-twi website blowing yourself up?? What’s the point...if in fact, you have REALLY moved beyond the past you repudiate?? :) Why not...”let go and let God”? After all, Power for Abundant Living was to live the more “abundant” life, right? And if it never happened...well, you connect the dots. But it seems like a lot of your time here is being spent to just get angry about a past you cannot change and “regrets, I have a few...(what did Sinatra finish with)? Flim Flam is just another excuse, IMO. Everybody here bought into the Cult, just like the dot.com bubble, but refuse to admit their losses and walk away? Hence all the recrimination. I think you either laugh at it all, or you become old & bitter and swim with the sharks?? Ask the ladies...on the other hand, that may be a bad idea!
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